Instant Kill

Chapter 44: Mystery Legends (below)


At this point, Guo Twelve only understood the meaning of the Book of Life Talismans. That thing is a large firepower base, a mobile fortress, a walking artillery base.

A hidden talisman, even if it can hold ten treasure talismans, there are at least 100 hidden talismans in the book. Even if only half of it is used to hold the treasure talisman, there are 500 treasure talismans. Even if each treasure talisman can be fired twice, then That's a thousand shots. No wonder the big spell master is so powerful, this thing can't be less powerful.

Guo Shishi suddenly remembered something and asked, "Master, what is a magic talisman?"

Luo Jie's face changed slightly, he said: "Spiritual talisman, spiritual talisman... Alas, spiritual talisman is a good thing, but the production of magic talisman... There are not many left, and it is about to be lost. To put it simply, magic talisman is a higher-level talisman than treasure talisman. , after the magic talisman is activated a certain number of times, it can automatically restore its power, and if the magic talisman is combined with the natal talisman, the power will be greatly increased."

Guo Twelve said: "Is there such a treasure? Master, do you have a magic talisman?"

Luo Jie laughed and scolded: "Little bastard, you dare to ask about it? You should pay attention in the future. If you get a magic talisman, the fewer people who know about it, the better. This thing will make people jealous, and it can provoke master-level characters. Snatch. Of course, your master, I have a magic talisman, let alone a magic talisman, even the ancient talisman... The master has two!"

Guo Twelve was extremely curious and asked, "Bone charms? Isn't bone charms very common?"

Luo Jie knew that he had misunderstood and said, "It's from the ancient times. The ancient talisman, as the name suggests, is the talisman handed down from ancient times. It is very rare, and any ancient talisman is extremely precious. The ancient talisman is one of the best natal talismans. , but the method of making it is completely lost."

Guo Twelve asked, "Where did the master's ancient talisman come from?"

Luo Jie said: "It was obtained from the secret realm. In ancient times, countless spellcasters entered the secret realm. Those ancient people who died in the secret realm often have ancient charms on their bodies, but it is difficult to find those corpses. Even if they are lucky, There is not necessarily an ancient talisman, even if there is an ancient talisman, it is not necessarily intact, so the ancient talisman is very rare."

Guo Twelve was stunned to hear that there was such a baby. He said: "Master, what is the secret realm?" He seemed to have vaguely heard of it, but he didn't pay attention. Hearing that the ancient talisman appeared in the secret realm, he immediately paid attention to it.

Luo Jie said: "There are countless entrances to secret realms on this continent, but not many are fixed, and there are not many large-scale secret realms. It is said that the spell is obtained from the secret realm and passed on to this continent. The secret realm seems to be another Heaven and Earth are very different from our continent."

Guo Shishi still can't understand the secret realm, which is related to the education he received in the previous life, but not understanding does not mean he does not believe. Since his successful reincarnation, he has completely believed in the theory of souls and ghosts and gods, and with the spells of this world, he completely believes that there is a secret realm.

"There are two ways to enter the secret realm, fixed and non-fixed. The fixed one is basically at a fixed location, and it is opened at a fixed time. If it is not fixed... Then you have to try your luck. Maybe you enter a valley and enter a secret realm inexplicably. Maybe through A beam of light entered a secret realm, which is strange and has everything, and the secret realm is also varied, each of which is different."

Luo Jie said again: "It is said that there are a few secret realms that can lead to other continents, but this is just a legend, and no one has confirmed it yet. Maybe if you go to other continents, you will never come back. Hehe, our young I also went crazy for a while, looking for secret realms everywhere, the two ancient talismans I got were found in a very small secret realm, but unfortunately, I only stayed in that secret realm for seven days before I was thrown out of the secret realm.”

"The secret realm is very dangerous, there are ferocious beasts, strange traps, and people who go in often fight and fight. Even if you are from the same family, you can't fully believe that only your friends or your own team can guarantee your life. , and nothing else is credible."

Guo Twelve thoughtfully said: "Well, I understand, there are precious materials, ancient talismans, and rare things, which are enough to arouse the greed of others, which is why it is so dangerous. I guess people who die in the secret realm are Not less."

Luo Jie said: "There are many, many people who have advanced from apprentices to enter the secret realm excitedly, but they are not strong enough and eventually die in it. Therefore, before you reach the spell master, try not to go to the secret realm. If It's organized by the sect, and it's okay to go to those fixed secret realms, that kind of fixed secret realm is also very dangerous, but it has been developed almost."

Guo Shishi nodded, he didn't want to die in the secret realm, even if there were countless treasures in it, if there was no life, what was the use of those treasures.

In fact, Guo Twelve has not realized that since he came to this world, there are many things that he cannot decide by himself. Even if he is a man of three generations, this will not change in any way.

"Master, let's go to the beast rune gate... how long will it take to arrive?"

Luo Jie said: "Xifu Gate is very far away, if the number of people is small, such as the combat team, it may take half a year, but the large group, hehe, it will take almost a year... The opportunity is rare, there are a lot of people going this time. "

Guo Shishi was startled and said, "So far?"

Luo Jie said: "It's not too far, because there are some sections of the road by boat, if all the road is by land, it will take longer, it is not unusual to travel for two years, and the road is more dangerous, not only are there beasts and savages attack, but also There are robbers and bandits blocking the road to rob, and those who can walk by land with strength are mostly masters in the sect, or large caravans."

Guo Twelve asked: "Master, how many people do we have to go to the Beast Talisman Gate this time?"

Luo Jie smiled and said: "It's mainly people from the inner sect. There are two masters, a dozen or so spell masters, talisman masters, and charm masters. Each of them will bring dozens of people. Well, there is also a large caravan to go with them. That is the big caravan belonging to Beifumen, I estimate there must be two or three thousand people."

Guo Shishi found that people of this era like to go out in groups, and there are thousands of people. If two or three thousand people are added with carts, horses, dogs, goods, etc., the team is even more terrifyingly large. He asked, "Master, what are we going to do at the Beast Talisman Gate?"

Luo Jie said: "Communication and competition, exchange of materials, exchange of special spells... This is the stuff left by the four major alliances. In fact, up to now, only the materials for exchange are left. As for exchange of learning, exchange of spells, etc., It has long since become a superficial form." He added: "Oh, by the way, the competition has also been preserved, and the competition has been compared with each other... Well, in the last competition, dozens of people died, and it turned into a mutual slaughter."

Guo Twelve wondered: "We have a conflict with the beast talisman?"

Luo Jie said with a smile: "The four major sects... all have contradictions, but the surface is peaceful. When you go out and see people from other sects, you must be as careful as possible. You can't say that people in other sects are bad guys, but if you are not vigilant Sex, it would be wrong to be destroyed by someone."

Guo Shishi nodded and said, "Well, when I see people from other sects, I will start first..."

Luo Jie didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Why? What are you doing when it's nothing? If you're full... I just want you to be careful, not let you start first. There are also people in other sects who are compatible, and you can also make good friends. "

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "I know, make friends if you like it, and kill it if you don't like it. Master, are you right?"

Luo Jie smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it, it's too early to tell you this. Go back and prepare. By the way, go to Uncle Hu to get the materials. Well, first try to make a basic Tibetan talisman for me to see."

Guo Twelve suddenly became happy and said, "Okay, I'll show it to the master in two days." He didn't walk through the front door, but slipped out through the back door.

Luo Jie was wondering why Guo Shishi sneaked through the back door when he saw Luo Weijie running in through the door and said, "Huh? Where is Twelve?" Only then did he realize that Luo Weijie was here, and he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Xiaojie, Why are you running around doing nothing all day! Twelve left early, why are you looking for him?"

Luo Weijie hesitated: "It's nothing, it's just a matter of cultivation..."

Luo Jie said angrily, "What about cultivation? You ask me!"

Luo Weijie turned around and ran: "Oh, I still have a bit of time to go!" She hurriedly ran out the door, and muttered: "Hmph, when I have an apprentice, I forget my granddaughter... Grandpa is biased... Twelve, walking Look... don't let my sister catch you! Hee hee... the little guy is so fun..."

Luo Jie looked at Luo Weijie worriedly and sighed inwardly. This little granddaughter has good potential, but she just refuses to work hard. In her twenties, she is still playful like a child.

Guo Twelve's ears were very good. As soon as Luo Weijie's footsteps entered his ears, he knew that the mad girl was coming, not because he was afraid of her, but because he was impatient to entangle with her. . After finding Huber and taking the materials, he quietly returned home. There are still about 20 days to go, so we must hurry up.

Guo Shishi walked into the small building, but saw Aunt Chen and Chen Hong sitting in the living room.

Aunt Chen said with a smile: "Twelve, congratulations on your advanced as a spell master."

Guo Twelve saluted politely: "Grandma Chen, why are you here? Is there anything?" He glanced at Chen Hong, and saw the little girl twisting her fingers uncomfortably. Couldn't help but sank slightly.

Aunt Chen asked, "Twelve, are you going to Xifu Gate?"

Guo Shishi nodded and said, "Yes, I will follow the master."

Aunt Chen said, "What about Xiaohong?"

Guo Twelve was puzzled: "Of course we go together, is there any problem?"

Aunt Chen sighed and said, "Yes, a big problem!"

Chen Hong said in a low voice uneasy, "Don't say it..." She blushed, as if she didn't know what to say.

Guo Twelve said oddly, "Don't say anything? Xiaohong, just say something if you have something to say."