
Chapter 50: fifth inning


A good night's sleep.

The second day, a day when those who heard it sighed and those who heard it shed tears—Monday.

The day students are fine, but the boarding students can be said to have rushed from home to school for morning self-study with a lot of reluctance.

Lu Chu and Qi arrived in the class earlier, but they agreed to come to the class early to copy homework rules and entered the classroom by stepping on the class bell.

When the seats were changed on Monday morning, the class was in chaos, with some people crying and some laughing.

After changing seats, Lu Chu and 7 moved down one row to the right, from the third and fourth rows in the middle to the fourth and fifth rows near the door, Qian Wenhao was in the sixth row, and the charter was in the last row. Moved to the first row.

At the beginning of self-study, Lu Chu received a note from the charter, asking him to pass on his homework.

Lu Chu shook his head helplessly, and passed on his homework and test papers.

Beginning self-study in the morning, Lu Chu first looked at Liu Qian's position, and found that Liu Qian, who had taken a few days off due to a high fever, came to class today.

After changing the seat, Liu Qian moved from the second row by the door to the third row by the window, which was right next to the window and far away from Lu Chu's seat.

At this moment, she was looking down at the book with her head down. Because of the high fever a few days ago, her complexion was not very good. There were thick dark circles under her eyes, and she looked groggy and out of spirits.

Lu Chu had never had close contact with Liu Qian, but had only seen her from a distance, so he couldn't tell whether the cause of her illness a few days ago was caused by evil things, or it was really just a coincidence.

Lu Chu turned his gaze back, and then looked at Zheng Wei who was only a few seats away from him. Seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, he concentrated on reading.

After the morning self-study, Zhang Zhang came to return Lu Chu's homework and papers. Meng Yu walked from the last row to the front row, and sat down in his seat to chat with Li Lan.

Seeing that his seat was taken, Zhang Zhang couldn't go back for the time being, so he just stood here and chatted with Lu Chu.

"Guess what?!" Zhang Cheng glanced at Meng Yu and Li Lan's direction, and said suddenly.

Lu Chu put down the pen and paper in his hand, and asked, "What?"

Zhang Cheng said mysteriously: "Li Lan told me that she didn't go to bed until late yesterday because Meng Yu came to school last night to pick up the leftover homework, and she ended up hitting a ghost!"

Liu Yang, Lu Chu's tablemate, was surprised first, and asked directly, "What's going on?"

"Li Lan said that Meng Yu called her in the middle of the night yesterday, and her voice was trembling with fear. When Meng Yu was doing her homework at 8 o'clock in the evening, she remembered that she had left her homework in the dormitory during the lunch break the day before. She thought Knowing that there will be people staying in the school dormitory, so the door will definitely not be closed, so I came to the school and prepared to go back to bed to get homework." Zhang Zhang took a breath and continued, "In the end, she went upstairs from the stairwell and walked all the way back to her dormitory from the corridor. When I passed by 604, I accidentally glanced inside, only to see a girl in a white skirt standing in the middle of the room with her back turned to her in the dim dormitory! Meng Yu was so frightened that he couldn't care about anything. Just ran out of the dormitory!"

Liu Yang took a deep breath and whispered, "It's fake..."

604 is the mixed dormitory where Liu Qian lives. The haunted dormitory of Liu Qian has spread among the girls, but only Lu Chu and the boys have heard about it from Meng Yu. He told Liu Yang about the haunting incident, and when it was over, he organically combined Liu Qian's illness in the dormitory with the haunting incident, which scared Liu Yang very much.

After Zhang Zhang finished the 604 haunting incident with Liu Yang, Lu Chucai asked, "How did Meng Yu know that what he saw was a ghost? Maybe it was just a female classmate in a white dress."

"No," Zhang Cheng said, "Because Liu Qian and the others all had a high fever, so they have been asking for leave all the time. There is no one in dormitory 604 on Sunday nights."

Liu Yang interrupted and retorted: "Then what if it's someone from another dormitory?"

"I asked Li Lan that too, and Li Lan said that Meng Yu told her very clearly that she saw the figure in the white coat—" Zhang Cheng whispered, "It's floating."

Liu Yang shook his head, still in disbelief: "I think it's more likely that she is delusional."

Zhang Zhang asked: "But, even if you are delusional, in the middle of the night, a girl is alone, wearing a white dress, and the light is not turned on. What is she doing in other people's dormitories?"

"Maybe..." Liu Yang paused, "Stealing something?"

Zhang Zheng snorted: "You might as well talk about visiting. In the dilapidated dormitory of our school, apart from textbooks, papers, sheets and pillows, there is nothing valuable."

"The textbooks, sheets, and pillows are not worth much," Zhang Zheng then added, "is that right, Lu Chu?"

Lu Chu nodded, thinking to himself: Is it really a matter of gods and ghosts again

It's a pity that he has no way to enter the girls' dormitory, otherwise he can see if his sense of smell, which can smell the breath of souls, can come in handy.

When the class bell rang, everyone returned to their seats.

Liu Yang murmured to Lu Chu in a low voice: "I'm pretty silly what Zhang Zhang said, but Meng Yu must have misunderstood it."

Lu Chu shook his head: "It's hard to say."

Because he kept thinking about this matter, Lu Chu sat on the seat, leaned against the back of the chair, and unconsciously began to shake his feet slightly, but accidentally kicked 7's feet that were stretched forward. He looked down. , and found that there was a shallow shoe print on 7's blue and white clean shoes.

Lu Chu turned his head back slightly, smiled embarrassingly at 7, and was about to take back his foot, but the next moment he found that his right foot was carefully entangled by 7's two feet, and he couldn't take it back.

The temperature between each other was transmitted through the thin pants on the calf, Lu Chu felt a little uncomfortable, and his cheeks were hot.

Liu Yang was still whispering to Lu Chu about his own views on the 604 haunting incident, and he noticed that his expression was different, so he couldn't help asking: "Lu Chu, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Chu shook his head: "It's okay."

Liu Yang didn't doubt that he was there, so he continued to express his unfinished thoughts.

Lu Chu gave up retracting his feet, and gently pinched his slightly hot ears.

7 curled her lips in the backseat, her heart was soft, and a warm smile was hidden deep in her eyes.


Meng Yu is a girl who likes to chat and can't be idle for a moment. She was very scared yesterday, so she found all the boys and girls she could talk to in the morning, and said this mysteriously. Share and confide in your fears and fears. By the end of the morning class, the whole class knew that Meng Yu had seen a ghost last night, and he was in dormitory 604 where Liu Qian lived.

Everyone has friends from other classes. According to Lu Chu's visual inspection, everyone in this grade should know about it in the afternoon.

Tomorrow's goal is the whole school.

Liu Qian is a quiet-looking girl, not very talkative, but popular. After many people learned about this, they ran to ask her, Liu Qian had just recovered from a serious illness, and her complexion was not good, but now she heard other people asking you whether there is really a ghost in your bed, Tears were about to come out after hearing too much, and he said that he didn't know, and that he would not live in school any more, and he would not go to evening self-study, and wanted to go home early.

For the students in Class 1, Grade 2, although they don’t believe in ghosts and gods, the more mysterious and unknown things they can’t hold back, the more tantalizing they are. In addition, the boring study in high school is boring and boring, so it’s not easy to get out of it. A strange person, everyone regarded it as a kind of talk, and discussed it with great interest.

Even at noon, the heat hadn't subsided, and Zhang Zhang couldn't help discussing this matter with Qian Wenhao.

Lu Chu listened and didn't say anything.

Back to the dormitory at noon, after a brief chat, several of them lay back on the bed and took their lunch break.

However, this nap didn't last long. Before the alarm clock rang, everyone was woken up by the loud screams outside.

After Zheng Wei was woken up, he folded the quilt without saying a word.

Zhang Zhang sat up irritably: "Damn it! They don't let people sleep!"

Qian Wenhao covered his head with the quilt, and said in a muffled voice, "What's going on outside?"

"Not sure." Lu Chu folded the quilt and replied, "Let's go out and have a look."

7 heard this, folded the quilt, and walked out of the bedroom door with Lu Chu.

Zhang Zhang thought that since he had been woken up, he could only sleep for ten minutes. Whether he could fall asleep or not was another matter, so he also got up, and dragged Qian Wenhao to say that he wanted to go out to join in the fun.

Zhang Zhang and Qian Wenhao trotted a few steps to catch up with Lu Chu and Qi.

"What's going on?" Zhang Zhang asked.

At the end of the corridor on the west side, a group of people were surrounded, talking about something noisily, with fear on their faces.

The dormitory teacher stepped on the slippers and went upstairs, pushed away everyone and asked, "Why do you not go to bed at noon, why are you doing all this noise around here? Be careful, I will deduct points for your quality of life!"

"Mr. Dorm Manager," a boy said with an uneasy expression, "something happened..."

"What's the matter?" the steward asked.

Everyone made way for the dormitory supervisor.

Lu Chu and the others took the opportunity to squeeze forward.

I saw the people surrounding it, which was the place where the hot water tank was placed in the water room on the west side. At this moment, the top cover of the hot water tank was wide open, and the cover of the part that automatically boils hot water inside was also opened, and the scalding water was evaporating. In the hot air, a boy was lying there with his head stuffed into the hot water.

From the side, you can see the deformed and ferocious facial skin of the boy who was scalded by boiling water, which is terrifying and makes your scalp tingle.

Zhang Zhang and Qian Wenhao took a big step back in fright.

Some of the boys present had already started to vomit, and some ignored the school’s prohibition on carrying electronic products, and took out their hidden mobile phones to report to the police.

Lu Chu's eyes were astringent and he had difficulty speaking.

If a person sticks his head into hot water, will he suffocate first or will he be scalded to death first.