Instant Kill

Chapter 119: The Secret Realm of Wild Beasts (Part 1)


Qi Nanshan was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter: "Haha, hahaha! Master bastard? Where did the bullshit come from? Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter... Lao Xi, you are so wonderful, I really admire it. You...haha!"

Tan Laoxi said with a bitter face, "You two bastards, you know how to bully me! Oh, you have learned badly, I have never seen you so cunning before? Well, I admit it, and I can get a rune horse anyway. If you cooperate with other teams, there is basically no hope... Damn, seven masters, this is too bullying."

Luo Jie said with a smile: "Fu horses are precious even in the West Fu Sect, and even more precious in our North Fu Sect. At least half of the Fu horses we get must be handed over to the sect, and you get it cleanly, so what else is there? So sad? You already earned it! So, that ancient talisman will also belong to us."

Tan Laoxi had no interest in that ancient talisman, he said, "Alas, Lao Luo, you were never so shrewd before!"

Luo Jie said with a smile: "I want to raise so many masters, there is no way... poor!"

Tan Laoxi was completely speechless. He thought about it too. There are many masters, and the strength is indeed strong, but the masters are not easy to raise. Not only do they need to train the body, but also provide food, clothing, housing, and transportation, which is not an ordinary waste of money. He said: "Okay, don't cry and be poor, a great spell master will not be short of money."

Qi Nanshan said: "By the way, this plan must be approved by Twelve."

Tan Laoxi disapproved and said, "He's a child... what's there to recognize? Well, well, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Luo Jie said: "Tomorrow you are going to enter the secret realm, so you should rest earlier today."

Tan Laoxi said: "Damn, drive me away again! Okay, I'm leaving... I don't have any feelings for an old friend at all." He left naggingly.

After Tan Laoxi left, Luo Jie said, "Dashan, I must do my best this time. Whether it's a talisman or an ancient talisman, I hope to get it."

Qi Nanshan smiled and said, "We have eight masters, so there should be no problem."

In the early morning, Guo Twelve got up early, played a set of Tai Chi in the yard, moved his body a little, and then practiced nine sets of basic movements. These are already very skilled, and when you return to Beifumen, you can practice advanced movements. Although he didn't need to learn these basic talisman techniques, he always believed that the foundation was the most important thing, so he didn't let up in the slightest.

After a while, Eagle Demon and Luo Zhan came to the small courtyard and began to exercise.

Eagle Demon asked, "Where are you going today?" He didn't go to Luo Jie's place yesterday, so he didn't know that he was going to the secret realm today.

Guo Shishi said: "Go to the wild beast secret realm."

Eagle Demon said: "That's a good place, hehe, I've always wanted to go in, but I haven't had a chance. This time I go in and see, hehe, the secret realm of wild beasts... rich in rune beasts and mutant rune beasts."

Guo Twelve asked, "Uncle Luo, Huo Bao and the others haven't gotten up yet?"

Luo Zhan said: "Get up, wash in the room, and come out immediately." While speaking, Huo Bao, Chen Bing, Hong Shi, and Chen Hong all came out and began to exercise under the leadership of Eagle Demon.

Guo Twelve quickly finished his exercise and went back to his room to pack up.

After breakfast, Guo Shishi and his party came to Luo Jie's yard. The war horses are all ready, and in the wild beast secret realm, war horses are also needed. This is a huge secret realm. Xifumen controls the entrance and exit and has been operating for thousands of years. So far, the entire secret realm has not been explored.

Luo Jie said: "Let's go to the assembly, everyone is faster."

A waiter came in and said, "Master Tan is here."

Luo Jie smiled and said, "This guy is running too fast, please come in."

Tan Laoxi shouted from the door: "Lao Luo, I'm not coming in, you fucking hurry up!"

Guo Shishi couldn't help frowning. His impression of Tan Laoxi was getting worse and worse. Why is this guy so annoying when he talks? He couldn't help asking: "Master, is this Tan Laoxi really your friend?"

Luo Jie smiled and said: "I thought you didn't ask, hehe, yes, it's indeed an old... friend."

Guo Twelve thoughtfully said, "Old... friend? Haha, I understand."

Qi Nanshan said: "Twelve, don't go too far. This guy... We had a good relationship with us. At the beginning, the old man had a fight with him because of his foul language."

Guo Twelve asked, "Who won?"

Qi Nanshan said with a smile: "Of course the old man won, and this guy took the opportunity to stick to him. Haha, after a long time, he will get used to his nonsense."

Guo Twelve muttered: "Then give him the earth dragon meat..."

Qi Nanshan whispered, "It's not that your master wants to show off."

Luo Jie glared at him and said, "Twelve, don't give me face, I can do whatever I want..."

Guo Twelve was happy and said, "I said, how could the master have such a bullshit friend."

Luo Jie smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "Okay, let's go." He rode out the door. This time Guo Shishi also chose to ride a horse, because it was impossible to go to the secret realm in a carriage.

Qi Nanshan smiled secretly and followed Luo Jie.

Tan Laoxi rode a horse alone and waited outside. Luo Jie asked curiously, "Where are your followers?" Tan Laoxi said, "Followers? I didn't want them to follow... I'm too lazy to take them, they're just a bunch of trash, clean up some shit."

Qi Nanshan sneered, "I'm afraid it's you who cleans up some shit!"

Tan Laoxi didn't dare to say anything this time, because Qi Nanshan was also a follower. If he scolded him, the old man would be difficult to deal with.

Luo Jie shook his head helplessly, he rode forward, and everyone followed.

Every time Xifumen organizes people to go to the wild beast secret realm, it is very grand, and the whole Xifu city is mobilized. Setting up security points, setting up supply stations, and organizing transport capacity all require a large number of people. This is also the job that many people in Xifu City need, and they can earn a lot of money, especially those who serve professionals.

Outside the venue where the master traded last time, Guo Twelve was surprised to find that there were at least tens of thousands of people gathered there.

Guo Twelve asked, "Why are there so many people? Master, are all these people going to the secret realm?"

Tan Laoxi hurriedly replied: "Of course they all go to the fucking secret realm, otherwise who would come here to fuck?"

Guo Twelve ignored him at all, just waiting for the master's answer. Luo Jie smiled and said: "Most of them are going to the secret realm... There are many things to pay attention to when entering the secret realm. We should be regarded as master-level teams, and professional teams, most of which are trial teams, all of which have just advanced. People who come to the talisman, they need to go through some fighting, but not too dangerous."

Tan Laoxi saw Guo Shishi ignoring him and felt very shameless, and said, "Little guy..." Before he could go on, Qi Nanshan asked, "Laoxi, you really don't have followers?" He knew very well This guy's temperament, if he were allowed to speak recklessly, would 100% anger Guo Twelve.

Guo Twelve asked in a low voice, "Master, do we really want to take him?"

Luo Jie said, "It's always more convenient to have someone from Xifu Sect accompanying me."

Guo Twelve knew the master's purpose, so he didn't say more.

"Master Luo, Twelve, are you here? I've been looking for it." As the voice came a series of tinkling bells, Lan Tianbao came over on a war horse.

Luo Jie greeted, "Big sister, why are you here?"

Big girl? Guo Shishi couldn't help but feel a chill, and he asked, "Sister Lan, are you alone? Why didn't Yingying come with you?"

Lan Tianbao said: "Yingying stayed at home, and the two insect warriors that my sister brought, also stayed at home to take care of Yingying... My elder sister wanted to go to the wild beast secret realm, and wanted to find a team to accompany her. After thinking about it, I'm here to find the old man."

Luo Jie smiled and said, "Big sister, you should just look for Twelve. He is in charge of the team's command."

Lan Tianbao thought Luo Jie was joking, and she also joked, "Twelve, would you like to take my sister with you?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "Welcome, there is a master to join, can we not welcome it?"

Lan Tianbao looked at Luo Jie, she was not sure what Guo Shishi said. Luo Jie said: "Twelve welcomes you to join, then you can join, everyone will not object."

Tan Laoxi muttered: "Damn... nine masters, let no one live!"

Soon, someone came over and took Luo Jie's team to the northwest corner. The team there has at least one master, and the most is Luo Jie's team, with a total of nine masters.

In addition to the nine masters, Luo Jie's team also had twelve talisman warriors, plus Huo Bao and other four talisman warriors, making a total of twenty-five people.

Someone sent a booklet, and Luo Jie handed it over to Guo Shishi.

This is a book that explains the rules of the event in detail, including the rewards for master teams. Guo Twelve was surprised: "One hundred talisman horses? Ancient talismans?" His reaction was the same as Luo Jie's, and he couldn't help but blink, and said, "Master, we have nine masters, so it shouldn't be a problem to get the first place. "

Luo Jie nodded, Guo Twelve said, "If you win, how should the talismans be distributed?"

Tan Laoxi kept his ears pricked, and when he heard Guo Shishi mention the issue of distribution, he couldn't help but jump in his heart, and hurriedly said: "It should be distributed according to three parts, one for you in the North Fumen, and one for the master of the South Fumen. A portion, I represent Xifumen, count a portion... Damn, even if I suffer a little bit of a loss."

Qi Nanshan was about to scold someone when Luo Jie grabbed him.

Guo Twelve couldn't help laughing. He said, "Mr. Tan, your allocation plan is not valid." He didn't even call Grandpa Tan, and changed his name to Mr.

Lan Tianbao said: "I just came to see, I won't participate in the assignment, hee hee."

Tan Laoxi said: "Then half of the family will be fine."

Guo Shishi asked, "Mr. Tan, with your strength... can you get the first place?"

Tan Laoxi was stunned for a moment and thought: "Damn, of course I can't get it! No, I can't show weakness!" He said: "That's not necessarily, maybe I can get the first place!"

Guo Twelve nodded and said, "Oh? So, we are all following you and dipping in your light, so you get the first place, and you give us half?" Without waiting for Tan Laoxi to answer, he continued: " Then... all the shares are given to you, please form your own team and go to the first place, we don't need your charity."

"Ah?" Tan Laoxi panicked, Guo Shishi actually planned to kick him out of the team.

Qi Nanshan smiled happily and said in his heart, "You and Twelve Fights? Hehe, some fun now."

Tan Laoxi said, "It's time, where do you want me to form a team?"

Guo Twelve said coldly, "This has nothing to do with us!"

Tan Laoxi couldn't help scolding: "Fuck... Lao Luo, who is the commander of this team?"

Luo Jie pointed at Guo Twelve with a smile, and said, "Lao Xi, Twelve is the commander! If you don't believe me, you can ask anyone in the team."

Tan Laoxi was dumbfounded, and even Lan Tianbao looked at Guo Shishi in surprise.

Guo Shishi said: "Mr. Tan, if there is nothing else, you can leave the team... I wish you the first place and all the prizes!"

Tan Laoxi said repeatedly: "I didn't agree to leave the team, I joined... Your master agreed!"

Guo Shishi said: "Well, if you want to join the team, you must obey the command! Otherwise... please leave!" He said unceremoniously.

Tan Laoxi was forced to think about it by Guo Twelve, so he had to ask, "How will it be distributed?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "You are just a team member, and you have no right to know how to distribute them. After the end, I will distribute them as I say!"

Qi Nanshan couldn't wait to applaud, Guo Shishi's hand was so powerful that he almost deprived Tan Laoxi of all his rights.

Tan Laoxi said angrily: "Fuck..."

Guo Shishi suddenly became fierce: "Fuck you! Try to scold him again?" When he was fierce, he had a very scary aura. Don't look at others as small, but his soul is strong. Tan Laoxi was out of breath for a while, and he was stunned. It was only then that he realized that he had underestimated Guo Shishi.

Tan Laoxi was finally discouraged, and his tone softened: "Then... Then you have to give me a... a plan, how much can I share?"

Guo Twelve raised a finger.

Tan Laoxi said, "Ten horses?" He sighed. According to the original allocation plan of Qi Nanshan, he could at least get 12 of the eight masters. He said helplessly: "Okay, ten horses are ten..."

Guo Twelve looked at him coldly, still holding up a finger. Tan Laoxi said, "I have already agreed, why are you still holding your finger up?"

Guo Twelve asked, "Sister Lan, how many fingers are these?" Lan Tianbao held back his laughter and said, "This is one finger, even my daughter can tell it apart."

Puff! Puff!

Someone couldn't help laughing and spit out a sound.

Guo Twelve asked, "Mr. Tan, don't you know how to count?"

Only then did Tan Laoxi understand that Guo Shishi only gave him a rune horse. He exploded immediately, and said furiously: "Did you send the beggar? Fuck... I'm a master... Aren't you fucking? How can there be such a distribution method! One? You're joking... fuck..."

Guo Twelve shouted: "Get out!"