
Chapter 57: Fifth inning


People in other classes gradually heard about what happened in the laboratory building, and the whole school fell into a strange dead silence.

All the teachers were called to an emergency meeting, and the students sat in their chairs in fear, waiting for the next summons.

The waiting process was long and anxious.

At present, what Lu Chu is most worried about is not who the murderer is, but if this situation continues, after checking all the students and teachers in the school in the afternoon, whether they will be forced to leave school.

After all, his task in this round is not to find the murderer, nor to tell everyone the truth, but to stay in the school.

Lu Chu speculates that the criterion for judging the success of this "round" may be after the murderer kills all the people he wants to kill, or after the murderer is caught and brought to justice. Of course, Lu Chu can't be sure whether the "rules" have a bad taste of teasing people. The criterion for judging success is only a randomly selected time point, during which time points need to be active in the school. Progress, he can count it as a success and leave this "game".

When get out of class was over at noon, teacher Lu, the head teacher, hurried into the class again.

The whole class was suddenly solemn, and they all stared straight at Teacher Lu.

Lu Chu signaled Liu Yang to wake up Wei Lili who was still resting on her stomach in the front row.

Teacher Lu has been a teacher for so many years, with a delicate mind, it is easiest to understand the expressions and emotions of the students he leads.

At this moment, seeing the expressions of his students, Mr. Lu knew that the news about the death method of the deceased on the top floor of the laboratory building might have spread. He was not surprised by this - such a horrible incident happened, the witnesses and several high school students who were with the teacher, it was only a matter of time before it spread.

Teacher Lu didn't talk too much nonsense, and directly cut to the point: "I think everyone may already know what happened today. In fact, the school did not find out the result of the last murder case not long ago."

The whole class was in an uproar.

Teacher Lu made a gesture, and the class quieted down. He continued: "But because no traces of other suspicious persons were found at the scene of the incident, the forensic doctor also conducted an autopsy on the corpse. There were no other injuries except for the burns on his stomach due to inhalation of boiling water. Even when he drowned in the boiling water, he hardly showed any signs of struggling. Originally, that matter still needs to be investigated, but because the school does not want to affect everyone's learning progress , it will be judged as suicide for the time being.”

Everyone is creepy.

Teacher Lu sighed heavily: "Who knows that something like this happened again today. The school doesn't know if the two cases are related, but the police suspect that the suspect is in the school. The teachers had a meeting just now. In the afternoon, it will be your turn. In order to prevent the existence of vicious murderers in the school, I hope that everyone will not leave the school at noon, do not act strangely, and actively cooperate with the school and the police arrange."

Someone raised a question: "Teacher, can't day students leave school?"

"No," Teacher Lu shook his head, "Because there are a large number of teachers and students in our school, and the inquiries and investigations are carried out one by one, so if everyone has not been questioned by ten o'clock in the evening, then those who have not been investigated, I hope you Temporarily staying on campus, the police will send people to watch over night."

This looks like house arrest in disguise, but no one raised any objections, and no one wants to have a time bomb hidden around them.

Then, Teacher Lu said, "Is everyone clear about this?"

Everyone nodded yes.

Lu Chu unconsciously tapped on the table to organize his thoughts.

"After lunch, you can stay in the class and wait for the investigation, or you can go to the dormitory to rest with the dormitory students you are close to. There are teachers watching over the dormitory. Everyone remembers returning to the classroom at 2:30. Okay." Teacher Lu finally said, "Okay, that's all for now, get out of class is over, students."

The squad leader and the disciplinary committee had forgotten to stand up, and the head teacher didn't care, and quickly walked out of the classroom after saying "Class is over".

For a long time, no one moved in the class.

After a while, everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do next.

After a while, the squad leader was pushed to stand up. He stood by his seat, looked at the people in the class, coughed twice, and said, "Well, I think it's best for everyone to get together and act together now. At noon It is best to go to the dormitory to rest. There are more dormitory students in our class than day students. I will allocate them to different dormitories in a while. It may only be this noon time, so even if it is a bit crowded, I hope everyone can take care of them. Get along. In the afternoon, it’s best for everyone to act together.”

After finishing speaking, the squad leader asked uncertainly: "Does anyone have any comments?"

Everyone shook their heads and expressed no opinion.

No one knows whether the murderer killed with a purpose, or just chose the target casually, and everyone knows it well-try to avoid acting alone at this time.

So, the squad leader took a few minutes to assign the day students to each dormitory for a temporary rest.

Several boys were assigned to Lu Chu's dormitory, and they all went to eat together, and then went back to bed to rest.

When it comes to rest, no one can sleep. The rules that can’t stop talking too much on weekdays don’t even have the strength to chat, and everyone doesn’t lie down. They sit side by side on the bottom bunk, leaning against the wall or railing, each meditation.

Lu Chu observed that Zheng Wei, like everyone else, was sitting by the bed, thinking about something.

The noon passed quickly while thinking in a daze. Everyone looked at the time and couldn't sit still, so they came to the class early.

On each floor, there are only a few teachers who have already arranged for inquiries and are walking around outside each classroom. It has been a long time since the teacher came over, and everyone in Class 1, Grade 2 is getting more and more anxious. When it was almost three o'clock, the head teacher, Mr. Lu, came in a hurry.

Teacher Lu took out the roster: "All the teachers in the school have accepted the inquiry, and now it's the students' turn. Everyone comes one by one according to the order of the student number."

"The inquiry location is in the office. Now, I will go over when I call the name. The first one, number one, Cheng Ming..."

This process lasted for a long time, because there are too many classes in the school, with fifty or sixty students in each class, and there are more than a dozen classes in each grade, and there are even twenty-one classes in the first year of high school. Under such circumstances, the progress was really slow. In the past, it took a long time for one person to come back. When it was almost ten o'clock in the evening, there were still some people in the class who had not been questioned.

Teacher Lu, the teacher in charge, was also extremely exhausted, rubbing the space between his brows.

After a while, Teacher Lu was called out, and when he came back, he said, "That's all for today. Those who have finished their inquiries and have no questions can go home. They will be on vacation for a while and will be notified by text message when the school starts. , those who haven't had their turn yet, please live in the school dormitory tonight."

Hearing the news, some people secretly cheered, while some were frustrated and agitated and even sweared in a low voice.

Neither Lu Chu nor 7 and the regulations were questioned, and only Qian Wenhao and Zheng Wei were in their dormitory.

For this result, everyone can only accept it.

The dormitory supervisor and the teacher on duty announced that the school will not be forced to turn off the lights tonight, but after the specified time, unless it is urgent, they are not allowed to leave their dormitories at will.

The 318 people who finished washing within the specified time sat in rows on the lower berth again.

Xu Yuan was not questioned either. Besides the four of them, 318 temporarily lived in two day students who were not questioned.

Zhang Zhang sighed: "I heard that the questions asked were what you were doing in the morning, and whether you knew the deceased. To be honest, I think that the school is so big and there are so many students. Use it halfway."

Lu Chu nodded in agreement on this point.

Xu Yuan said: "Then there is no way, we can only follow the arrangement."

"Is there really no problem for those who can go home?" Lu Chu frowned.

He thought of Zheng Wei who had successfully returned home. Although from his point of view, there was no time for Zheng Wei to commit the crime, he still cared about it.

"Probably so," Zhang Cheng nodded leisurely, "I still feel like I've wasted a day and it's useless."

"What do you think..." Xu Yuan asked, "What is the motive for committing the crime?"

Zhang Zhang said: "There must be hatred, but you really don't doubt..."

Others questioned: "Don't doubt what?"

Zhang Zhang lowered his voice: "Didn't people do this?"

Everyone gasped.

Lu Chu thought for a while and said, "Actually, I also have this suspicion."

Although Xu Yuan was afraid, he still asked and urged: "Tell me, tell me, why?"

"First of all, it is the first death case. If it is true as Mr. Lu said, there are no other suspicious traces at the scene, and the deceased died in that way, but he hardly seemed to have struggled, it would be very strange;" Lu Chu explained and analyzed, "Furthermore, looking at the second death case, no matter how weird and frightening the deceased's death method we have heard, it is said that the dusty stairs on the fourth floor, corridors on the fifth floor, and the laboratory are only a string of left feet. There are no other traces and footprints found at the scene, and it is undoubtedly impossible for 'people' to commit crimes."

Zhang Cheng rubbed his arm with goosebumps, and was about to add something, when he glanced at the door of the dormitory from the corner of his eye, he was stunned as if his acupuncture points had been tapped.

Although the dormitory is not forced to turn off the lights tonight, and the lights are bright, the lights in the corridor are voice-activated, and they are dark when no one is walking. The corridor is long and gloomy.

"What's the matter?" Lu Chu found out the abnormality in the charter and asked.

"On the window of our dormitory door," Zhang Zhang said with a dazed expression, "there is a head."