
Chapter 81: Sixth inning


When Song Gui saw the two of them, he immediately went up to them, observed them for a while, and found that they were not injured except for a lot of blood on their bodies, so he was relieved.

Song Gui thought that if he didn't enter the tower so quickly when he received the two of them, at least he could help out when there was danger, and it wouldn't keep the two of them from entering the tower for so long, so until now in self-examination.

They are a team and no one can be left behind.

Seeing Song Gui's self-blame, Lu Chu comforted him, "We're fine, you've successfully responded."

"What happened to you just now?" Yuan Kejie asked concerned, "You came in so late, we are very anxious, afraid that you two will have an accident."

Lu Chuwen explained: "When we were about to enter the tower, Qi Li and I were attacked by a centipede-shaped monster. Because it was difficult to deal with, it took a little longer to get it done."

Although Lu Chu just mentioned it in one sentence, but seeing the late time of the two and the blood on Qi's body, several people knew that it must have been an extremely fierce battle. Fortunately, both of them came back safely.

Luo Qi touched the head of the shovel to the ground, and propped the handle against the wall. She leaned against it and glanced at Lu Chu and Qi Li: "It's fine."

Yuan Kejie passed a piece of cloth to the two of them: "Wipe the cloth on the previous backpack."

It was only then that Lu Chu remembered that the two of them, especially 7, were in a mess at the moment.

Lu Chu thanked, took the cloth, and helped 7 wipe off the dirt on his face naturally: "Go to the next grid in a while, and see if there is a chance to take a bath. Let's wipe it clean first."

7 just looked down at Lu Chu's movements.

Yuan Kejie and the others didn't notice anything unusual in their atmosphere, but Song Gui stared at Lu Chu's hand wiping 7's face thoughtfully.

Lu Chu and Qi cleaned up briefly, and then they found their seats and sat around the table again.

Yuan Kejie looked at the dice in front of her eyes: "How about it, who will win this time?"

Luo Qi didn't answer, but said: "The last six grids are interesting."

"Indeed," Song Gui rested his chin and stared at the six grids behind the double skulls, "there are four grids with images that symbolize danger, the third grid is blank to symbolize the general situation, and the sixth grid is blank." The top is a peach heart."

When throwing the dice for the second time, Feiji Songgui threw "five points", the difficulty level was two skeletons, and "six points" was one skeleton.

This is the third time to throw the dice. "One point" is a skeleton at the six o'clock position last time, and the subsequent images are "fangs", "blank", "beast claws", "bombs", " Heart".

Yuan Kejie asked, "Is there a big difference between one skeleton and two skeletons?"

Song Gui smiled and asked her: "Those guys just now, how many do you think you can hit?"

Yuan Kejie: ""

"The difficulty of a skeleton should be reduced by half," Song Guidao, "but those guys are huge in number, have amazing strength and strange body structure, we have almost no power to fight back in front of them, we can only run away. In this case, if the difficulty is cut in half, I am afraid the situation will not be much better."

Qian Jin agrees: "I feel the same way."

Seeing that Yuan Kejie was still puzzled, Song Gui gave an example: "When your strength is comparable to the difficulties you are facing, you will have the idea that 'one is more difficult than the other'; otherwise, When the difference in strength between you and your target is too great, this kind of comparison does not exist. For example, if a person who is very bad at English is asked to take a grade test, the fourth and sixth grades are very difficult for him. It’s the same, he won’t have the idea that the questions in level 6 are more difficult than those in level 4, because these two questions are completely incomprehensible to him.”

"..." Yuan Kejie was silent for a few seconds, "I think I understand, but you hurt me deeply."

Yuan Kejie recalled the fear of being dominated by Level 4 and Level 6. Thinking about it from another angle, she was the type of person Song Gui said that "I can't see the difference between Level 4 and Level 6 questions at all because I can't even understand them".

Luo Qi, who had never experienced level 4 or 6 torture, looked at Song Gui, then at Yuan Kejie, and sneered, "It's not because of lack of brain."

Yuan Kejie sighed silently, feeling very uncomfortable.

On the other side, when Lu Chu heard Song Gui say that there was a huge gap between them and the monsters, he couldn't help looking at 7.

Indeed, the combined strength of the five of them is still far from that of the monster, not to mention that the monster appears in groups, but 7 alone can erase this gap.

This kind of cognition not only didn't make Lu Chu relax, but made him feel anxious about 7's experience, and at the same time, he also had a sense of tension and urgency to become stronger as soon as possible.

"So, having said so much," Yuan Kejie glanced around and said, "Who is going to cast the dice this time? Be careful this time, after all, six o'clock is the furthest away, which can save us a few tough battles; and It's the safest—that's a peach heart."

Luo Qi leaned on the chair: "I threw it away."

Song Gui waved his hand: "I've thrown it too, and I don't think you guys have any intention of letting me throw it again."

Qian Zhen looked at the image on the table and shook his head: "My luck has always been mediocre."

Yuan Kejie said: "I'm not good at luck either. This time we should be more careful, like to see what the grid of Taoxin looks like..."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Kejie turned her gaze to Lu Chu, her eyes sparkling: "Lu Chu, why don't you come!"

Lu Chu was puzzled: "Me?"

"Yes," Yuan Kejie affirmed, "My sixth sense tells me that you are a lucky person."

Lu Chu smiled: "I'm afraid I will disappoint everyone. I have never had anything related to good luck since I was a child."

"I think what Yuan Kejie said is feasible," Song Gui touched his chin and said, "Why don't you give it a try, Lu Xiaochu, don't be afraid, we won't hit you if you can't throw six points."

"You can try it," Luo Qi seconded, "No matter how bad it is, it won't be worse than the scum of Song Gui."

Song Gui lay on his gun, but he was not innocent, so he just shrugged his shoulders and continued to look at Lu Chu with sincere eyes.

Lu Chu glanced at 7 and saw that 7 nodded to him, so he picked up the dice: "Then I will throw it."

Song Gui: "Come on, Lu Xiaochu."

Yuan Kejie: "Face the blast, boy!"

Lu Chu put his hands together and shook the dice, then threw it out casually.

Everyone stared at the dice, waiting with bated breath.

After being thrown out, the dice rolled quickly for a certain distance, then slowed down, rolled slowly in a circle for a few weeks, and finally stopped tremblingly at six o'clock under everyone's gaze.

Lu Chu subconsciously looked at 7, and there was a faint smile in 7's eyes.

Song Gui clapped his hands: "Perfect."

Yuan Kejie praised: "Awesome."

Although Luo Qi and Qian Zhen did not speak, their expressions relaxed a little.

At this moment, the walls of the tower gradually disappeared, and a sentence appeared on the table——

"Please enjoy the day."

The high tower disappeared completely, and what appeared before everyone was a town whose architectural style looked very similar to that in the first grid. It's just that this town is still desolate, there are no people on the streets, and the street lamps on the roadside have long been rusted and mottled.

Although "Peach Heart" probably means that something good will happen, but everyone did not relax their vigilance because of this.

It should be noted that momentary carelessness is often fatal.

Because in the last grid, everyone fled in a hurry and discarded most of their supplies. Now everyone only has their own weapons and a few compressed biscuits, which can be said to be very shabby. Now looking at the houses in front of them, several people looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

Song Gui and the others all set their sights on Lu Chu.

Lu Chu closed his eyes, listened and smelled attentively, opened his eyes after a while, and nodded to several people: "I didn't find any danger, but it's better to be careful, I can't guarantee that my sense of smell and hearing are correct every time. "

"Okay," Song Gui said, "Then let's find a safe base first."

Because Lu Chu didn't feel any danger in any house, everyone chose the house closest to them and walked in.

There was no one in the room, but the furniture was neatly arranged, and there was no dust on it. Several people scattered around to look around, and found some unexpired food and some gadgets that might be used.

Yuan Kejie had great enthusiasm for strange small parts, and in a short while made half a bag, and said to everyone with a smile on her face: "It's amazing to find so many, these things are very useful."

Thinking that Yuan Kejie's strengths are these strange little survival skills, and Yuan Kejie also has a sense of proportion, she will not take more than she can't bear, and she will not forget the importance of food, so everyone let her go.

After searching the house, everyone discussed it, and decided to let Qian Zhen and Yuan Kejie guard the house while it was still late at night, and the others went to other places to find out if there was anything available, and search for supplies.

After some searching, the few people did not encounter any danger and brought back a lot of tools and food.

Lu Chu came back with some clothes on his back. They ran across the river and their clothes were already untidy, especially 7. After the last fight, the blood stains on the clothes could not be washed off, so they changed into clean clothes , which is also beneficial for subsequent actions.

Lu Chu found the clothes by visually observing the sizes of the people, and the size basically fit. Yuan Kejie couldn't help but praised, and then said with some distress: "It's a pity, there is no water in the bathroom, otherwise you can wash it."

Although it is impossible to take a serious bath, Qian Zhen found several buckets of drinking water dispensers full in this house, and it is still okay for several people to take turns to wipe off the stains on their bodies.

After such a rest, several people were refreshed.

In the evening, the people took turns to watch the night in twos and twos.

The night passed, and on the second day, several people gathered together for a brief discussion.

Song Gui said: "Since the location where the tower appears is not fixed, there is no need for us to go out and guard the place where it disappears, and this time the danger level is lower, we might as well stay in this house and go out in the evening. "

Lu Chu nodded: "I think so too."

Several others agreed.

Then, the time came in the evening, when the tower was expected to appear soon, several people carried their supplies on their backs and opened the door.

The tower suddenly appeared in the courtyard of their house, the door was facing them, and it was only two or three steps away from the door of the house to the door of the tower.

Qian Zhen: "..."

Luo Qi raised her eyebrows: "What meaningful things did we do this day?"

Yuan Kejie cupped her hands towards Lu Chuhao: "Thank you, Ou Huang!"

Song Gui wiped his face: "I'm willing to bow down."