
Chapter 41: Look at the fourth game, I found you again


After the meal, the time on Lu Chu's bracelet was only ten minutes left.

Lu Chu got up and said goodbye to Song Gui in a friendly and polite manner. He was dismissed by Song Gui as being too official, so he laughed it off and went to the other shops on the street.

Lu Chu asked Song Gui beforehand if he could still come out after returning to his room before the time on the wristband ran out. Song Gui gave him an affirmative answer, and said that from the "rules" When you open the door leading to the illusion, the free activity time on each person's wristband will start counting down, and the time will not stop. During the period until the end of the time, they can freely go back and forth between the house and the illusion.

Lu Chu has decided to follow Song Gui's suggestion and put some things in the house. It just so happened that the illusion this time was a very life-like street, and the huge supermarket had all kinds of daily necessities, so Lu Chu thought about it for a while, and then added a mattress, a set of bedding, etc. to his room. Tables and chairs, and went to the stationery store to get some pens and paper, so that it is convenient to record some things. There are still some things that need to be added to make that vast space a bit humane, but there is not much time left on Lu Chu's bracelet, so he has to wait for the next opportunity.

Back in his room, Lu Chu didn't take much rest, and was ready to start the next game.

Although in the last round, 7 told him to remember to choose a single-player mission in the next round, but did not specifically name which single-player mission, and Lu Chu didn't have time to ask him. meet.

But instead, Lu Chu remembered that the little note he had handed to him once said - "From birth to death, I will find you", for some reason, he was inexplicably relieved.

He believes that 7 can find him, so he just needs to choose a single-player mission at random.

Lu Chu's decision was to pick a task that looked pleasing to the eye, because there is no danger level assessment for the tasks here, and each person can only do the same task once, but different people can do the task that another person has already done, but in Under the restriction of "rules", the selected players cannot discuss anything related to the tasks they have done on any occasion.

This leads to these tasks, each of which is unfamiliar and brand new to him, and the degree of danger is actually quite equal.

So he turned around in front of the thirteen floating square screens, and without refreshing, he chose one of the tasks that seemed to fit his eyes—

"Request: Escape

Clue: Thirteen days in your captivity

Hint: kill him"

It looks very concise and clear in purpose.

After Lu Chu made his selection, he clicked to enter without any hesitation.

A door slowly appeared in front of his eyes, and Lu Chu walked in, feeling dizzy immediately.

When Lu Chu came back to his senses again, he found that someone seemed to be putting him in a sack and carrying him on his shoulders. His abdomen was pressed against that person's shoulders, and he swayed as he walked, making Lu Chu feel uncomfortable. There was a tumbling in my stomach.

After being carried for an unknown amount of time, Lu Chu was put on the ground. He leaned his back against the wall and took a deep breath. He wanted to rub his stomach, and opened the sack that covered him, only to find that his hands were tied behind his back with a rope.

And there is one thing that Lu Chu didn't pay attention to because of the pain in his abdomen just now, that is, his head was dizzy, as if he was drunk or had been given anesthesia, his head was heavy, his eyelids kept fighting, He endured it, but in the end he couldn't hold it back, and just fell asleep like this.

When Lu Chu woke up again, he found himself in a dark basement, surrounded by more than a dozen young people, both men and women, shivering together, pale and haggard.

"Excuse me," Lu Chu asked the man next to him in a low voice, "Where is this?"

The man looked at Lu Chu in panic: "No... I don't know, I was here when I woke up..."

"Then, what about them?" Lu Chu quietly pointed to the other people present.

The man's tone trembled: "Should... it should be... everyone is very scared..."

The man looked really scared, reacted slowly, and stumbled to answer, Lu Chu stopped embarrassing him, and started to make a lot of this basement instead.

The basement is very spacious, the ground is muddy, slightly damp, and it is not particularly comfortable to sit on. There is an old-fashioned light bulb hanging on the surrounding walls, emitting a dim light, which makes people panic. There was a door on one side of the wall. Lu Chu walked over to have a look. The door was locked and could not be opened. Next to this door is an upward staircase leading to the ground. Lu Chu also walked over and pushed the door, but naturally it couldn't be opened.

In the basement, there was no sense of direction, and Lu Chu couldn't distinguish east from west, north from south, and couldn't find any suitable clues. He could only wait and see what happened, and interpret the mission prompts by the way.

"Request: Escape

Clue: Thirteen days in your captivity

Hint: kill him"

Obviously, he is now in a state of being kidnapped and imprisoned, and his mission requirement is to escape from here, and the mission prompt is to kill him.

The "he" here should refer to the kidnapper who locked himself and these people here.

What makes Lu Chu more concerned is that the clue clearly gives the time point of "thirteen days in which you were imprisoned". Will the kidnapper escape again

Lu Chu sat in a corner, thinking a lot in secret. Just as he was smoothing out his thoughts and was about to stand up and look around to see if there were any clues and usable tools, the door of the basement was opened from the outside.

With a "squeak" sound, everyone's eyes were drawn to the stairs.

The light outside was very bright, making it difficult for everyone to quickly see the face of the person who came. Only when the person stepped down a little, did the people present see his appearance clearly.

Unexpectedly, the person who came was very handsome. He lowered his neck slightly and put his hands in his pockets casually. With a nervous smile.

He walked down step by step, swept across the crowd, and finally his eyes fell on Lu Chu.

Then, he bent down, put his hands on the wall that Lu Chu was leaning on, looked at Lu Chu with his bloodshot eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I'm here."

Lu Chu was taken aback, and involuntarily caressed his gray cheeks with his hand, touching his brow bone: "7?"

Although his temperament has changed and his figure is thinner than before, Qi's appearance has not changed much.

"It's me." 7 looked directly at Lu Chudao, "Look, I found you again."