
Chapter 83: Sixth inning


Yuan Kejie closed her eyes immediately after swearing, and quickly waved her hand at Luo Qi next to her, saying, "Qiqi! Go help me kill that guy first! I'm not ready yet!"

Luo Qi picked up the shovel and said disgustedly: "Don't call me Qiqi."

Even so, she swung the shovel and rushed to the monster, then aimed at its head, sliced it down with a shovel, and cut it on the monster's neck.

The appearance of the monster is disgusting. It has a body similar to that of an ape, but it does not have any hair on its body, and it does not even have genitals. Instead, it is densely covered with eyes of different sizes. Blinking his eyelids, his scalp tingles. Because of the eyes all over its body, Luo Qi struck down with the shovel, even though it was aimed at the monster's neck, it still cut four eyes. Across a weapon, Luo Qi felt the shocking Uncomfortable touch.

Rocky pulled out her shovel.


The sound of the shovel piercing a few eyeballs sounded, and Yuan Kejie, who had her eyes closed, trembled all over.

The monster being attacked immediately reacted, roaring and punching Luo Qi.

Luo Qi saw that this monster was particularly upset, and dodged its attack, then turned sideways and said to the people behind him: "No need to help, I will definitely kill this thing."

After speaking, he backhanded another shovel and slashed on the monster's head.

Strangely, although this monster has no genitals, it has complete facial features, including ears, nose, mouth and tongue.

When Luo Qi hit it with the second shovel, one of its ears was directly cut off. The monster raised its neck and let out a long roar, its fury entered a berserk state, but Luo Qi didn't give it too much time to provoke and resist, but turned around and slapped the whole monster to the ground with a shovel, and then she raised the shovel, Jumping up with the shovel, he used his body weight and inertia to insert the shovel head into the monster's neck.


Luo Qi held the handle of the shovel and gently pried the monster's head and body apart.

After the monster was decapitated, its whole body twitched, and the eyes on its body began to blink rapidly at different frequencies, and then the speed gradually slowed down, until finally all its eyes closed one after another, and there was no sign of life anymore.

On the other side, Yuan Kejie didn't hear the sound anymore, knowing that the battle had stopped, she slowly opened her eyes.

I saw that the monster was dead and closed its eyes, but its inflexible and densely packed eyelids were crowded together. That scene still made her, a trysophobia sufferer, feel uncomfortable and even dizzy and nauseated.

"No." Yuan Kejie shook her head, trying to drive away the discomfort, and then overcame her own physical fear, and said, "When I meet these guys again later, I will share one of you. I have to overcome this feeling and kill one myself at close range."

Lu Chu nodded when he heard the words.

Song Gui said: "When the time comes, it's almost time to kill, and I will reserve one specially for you to practice."

Yuan Kejie still forced herself to stare at the dead monster's body, and said in a low voice, "Well, thanks."

Several people did not move on, giving her time to adapt.

These "bureaus" are like this, constantly transforming a person, making you have to get used to what you were afraid of before, because if you can't accept it, then there is only a dead end.

After a little getting used to it, Yuan Kejie walked up to the monster's corpse and stopped, then stared at it closely.

Seeing this, Lu Chu also walked over, and squatted down to pick up a branch on the ground, and opened one eyelid on the monster's body. The dark round eyeball inside had lost its luster when it was born, and looked straight ahead. .

Yuan Kejie followed Lu Chu's example and picked up a branch to pick the monster's eyelids. Her facial expression was extremely ugly, but she didn't retract her hand.

After just one battle, the sky has already darkened.

The grid environment this time is a bit different from the previous ones. There are neither houses nor forests outside, but flat wasteland. On the endless wasteland is the fine and soft loess that looks like quicksand, and it can leave footprints one and a half centimeters deep. Looking into the distance from where they stood, a few trees could be seen faintly, which looked a bit abrupt and depressed on the flat wasteland.

It was too barren, too quiet.

At a glance, apart from the monster that Luo Qi killed just now, there are no other moving creatures.

Song Gui looked at the trees in the distance and suggested, "Where should we go?"

Everyone agrees.

After all, in this flat and barren land, only those few trees looked alive.

So several people walked towards the tree, advancing in the same formation as they did before, in case of accidents.

The night was completely dark, and the moonlight in this grid was so faint that it was almost impossible to see the trees not far away.

Seeing this, Yuan Kejie laughed a few times, opened her backpack while walking, and said mysteriously, "It's time to open my universal backpack."

Song Gui raised his eyebrows: "Is there a light?"

"Yes," said Yuan Kejie, taking out something from her bag, "There is a small oil lamp, although we can make torches by ourselves, but I thought what if I couldn't find the tree, so I found it in the box of Taoxin. I brought a usable oil lamp with a shade and a box of matches, although it takes up a bit of space, isn’t it just useful?”

Luo Qi: "Good job."

Lu Chu walked over to help Yuan Kejie carry the bag, and Yuan Kejie freed up his hand to light the oil lamp.

Qian Zhen, who was walking in front and tall, took over the oil lamp and was responsible for leading the way.

The light from the oil lamp was not too bright, but it did bring a lot of convenience to several people.

As the few people gradually approached the tree, Lu Chu felt an indescribable strange feeling.

"It's a little strange." Lu Chu immediately told everyone his perception.

The others stopped when they heard this.

7 looked at him sideways: "What did you find?"

Lu Chu frowned lightly, and replied: "I'm not sure, I have a strange feeling in my heart. This strange feeling is somewhat similar to when I met that monster just now, but it's not exactly the same. The closer to those trees, the strange feeling Feeling stronger."

Song Gui heard the words and asked, "What about the smell?"

Lu Chu pursed her lips: "It's a bit similar."

"Could it be that kind of monster is hiding behind a tree?" Song Gui guessed.

Yuan Kejie answered, "Or, the monster evolved from a tree?"

Song Gui and Yuan Kejie guessed wildly, while Luo Qi and Qian Zhen were ready to fight.

Lu Chu also made many guesses in his mind, but in the end he just shook his head and denied those guesses.

Lu Chu and 7 looked at each other, and then said to a few people: "Go ahead and have a look, no matter how much you think about it, it's better to see it at once, but everyone should be careful."

Song Gui nodded: "Alright."

Several people raised their vigilance and continued to walk forward.

In the process of slowly approaching the tree, nothing unusual happened.

Due to the darkness of the night and the range of the light from the oil lamps not being far enough, they needed to get very close to the tree to see the close-up of the tree clearly.

However, when several people approached the tree and saw its whole picture clearly, they were all silent.

Song Gui turned to look at Yuan Kejie: "How do you feel?"

Yuan Kejie had already closed her eyes: "Let me calm down for a while."

Song Gui: "Then I'll come and ask later."

Luo Qi looked at the tree: "It's disgusting."

The tree in front of them, which they had walked for a long time, was about three to four meters high, standing upright on the desolate yellow land, shaking its dense green and long narrow branches and leaves from time to time, making rustling sounds.

From this point of view, apart from the unusual growth environment, this tree does not seem to have any other peculiarities, but this is only on the premise that the line of sight does not fall on its trunk and branches. Looking closely, the trunk of the tree is just like the previous monster, densely covered with eyes of different sizes, but these eyes are more uncomfortable than those on the monster, because the place where they connect is not the trunk .

In other words, the trunk of this tree is completely different from what everyone recognizes.

Its trunk is made of blood-red sticky flesh, and its eyes are distributed on it, as if it can flow.

At this time, Lu Chu also knew why he had that strange feeling before. It seems that this tree and that monster have the same origin.

Yuan Kejie tried to open her eyes a little, turned her face sideways and squinted to see the strange tree illuminated by the oil lamp, and then sighed: "It's really... hard to describe..."

Lu Chu also felt that it was really embarrassing for the tree to grow like this.

Luo Qi pointed to the weapon on Yuan Kejie's waist, then nodded to the strange tree, "Go and try."

If Yuan Kejie wants to overcome her fear, this tree is a good exercise tool.

Without delay, Yuan Kejie immediately put down her backpack, pulled out her knife, took a deep breath, walked to the tree, forced herself to look at the monster without blinking, and then took the knife and aimed at the strange tree and cut it.

"Pfft—" The sound of the sharp blade cutting the eyeball was heard, Yuan Kejie trembled for a while, and after a while, he cut the second and third cuts...

I don't know how many knives were chopped, but she finally stopped.

Song Gui asked, "How do you feel?"

Yuan Kejie stretched her muscles and said, "It's fine, I'm used to it."

She said "get used to it", not "not afraid anymore".

Luo Qi patted her on the shoulder, and everyone moved on.