
Chapter 75: Sixth inning


Several people gradually approached the river, and the sound of the river became louder and louder. Just by listening to it, one could feel its breadth and magnificence.

Sure enough, when the strange black and silver-colored river water came into view in the night, everyone was stunned by the width and turbulence of the river water. I saw the river rushing downward with a strange smell, and sometimes there were huge splashes, and the sound of "crashing" could be heard endlessly. The width from one side of the river to the other was visually estimated to be nearly 100 meters wide. many.

After the few people ran to the river, they all stopped, looking at the river in front of them in shock.

However, reality does not leave much time for them to be shocked.

Seeing this, Song Gui said with a little worry: "Swimming more than 100 meters is not a problem, but the problem is that the river is so fast. For us, the danger of being washed away by the current is extremely high. Is there no other way to go? "

Lu Chu shook his head: "There is an army of multi-handed monsters behind, and the number of those guys is immeasurable. Even if they run to both sides, as long as they don't escape the river, there is a possibility of being overtaken by them. Under the difficulty of double skulls, in order to The only way to survive is to swim across the river in front of me."

If there were only a few armies chasing them, even if the opponent was so powerful, it would not be impossible to fight against them. But now they are facing thousands or even tens of thousands of monsters, and hand-to-hand combat is almost impossible. Impossible. No matter how you think about it, there is only one way to swim to the other side of the river.

Luo Qi opened the backpack, tied a few packs of compressed biscuits and tiny tools around her waist with a rope, looked at Song Gui and said, "In order to survive, we have never encountered any danger, and we have not done any life-and-death matters. , why do I think you're such a bitch this time?"

After finishing speaking, she jumped into the river first, and swam towards the opposite side of the river with all her strength. The rushing water of the river submerged her whole body several times.

Lu Chu looked startled, Luo Qi's strange strength and calmness sometimes made him forget that this was just a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl whose height barely reached his chest.

The price of surviving in the "game" cannot be summed up in a few simple sentences.

Yuan Kejie didn't show any fear at all. Following Luo Qi's example, she tied a few bags of small compressed biscuits around her waist, and jumped into the water, followed by Qian Zhen.

Song Gui's restraint this time was actually because of Lu Chu. He was never an indecisive person, but this time, he wanted to ensure that Lu Chu would not be in danger. The teammates are related, because if his guess is correct, the existence of "Lu Chu" is their hope to break free from the "rules".

He took a deep look at Lu Chu, and found that Lu Chu and Qi were already taking things from their backpacks and tied them around their waists, so he let go of his thoughts and tidied up his things.

Lu Chu knew that Song Gui must have something to hide from him, but Song Gui didn't say anything, so he chose to wait and see. As a formal team, Song Gui would always tell him what should be told to him.

Before jumping into the river, Song Gui once again told Qi Dao: "Qi Li, Lu Chu, you have to be careful."

Qi Li nodded.

At this time, Luo Qi, who jumped into the water first, had already reached the opposite bank. She was petite and waved towards this side, clarifying that under the moonlight, the disgust and impatience on her face could still be discerned from a distance.

Here 7 held Lu Chu in his arms and said to him, "Hold me tight."

It was only then that Lu Chu realized that the two of them were still holding hands. He let go of Qi's hand, then wrapped his arms around Qi's strong waist, and said "um" softly.

The huge and noisy sound of the monsters galloping behind is getting louder and louder. Although the monsters don't make any noise, the movement they bring is still so loud and noisy, which makes people feel uncomfortable like beating a drum.

On the other hand, Song Gui had already swam to the middle of the river, and the other three had already reached the opposite bank.

7 leaned on Lu Chu's ear and whispered, "Trust me."

Lu Chu nodded, held his breath, and 7 jumped into the water with him in his arms.

Lu Chu didn't know the nature of water, and his knowledge of drowning only came from hearing what others said. If he entered the water, he realized that he couldn't even hold his breath well. Now that he got into the water, the rushing river rushed towards him in an instant. The resistance of floating made him have no point of strength, so he could only cling to 7 beside him. The river flooded his mouth and nose, and he closed his eyes tightly. There is an unbearable spicy feeling in the mouth.

Swimming alone in such a fast river is extremely difficult, but for 7, who can't remember how many "rounds" he has experienced, it is extremely simple-the only difficult thing Yes, the person he wants to take is Lu Chu.

Worried, so cautious.

Lu Chu adjusted his breathing following 7's movements. The river was icy cold, and the chill pierced his bones. At this moment, a mild heat and softness like a dragonfly's dot suddenly imprinted on his forehead.

The rushing water hit his face, and Lu Chu couldn't open his eyes. He squinted his eyes slightly and saw the outline of 7's chin against the moonlight through the blurred water droplets.

The two swam to the other side of the river smoothly, and 7 held Lu Chu in his arms and patted him on the back.

Several people from Song Gui came up and asked, "Are you okay?"

Lu Chu wiped off the water on his face, smiled and nodded at the others: "I'm fine."

"It's fine," Yuan Kejie patted her chest in shock, "The water is so fast, I thought I was going to be washed away. You don't even know, I was standing on the shore watching Qi Li bring you here Sometimes, I'm afraid that if a splash falls, both of you will disappear..."

Qian Zhen, who didn't talk much, looked at Qi Qi and said, "You are very strong." All aspects.

This strong perception of the strong has always existed since the first meeting, and Qian Zhen even suspected that Qi Li could deal with dozens of arm skeletons with only flesh and blood by himself.

7 nodded politely at him, neither affirming nor denying.

Just at this moment, the multi-armed monster chasing them could vaguely see the figure, and the head was still the disgusting centipede-shaped monster with arms on both sides of its body.

Seeing this, Lu Chu stood up.

Song Gui: "Lu Xiaochu, are we going to run again?"

"Wait a minute!" Yuan Kejie suddenly shouted, "Look at the other side!"

The rest of the people all looked towards the opposite side.

The first centipede-shaped multi-armed monster didn't jump into the river as if it sensed danger. On the other hand, the multi-armed monsters behind it jumped into the raging river one by one like dumplings. It never came up.

This strange situation made Yuan Kejie couldn't help asking Lu Chudao: "Lu Chu, tell me, are they... easily soluble in water?"