Instant Kill

Chapter 26: Mission (below)


Huo Bao felt a little confused, when did he lose his life

But I am still alive...

Guo Twelve slapped again and scolded: Of course you are alive! If you are dead... why am I talking nonsense with you

Luo Zhan couldn't help it anymore, and the two warriors standing next to him couldn't help it either, each grinning silently. This Huo Bao looks tall and big, but his brain doesn't seem to be able to turn around.

After explaining for a long time, Huo Bao finally understood what Guo Twelve meant. He muttered, "Life-saving comes first... Then how can we fight?" Safest inside the door…

Guo Shishi wanted to do it again, but Huo Bao's shoulder was like an iron block. The two slaps didn't hurt him, but his hand was a little red and swollen. He kicked his foot in anger and shouted: What did you say

Huo Bao jumped in fright and said, "No... I didn't say anything...

Everyone finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and Chen Hong also covered his mouth and laughed non-stop. Chen Bing said: I think Twelve makes sense, we should think more about it, what should we do

After all, the four of them are children, and their knowledge is shallow, which makes them a little embarrassed. Guo Twelve saw the four people scratching their ears and scratching their cheeks, and reminded: Leopard, you have hunted bears before, think about it yourself, if the five of us go to hunt bears, what should be the best way

Guo Twelve stopped talking, and listened carefully to the discussion of the four of them. After listening for a while, he couldn't help but want to hit someone again. In fact, it is no wonder that the four children, they have no combat experience, how can they formulate a good combat plan? He knew he was anxious.

Guo Twelve raised his small hand and said: Stop! Hear me out!

Huo Bao immediately shut his mouth, and among the four, he was talking nonsense in his mouth, but none of them could say the key point.

Guo Shishi said: Leopard, you are the main attacker. Chen Bing, your role is to contain, whether you use a rune spear or a rune bow, you just need to contain the enemy. Stone, you are very useful, you must use the shield to take the most dangerous attack. Chen Hong... um, you... you are by my side, responsible for protection. The whole team... has two attack points, one for Leopard and one for me. Currently we can only deal with one beast, try not to fight with more than two beasts, we can't deal with it for the time being.

So, what we need to hone this time is to deal with a beast. According to the arrangement I just made, you should think about how to cooperate. We are a whole, and the power of the whole is greater than the power of the individual most of the time, but... If we encounter a martial artist like Uncle Luo, the only thing we can do is to run away, because... even if we cooperate well , in the face of absolutely powerful forces, it will also be finished!

Luo Zhan couldn't help laughing. Indeed, with his strength, a few more teams like Guo Shishi would have died in vain.

Guo Shishi suddenly smiled and said: We are definitely not able to face a formidable opponent like Uncle Luo, but it is not without a chance!

Luo Zhan was slightly surprised, his attention was suddenly highly concentrated, and he really wanted to hear how this weird child could get that little chance.

Chen Bing said: Twelve, Uncle Luo is a martial arts master! Now even the talisman warriors... we can't win. The four little guys had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Guo Twelve asked: Do you think there is no chance

Everyone stared at Guo Shishi, and they were all very curious, and Huo Bao nodded again and again.

If Uncle Luo falls into a well-designed trap and triggers a large number of one-time charms, hehe, the trap can be designed as a chain... After Uncle Luo is severely injured, we will conduct a sneak attack. At that time... Although it may not be able to kill Kill him, but he wants to kill us... It's much more difficult than facing the enemy. If we cooperate well, we can have the opportunity to kill Uncle Luo, haha.

Luo Zhan's cold sweat is about to break out, this child is too scary.

Several children were dazed by hearing that the so-called ambush and trap could be used in this way. Then, Guo Twelve said: This method may be able to deal with Uncle Luo, but if it is used to deal with the Dafu martial artist, there will be no chance of winning, because... The strength of the Dafu martial artist is enough to break anything we bring to him. Threat, this is the advantage of having absolute strength.

Luo Zhan smiled bitterly and said, "According to your design, if you want to kill someone like a talisman warrior or a magician, you can almost hit them with one hit. Twelve, you are too cunning.

Huo Bao couldn't help but say: This is too… too despicable…

Guo Twelve slapped him unceremoniously: You are despicable! If you die, even if you are an upright hero... you are just a dead hero! Stupid!

Huo Bao was scolded with a blushing face and a thick neck. Luo Zhan's face became serious, and he said: "Little Leopard, Twelve is right. You have to be glad that you are following the right person. I have seen too many... potential warriors because the masters they follow are not smart enough. Died outside Savage Pass. It's all right to be brave, but depending on the circumstances, meaningless sacrifice is the most annoying thing, remember, don't let yourself die worthless.

Looking at the four ignorant children, Luo Zhan sighed. He knew in his heart that, except for Guo Shishi, the enchanting child, these four children still need to be nurtured slowly, and they still don't understand anything.

Guo Shishi said in his heart: This is just a trap. If you add poison to assassinate, frame divisions, and frame the blame, even Dafu martial artist... can't eat and walk around, but this can't be said, and it will really become a monster. .

If Luo Zhan knew what Guo Twelve was thinking, he would definitely not only break out in a cold sweat, but insisted on leaving this little devil.

Guo Shishi sometimes sighs that the people here are very simple, but he doesn't know that the people here are only pure and warm towards their own people, not at all pure and innocent towards outsiders or savages, not only fierce but also very bloody. Unlike the previous life, even ordinary people here are accustomed to killing.

Huo Bao's small head still couldn't understand Guo Shishi's words very well, but he really liked the attacker mentioned earlier. According to Guo Shishi's design, the four began to discuss how to better play a team role.

Guo Twelve said: You discuss first, I will make a few talismans, we will start hunting tomorrow, complete the task early and go back early, this place is not interesting.

Maybe this kind of trial is very suitable for children, but it is definitely not suitable for Guo Shishi, but he has no way to refuse, because this is a task prescribed by the sect. ability and practical ability. Guo Twelve understands this very well, so he no longer resists the task now.

He made two one-time attack talismans, and practiced the talisman power again. After eating, he sat on the bed and started chanting, a little bit of pure soul power.

In the early morning of the next day, Guo Shishi took Huo Bao and the four out of the city. Luo Zhan took the three escorting warriors out of the city with him. His task was to escort the five and supervise the completion of the task. In the battle, he will not shoot, but if he encounters an irresistible danger, he must ensure the safety of the five people, and at least the safety of Guo Twelve.

The gate of the city is full of people going to Savage Pass, mostly in small groups, and only a few people go alone.

At a food stall not far from the city gate, Guo Shi and a dozen people had a breakfast. He now misses the sesame fritters and soy milk from the previous life, plus refreshing pickles. The breakfast here is still big meat and bone soup. The oil on the soup is a finger thick, the large pieces of boiled meat in white water, and the dead dough cakes. The cakes are as hard as bricks. They must be torn and soaked in the broth before eating.

In the morning of early spring, a thin mist shrouded the city outside, the trees had already budded, a smear of new green was vaguely emerging in the fog, the low-lying land by the road was still covered with thick residual snow, and a crisp bird song echoed in the forest. .

A few slender figures shuttled through the forest, and four big men quietly followed not far away.

Ten meters in front of Huo Bao is Chen Bing, who is relatively small and walks through the trees flexibly. Huo Bao held a long talisman knife and focused on the left side. A little later is Hong Shik, the direction he pays attention to is the right side. Guo Twelve was in the middle, and he followed calmly. Behind her is Chen Hong. She only needs to pay attention to the back. In fact, the back is the safest, because Luo Zhan and the other four are following.

Along the way, although a few beasts were killed, they were all small beasts and could not be regarded as completing the mission. Therefore, a few of them continued to walk deep into the jungle, hoping to meet slightly larger prey.

Luo Zhan knew very well that there were no powerful beasts in this area. There can be no powerful beasts within a radius of a hundred miles outside Yeguan City, because Fu warriors come to drive them away on a regular basis, and only when they are a hundred miles away can they enter the area where the beasts are active.

That night, the five children rested in the tree.

The next day, I finally entered the area where the beasts were active, but there were still relatively few beasts close to Ye Guancheng, because the beasts were afraid of being killed by the warrior Fu, and they would instinctively avoid the direction of Ye Guancheng.

The sound of running water could be heard in the distance.

Chen Bing, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, his body was slightly lowered, his left hand was gently raised, and his palm was pressed down. The crowd immediately stopped advancing and squatted down to wait.

After a long while, Chen Bing slowly retreated, and said in a very low voice: There is a striped tiger in front of you... Do you want to fight

The striped tiger is a kind of forest tiger with little value. The fur on its body is very similar to the leopard that Guo XII saw in the last life, but it is almost twice the size of the leopard, and it is a huge guy. Striped tigers are worth a little for their fur, their meat is edible, and nothing else is useful.

Guo Shishi whispered: Waiting for it to go, killing it is worthless!

wow wow...

There was a loud commotion in the woods ahead to the left. Guo Twelve was startled and said in a low voice: Be careful, there is a big guy here! An uneasy feeling rose in him.