
Chapter 52: fifth inning


Teacher Lu, the head teacher, announced that get out of class was over, and then walked out of the classroom.

Suddenly, the originally quiet classroom became chaotic, and everyone was talking about it. After such a horrible thing happened, most of the dormitory students didn't want to continue their stay, so they hurried to the office to ask the head teacher to get a leave note.

Zhang Zhang and Qian Wenhao came to Lu Chu's seat at the same time.

Zhang Zhang's face was full of anxiety: "Lu Chu, Li Bo, what do you two think? I'm planning to stay away for a while. After watching the live version of that scene, I was really panicked. My mind is full of that person's death now... I feel like I won’t be able to sleep well even when I get home.”

Qian Wenhao echoed: "Me too, I already want to go through the formalities of transferring from accommodation to day-study."

Liu Yang was packing his schoolbag, when he heard the two of them talking, he asked, "You two live in the same dormitory, right?"

"Yeah," Zhang Zhang said, "what's the matter?"

Liu Yang asked: "How many people are there in your dormitory? After you leave, you won't be the only ones left with Lu Chu and Li Bo, right?"

"Hey," Zhang Cheng was surprised, looking at Lu Chu and Li Bo, "Are you two really not leaving?"

Lu Chu shook his head: "It's not convenient to go back."

Zhang Zhang heard the words and said: "Don't, how can you sleep peacefully at school, if you can't go back, why don't you stay at my house?"

Qian Wenhao also immediately said that it would be fine to live in his house.

Seeing that the three of them are so enthusiastic, Lu Chu smiled and said: "It's okay, there must be more than the two of us in the school, and this kind of thing happened, the school may keep the teachers here, maybe the police will also be there, there is nothing to be afraid of of."

Zhang Zhang and the others persuaded him again, seeing that Lu Chu insisted on living on campus, he took a break, and just told him and 7 Wan not to forget to call his brother if anything happened.

When there were fewer people in the office, Lu Chu and Qi entered the office.

Zheng Wei is also in the office, helping the physics teacher at the next desk to sort out the papers.

Teacher Lu looked cautious, thought for a moment and asked Lu Chu and 7: "Are you two really unable to go home?"

"Well, it's such a teacher," Lu Chu explained politely, "Our two families are far away, our parents are busy with work, and there is no one at home. If something like this happens, instead of taking a long car ride back to sleep alone , it may not be as safe as being with your classmates at school."

Teacher Lu thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, besides the two of you, there are a few students in the class who live in other cities, and students who go back temporarily without a car will also live in the school. The school has arranged a few empty dormitories in the new dormitory building for Those who can't go home will live first, and I won't go home today, so I'll be with you and let your parents rest assured."

Teacher Lu is a good and responsible teacher, and Lu Chu respects him: "Thank you teacher."

"It's okay," Teacher Lu said, "Go back and make up the beds in the dormitory first, and gather downstairs in the new dormitory later, wait for a few other people, and then I will take you to the dormitory temporarily assigned by the school."

7 said: "Thank you teacher, then let's go back first."

"Okay, you guys go back first."


Back downstairs in the dormitory, Lu Chu and Qi were not surprised to find that the stairs on the west side of the old men's dormitory were sealed off. If they wanted to enter the teaching building, they could only go up from the east side.

Arriving at the third floor of the bedroom, the two found that the bedrooms and water room on the west side of this floor were separated by a board.

"Is this protecting the scene?" Lu Chu was puzzled.

7 glanced over there: "We want to keep the scene and continue the investigation."

Hearing this, Lu Chu was thoughtful.

The two went back to the dormitory to tidy up, stuffed the sheets, blankets and squashed pillows into two suitcases, carrying toiletries and important belongings in the school bags, and went downstairs to the newly built dormitory to wait.

This newly-built dormitory building was only fully completed last semester. Because of the new construction, it was put on hold for half a year, and it will be used for the next freshmen in the next semester.

Now because of the strange death of someone, the school has opened the new building ahead of schedule.

Lu Chu and Qi waited downstairs for a while, and three men and a woman from the same class carrying packages and Teacher Lu arrived.

Among the boys, there is no Zheng Wei. It seems that he chose to go home.

Teacher Lu saw that everyone had arrived, and said: "For those who need to stay overnight in other classes, the head teacher of each class will lead them to the new dormitory. Just now I reported the number of people who need to stay overnight in our class, and I have applied for beds for you. The first floor of the dormitory building is for boys who need to stay, the second floor is for girls, and I will take you to my own dormitory to arrange accommodation in a while."

Speaking of this, Mr. Lu paused, and his tone became more serious: "Tonight, I hope you all stay in the dormitory well, and don't leave the dormitory building after dinner, because today's matter... is really not good. Normally, since you stay at the school, the school must protect your safety. In addition, I applied to the school to stay tonight, in the first dormitory on the first floor of this building, together with other teachers on duty Come on, if you have anything to do, you can come to me directly."

Several people nodded yes.

Afterwards, Teacher Lu arranged for the female student first, and then led the four boys to live in the dormitory applied for on the first floor.

Teacher Lu told them: "There are a lot of boys left in our class, and there are only one or two people in other classes, so other classes live together, and our class has five male students in one dormitory. You can discuss it yourself. Decide on the bed, make the bed, go have dinner later and come back early, and the door of the dormitory will be locked at seven o'clock tonight."

Lu Chu and 7 chose the upper berth in the same position as 318, and the other three boys also chose their own beds. There was a mattress on the bed, and everyone only needed to put a thin layer of mattress on it, and then put on sheets to sleep.

After several people packed up, one of the boys whispered: "Then what, shall we go have dinner together?"

The other two quickly agreed: "Yes!"

Everyone is terrified, but having to stay at school tonight for other reasons, people tend to gather together when they are terrified.

Lu Chu and Qi looked at each other, and smiled at the others: "Okay."

After a quick meal, several people went back to the new dormitory building. Sure enough, as Teacher Lu said, the dormitory locked the door at seven o'clock.

Teacher Lu came to check the dormitory, and after confirming that everyone was there, he gave a few instructions before going out.

After Mr. Lu left, the boy who proposed to eat together at the beginning said, "Then what, why don't you all go home?"

Another boy said: "I am because of the distance, what about you, Xu Yuan?"

Xu Yuan, that is, the boy who proposed to eat, replied: "Of course I am too. My home is in a nearby county, and I have to reverse the bus in the middle. The teacher said in the third class that he would end get out of class early. It was already a bit late. I will take the first When the first bus goes home and arrives at the transfer station, there will probably be no more cars." Speaking of this, he sighed, "If you can go back, who would want to stay here."

"Yeah, in this case, I don't think there will be class tomorrow. I plan to get up early tomorrow morning and catch the earliest bus home."

The other two hurriedly said, "Me too!"

Seeing that Lu Chu and Qi didn't answer, Xu Yuan wondered, "Aren't you two going home?"

"I can't go back tomorrow, I'm afraid it will be later." Lu Chu didn't say that he would definitely not go back.

"That's it," Xu Yuan said, "you'd better go back early."

Lu Chu smiled: "Well, I know, we must go home as soon as possible if possible."

In order to ease the tense atmosphere, Xu Yuan has been picking topics to chat.

While chatting with them, Lu Chu analyzed the current situation in his mind. He still doesn't know who the deceased is, so there is no way to investigate many things, so he can only keep making assumptions. So far, Zheng Wei, who has always concerned him very much, seems to have no time to commit the crime. At the time of the incident, he was lying in bed and taking his morning break, and everyone in the dormitory was witnesses.

It seems that he is far from the truth.

After chatting all night, the few people finally stopped being so afraid and worried, and each climbed into bed and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Lu Chu heard a slight noise, and immediately woke up, and saw Xu Yuan stepping on his lower bunk bed, lying on the head of his own bed.

Lu Chu: "..."

At that moment, Lu Chu thought that something was on him, and subconsciously wanted to kick him off, but at the next moment, he heard Xu Yuan whisper apologetically, "Lu Chu, I'm sorry for waking you up. The two of you slept like pigs, so you can't wake up. I don't dare to scream, Li Bo. Then, I just want to go to the bathroom. You know, I don't dare to go alone when something like that happens. Can you Can't accompany me..."

Lu Chu breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll get off the bed."

"Also," Xu Yuan was rather embarrassed, "I'm full of horror movies now, and when I go to the toilet, I dare not close the door. Fortunately, I am in the small class, so I don't need to go into the cubicle, so can you, just ...then what... just wait for me to finish peeing where I can see..."


At this moment, Lu Chu understood why he was so embarrassed. Although the boys are usually next to each other when they go to the toilet, they don't think there is anything wrong with it, but Xu Yuan's request to let Lu Chu watch him take off his pants to go to the toilet alone is indeed a bit ridiculous. Unclear embarrassment. Just as Lu Chu wanted to nod his head in agreement, he saw Qi suddenly sitting up, put on his clothes and jumped off the bed, then glanced at Xu Yuan, and said calmly, "I'll go with you."

After being glanced at by him, Xu Yuan only felt his whole body tremble, and his body felt cold in vain. Without even thinking about it, he quickly shook his head and refused: "No, no, no! I'm such an adult, why should I be afraid, I'll go by myself!"

7 said nothing, opened the door of the dormitory, stood aside, and signaled him with his eyes, go, I will go with you.

Xu Yuan smiled wryly and refused a few times.

In the end 7 was waiting for him in the corridor outside the toilet.

When Xu Yuan came back from the toilet, he was trotting—he felt that the new classmate he transferred was scarier than ghosts.