Instant Kill

Chapter 13: Spell Power (above)


It was absolutely cold, and no one spoke for thirty seconds. Suddenly, Luo Jie burst into laughter, so much so that he coughed again and again, so frightened that the girl hurriedly stepped forward to help, patted the old man's back with her small hand, and said coquettishly, "Grandpa... What's so funny!" You... you... Grandpa, is he really your apprentice? "

Luo Jie smiled and said: "Yes, he is right, you should call him uncle! "

"Twelve, this is my granddaughter, Luo Weijie, hehe, she is also a spell potential, um, she is about to advance, and she is still an apprentice. "

Luo Weijie asked curiously: "Twelve? The name is so weird! "

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "It's not surprising at all, if you have seventeen brothers and sisters, and your parents don't want to spend time and energy to choose a name, then ranking by numbers is the best choice. "

Luo Weijie said curiously: "Grandpa, is he really only eight years old? "

Before Luo Jie could answer, Guo Twelve asked, "How old do you think I am? "

Luo Jie smiled and said: "Okay, this girl is going crazy all day... Twelve is indeed eight years old, there is no need to lie. "

Luo Weijie said happily: "This kid is very funny, and his speech is old-fashioned, hee hee..." and walked over. Guo Twelve suddenly woke up, this girl is going to do it! After all, she is only eight years old, her body has not yet grown, and she argues with a person in her twenties. As long as she moves casually, she will definitely suffer. He didn't wait for Luo Weijie to approach, and said: "Master, I'm leaving... Bye..." He didn't think he looked ugly, so he ran away.

"Oops, this kid is so cunning! "

Luo Jie shouted: "Xiaojie, come back! No big or small! "

Chang Yeren and Chen Chunzhai said goodbye with a smile, and Rollo walked out with him. He said to Guo Shishi: "Little brother, in a few days, I will bring the team to your house. "

Guo Twelve said: "Brother Luo, you don't have to live in my house for the time being, huh, every ten days, you will come and pick you up, other times, you can arrange it yourself. "Of course he understood that Rollo didn't want to come, but when the master spoke, he couldn't refuse, so he had to give Rollo some authority and let them arrange it themselves.

Sure enough, Rollo said happily: "Okay... uh..." Then he reacted again, if Grandpa found out, he wouldn't be able to eat and walk around. He murmured: "Let's get to know each other first. "

Rollo couldn't figure out why the old man let his team follow an eight-year-old child. You must know that Rollo's team is a well-known existence in Beifumen. This seven-member team is quite strong. If others know that they are following An apprentice is a bit humiliating.

Rollo was very entangled in his heart. He didn't dare to disobey the old man's order, and he was unwilling to disobey. Now he had to take one step at a time. He didn't know how to tell his teammates when he went back.

Guo Twelve ignored what Rollo was thinking. What he considered was how to strengthen his strength, save his little life, and be able to reincarnate smoothly in the future, which was his ultimate goal.

Back in the small courtyard, it was already noon, the sky was still gloomy, the snow was rising one after another, and the exhaled white air quickly formed ice particles on the fur covering the nose and mouth. Aunt Lan and Aunt Xin had been waiting at the door for a long time, and when they saw Guo Shishi entering, they immediately stepped forward and said, "Twelve, hurry into the house and be careful of the cold. "

Guo Twelve enjoyed the concern of Aunt Lan and others, and became closer to them. He smiled and said, "Aunt Lan, let's have dinner together. "

Aunt Xin said: "Twelve, I got noodles and meat today, hehe, I didn't expect there would be so many. "

Guo Twelve asked casually: "How many? "

Aunt Xin said excitedly: "600 catties of noodles, 1,200 catties of meat, and 800 catties of big bones for stewing soup, and 100 big talismans! That's only ten days' worth! "She is an ordinary person who lives outside and rarely sees so much food, so it's a bit of a fuss, but it's not too much after careful calculation.

Now there are eleven people in this family. Every day, they have 60 catties of noodles, 120 catties of meat, and 80 catties of large bones to make soup. They are evenly distributed. Meat, plus bone broth. You must know that everyone here can eat, even children like Guo Shishi have a lot of appetite, not to mention those warriors.

Guo Shishi did a little calculation in his heart, knowing that it wasn't too much, but he didn't want to fight Aunt Xin's excitement, and said with a smile: "Then trouble Aunt Xin. "

Aunt Xin is in charge of all the chores at home, while Aunt Lan is in charge of taking care of Guo Shishi's life.

After dinner, Chen Chunzhai led a child in.

In the small living room, Guo Shishi met his second follower, ten-year-old Chen Bing.

Guo Shishi carefully observed Chen Bing, this is a very cold child, he is not strong and slender, with soft black hair scattered to his shoulders, and a melon-seeded face, which looks very delicate, but the eyebrows and eyes are upturned, with a A little bit of anger. His lips were pressed together tightly, and he sat there without saying a word.

Chen Chunzhai was a little uncomfortable and couldn't help but say: "Xiaobing doesn't talk much since he was a child, he's a boring gourd, but this kid is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, he only talks to people he knows, and if he doesn't know him well, he won't say anything more. . "

Guo Shishi had seen a lot of children with this temperament in the last life, so he didn't need to do anything to him, just get along and get to know him slowly. He said: "Grandpa Chen, don't worry, Chen Bing lives here, don't go home for the time being, I'll talk about it when I get to know everyone. Leopard, take Chen Bing to pick a house. "

Chen Chunzhai sighed in his heart, feeling that Guo Shishi was like an older brother, but Chen Bing was a younger brother. He said: "I will let the servants deliver Xiaobing's rations and supplies. "After speaking, she stood up and said again: "Xiaobing will ask Twelve in the future, what's wrong with him, you don't have to think about me, you can do what you want! "

This is the rule. Since you want to follow the master, you must have the determination to die for him. This is determined by occupation, not inferior. The followers are not servants, but family members, Guo Shishi already knows this very well. Usually family, but in battle, or when the master gives orders, followers cannot resist, even if it is a wrong decision. Therefore, what kind of master Fu Warrior chooses to follow is very important. If he encounters a stupid master, it is not ordinary bad luck.

Guo Shishi said: "Grandpa Chen, I will take good care of Chen Bing, now let him and Huo Bao together, let the two get acquainted first, cultivate tacit understanding, and cultivate feelings. "

Chen Chunzhai was very satisfied with Guo Shishi's actions, and he left with confidence.

Guo Shishi is not afraid of liveliness, but prefers to be alone, which is a deeply ingrained habit developed in the first generation. He was a lama at that time, and he often practiced alone. It was normal to be alone for dozens of days. Over time, he fell in love with the feeling of being alone, and this habit has been carried on to this world.

After sending Chen Chunzhai away, he chatted with Huo Bao and Chen Bing, told Huo Bao to take care of Chen Bing, and returned to the underground laboratory by himself to start sorting out the things he had received.

The money bag given by my father has a total of 60 black talisman coins and 100 silver talisman coins. On the way to Beifumen, he spent more than twenty black talismans. Later, Chen Chunzhai gave him another 160 black talisman money, so he still has about 200 black talisman money, which is really poor.

As an apprentice at Beifumen, you can receive 100 black talismans every ten days. This is to maintain the living expenses of everyone in the entire small courtyard, and it cannot be used arbitrarily.

When he was on the boat, Chen Chunzhai gave him three books, namely Animal Examination, Secret Wood and Zhenyu Ji. Received a golden identity token from the inner door. The basic books received in the Hall of Charms are placed in the study room above. The piece of bone that his father gave to Chen Chunzhai, Chen Chunzhai also passed it on to him.

There are eight rune books given to him by Nagano Ren, four sets of "Fulfillment Base Refining and Production", two volumes of "Special Rune Records", and two "Bone Talismans Explaining Doubts" "and "The Making of Black Talisman Money". These are the books of the spell master, which the uncle specially gave to please him.

The talisman book given by the master Luo Jie, Guo Shishi realized after opening it. This is a relatively rare large talisman book, which contains all the basic subjects of the talisman warrior, as well as the "Compendium of Refining Talismans" for strengthening the talisman warrior. ;. The most precious one is "The Power of Spells", which is a book devoted to the cultivation of spell powers.

This book is obviously handwritten, not ordinary woodcut printing, and there are dense annotations and various pictures on the pages, which should be the handwriting of the great spell master Luo Jie. Guo Twelve looked at it a little and knew that this was an extremely precious copy, and it was definitely not an ordinary book circulating on the market.

Once you have cultivated your own spell power, you can start studying the purification of materials. Guo Twelve understood the preciousness of time, and he immediately started the book The Power of Charms.

Guo Twelve was soon immersed in it. This book is about an inch thick, and there are not many words describing the power of cultivating spells. Most of them are annotations, which explain the cultivation methods in great detail. This is the reason why Luo Jie is at ease and allows Guo Twelve to self-study.

Guo Twelve read it quickly, flipping through it in two hours, then closed his eyes and pondered. He is not in a hurry to cultivate. As a child with an adult soul, he must be different from a real child. He needs to digest and absorb the content of this book until he fully understands it. He intends to memorize the book.

After a while, he stopped thinking, just like chanting scriptures, and began to forcibly memorize.

For five consecutive days, except for eating, sleeping and reciting the scriptures at night, all the time was spent reciting this book. Due to the strength of his soul, his memory is excellent. Although he cannot remember it, after reading it a few times, he can completely remember it. Even so, he did not stop, and he continued to recite it over and over again, as if to engrave the contents of this book in his soul.

By constantly reciting, the method of cultivation is firmly imprinted in the mind. It was not until the fifth day that he carefully put away the books. However, he still did not begin to cultivate, but repeatedly pondered the meaning of it, and if there was something he didn't understand, he just recorded it, kept trying to figure it out, and kept thinking about it.

Ten days passed quickly, and Guo Shishi had his own understanding and views on the power of spells. It just happened to be the time to go to Master Luo Jie's place that day, and he got into Rollo's carriage.