
Chapter 93: Seventh inning


Tang Shizhe and Gao Yong looked at each other, laughed and drove a wave of trains, while Lu Chu was forced by the two to listen.

Finally, under Lu Chu's reminder, Gao Yong remembered that he hadn't packed his luggage yet, so he stopped arguing with Tang Shizhe, and turned around to pack his things.

Lu Chu and Tang Shizhe carried the bedding for the four of them back to the dormitory before the sun went down.

Lu Chu made his own bed and said, "Lay out the sheets, put on the pillowcase and quilt cover, and then you can go to sleep."

"Decree," Tang Shizhe gave a military salute to Lu Chu, "Young one, let's go!"

Lu Chu couldn't laugh or cry.

After packing up, the three of them went to the cafeteria to have dinner together.

This night, until the three of them were asleep, Chen Hong did not come back to the dormitory.


On the second day, Tang Shizhe looked at Chen Hong's bed which was still unoccupied, and exchanged a very meaningful look with Gao Yong, "It really is so".

Although it is the start of school today, they do not have classes, but they have to go to the supervisor's office to report and sign in.

Because of this, some courageous students simply bought the train tickets to arrive tonight, and then found students from other majors to sign in for themselves—anyway, the instructors would not see them a few times in a semester, and they could not remember everyone’s name. Appearance and gender are all right.

In the afternoon, when the professional group reminded me to go to the office to sign in, there was still no sign of Chen Hong.

Tang Shizhe asked the other two: "Chen Hong hasn't come back, did he and his girlfriend reach a feverish stage?"

Gao Yong's tone was full of envy: "Oh, it's possible... By the way, should we help him sign it?"

"How to sign?" Tang Shizhe asked back, "This is under the nose of the instructor, and one person can only sign one name."

Gao Yong thought for a while: "For example, one person signs first, and then goes there in half an hour?"

Tang Shizhe despised him: "The instructor is not dementia, can't recognize who you are, can't you recognize that you are the same person?"

Gao Yong smiled and said, "You can change your costume first. If it doesn't work, you can find someone who is not a professional, right, Lu Chu!"

Lu Chu replied: "I don't have this experience, so I don't know much about it."

Just as the three of them were discussing how to help Chen Hong sign in under the noses of the instructor and pass the customs in a foolish way, there was the sound of a key opening the door.

Afterwards, the door of the dormitory was pushed open, and Chen Hong walked in with vain footsteps.

"You're back, we're still discussing how to help you sign in," Gao Yong said as if he was asking for credit when he saw him, but the moment Gao Yong saw Chen Hong's face clearly, his eyes widened and he said excitedly, "Fuck, are you being squeezed dry?!"

I saw that Chen Hong's footsteps were not only flimsy now, but also his face was blue and white, his eyelids were drooping listlessly, there were thick dark circles under his eyes, his lips were dry and peeled, and his mental state was extremely poor.

Tang Shizhe was also taken aback: "Brother playing so intensely?"

Chen Hong rubbed his eyes, his voice was hoarse: "What are you thinking about, you guys, I took the train for half a day yesterday, and I was called to help carry the luggage of my girlfriend's dormitory at night, and I was exhausted."

"Then where did you sleep last night?" Tang Shizhe asked the question he was most concerned about.

"Where can I go, the hotel where I stayed with my girlfriend," Chen Hong yawned and climbed onto the bed, "I'm so sleepy, I'll sleep first."

Tang Shizhe and Gao Yong exchanged glances, looked, talked for a long time, and finally still had kidney deficiency.

Before Chen Hong fell asleep, Gao Yong raised his voice and asked, "Then what do you do when you sign in?"

Chen Hong muttered: "I signed it when I came back..." His voice became smaller and smaller, and he fell silent after he finished speaking. After a while, there was the sound of snoring on the bed.

The other three looked at each other and spoke in a low voice.

Tang Shizhe: "Then let's sign it?"

Gao Yong: "Let's go."

Lu Chu: "Let's go."

The three of them walked out of the dormitory, and before Lu Chushun closed the door at the end, he glanced at the direction of Chen Hong's bed.

A little bit cold.


Going to the instructor to sign in, Tang Shizhe and Gao Yong hit it off, and decided to go to the Internet cafe for a day to fight, and Lu Chu was also forcibly drawn. The three of them booked a private room, Lu Chu was staring at the computer in a daze, and the other two were playing games excitedly, so excited that they were about to drop their keyboards.

For dinner, he also had instant noodles directly in the private room of the internet cafe. Lu Chu tried to leave the dinner, but was forced to stay by Tang Shizhe and Gao Yong. They pretended not to go back and disturb Chen Hong's sleep.

The downstairs door of the dormitory is locked at around ten o'clock in the evening. They live on the fourth floor, and it is impossible to climb in through the window. Therefore, at nine o'clock in the evening, Tang Shizhe and Gao Yong finally reluctantly announced the end of the show.

Lu Chu heaved a sigh of relief, it was finally over.

Back in the dormitory, Chen Hong was still sleeping. When he heard the sound of the three people opening the door, he squinted his eyes and got out of bed drowsily to go to the bathroom. Looking at Chen Hong again now, he found that his complexion was a little better, with a rosy color, and the yin energy had also faded a little.

Lu Chu was already sure that Chen Hong had encountered something unclean, but it was hard to say what it was.

After washing up, Lu Chu received a call from Lu's mother.

Lu Chu pressed the button and walked to the balcony.

"Hi, Xiao Chu." Mother Lu's voice came from over there.

"Well, Mom."

"Are you going to sleep?"

"not yet."

"Mom asked you something," Lu's mother said in a serious tone, "You said you met something else in front of our house when you were in New Year's Eve. Has anything happened to you since then?"

Lu Chu's expression also became serious: "No. What's the matter, Mom, did something happen?"

Ever since he felt a gust of wind blowing past him on the night of his 30th day, except for encountering the 7 with the soul body attached to the copper plate, he has never encountered anything beyond the scope of science.

"It's fine if you don't have it, it's fine if you don't have it," Lu's mother let go of half of her heart, "There is a girl in our village who is about the same age as you, and she also goes to college in your city, but the school is different. Working outside, she lived with her uncle and aunt, and occasionally went to live with her grandma. As a result, yesterday, the school called her uncle and aunt to ask why she hadn’t reported to school yet. His uncle said she was living at her grandma’s house. Then, I asked where my grandma was, and said that I lived with my uncle and aunt."

Speaking of this, Lu's mother sighed: "Now, the two sides only found out that the girl is missing."

Lu Chu frowned upon hearing this: "Did you find it?"

"I found it," said Lu's mother. "After the year, it snowed a few times, and the snow in many places in the village was piled high. Just turn north on the path in front of our house, and then walk Some distance away, in a snowdrift in a wasteland, the child's... body was found."

Before Lu Chu could respond, Lu's mother continued, "I called the police, and the doctor came, saying that the child was frozen to death in a snowdrift, and the time of death was—"

When Mother Lu said this, Lu Chu had already anticipated what Mother Lu would say next.

"On the night of New Year's Eve."

as predicted.

Lu's mother suspected that the dark wind that Lu Chu felt that day was related to the dead girl, so she hurriedly called to inquire.

"Mom, don't worry, nothing happened to me." Lu Chu comforted Lu's mother for a moment, and then Lu's mother was completely relieved, and after a few words of concern for Lu Chu, she hung up the phone.

When Lu Chu walked back into the house from the balcony, Tang Shizhe and Tang Shizhe had already climbed into bed.

"Lu Chu," Tang Shizhe shouted from the bed, "turn off the light when you go to bed."

Lu Chu responded, tidied up, then turned off the light and went to bed.

Lying on the bed, Lu Chu was still thinking about what Lu's mother had told him just now—wondering whether the dead girl had anything to do with the "Bone Corpse".

While sorting out his thoughts, Lu Chu touched the red marks on his chest.

7's soul is weak and weak, and needs to rest and recuperate. Since meeting Lu Chu that day, it has never appeared again, as if in a deep sleep, with no news.

While thinking about it, before he knew it, Lu Chu closed his eyes and fell asleep.

late at night.

There is no moonlight outside, and the darkness inside is getting thicker.

Lu Chu frowned in his sleep, let out a low moan, and curled up his body like self-protection.

He had a dream.

In the dream, he was in a wedding room. On one wall of the wedding room, there were portraits of immortals that he could not recognize. In front of the portraits was a reddish-brown wooden table with apples and other foods on it.

And Lu Chu was in it, unable to move.

All of a sudden, the sound of drums and drums sounded in his ears, and then he felt his body swaying to the rhythm, being carried into a bright red paper sedan chair. There is the sound of suona playing and sometimes heavy drumming. The person standing in front of the suona team is carrying a red basket and throwing white papers out one by one. Looked very weird.

The sedan chair had been walking for some time, and finally stopped. Lu Chu felt that he was being lifted out of the sedan chair.

He was placed in a two-person-wide pit dug on the ground, and just when he thought he was going to be buried alive, another body was placed beside him.

It was the dead body of a woman.

Most of her hair had fallen off, and her flesh had long since turned dry black and stuck to her body. Her body was thin, almost like a handful of dry bones, and her body exuded a rotten stench.

Lu Chu could see clearly that at the moment she was placed beside him, her cloudy eyeballs that were about to rot and fall out of their sockets moved and slowly turned in his direction.

A handful of clear water poured down, it was bone-chillingly cold, and poured over his body.

Lu Chu felt that the clear water falling on his body directly passed through his abdomen and wet the ground under him.

It turned out that he was also a rotting corpse.