Instant Kill

Chapter 11: Apprenticeship (above)


Guo Twelve was a little strange. In the past three days, only Chang Yeren sent an invitation, but none of the other old people showed up. Is there any agreement between them? Or reached some kind of tacit understanding? He couldn't figure it out for the time being, so he didn't think about it. Anyway, he didn't have any losses, and depending on how the situation developed, he had enough patience to wait.

The carriage soon reached the gate of a manor. This manor is located in the north corner of the town, covering a very large area, with ten warriors standing at the door.

A middle-aged man came out soon, looking at his identity token, it was a curse. The man greeted him with a smile on his face, and said, "Is it Brother Guo Twelfth? I am Chang Haoran, and my father is waiting in the house. "

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Uncle Chang, hello, I am Guo Twelve, this is Huo Bao, my brother. "Huo Bao stepped forward to salute. The two followed Chang Haoran into the manor.

Guo Shishi suddenly found that there were no other guests. He asked: "Isn't it a banquet? "

Chang Haoran smiled and said: "Yes, it's you, little brother, you are my father's only guest. "

Guo Twelve couldn't help laughing, how could there be such a way to entertain guests, this excuse is a bit bad. Following Chang Haoran all the way, he found that this manor was a hundred times larger than the small courtyard he lived in. Walking in it, he would get lost if he was not careful.

Ten minutes later, they came to an exquisite small living room.

Chang Yeren stood at the door, smiled and said: "Twelve is coming, hehe, come! It's cold outside, come in and sit. "

On the log couch, which was covered with thick fur, Chang Yeren greeted his servants to bring four low tables. He sat down cross-legged and said, "Come on, all sit down." Haoran, you go and give an order, you can serve the food. "

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Grandpa Chang, is it a talisman? "

Chang Yeren nodded and said: "Yes, the little baby should have never eaten it, hehe, talisman food is the food that our talismans eat. "

The servants brought a few wooden plates, Guo Shishi was surprised to see that it was fresh cooking. One is fried vegetables, but he doesn't know what vegetables they are, there is also a plate of fried mushrooms with sliced meat, and a steamed fish. Three stir-fries in total, plus a crock pot of soup. He smelled the smell and knew that it was radish stewed pork ribs soup.

Guo Twelve was about to burst into tears. This is a home-cooked dish in the previous life, but it is called a talisman here. However, he was really happy to be able to eat such a dish.

A big bowl of rice with a pointy edge was served.

Guo Twelve almost cried out. He thought there was no rice in this world, but he didn't expect to see it here. It's worth coming here. In his last life, he was a gluttonous eater, and he liked to eat, and he liked to cook it by himself. In this life, due to being too young and trying to adapt to the environment, the enjoyment of speech has not been considered for the time being.

Nagano Ren smiled and said: "These are the ingredients I personally cultivated, and they all grow by cultivating Tibetan charms. How about a taste? "

Guo Shishi found that the rice was slightly different from the previous life. It smelled very fragrant, even more fragrant than fragrant rice. The rice grains were also slightly larger, very pale green, and crystal clear. He tried to take a bite, it was soft, smooth and glutinous, very delicious, and couldn't help but praised: "Good! This meal is delicious! "

Not only is the rice delicious, but the dishes are also very delicious. He can taste it. Except for a little salt, there are no seasonings in the dishes, but the taste of the dishes is surprisingly good.

Guo Twelve was reluctant to eat quickly, he ate slowly, savoring the taste carefully.

Huo Bao ate at an astonishing speed, and after three minutes, even the pork ribs soup was clean. He smacked his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Delicious is delicious... It's just too little, not enough to fill your stomach. "

Although Chang Haoran didn't eat as fast as Huo Bao, he was not slow, and he finished eating quickly. Only Chang Yeren and Guo Shishi, the big and the small, ate slowly.

Chang Yeren pays attention to the demeanor of eating talisman food, while Guo Shishi is nostalgic for the feeling of the previous life. But Nagano Ren misunderstood. He felt that this little guy was able to taste the food so calmly and carefully in the face of the temptation, indicating that his mind was very mature, able to resist the temptation, and he was a good seedling for cultivating spells.

Chang Haoran and Huo Bao ate them all in less than ten minutes. Chang Yeren and Guo Shishi ate for forty minutes. Guo Twelve ate very cleanly, not even a drop of soup was left, as did Chang Yeren. In this world, no one wastes food, not even the very rich.

"Thank you Grandpa Chang for your hospitality. "

Guo Twelve sincerely thank you. He was very grateful to be able to taste such delicious food, which reminded him of his previous life.

Chang Yeren was also very satisfied, especially his attitude towards Guo Shishi. He smiled and said: "It's nothing, you can come after the 12th when you have time. Although the food is rare, it's no problem to entertain you for a few meals. "

"Twelve, what are you going to do during the four-year apprenticeship? "

Guo Shishi said in his heart: "Come on! Come to test. "He had been reminded by Chen Chunzhai in advance, so he said calmly: "I'm still thinking about it, hehe, Grandpa Chang, I just arrived at the inner door, I just started to study, I don't understand many things, I want to adapt for a while Enough. "

It's a word of mouth.

Chang Yeren stroked his beard, pondered for a moment, and wondered in his heart: How can this child speak so well, and there are no loopholes. He said: "Oh, if there is anything unfamiliar or inconvenient, just tell me, Grandpa will help you solve it! "

Guo Twelve neither agreed nor opposed, but said respectfully, "Thank you, Grandpa. "

With just such a polite remark, Nagano Ren was speechless, and he shouted in his heart: "Damn, is this still a child? Even more cunning than adults, it is simply slippery. "

In fact, Guo Shishi is not opposed to worshiping Changye Ren as a teacher, but he still wants to know a little more. The quality of the teacher is related to his future growth, so he must act cautiously.

Nagano Ren had no choice but to use the most common method, to be close to it, and to make it homely. Unfortunately, time is limited. This set requires time and patience, and cannot be forced. He said: "Twelve, with your potential, you can practice talismans at the same time, but I suggest you practice talismans first, and then consider cultivating mantras. "

When it came to cultivating talismans, Guo Twelve's interest increased greatly. He had many doubts in his heart. Although he had read a lot of books, after all, he had little contact with him. It would be great to be able to get advice from Hitoshi Nagano. He asked: "Progress from apprentice to spell master, the fastest... Do you know how long it takes? "

"As far as I know, four years! Progressing from the age of eight to twelve is successful! "

Guo Shishi was silent for a moment, and then said: "General potential... How long will it take? "

Nagano Ren said: "Eight years to thirty years. "

Guo Twelve was surprised and said: "How long does it take? "

Nagano Ren said: "Spells are a very profound knowledge. The time to learn is too short to understand the true meaning of spells. It must take a long time. Through unremitting efforts and study, there is also a strong comprehension. Ability... It's not easy to train a spellcaster. "

" But don't worry, hehe, you just started to study, you are relatively young, and there is enough time for you to practice. "

Guo Twelve knew that the life expectancy of ordinary people here is not long, similar to that of people in the previous life. Generally, the end of life is around the age of sixty. Those who can live to seventy or eighty years old are all people with relatively good physical fitness. Ordinary people Rarely survives until then. The environment here is harsh, and it is often attacked by wild beasts. It is a blessing to live to the end of the year, and it is normal to not live.

But people who practice spells are different. Once the advanced level is successful, the lifespan can be almost doubled. Most of the talismans, talismans, and magicians can have a life span of 120 years, and the talisman warriors are slightly lower, and can live to more than 100 years old. If you can advance again and reach the level of a spell master or a spell master, then you can increase your lifespan by 80 years to reach two hundred years of life, and a martial artist can also have a lifespan of one hundred and sixty years. Of course, if you die in battle, that's another story.

As for the advanced to the Great Talisman, Great Talisman, Great Spellmaster, the life span can reach 300 years old, and the Great Talisman Martial Artist can reach 250 years old. However, it is very difficult to advance to the master level. Even in a super sect like Beifumen, there are not more than 40 people who have reached the master level. These people are the mainstay of the sect and will not appear easily.

Guo Twelve didn't care much about lifespan. He possessed the secret technique of soul reincarnation, which was equivalent to possessing the ability to live long. What he wants to do is to not let the soul dissipate and be able to reincarnate safely.

"This is a reference book commonly used by runes, and it is a gift from the uncle. "

Nagano Ren took out a matchbox-sized talisman, handed it to Guo Shishi, and said with a smile: "It's different from ordinary books, this is a talisman book, which contains some of my experience and experience, which is very good for your beginning study. s help. "

Guo Twelve took it over and played with it for a while, then asked: "How does this work? "

Chang Yeren asked people to take a pen and paper, quickly drew a figure on the paper, and said, "This is a rune lock. "Then drew another figure and smiled: "This is a talisman. Every rune lock is similar, but every key is different, you try to write down this key map, and then go to unlock the rune lock. "

Guo Twelve had read some books on runes in the past three days, and had a little understanding of the use of runes, but he had never tried them before, so he picked up the runes with great interest. Through his forehead, he saw the runes on the talisman book, which were exactly the same as the talismans drawn on paper by Nagano Ren.

After carefully observing the talisman, I tried to draw it on the talisman. After about five minutes, Guo Shishi let out a long sigh, and the talisman in his hand suddenly became larger and became a wooden bookcase. He said happily: "Success! "

Nagano Ren's face changed slightly, this kind of aptitude is simply terrifying. He handed the talisman and the talisman key to Guo Twelve, but he did not expect that he would succeed. He originally planned to wait for him to open it in a hurry, and take the opportunity to tempt and win him over. Who knew that this little guy only took five minutes to open it. The talisman lock, untied the bondage, and released the talisman.

Chang Haoran looked at Guo Twelve with incredible eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Twelve, have you studied before? "

Guo Shishi said: "No, this is the first time I use runes, it's really fun, it's amazing! "

Open the bookcase, there are eight books inside, four of them are a set, the book is called "Fu Ji Refining and Production", and there are two sets, the book is called "Special Rune Record", divided into two. There are two volumes up and down, and the other two are "Bone Symbols Explaining Doubts" and "The Making of Black Symbols". Seeing the title of the last book, Guo Shishi couldn't help widening his eyes and said in surprise: "The production of black talisman money? Black talisman money... Can it be crafted too? "