
Chapter 54: fifth inning


Lu Chu and Qi left the women's dormitory, walked along the path to the playground, pretended to be hanging out at the school and playing football, and then ran into a few other people who had returned from studying together temporarily.

Several people went to have dinner together, and then rushed back to the new bedroom.

After the teacher on duty checked the bed, they chatted for a while and fell asleep quickly.

In the early morning of the second day, while the other people in the dormitory were still sound asleep, Lu Chu and Qi had already woken up early, washed up, and when the teacher on duty opened the door of the dormitory building, they went out for a morning run.

7 According to Lu Chu's current physical fitness, a series of training programs were formulated, and the amount of exercise increased little by little. After a brief slow morning jog, the two went to the cafeteria to eat breakfast, and then warmed up and trained in the playground according to the plan formulated by 7.

At the beginning of exercise, there is no need to rush to learn agility skills, but to open up the flexibility of the body, improve the body function, and then learn various movements bit by bit, because many such as kicking, climbing, rollover Both forward flips require strong arm and abdominal muscles to complete.

Nearly an hour later, Lu Chu was dripping with sweat.

7 handed him water and a towel, and said, "Take a rest."

Lu Chu drank his saliva and asked, "7 What difficult movements can you do?"

"The more difficult ones, such as tumbling with various somersaults, are fine," replied 7, "However, these are often not very practical in fighting. I will teach you some more practical kicks and turns that are not difficult. , move, and block movements."

At Lu Chudian's request, 7 still showed him a backflip and a backflip. After some exercise, 7 was still able to handle it with ease, but his shirt was soaked in sweat, and he could be vaguely seen during the neat and handsome movements. Tight muscular contours of the abdomen.

Lu Chu was envious for a while.

7 hooked lips: "Want to learn?"

Lu Chu nodded: "Yes."

"Learn the skills of blocking moves first, and then start with simple cartwheels and backflips. I will teach you slowly."

Lu Chu smiled: "Thank you coach."

The time of the day passed extremely fast during the exercise.

When the teacher on duty checked the dormitories at night, he said to them: "Classes resume tomorrow, and you can just move the beds back to your dormitory at noon tomorrow."

"Well," a student raised his hand, "teacher, can you live here?"

The teacher on duty said: "It is not possible in theory, do you have any difficulties?"

The man cried and said, "There is no problem, it is our original dormitory, which is directly opposite the water room on the west side of the third floor of the old men's dormitory."

The water room faces the last two dormitories, especially the penultimate dormitory, which is opposite to the door of the water room. Since the dormitory doors of each dormitory in the school have small square windows, the people in that dormitory can see directly through the window. In the water room, the classmate felt panicked thinking about it.

The teacher on duty was also in a dilemma. The west side of the third floor of the old men’s dormitory was sealed off for two days. The police inspected the scene and dealt with it. He didn’t know what conclusion they came to. However, the school coordinated with the police for students’ learning problems, and classes will resume tomorrow. , Open bedroom. Of course, many dormitory students whose families are in the urban area may choose to go to school this semester, and only students whose families are far away will continue to live in dormitory.

The teacher on duty thought for a while and said, "I will respond to the school about your question, and I will give you an answer tomorrow."

"Okay!" The student burst into tears of gratitude, "Thank you teacher!"

On the second day, Lu Chu and Qi had breakfast after running in the morning, and then went to the class for morning self-study.

The students in the class arrived one after another. Two days later, everyone's panic and worry eased, replaced by curiosity about the mystery.

After the charter arrived, he pounced on Lu Chu and Qi, and said loudly, "Wow! I heard that you didn't go back for two days!"

Lu Chu nodded: "Well, I stayed at school for two days."

Charter question: "Nothing strange happened, right?"

"No," Lu Chu said, "It's been a very easy two days."

Zhang Cheng admired: "You have such a big heart."

Lu Chu took out the books he needed for self-study in the morning, and said modestly, "I dare not take it."

Qian Wenhao came a bit late. He saw Zhang Cheng chatting with Lu Chu, so he also came over and asked, "Zhang Cheng, do you still live on campus?"

Zhang Zhang shook his head: "I don't think so, what about you?"

"I can't stop, I'll go back to the dormitory during my lunch break, and go home to sleep at night." Qian Wenhao quickly shook his head, "After seeing that scene, I'm very impressed with the whole dormitory building." There are shadows."

Zhang Zhang turned around and asked Lu Chuhe 7: "Then what do you two think?"

Lu Chu affirmed: "Continue to live."

Zhang Zhang said to himself: "That's right, you all continued to stay at school during the two days off in the first two days, there must be nothing to be afraid of."

"It's time to show that I'm a real man," Zhang Zhang immediately said categorically, "I've decided, I live too!"

Near noon, some people in the class who had beds in Lu Chu's dormitory told Lu Chu that they had withdrawn their beds and went to day school completely.

When they went back to bed for a rest at noon, the dormitory teacher on the first floor stopped them and asked them to read the notice on the board.

There were many people around the place where the small blackboard was placed, and 7 took advantage of his height to stand on the periphery and take a look before returning.

Lu Chu asked: "What's going on?"

7 said: "The announcement said that many people who have not stayed at the hotel have gone through the check-out procedures. The stairwell on the west side of the men's dormitory has been sealed, and the water room and several dormitories on the west side of the third floor have been separated by partitions. People in several dormitories will live in other dormitories, and I hope everyone will live in harmony."

Lu Chu thought, it should be the student who suggested to the teacher on duty last night, and the school made the decision after the teacher on duty gave feedback to the school.

Zhang Zhang said: "Wow, isn't that very good, there are more people, there is atmosphere, and it is lively."

To Lu Chu's surprise, it was an acquaintance who was assigned to sleep with them.

"Fate." Xu Yuan said.

Lu Chu smiled and said, "It's fate."

Zhang Zhang and Qian Wenhao were surprised: "Do you know each other?"

Lu Chu explained: "The school arranged for us to stay temporarily in the new male dormitory for the past two days. On the first day, Li Bo and I slept with Xu Yuan."

The two Zhang Zhang suddenly realized: "That's it."

Xu Yuan was very familiar with himself, and soon chatted with Zhang Zhang and Qian Wenhao. While chatting, Xu Yuan asked, "Are you four in our bed?"

Qian Wenhao answered him: "There is another one, that is, it is not easy to get along with. He has not acted with us all the time. You will know him when he comes back. For me, from today onwards, I will only be in the dormitory at noon, and I will study in the evening."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Wei opened the door and walked in.

Xu Yuan suddenly looked surprised: "Zheng Wei!"

Lu Chu and the others were amazed, did these two know each other

Upon hearing this, Zheng Wei looked up at Xu Yuan with a blank expression.

"You don't know me anymore," Xu Yuan said, "I'm Xu Yuan. I'm in the class next to yours in junior high school. We have been assigned to the same examination room for several final exams!"

Zheng Wei looked at him for a while, then shook his head: "I don't remember, please step aside, I have something to do."

Xu Yuan stepped aside subconsciously, Zheng Wei returned to his bed, took out the toiletries from under the bed, and went to the water room—this time he could only go to the east water room.

After Zheng Wei left, Zhang Zhang was puzzled: "Do you know him?"

"Yeah, I met several times when I was in junior high school." Xu Yuan fell into deep thought, "He has changed a lot."

Lu Chu asked: "Isn't he like this before?"

Xu Yuan shook his head: "I remember being a very shy boy, polite, easily shy, and good at studying."

Qian Wenhao exclaimed: "Except for studying well, it really has nothing to do with it."

"And I remember," Xu Yuan continued, "he wasn't such a loner before."

"So he also has friends?" Zhang Zhang was amazed again.

"Of course he did. He had a good friend at the time, and a sister who was two years younger went to school together, who was just one grade lower than him," Xu Yuan said, "I still wanted to get close to him and get along with him. , it’s just that there was no chance.”

Lu Chu heard the words: "Where did you go to junior high school?"

Xu Yuan said: "It's in our school!"

Without waiting for everyone to wonder, he said again: "We still lived in this building at that time!"

After a while, Zheng Wei came back, and they stopped talking about him.

Lu Chu remembered the conversation just now in his heart, and planned to pick a time to ask Xu Yuan about Zheng Wei alone.

A few days passed, because it was not a class, and several people were there after returning to the dormitory, Lu Chu never found a chance to talk to Xu Yuan alone.

The past few days have been quiet and nothing happened.

Originally, this week was supposed to be a two-day holiday, but the head teacher informed me temporarily that because of the previous incident, the students had to rest for two days and missed a lot of classes, so they had to make up for it this week. There was no holiday, and the whole class wailed, and had to accept it.

Gradually, the students who were busy with their studies and various weekly and monthly exams forgot about that incident.

Lu Chu and Qi spent their free time every day exercising their bodies. After reading the charter and Qian Wenhao, they sighed and clamored to join them, but they gave up halfway after persisting for two or three days.

Just when Lu Chu thought that this kind of life would last forever, teacher Lu, the head teacher, suddenly walked into the class with a solemn expression.

Teacher Lu knocked on the blackboard, and the whole class fell silent. He had difficulty speaking, scanned the class, and said, "A student was killed on the top floor of the laboratory building."

As the rumors said, the laboratory on the top floor was sealed because of frequent strange incidents after the death of a laboratory teacher. The stairs from the fourth floor to the fifth floor were installed with fence iron gates and chained around several times locked.

And the reason why Teacher Lu directly said "killed" instead of "death" is because of the way of death, no one who saw it would think it was suicide.

The author has something to say: PS. Twisting is a kind of martial arts stunt, plus various somersaults, it is relatively difficult. People who can do this basically have great abdominal muscles, waist strength and "kidney" are good (?﹃? )