
Chapter 84: Sixth inning


Passing by this tree, everyone continued to walk forward.

They naturally have their own considerations as they continue to move forward. In this vast wasteland where there is no grass except for strange trees, there may be some unexpected dangers lurking.

In this way, getting too close to those strange trees is definitely not a good choice. Because until now, they still haven't figured out the rules of biological changes in this "game". After experiencing the multi-armed skeleton army that can grow flesh, dissolve in water and fit together a few times before, no one can guarantee that those disgusting monsters this time Will the trees suddenly grow hands and feet, break free from the soil and attack them. At the same time, that doesn't mean it's safe to stand out in the open, with no end in sight. There is no absolute safety in this world, and the soft loess under their feet may become a monster that engulfs them.

This grid is too desolate, and there is not even any place to rest and shelter. Everyone walked for a long time, but still did not see other animals and plants.

After they passed a few strange trees, Lu Chu stopped, looked back and forth, and said to them, "We can rest here."

The front and back of this place are wastelands, and the strange trees are hundreds of miles away. It is a good choice to stop for a while and have a rest.

The night was getting darker, and there was only a crescent moon and a few stars hanging in the sky, the light was weak and bleak.

Several people took out the things in their backpacks, ate something and drank water. Then the two of them divided into a group and took turns to watch the night, while the others used their backpacks as pillows and lay directly on the ground to sleep. The things in the backpack are messy and irregular in shape, and it is very uncomfortable to use as a pillow, but everyone can always find a comfortable posture and position.

The difficulty of this grid is only a little higher than the blank grid. The monster is not difficult to deal with. The difficulty is that the appearance of the monster will make some people resist, and because of psychological fear factors, they hesitate to take action in the battle and fall below.

You know, as far as the monster's appearance is concerned, not to mention Yuan Kejie, who has a dense phobia, even Lu Chu, Songgui and the others feel very uncomfortable when they look at it.

In the middle of the night, they were attacked by two monsters. Qi and Lu Chu, who were on guard at night, quickly killed one, and Yuan Kejie who woke up took a while to kill the other.

Then nothing happened overnight until the next day.

It may be that the work and rest time of these monsters is consistent with that of human beings. They only encountered two attacks at night, but when the sun rose from the east and the night gradually faded, Lu Chu and the others encountered monster groups several times in a row. attack.

When the sun was shining at noon and the sun was scorching hot, the number of monsters attacking them reached its peak.

The pictures of a few or even a dozen naked monsters with large and small eyes all over their bodies from head to toe are very shocking. Fortunately, the psychological quality of Lu Chu and the others is not ordinary. Even Yuan Kejie became more and more used to fighting again and again, from frowning and enduring to expressionless.

Finally, after the six of them dealt with the eleven monsters that attacked them just now, they finally had time to catch their breath.

"It was quite cool last night, but at noon it was so hot that I almost peeled off a layer of skin. What kind of weather is this?" Yuan Kejie panted while wiping the sweat off her face.

Fortunately, they still have some water on their bodies, otherwise, there would be no grass growing in the loess for thousands of miles, and they would not know how to replenish water.

"It's getting hotter and hotter." Song Gui was also sweating profusely. "If you have to keep fighting in this situation, your body will lose too much salt and water."

Lu Chu put his hands in front of his eyes, covering the dazzling sunlight, and looked up at the sky. The scorching sun hung directly above them, the dazzling white light seemed to burn people's eyes, and the strong ultraviolet rays scorched everything on the land including them. The temperature of the loess on the ground has also risen, and it seems that within one meter above the ground, the air that is too hot and distorted can be seen, like steaming heat rising from the bottom.

The temperature is estimated to be close to 40 degrees, and there is a possibility that it will continue to rise.

Lu Chu licked his dry lower lip and said, "Perhaps the difficulty of Grid this time is not only the attack of strange creatures, but also the harsh living environment."

As soon as he finished speaking, a bottle appeared in front of him.

Lu Chu followed the slender hand holding the bottle and looked at the face of the person holding the bottle. It was indeed 7.

7 saw him licking his lips just now, and knew that he was already thirsty, so he opened his water bottle and handed it over.

"Thank you." Lu Chu smiled gently at him, took the water bottle and took two sips.

After Lu Chu drank the water, he handed the bottle back to 7.

7 took the bottle, and before screwing on the cap, he gently stroked the place where Lu Chu's lips were pressed with his thumb.

As time goes by, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and now it is so hot that the space between the back and the backpack will be completely wet after wearing the backpack for a while.

In such an extremely hot environment, several people had to fight with monsters attacking them one after another from time to time. After repeating this several times, they were almost running out of water because they needed to replenish their strength.

Luo Qi was dragging the backpack in one hand and the shovel in the other, with her cuffs rolled up to her shoulders. She glanced at Yuan Kejie and asked, "What time is it?"

Yuan Kejie covered part of the light with the back of her hand, squinted her eyes to confirm the position of the sun, and replied after a while: "Maybe one or two o'clock."

Song Gui heard the words: "The hottest time of the day is around three o'clock, and even at sunset, the temperature will not drop very quickly, so we still have to bear it."

"And there is no shelter here," Lu Chu said, pointing to the strange trees in the distance, "except those... trees?"

Yuan Kejie sighed: "Let's call it a tree, although it has as many eyes as stars."

Song Gui teased her: "It seems that you have gotten used to it very well, and you still use stars to describe your eyes."

Yuan Kejie sighed again: "I have to..."

At this time, Qian Zhen, who had been silent all this time, suggested, "Would you like to go there to enjoy the cool?"

"There" refers to the place where the strange tree is naturally.

Enjoying the shade under such a tree, even if you can get some coolness, it will not feel good to the senses.

Yuan Kejie first said after hearing the words: "Is it safe? If it is safe, we will go there. Don't worry about my feelings. I'm used to it."

Song Jizhi smiled, looked at her and said, "Although I'm sorry, we don't mean to care about your feelings."

Yuan Kejie: "..."

Whether it's safe or not can't be seen with the naked eye. After discussing it, they decided to go over there to have a look. As for whether the shadow of the strange tree can really bring a little coolness to a few people, it is also unknown.

The tree that Lu Chu and the others chose was much larger than the other strange trees. It was tall, firm and luxuriant, and looked full of vitality. Of course, it also had many eyes.

Several people walked to the shade of the tree with anticipation.

Qian Zhen: "..."

Yuan Kejie: "Do you feel it?"

Luo Qi: "No."

Song Gui: "You can go."

Lu Chu and Qi looked at each other.

This kind of stuffy heat has long been in the air, and every breath is filled with a sense of anxiety, which can no longer be driven away by standing in the shade.

The time was approaching three o'clock, and the ground temperature was so high that you could feel a little heat through the soles of your shoes.

Luo Qi, who hated sweating too much on her feet and feeling uncomfortable wearing shoes, took off her shoes and hung them on a rope around her neck, then stepped barefoot on the scorching loess. After a while, the soles of her feet turned red.

Yuan Kejie saw it, and couldn't help saying: "Qiqi, your feet are almost roasted."

Luo Qi wiped off her sweat: "It's okay." After finishing speaking, she didn't forget to add, "Also, don't call me Qiqi."

Everyone else is not feeling well either.

Fortunately, probably because those monsters could not bear the high temperature, there were fewer and fewer monsters attacking them, which saved them a lot of energy.

Conserve water, reduce exercise, and avoid talking.

For the next few hours, several people followed these three rules, and finally survived until the sunset.

The burning heat finally began to slowly dissipate. Although the air was still full of impetuous and stuffy factors, it made everyone feel better.

Finally, under the longing of several people, the tower appeared on the wasteland out of thin air.

The few people almost saw the savior, ran to the tower as fast as possible, and then rushed in.

The moment they entered the tower, a refreshing coolness rushed over their faces, and they finally relaxed.

Yuan Kejie let out a sigh: "I got a new life."

Song Rule said that he never wanted to go to the sauna again in his life.

Lu Chu nodded in agreement, although he had no chance to see the sauna room.

At this moment, their lips were chapped and pale, which was enough to show how bad the environment was before.

Several people sat in their seats.

After a while, the six people turned their gazes to the grid in front of them. The last time the dice was thrown, it was "one" thrown by Qian Zhen, that is, it was only moved back one grid. Therefore, the six grids after this time are "Blank", "Blank", "Skeleton", "Beast Claw", "Blank", and "Eyes".

This time it was Yuan Kejie who threw it.

As the finale, Yuan Kejie put the dice in her palm, raised her hand to her ear with a serious expression, and then shook her eyes violently with her eyes closed.


Following Yuan Kejie's roar, she threw the dice high.

Because of the great strength used, the dice rolled for more than ten seconds before barely stopping and stabilizing at five points.

Yuan Kejie breathed a sigh of relief—fortunately, Song Guiqianzhen and the others were not on the same side.

Lu Chu praised: "Good luck."

Everyone else nodded.

This was the third time they faced a blank grid. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. This time they not only replenished food, water and other supplies, but also took a good rest to recharge their energy.