Instant Kill

Chapter 106: battle (below)


"Wonderful! Grandpa Nanshan is really fierce. He can fight the big beast martial artist with his bare hands, and he has the upper hand."

Guo Twelve was amazed. It must be known that the big beast martial artist has the spirit of the beast, and the strength can be increased by at least 30%, and Qi Nanshan has the upper hand in the fight, and Liu Changfeng is in a state of embarrassment.

Luo Jie said: "Liu Changfeng is very strong, if it weren't for Dashan's advanced level, the two would be evenly matched."

At this time, Liu Changfeng could no longer resist Qi Nanshan's attack. He rushed out and shouted, "Hold on!" As soon as the two words came out, another mouthful of blood spurted out. He coughed and said sadly, "I lost!" After speaking, he turned around and left.

Qi Nanshan is both happy and regretful. He knows in his heart that with his current strength, there is no big beast martial artist in Xifumen who is his opponent.

The people of Beifumen were jubilant. In the past, Beifumen had been suppressed by the people of Xifumen, especially in the martial arts profession, Xifumen had a great advantage, because they had the spirits of talismans or beasts, and their strength was at least 30% higher. This time, Qi Nanshan made a move, and the people who beat Xifumen had no power to fight back, and one person defeated three big beast warriors in a row.

In this competition, Beifumen won a big victory, which caused a great sensation in Xifucheng. Everyone knows that Beifumen has an extremely powerful master.

After living in the inner door of Xifu Gate for three days, Guo Shishi basically did not go out. Unless the master called him out, he would never go out. in spite of.

Chen Hong came in with a glass of water and asked, "Twelve, are you reading again?"

Guo Shishi felt amused and said, "What is it? I've been reading a book!" He took the hot water, covered his cold hand, and asked, "Xiaohong, what's the matter?"

Chen Hong said with a smile: "Hee hee, I know I can't hide it from you! Twelve, let's go shopping. I've been here for three days, and I haven't gone out for a walk. I've been stuck in a small courtyard all day, and I'm bored to death."

Guo Twelve said, "Go on your own, I still have books to read."

Chen Hong smiled bitterly: "Twelve, if you don't go... Who would dare to go out?"

Guo Twelve said, "Come in, don't hide outside!" Huo Bao and the others walked into the room one by one, with expectant expressions on their faces. Guo Twelve sighed and said, "Okay, okay, I'll go... Shito, you go and inform Uncle Eagle Demon and Uncle Luo that we'll go together."

Huo Bao cheered and said with a smile: "I just said, as long as Xiaohong goes out..." He suddenly stopped, Guo Shishi's murderous eyes had already shot over, and he was so frightened that he turned around and ran: "I'll go and call Uncle Eagle Demon. …”

Chen Hong's face was slightly hot, but she remained calm and said, "I'll go find Uncle Luo."

Guo Shishi said: "Stone, since they have gone to inform the uncle, you can go to the person in charge here and ask him to find us a guide."

Hong Shi also turned around and went out.

Guo Twelve put on a big leather robe, big leather boots, and a big leather cap, and was fully armed. The weather is getting colder and colder, and he is getting less and less suited to the climate here.

After a while, Eagle Demon and Luo Zhan walked in. Eagle Demon smiled and said, "Twelve, why did you think of going out today?"

Guo Shishi said: "I've been bored in the room for too long, go out for a walk, take a look at their market, maybe there is something special, buy something back and give it to others."

Eagle Demon said: "Before everyone goes out, I remind you to bring your own weapons. Hehe, there may be a fight at any time. You can't refuse to fight at Xifumen."

Luo Zhan said: "Everyone knows about the battle between Mr. Qi and Xifumen a few days ago, hehe, it's an honor, once you go out, you will be targeted, because we are people of Beifumen."

Guo Shishi was dizzy and said, "Uh, that means, as long as we go out, we will definitely fight?"

Eagle Demon praised: "That's right!"

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said, "This is Xifumen, if they go together, we'll be a fart!"

Eagle Demon said: "That won't happen, it's usually a heads-up, and it's the same level, unless you want to challenge yourself."

Guo Twelve asked, "What should I do if I'm killed?"

Eagle Demon said: "Someone will come to collect the corpse if you are killed... So be careful when you fight. Once you lose, don't hold back and admit defeat immediately. People here will not laugh at those who lose, because no one will win forever."

Guo Twelve remembered the battle in Qi Nanshan a few days ago. The people of Xifumen were indeed like this. Once they found that they could not win, they immediately conceded defeat without any hesitation. He said, "Okay, I see." He suddenly thought of a question and asked, "Uncle Eagle Demon, if someone comes to challenge me, can I ask Uncle to go up for me?"

Eagle Demon couldn't help but want to laugh, this little guy is lazy enough. He said: "Unless it's a team-to-team battle, otherwise, you can't refuse to be singled out..."

Guo Twelve couldn't help but scolded: "What the hell kind of rule is this? If a big beast martial artist challenges me, how will I fight?"

Luo Zhan said: "Don't listen to the eagle, the challenge is generally only the same class and the same level, otherwise it will not be all messed up."

Chen Bing said: "If it is a team against a team, hehe, we are invincible!"

Eagle Demon said: "Of course, with our two great masters here, any team that comes here will end in ashes."

Guo Shishi said: "Okay, let's go. I'm afraid we won't be able to go to Xifu City. It's too far. Let's go shopping in the market at the inner door. There should be a lot of good things there... I hope we don't fight, I am Civilized people."

"Civilized people? What do you mean?"

Eagle Demon had never heard the word. Guo Twelve smiled and said, "As opposed to barbarians."

Luo Zhan was also at a loss, he said, "Barbarians... They feel like people with strong force, don't they?"

Guo Twelve said, "Well, that's what it means..."

Eagle Demon said: "Well, I like savages, but I don't like civilized people." Luo Zhan and his four children also agreed, making Guo Twelve very depressed, and he said angrily: "Let's go, a bunch of savages! "

Huo Bao said excitedly: "I'm a barbarian, haha, I'm a barbarian..." Guo Shishi was speechless, he rolled his eyes and said, "Find me a carriage... It's such a cold day, I There is no need to ride a horse, a carriage is more comfortable…”

Eagle Demon and Luo Zhan looked at each other and smiled bitterly. This little ancestor was extremely afraid of the cold. I really don't know how he survived that section of the grassland road. It was a windy and snowy climate, and it was much colder than the city.

There are several large markets in the inner door of Xifumen, which is no different from that of Beifumen, all of which serve inner disciples and their families. People outside the gate cannot enjoy these services unless they have special permission. As for the people in Xifu City, except for certain businesses, ordinary people don't even want to come in.


Guo Twelve got off the carriage. He is the leader of the team, and the Eagle Demon and other six people depend on him to support him, so he also enjoys the services of these people. Looking up, a large stone archway was erected in front of him. The three characters on it made Guo Shishi speechless.

"Beast House!"

Guo Twelve couldn't help but say, "Damn it, who named this? It's so talented!"

Eagle Demon puzzled: "Is there something wrong? Beast Square is the most famous market in Neimen."

Guo Twelve said: "Well, I wonder if there is a hooligan street?"

Eagle Demon said, "I've never heard of a hooligan street."

Guo Twelve sighed and said, "Alas, I don't have a common language with you. Let's go, let's go in... be a beast."

The Eagle Demon has been wandering in the prairie, and has never felt that there is anything wrong with the word beast. He smiled and said, "Okay! Let's be a beast once, hehe."

In Xifumen, animal is just an ordinary word, without any connotations of praise or criticism. The occupation system of Xifumen is based on the beast.

A group of people walked into the animal house.

Guo Twelve followed the Eagle Demon lazily and asked, "Uncle Eagle Demon, what are the characteristics of the Beast Square?"

Eagle Demon said: "In the market where animals are sold, if you are lucky, you can see live talisman beasts, hehe, but, according to the classification you said, there are at most first- and second-level talismanic beasts, and there will be no seven. Level rune beasts appear."

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "The seventh-level talisman beast? Haha, uncle, you are joking. If the seventh-level talisman beast can absolutely destroy the entire inner sect, that thing is too powerful."

There were not many pedestrians in the animal workshop. When Guo Shishi and the others came, the disciples from the inner gate of Xifu gate all looked at them, as if they were watching a group of rare animals, all of them eager to try, all written in face. Guo Twelve smiled bitterly: "They seem to be very unfriendly, hehe."

Eagle Demon is not surprised: "This is normal... Your grandfather Nanshan defeated three big beast martial artists in one breath. It's strange that they have a good attitude."

Luo Zhan said lightly: "We don't want to cause trouble, but we don't need to be afraid of trouble. As long as they dare to challenge, we will hit them hard so that they don't dare to come again."

Guo Twelve asked, "Uncle Eagle Demon, which is the largest store in the Beast Square?"

Eagle Demon smiled and said, "I should be able to see it. It's just around the corner. Do you see the signboard? That's it."

"Beast Pavilion!"

Guo Twelve could only smile bitterly. In the previous life, beast was a real derogatory term, but here it has become a signboard and a symbol. He said, "Okay, let's go to the Beast Pavilion."

The signboard of the Animal Pavilion is large, but the entrance is small, which is mainly determined by the local climate. The thick animal skin curtain was opened, Eagle Demon was in front, Luo Zhan was behind, and the two walked in under the protection of Guo Twelve.

It was brightly lit and there were many guests. As soon as Guo Twelve and the others entered, the eyes of those people pierced like knives like swords. Guo Twelve smiled and said, "There are still a lot of people inside."

"Hey, isn't this someone from Beifumen? Why did you come here?"

A woman came out of the crowd and looked at the crowd curiously, her eyes appearing unscrupulous.

There are generally not many women among professionals, especially in Xifumen and Beifumen. I heard that there are many female professionals in Nanfumen, and there are also many in Dongfumen.

This woman is obviously a professional, because she has followers, followed by two beast martial artists.

Guo Twelve asked, "Can't you come here?"

"Sister! I found a good thing, quickly buy it for me!"

A little girl ran downstairs. The woman said, "Xiaoyun, come here quickly."

The little girl saw Guo Shishi and others at a glance, with a surprised look on her face. She walked quickly to the woman's side and asked in a low voice, "Who are they?"