
Chapter 45: The thirteenth day of the fourth inning


After breakfast, the two packed up the tableware, 7 put two reclining chairs and a small wooden table in front of the sunny window in the living room, took out a set of exquisite teacups, and said to Lu Chu: "Come here, drink some tea. "

Lu Chu walked over, stood by the window, looked out of the window, and saw a small yard with a tree that Lu Chu couldn't name, and a small bush under the corner of the yard. At this time, the outside season is about early autumn, and there are a few half-yellow leaves falling down after the gust of wind.

7 followed Lu Chu's gaze and looked out, making tea slowly and gracefully, without moving his hands: "Do you like it? Sorry, I can't take you out of this room yet."

Lu Chu shook his head lightly when he heard the words. He naturally knew that as a "kidnapper", allowing himself to move freely in the villa was probably an act of stepping on the bottom line of "rules".

If 7 really allowed himself to move freely in the courtyard, then the "rules" would definitely notice their anomalies and take corresponding removal actions.

While Lu Chu was thinking, 7 had already made tea.

Lu Chu took the tea that 7 handed over, looked at the glaze color on the edge of the teacup, lost his mind for a moment, took a sip of the tea, and said with a smile to 7: "The last time I was so comfortable seems to have been in the last century."

"Such chances are really rare," 7 folded his hands in front of him, leaning on the recliner, lowered his eyes, and his slender and thick eyelashes cast thin shadows under his eyes, "My identity in the 'Journal' cannot be completely determined by up to you."

Hearing this, Lu Chu looked at him: "7 How did you enter the 'bureau' to replace the character?"

7 does not hide: "Although the 'rule' I belonged to was only able to execute orders at the beginning, but after too long time passed, after I didn't know how many clearing tasks I took, I felt that it had own ideas."

7 sat up and continued: "But no matter how much self-awareness it generates, it's useless, because the 'rules' are bound to the players from the beginning of their existence. Once all the selected players die, the 'rules' will destroy themselves."

"That is to say," Lu Chu guessed after following his words, "In a sense, players and 'rules' are in a symbiotic relationship."

Especially after the "rules" began to have consciousness, this "symbiotic relationship" became more obvious - the "rules" did not want to disappear, and the players did not want to die.

"Well, so far, I'm at a balance with it. As long as it doesn't deliberately do something that violates the bottom line of the 'rules', it will stand by my side."

7 only did one thing that violated the bottom line of the 'rules', and that was to save Lu Chu.

Third day of captivity.

7 I don't know where to bring back a lot of potted plants, succulent plants, large bonsai, and ornamental flowers.

Lu Chu and him worked together to move these potted plants into the balcony on the second floor, and arranged them in a beautiful pattern. 7 also moved the deck chair and wooden table from the previous day there. After tidying up, the balcony on the second floor is like a small garden. Looking out from the balcony, you can still see the tree from yesterday. The wind in early autumn is very comfortable. Lu Chu and 7 put the deckchairs in the shade, and they each Lie down, looking at the blue sky, drowsy.

In the evening, after dinner, the two of them watered the potted plants and chatted on the balcony. After eating, Lu Chu sighed and lay down on the deck chair again.

7 Nature was with him.

The weather on this day is very good, the night sky is dark blue and clear, the stars are bright, and the clouds are thin.

"Tomorrow will be a fine weather." Lu Chu's eyes were gentle and bright.

7 didn't look at the sky, but turned his head to look at Lu Chu's side face, and curled his lips: "Well, it will be a good weather."

The weather in the next few days was really good, with sunny days and clear blue sky.

Lu Chu goes to bed early and gets up early every day, cooks, eats, chats with 7, and takes care of the flowers and plants on the balcony.

The two chatted occasionally, but they both tacitly never talked about the "game" and "rules" anymore, but lived every day in a normal way. Such a relaxed life will become less and less every day, and it is unknown what they will encounter after that.

Eighth day of captivity.

Lu Chu stood on the balcony, watering the potted plants earnestly with a kettle. His mind was in a trance. He felt as if he had returned to before everything started. All the time is a caring partner, and although he can't see it, he enjoys every moment.

"What's the matter?" 7 came up and asked Lu Chu in a daze.

Lu Chu came back to his senses, put down the water bottle in his hand, stretched his body lightly and said with a smile, "Suddenly remembered something from the past, probably the days are getting worse."

7 stepped forward and stood side by side with him: "It will rain tomorrow afternoon."

"Huh?" Lu Chu was surprised, and turned to look at him, "Will it take a long time?"

"Four days."

That is down to the twelfth day.

The twelfth... day

Ninth day of captivity.

Sure enough, it rained.

The torrential rain was coming fiercely, the wind swept away the leaves, and the sky was low and dark as if in a breath.

Fortunately, Lu Chu and 7 had already moved the flowers and plants on the balcony into the room in the morning.

The two sat in front of the living room window, listening to the noise of the thunderstorm and the howling of the wind outside. Wearing a coat that was one size bigger, Lu Chu handed the freshly boiled hot sugar pear water to 7, picked up another cup, took a sip, and sighed comfortably: "The ideal life in old age."

But Lu Chu knew that he might not have "old age" for the time being.

Sure enough, it continued to rain for the next few days, sometimes pouring down, sometimes pattering, and never stopping.

Twelfth day of captivity.

The rain stopped.

Lu Chu took out the laundry and dried it on the balcony, and moved the plants back to the balcony on the second floor.

After this rain, the feeling of autumn became stronger, and the leaves on the trees turned yellow for a little bit, and they were crumbling when the wind blew.

Lu Chu dug out thicker clothes from the closet in the room and put them in a conspicuous place, and said to Qi, "It's cold, you should wear thicker clothes, or you'll catch cold easily."

7 nodded: "OK."

It was clear that all this would end tomorrow, but the two chatted as if they would live for a long time, preparing for the coming cold autumn.

That night, the two smiled and said good night to each other.

Thirteenth day of captivity.

When Lu Chu woke up, he felt light-headed and groggy. He lay down and struggled a few times before barely opening his eyes.

Soon he found that he almost lost the strength to move his fingers, as if he had been given anesthesia.

Blinking his eyes, his vision gradually became clear, and only then did Lu Chu realize that his hands and feet were bound on an operating table, next to a bright white shadowless lamp.

7 wore a white coat, lowered his head and tightened his cuffs gracefully.

Seeing that Lu Chu woke up, Qi walked to the operating table.

Lu Chu was still not sober, subconsciously smiled at Qi Wenwen, Qi Wen was slightly taken aback, then reached out and rubbed the center of Lu Chu's eyebrows: "I'm sorry, will you feel uncomfortable?"

Lu Chu shook his head. He knew that this was a necessary process to end the gameā€”the player was selected for surgery and then killed the kidnapper.

Lu Chu couldn't do the process of "anti-killing", but 7 once said that he had his own way.

"Lu Chu," 7 slowly picked up the scalpel on the table beside him, "You have to live."

Lu Chu nodded.

"Don't trust other people easily."

"it is good."

"Don't be softhearted."

"it is good."

Finally, 7 looked directly into Lu Chu's eyes: "Trust me."

Lu Chu smiled and nodded: "Okay."

7 raised one corner of his lips, then turned the sharp scalpel in his hand upside down, with the tip facing himself, and put the handle in Lu Chu's hand. He moved gently, wrapping Lu Chu's hand holding the knife with his own, and pulling Lu Chu to point the tip of the knife at his heart.

Lu Chu, who was a little drowsy at first, realized something, his eyes grew bigger, he frowned and shook his head, and wanted to stretch his hand back, but although Qi's movements were gentle, he couldn't refuse, so Lu Chu, who didn't have much strength left, could only watch Qi pull helplessly. Holding his hand, he slowly inserted the scalpel into 7's heart.

The sharp blade cut through the surface of the skin, pierced through the flesh, and the sound and touch of the ribs made the scalp tingle, and the hot and sticky blood trickled down Lu Chu's hands unconsciously.

The smell of blood dissipated, and the whole process was unbelievably gentle.

Lu Chu's hands were shaking and he kept shaking his head.

"Lu Chu," 7 lowered his head and approached Lu Chu, and the knife was inserted into the flesh a little bit, but he didn't care, but smiled and kissed Lu Chu's forehead, "I won't hurt you."

If in this game with no end in sight, your hands are destined to be stained with blood sooner or later, then I will be the first soul to fall under your knife.

"Office" outside