Instant Kill

Chapter 21: Departure (top)


After a month, you will be able to leave, and I have prepared some basic disposable charms for you. This time out, you have to learn and skillfully use disposable charms, and you have to start collecting materials in the wild. Most of the materials you use now are bought or obtained from me. This is not a long-term solution. In the future, you will learn to find materials in the wild and make charms in the wild. This is what a spellcaster must learn. ability.

Guo Twelve nodded and said: Yes, Master. He now knows that a great master has great expectations for his disciples, so only by doing his best can he satisfy his master. This world is really crazy. There are masters who send nine-year-old disciples to the battlefield. Although they don't need to participate in the battle, it is too scary to let the nine-year-old children go near the battlefield.

Luo Jie seemed to see what his disciple was thinking, and he said, "Don't worry about security issues. With Luo Zhan's protection and the other three Fu warriors, I believe that no one can threaten you."

You only need to go to Yeguancheng, you don't need to go to Yerenguan, the activity range is near Yeguancheng, don't run too far. After thinking about it, he said: It is better to go to the Savage Pass and observe it in a safe place. This will be of great benefit to you. Of course, if you really don't want to go, the master will not force it.

Luo Jie said a few more words, took out two talisman bags, and said, "Twelve, you have always wanted a talisman bag, this time I'll give you one, and the other one for the little leopard. These two talisman bags can be used. There are not many things in it. One charm bag can hold about three days of supplies for the five of you.

Guo Twelve knew that it was a talisman bag for emergency supplies, and other supplies had to be brought by himself.

Unlike Guo Shishi's full of complaints, he didn't want to go to Ye Guancheng at all. The other four children cheered. They didn't understand the blood and pain of war and thought it was a perfect opportunity to play.

Guo Shishi was relieved after thinking about it. In this strange world, fighting may be the normal life of the people here.

Luo Jie said, "You make a talisman yourself, how should you learn how to make it?" Remember, the talisman is not for looking good, but for the convenience of battle, to be able to take out the talisman you need accurately at the fastest speed, this is the requirement of making a talisman. The materials have been given to you last time. Have you finished refining and purifying

Guo Twelve has already designed several schemes for the talisman, but he is not very satisfied, so he has been delayed until now, the materials are already ready, and the last step is to make, as long as he designs a scheme that he is satisfied with, he can do it immediately Start making. This time, it seems that it will be made anyway, because there is only one month left before leaving the inner door.

A warrior talisman came in. He held a stack of wooden boxes of varying lengths in his hands, placed them on the case, and turned to leave.

Luo Jie said: "Okay, it's up to you four little fellows, come here and choose a low-level talisman... After thinking about it, choose a suitable talisman based on the fields you are good at. Well, a small stone can do it. Pick an extra defensive talisman.

Huo Bao was the eldest of the four, he stepped forward and opened the wooden box. There are seven wooden boxes in total, including a rune spear, rune knife, rune axe, rune hammer, rune sword, rune shield and rune bow.

Huo Bao picked up the talisman knife without hesitation, it was a refined steel knife with countless talismans engraved on it. This kind of low-level talisman, although its power is limited, cannot be compared with the middle and high-level talisman, but it is much stronger than the swords used by ordinary people.

Chen Hong picked up the talisman sword, and Xiao Shishi picked up the talisman shield and the talisman axe.

Chen Bing had a bitter face, he also took a fancy to the talisman sword, but was picked up by his cousin first, so he had to pick up the talisman gun. He took a fancy to Fu Gong again and looked at Guo Shishi with his eyes, but he didn't dare to look at Luo Jie. Seeing Guo Shishi nodding, he picked up the talisman bow.

These talismans are enough to double the strength of the four of them, and they can last for about ten minutes against a bare-handed talisman warrior. Generally speaking, as long as there are spell apprentices, with the strength of the four to entangle the opponent, plus the spell apprentice's attack talisman, it is estimated that the battle can be resolved quickly. This is the power of the spell profession.

From the selection of the talisman, it can be seen that the cultivation of the four talisman apprentices is different. The reason why Huo Bao chose the Fu Dao is because he likes to attack. He still wanted to choose a talisman axe, but his strength was not as good as that of a small stone. When he was a hunter, he used a knife. He originally wanted to take the talisman bow, because he only had one pair of talisman bows, and he was the one who rushed in the front, so it was not very useful to take the talisman bow.

Chen Bing originally wanted to choose the talisman sword, but because his cousin took it away, he had to choose the talisman spear and the talisman bow. He's a scout sentinel in a team of five.

Among the four Fu warrior apprentices, only Chen Hong's position is still unclear, and several people do not know how to let her integrate into this small team.

Luo Jie said: You should familiarize yourself with the talisman in your hands as soon as possible. Even if the low-level talisman does not stimulate the talisman power, it has great lethality. You must work hard to master it and exert the maximum power of the talisman. In the wild or fighting, every bit of your strength is a guarantee for your survival.

The teachings of the seniors were all obtained from the mountains of corpses and the sea of blood. Although the four Huo Bao were young and ignorant, they also knew that they had to obey such teachings. As for Guo Shishi, he has long understood these truths. In his previous life, he also served in the army and fought many battles. His official position is not too high, but his knowledge is not bad.

Guo Twelve asked, "Master, this is the secret talisman I made. Do you think it can be used?"

Luo Jie took it over and looked at it carefully, and said, "Well, it's quite satisfactory and can be used.

Guo Twelve breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he could use it. He urgently needs to use dark talismans to train his body, because he knows that after using dark talismans to train his body, his body can be stronger, at least to the level of adults in this world. Of course, it can't be compared with people in the Fu warrior profession, Fu warriors are simply humanoid killing machines.

Luo Jie hesitated for a moment, took out two talismans, and said, "These are two precious talismans, twelve, don't use them until the moment of life and death. Your current strength can only be controlled once, that is to launch an attack, and you will almost exhaust your spell power. After all, the treasure amulet is commonly used by spell masters. It is also an experience.

One is Frostbolt, and the other is Fireball, which can be used for single attack and group kill.

Guo Twelve took it after thanking him. It was the first time that he came into contact with the treasure talisman. With his reincarnated soul, he could feel the power of the two treasure talismans and asked: Master, how many times are these talismans

Luo Jie said: The Frost Arrow talisman is a nine-time talisman, and the Fireball talisman is a third-time talisman. Don't exceed the maximum usage limit, pay attention to timely repairing the talisman, and you can use it repeatedly. The treasure talisman is not easy to refine, so use it carefully and don't waste it.

Guo Twelve happily thanked him, this thing came too timely. Treasure talismans are big killers, and even spellcasters and sorcerers rarely get good treasure talismans. If the disposable talisman is compared to a soil gun, then the treasure talisman is a semi-automatic rifle, and its power varies greatly.

After leaving, Guo Twelve was full of thoughts. He is not a child, he knows that things must be properly arranged, he must be ready to go to Ye Guancheng, and he must also plan for their small team to go out for food, clothing, housing and transportation. The more urgent task is to quickly improve his strength, at least have a fight He didn't want to give his safety to others.

First, use the dark talisman to refine the body, then make the talisman, and finally familiarize yourself with the two treasure talismans. There is also a more important task, which is to understand Ye Guancheng as much as possible, as well as Savage Pass, to understand the topography, local characters, and wildmen in the extreme north.

The dark talisman is completely different from the clear talisman. The Ming talisman is a special training talisman for the talisman. If it is used on the magician, it is likely to make him physically disabled. The bright talisman is very tyrannical and can quickly increase the physical strength, while the dark talisman is softer and can slowly improve the physical fitness of the spellcaster and the spellcaster.

The dark talisman body refining is very simple. If you want to strengthen a certain place, you can paste the dark talisman there. For example, to strengthen the strength of the arm, it can be attached to the arm. Guo Shishi only had five dark talismans in his hands, so he had to consider where to strengthen first. The chest and vest were the places that had to be strengthened, so he used two.

The belly is soft, it is the most vulnerable place to be attacked and injured, and it also needs to be strengthened, so I used another one. The remaining two are either strengthening the arms or strengthening the thighs.

After thinking about it for a while, Guo Shishi decided to use dark talismans to train his legs. Once his thighs are strengthened, he can at least run faster. He was also very helpless. He didn't expect that the master of this world would let nine-year-old children go to the battlefield to observe. I have to say that people in this world are crazy.

Five dark talismans, all used up in one day. This is the first step of body training, and it is not a complete body training. If it is a complete first body training, at least eight dark talismans are needed, and his hands and head have not yet used dark talismans to train the body. When he is ten years old, he can use eight dark talismans to train his body again, and then he has one chance every year until he becomes a talisman, and then he can have one more opportunity to train his body every year.

The task of purchasing outdoor daily necessities was handed over to Huo Bao, and the four of them were asked to complete it.

The talisman is the professional equipment of the talisman, the talisman and the shaman. This equipment is very important before becoming a master. Talisman, as the name suggests, is the belt on which the Talisman is placed. In addition to being able to be tied on the waist, many people now also buckle the reduced talisman on the wrist and other parts. The name remains the same. It is still called the talisman. Extended product.

Guo Twelve was really not interested in the appearance of the local talismans, that is, a ribbon with a special place for talismans. Except for the different widths, they were almost the same, with four to six grids for talismans. In order to facilitate quick access to characters, the grids for installing characters must be in the front and cannot be placed in the back. Most of the back waist is the position of the spare charm, generally there are two, one on the left and one on the left.