
Chapter 33: third inning


Lu Chu's heart was shocked by Wang Po's words.

Won't get stuck here, where does "here" refer to

In the village, or, in the "bureau"

Lu Chu was still thinking, and was about to ask something, when Wang Po interrupted his next question, and took off a copper coin tied with a red string that he had been wearing around his neck, and put it on Lu Chu Open palms. She closed Lu Chu's hand, led him out of the door, and said, "You don't need to ask so many questions, child, you take this with you and go, the matter here should end again."

Then, Wang Po closed the door.

On the way back, Lu Chu's mind was full of what Wang Po said, "After all, you are different from those of us who are destined to be trapped here". At the same time, what was lingering in her mind was her last sentence, why did Wang Po say that the matter here should end "again"... The word "again" always feels meaningful.

Lu Chu found that both Qi Li and Wang Po seemed to know many important things. Qi Lihe told him that he would tell him everything he wanted to know in the future, but Wang Po only said a few specious words, and stopped the topic without even getting to the point.

This game of missing cause and purpose becomes more and more intricate.

While thinking, Lu Chu had already returned to Lu's house.

When Song Gui and others saw him, they all surrounded him, Li Jiapeng asked him anxiously: "How is it, did Wang Po reveal anything to you alone?"

Lu Chu shook his head: "Wang Po only said that she knew that the Wraith Spirit appeared because someone in the village did evil, but she didn't know who it was or why."

Li Jiapeng and He Mingde both showed frustrated expressions when they heard the words, and Li Jiapeng messed up his hair anxiously: "Then what should we do, now I feel that there are no clues anymore."

Lu Chu thought for a moment, and said, "Less a few people, go to Wei Rong's place."

Li Jiapeng asked: "Go again?!"

"This time," Lu Chu said, "go secretly."


At this moment, Qi Li continued: "Alright, let's see if there are any clues in Guo Jianping's family."

The place where Wei Rong lives now was bought by Guo Jianping in order to settle in the village. He and his two subsequent wives later lived here. As for the places where Guo Jianping stayed the most during his lifetime, there is no doubt that one is school and the other is home. Because when I came to Wei Rong's house twice before, I saw that the inside was dirty and empty, and even the usable wardrobes were removed by relatives. They all agreed that there would be nothing useful here, but now things have lost their clues. , Liu Cuihe couldn't find anyone there for a while, so it's better to search carefully for all the doubtful places.

In case they missed something.

So they made a selection and decided to let Lu Chu, Song Gui, and Qi Li go there.

Before going out, Li Jiapeng grabbed Lu Chu again and asked him suspiciously: "Then what, 'it'... is 'it' there?"

Lu Chu smiled: "Do you want to be here or not?"

Li Jiapeng swallowed his saliva: "I hope to be there, but I also hope not to be."

"The hope is not because you are still afraid, but the hope is because you are afraid of 'it' to kill the fourth person?" Lu Chu asked back.

Li Jiapeng nodded with difficulty.

Lu Chu comforted him and said, "Relax, what should come can't be avoided, what we can do now is to find out the truth as soon as possible."

He Mingde said: "You go, Li Jiapeng and I are fine here."

So the three of them made preparations and set off to Wei Rong's house.

This was the third time for the three of them to go to Wei Rong's house. It was night again, and no one in the village would go out at night. There was no life in the village at night, and now it was even more lifeless.

The three of Lu Chu deftly climbed over the wall and turned to Wei Rong's house.

As soon as she entered the yard, the pungent smell was still blowing her face. Wei Rong was still awake at this time and did not turn on the lamp. In the dimness, she could only hear her nervous voice talking to herself, which was especially permeating in the night. Lu Chuchao made a silent gesture to the two of them, and headed towards the West Room.

The courtyard of Wei Rong's house is a general courtyard pattern, a north main room, which is currently inhabited by crazy Wei Rong, a west room for people, and a kitchen next to the west room. The southeast corner of the yard is a toilet, utility room and enclosure A place where chickens and ducks are raised. And after Guo Jianping passed away and Wei Rong went crazy, the small area used to raise chickens and ducks also became a place for sundries, piled full of wood and rotten furniture.

At this moment, the voice of Wei Rong talking to himself came from the north main room. Since we wanted to search the homes of Wei Rong and Guo Jianping, we should not disturb Wei Rong. What was she thinking, and she would never guess what she would do next, which alarmed her, and the search tonight might end without a problem.

The door of the West House is not locked, but because the house has hardly been used for the past 20 years, there is a lot of dust on the door, and the courtyard has not been renovated for 20 years, and the door is still the same as before. The wooden door needs to be pushed open from the middle. Lu Chu relaxed his movements, and slowly pushed the door open. The door made an overwhelmed "squeak" sound. Lu Chu quickly stopped his hands. After asking Song Gui and Qi Li with his eyes, he went to push the door of the West Room again. , this time with less force, trying not to make a sound, and finally pushed the door open a gap for two people to pass through.

There are more clouds in the sky tonight, and the moon comes and goes, which makes it too dark to see anything outside for a while, and it looks like hoarfrost on the ground for a while, and the moonlight is bright.

Lu Chu and the others took three flashlights, two were brought by Song Gui and the others, a strong flashlight, and the other was an old-fashioned flashlight from Lu Chu's house. There was rust on the surface of the flashlight, and the light turned into a hazy dark orange when turned on. Now the three of them only dare to turn on the flashlight in Lu Chu's hand, because the light of that flashlight is not so bright and dazzling. Compared with the strong flashlight, it can be said that it is not conspicuous at all.

The West Room was the same as the North Main Room, all the furniture that could be moved inside had been removed, leaving only a bed and a broken table empty. The three rummaged for a while, but found nothing useful.

The moon outside was once again covered by clouds, and there was no light at the cracks between the two doors. The three of them rummaged for a while again with the light of the old dim yellow flashlight, and after finding nothing, they planned to go to another room to have a look.

As soon as he turned around, the clouds cleared, and the moon appeared, exuding a bright white light. The gap between the two doors of the moonlight reflected a figure into the room.

Wei Rong stood there, his side face was pale by the moonlight, and he stared at them with wide eyes.