
Chapter 71: Sixth inning


The skeleton army is all very uniform and looks weird and scary.

The skeleton with centipede-like arms on both sides of its body started its head. It used all its arms to hold on to the trunk of the giant tree. With its torso facing up, it climbed up the tree first like a disgusting giant reptile. All the moving skeletons of various shapes followed behind it, eager to try.

Song Gui said to himself in astonishment: "No way..."

Luo Qi couldn't stop making him roll his eyes.

After 7 noticed the abnormal movement below, he immediately picked up Lu Chu with one hand, lifted him up, and said, "Climb up."

Hearing this, the four people above picked up their backpacks and continued to climb up with hands and feet.

Lu Chu understood the meaning of 7, stretched his arms hard while climbing, and grabbed the branches on the upper level.

"Fuck, hurry up!" Yuan Kejie glanced down, and immediately shouted, "They are crawling so fast!"

Lu Chu lowered his head and looked at 7: "My feet are fine, don't worry about me, just climb up first."

7 said nothing, stood firmly on the tree branch, and lifted Lu Chu up.

Yuan Kejie glanced down while climbing the tree, and immediately shouted: "Wow! Lu Chuqili, hurry up, that myriad is about to crawl to your place!"

After speaking, she climbed faster.

At this time, Luo Qi, who was as light as a monkey, had already climbed several tree branches one after another.

Lu Chu's legs were still in pain, but he held back the pain. He knew that 7 would always be behind him to protect him, so in order not to become a drag on 7, he climbed up at an extremely fast speed. 7 followed closely behind him, carefully protecting him, looking down from time to time to observe the situation of the skeleton army below.

Lu Chu climbed the tree very flexibly, and 7 followed his steps closely.

After they climbed through the three branches, Lu Chu stopped and looked down, and saw that the centipede at the head had climbed to the first branch like a centipede. The skeleton's countless arms grabbed the first trunk, and with a seemingly relaxed grip, the trunk broke immediately, smashing several skeletons behind it in the process of falling.

Although this section of the trunk is thinner than other trunks, it just bears the weight of two grown men, Lu Chu and Qi, and remains motionless, but now it is easily broken by this skeleton, which makes Lu Chu weigh the enemy again in his heart powerful.

Not staying long, several people continued to climb up.

After a while, Yuan Kejie was out of breath, she climbed and shouted down: "What should I do now, no matter how big this tree is, it has a head, and if we have to consider going up, whether the branches there can withstand us the weight of!"

Song Gui's breath was also a little messy: "I definitely can't climb down forever."

Lu Chu also knew in his heart that climbing down like this would only lead him to a desperate situation.

One thing they need to figure out is whether the skeleton army is targeting them, or for some other reason, these skeletons only rush towards this giant tree. The way they climbed on the trunk of the giant tree, they surged back and forth densely, from a distance, it seemed that the tree was covered with a group of dense white moths.

This giant tree is so tall that it is rare to see trees of the same height around it. Its main trunk is thick and green, with green branches and leaves extending outwards. The branches and leaves of each branch closest to the treetop are very young and seem to be very flexible, as if they can bear the weight of a grown man.

Lu Chu pointed to the tree closest to the giant tree, and said, "Find a chance, use the treetop to swing to that tree!"

Others heard the words and looked at the many treetops of the giant tree, Yuan Kejie said: "Can the treetops bear our weight? It feels very unstable..."

"It should be possible," Qian Zhen said while looking at the trees next to him while climbing, "I am the heaviest and strongest among us. After a while, I will find the right time to jump first. If I skip it, it means there is no problem."

Lu Chu said: "Okay, thank you for your hard work. After you jump over, Luo Qi and Yuan Kejie will follow, and then it will be Song Gui's turn, and Qi Li and I will be behind."

Everyone has no objection.

Several people climbed up without stopping, while the army of skeletons below chased after them. Seeing themselves climbing higher and higher, they knew that if they climbed higher, the height difference from the tree next to them would be too large, and it would be very dangerous to use the treetops to swing past.

Qian Zhen knew that he had to hurry up,

He carefully observed the distance between the giant tree and the tree next to it, and after picking the best time, he trot along the branches without hesitation. When it was almost at the end, he squatted down, grabbed the branch above his head, jumped and hung on the treetop. He hung there and shook vigorously back and forth. The branches were strong and elastic, and there was no sign of being unable to bear it. Qian Zhen swung a few more times, and when he reached the highest point, he let go and jumped onto another tree. .

After Qian Zhen stood firm, he gestured "OK" to the others.

Seeing this, Luo Qi didn't hesitate at all, she chose the branch that suits her and swayed towards it. Yuan Kejie followed closely behind and successfully reached the tree.

Song Gui had seen that Lu Chu was injured on his leg before, and knew that his movement might be inconvenient, so he looked at Lu Chu worriedly. He was astonished to find that 7 was always by Lu Chu's side, and Lu Chu seemed to be very used to the way the two of them got along. Song Gui was stunned for a moment, then quickly came back to his senses, and followed Yuan Kejie to another tree.

As several people jumped onto the side tree one after another, the group of skeletons below gradually got used to the climbing action.

Even the slow-looking giant skeleton with arms all over its body stabilized its bulky body and climbed up the tree step by step. Because the bones of the whole body are covered with arms, it looks quite round. From head to toe, all arms are waving, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Because of its huge size, it fell behind the team in a short while.

Finding itself getting further and further behind in the team, it obviously started to get angry and anxious, with half of its hands grabbing the tree trunk, and the other half of its hands began to wave and attack the skeletons beside it. The sound of bones smashing and colliding.

It moved too much, and such a thick giant tree began to shake a little because of this, the branches and leaves on the tree "crashed" and fell together with the fallen skeleton's remains.

"Be careful!" Yuan Kejie, who was standing on another tree, said tremblingly, "Come here!"

Enduring the pain in his legs, Lu Chu accelerated his speed and walked to the top of the tree. The battle situation of the skeleton army below escalated. The centipede-like skeleton crawling at the front also became anxious. It climbed on the trunk and shook its body vigorously. Shaking violently from side to side, most of the skeleton army following the centipede-shaped skeleton fell down.

7 kept paying attention to the huge army of skeletons under his feet. When the skeleton started to shake, he crawled to Lu Chu's side twice, hugged him tightly with one hand, and clasped the giant tree with the other.

The violent shaking made Lu Chu unable to grasp the tree trunk several times, and almost let go of it several times. Fortunately, 7 hugged him very tightly to save him from the difficulty.

When the shaking was slightly smaller, 7's calm and calm voice sounded in Lu Chu's ear: "Now."

The distance between the two of them was so close that all of Qi's warm breath fell on the side of Lu Chu's neck, making him move uncomfortably.

Seeing this, 7 asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Lu Chu smiled, "Run quickly, or I'm afraid it will be too late."

7 nodded: "Go."

"Okay." Lu Chu climbed onto a branch of a tree and walked forward, the night covered his ears with warmth.

Lu Chu grabbed the branch, followed the example of others, and kicked his feet hard, causing his body to shake.

Due to the fierce battle of the skeleton army, his shaking is obviously not as stable as the previous few people, and he tends to deviate from the direction when shaking, but he can't waste too much time on this, 7 is still on the trunk, wait for him to pass, 7 will come over.

His hesitation wears away 7's survival time.

Lu Chu didn't hesitate anymore, and the moment he swung to the highest point to confirm his direction, he let go and jumped over.

Song Gui and Qian Zhen over there responded, grabbed Lu Chu's hand, and pulled him to the branch.

After Lu Chu was in place, he immediately turned around and waved towards 7.

Although the night was dark, Qi couldn't fully see Lu Chu's face at such a long distance, but he could still imagine the worried expression on Lu Chu's face, and he slightly raised the corners of his lips. The army of skeletons at the back gradually approached, 7 looked down, and then swung nimbly and swiftly along the treetops.

This tree is more than a little bit smaller than the giant tree, and several people almost swung to the same tree branch. Yuan Kejie and Luo Qi climbed up two knots after coming over, and Song Gui and Qian Zhen came to meet Lu Chu. Afterwards, Qian Zhen climbed another section, leaving Lu Chu and Song Gui to accompany him.

At this time, three men stood on the tree, and the trunk seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the three, making a "squeak" sound.

Seeing this, Song Gui climbed to the branch of the tree that was in Heqian Town.

After a strenuous exercise, several people were a little tired. For an unknown number of miles, the eyes were all white, as if it was endless. At this moment, they were all rushing in the direction of the giant tree. Looking down from above, there was no brown land to be seen, no place to step down.

More and more skeletons gathered on the straight and thick trunk of the giant tree, hanging there one by one trying to climb to the top.

None of the skeletons noticed Lu Chu and the others leaving.

It seems that the target of the skeleton group is not them, or in other words, it is not them for the time being.

Lu Chu looked at the group of skeletons getting closer and closer to the top of the giant tree, and couldn't help thinking: "You said, what are they doing crowded there?"