
Chapter 43: The fourth game but I failed


He said, yes, it's me.

These three words made Lu Chu's throat, which had just been moistened with hot water, become hoarse again. He opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

7 looked at Lu Chu's bewildered eyes, raised one corner of his lips, and touched the top of his hair: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I will find a solution when the time comes."

When Lu Chu heard this, a big stone fell from his heart.

Then 7 stood up and said: "You haven't eaten for a long time, I'll make you something to eat. You can use the first room upstairs as you like. There is a bathroom and my clothes in it. Although it is a bit big, But you can almost wear it, we still have thirteen days, so there is no rush."

7 It's okay if you don't say it. When he said this, Lu Chu really felt hungry, as if he hadn't eaten all day. Moreover, although the environment in the basement cannot be said to be dirty, it is also damp and messy. When he first woke up, he sat on the ground and leaned against the wall, and then went around the basement room for a long time to check, and he was really uncomfortable.

Thinking about how he sat on the sofa in the basement, Lu Chu stood up awkwardly and patted his pants uncomfortably.

7 smiled even more intensely when he saw this, and said, "I'll go and make you something to eat."

"Okay," Lu Chu said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Taking advantage of 7 to prepare food, Lu Chu went upstairs as he said, and entered the first room. There was a new set of clothes and a pair of unworn underwear on the bed in the middle of the room. Feeling ashamed from the bottom of my heart, I went into the bathroom and took a good shower.

It has to be said that Lu Chu has never been so comfortable and relaxed since the whole city lost consciousness, as if the previous few escapes were just a big dream.

After taking a shower, Lu Chu washed the changed clothes before going downstairs.

Downstairs, 7 has already prepared a meal, four dishes and one soup, very rich.

Lu Chu smiled and said, "I didn't know you could cook yet."

When they first met, 7 was very taciturn. After being invited into his home as a guest, he always did things in silence, as if he had forgotten how to communicate with others.

"It's just to adapt to the role," Qi Yangyang indicated with the recipe in his hand, "I just learned it, and I've weighed both the ingredients and the amount of ingredients, and I've also counted the heat and time, come and try it."

Lu Chu imagined in his mind the serious appearance of 7 weighing ingredients with a balance or a weighing meter, and couldn't help chuckling: "It tastes good."

The two sat down facing each other, and 7 had already filled their meals. Lu Chu took a few mouthfuls of the food and praised, "It's delicious."

7 didn't move his chopsticks, just looked at Lu Chu, and said, "It's a little less flavorful than what you made."

Lu Chu was surprised: "What kind of smell?"

7 naturally added food to him: "It is nostalgic."

Lu Chu was taken aback, then smiled and said, "If you like, I can make it for you at any time."

The atmosphere is just right.

When Lu Chu was half full, the two continued to chat about the "game" and "rules".

Lu Chu thought for a while, and finally asked the doubts in his heart: "7 You, what is your identity?"

Is it the chosen player, or is it like him, who once thought that the world he was in was a real player in the game

7 seemed to have expected that he would ask this question a long time ago, and instead of answering directly, he asked back while serving him food, "What do you think I should do if I want to adapt to this role."

Although Lu Chu didn't understand why, he still replied seriously: "Follow the original owner's hobbies, lifestyle, and life trajectory, but deviate far from the original owner's behavior and will."

"Well," 7 nodded in agreement, "Then do you know what will happen if a certain person or thing in the 'Bureau' deviates from the original world view, or breaks free from the character design attached to him by the 'Bureau'? "

Deviating from the original world view...or getting rid of the character set attached to him by the "Journal".

Hearing these words, the first thing Lu Chu thought of was himself.

In the game he was in, the world view given by the "rules" was that "no one in this town has ever experienced symptoms of anesthesia, so at the moment when the entire city suffered from anesthesia, everyone fell into a state of great panic. In a state of extreme panic, people commit suicide or kill each other." Obviously, the existence of "Lu Chu" itself should also follow this world view, live healthy and peaceful until the day when the world is chaotic, and then, like everyone else, live or die in panic and panic.

But Lu Chu didn't.

For some unknown reason, he became the only blind person in that town, violating the worldview given by the "rules"—being regarded as a different kind by people, and also enduring blank stares and ridicule.

"In every 'game', there may be things out of control," 7 looked directly at Lu Chudao, "just like the self-cleaning activity of the human body, once a certain link is out of control, the 'rules' will find a way to get rid of it." Get rid of this unstable factor."

Lu Chu frowned: "Get rid of it?"

7 said: "Yes, it is to get rid of. For example, the identity I am replacing now is a kidnapper, pale and sick, who likes to kill for fun. The only person who can kill me is the 'player' who chose this round. Then once I deviate from this person's character, the 'rules' will find a way to get rid of me."

Lu Chu put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, with a solemn expression: "How to remove them?"

"For example," 7 gently wiped the corners of Lu Chu's mouth, "find someone to kill me."

Lu Chu's heart skipped a beat.

"Then," Lu Chu's throat twitched slightly, "Did the 'rule' ever try to get rid of me?"

7 got up, walked to the living room, picked up the pen and paper that Lu Chu used to write just now, then walked back and asked Lu Chu, "Do you know your mission in that round?"

Lu Chu: "What is it?"

7 bent down, and wrote a few lines on the paper smoothly and freely.

Lu Chu took it over.

I saw on the paper -

"Requirement: live

clues: none

Hint: seven days"

Extremely concise.

Lu Chu asked: "Does it mean to live for seven days when the whole city loses sense?"

7 nodded: "Seven days later, when we reach the tower we entered at that time, we can return to the 'rules.'"

Speaking of which, Lu Chu remembered that seven days before the start of the city's loss of consciousness, he was imprisoned in the room by 7, listening to the chaotic sounds outside, people's heart-piercing fear, and the continuous banging on the door , but never stepped out of the room door.

In those days, 7 seemed to often go out at night.

At that time, Lu Chu could feel that 7's actions were not malicious at all, but more like protecting himself.

Just as Lu Chu thought about it, Qi Li sat opposite Lu Chu again and said, "Have you ever thought about why those "insensitive people" would knock on your face in the game you lived in?" door."

Obviously they couldn't see or hear them. Normally speaking, they should be aimlessly panicking in the street, walking around in a decadent way, and even self-harmed in despair. They have never known that human beings can lose their senses. After falling into that situation, they should have no clue and easy to deal with. It is impossible to know where there will be people, but they hit the door of Lu Chu's house accurately.

"Because," Lu Chu said, "the 'rules' want to get rid of me?"

"Well, you have become a variable. During those seven days, the 'rules' will try their best to get rid of you."

It seems that what 7 did at that time was indeed protecting himself.

However, there is still one question in Lu Chu's mind: "Since I found out that my existence is unreasonable, why didn't the 'rules' find a way to get rid of me as an unstable factor earlier, but lost their sense in the whole city?" After that, he chose to attack me."

"Before that," 7 touched his brow bone, "of course there was."

Lu Chu suddenly looked up at him.

"Because I am the one responsible for getting rid of you."

7's tone of voice was too soft, which made Lu Chu feel unreal, but this kind of 7 completely overlapped with the steady and taciturn man when he first met.

While Lu Chu was in a trance, 7 lightly touched the corner of his lips, and said like a memory:

"Killing you is the easiest thing I've ever done to clean up."

"But I failed."