Instant Kill

Chapter 54: Rush on a horse (below)


Wangshan is running dead horses, Guo Twelve can feel it now. The war horses fell one by one, and when they reached the foot of the mountain, they only had half of the war horses left.

Qi Nanshan glanced at the endless cliffs and said, "Divided into two groups, walk along the cliffs, find a gap and enter the mountain immediately!"

Guo Shishi looked at the cliff that was as high as one thousand meters and couldn't help exclaiming: "It's terrible! I don't know if it was formed by a sand curtain!"

The entire cliff is completely concave inward, and there is no grass on it. Looking up at the top of the cliff, you can vaguely see a hint of greenery, which means that the top of the cliff is not affected by the sand curtain.

The two groups of men and horses galloped to the left and right, looking for a way to enter the mountains. About twenty minutes later, a signal symbol rose into the sky. Luo Jie said: "Okay, I finally found it, let's go." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, because they found countless bones and remains under the cliff. Those who should have fled under the cliff, but did not find the entrance to the mountain. animals and people.

Luo Jie glanced at the remains a little regretfully, there must be good things in them, but unfortunately they didn't dare to stay for a long time.

Running quickly along the cliff, I saw a huge gap in a moment, which was a gap formed after the cliff collapsed. Qi Nanshan looked at it for a while, and immediately understood that they had to abandon the war horse, because the war horse could not climb this huge gap in the rocks. He said loudly: "Bring your own things, everyone abandons the horse! Don't linger! We have no time to waste."

Guo Shishi looked at the boulder that was seven or eight meters high, and said with a wry smile, "I can't climb it!"

Luo Jie smiled and said, "Master can't climb up either!"

Guo Twelve said oddly, "Master, aren't you able to fly?"

Luo Jie shook his head and said, "Master is not able to fly, but floats in the air, the highest is no more than five meters, no matter how high... Master can't do anything, and he moves very slowly after he floats up, hehe, you think people can be like Does it fly like a bird?"

Guo Shishi had seen individual aircraft in his previous life. Of course, he knew that people could fly. Although they couldn't be as flexible as birds, they could definitely fly. He said seriously: "Yes, master, I think that man can fly like a bird."

Luo Jie smiled slightly, and said dotingly, "Maybe you have to wait for you to develop it, hehe, master has no ability to fly like a bird... Dashan, you bring Twelve up first."

Qi Nanshan agreed, pinched Guo Shishi under his ribs, and his body suddenly flew up. He slapped the boulder with a slap, turned his body slightly, and rushed towards the boulder on the left, followed by another slap, and the man turned again in the air, like a huge eagle, spinning back and forth in the rubble, soaring rapidly.

It took ten minutes to reach the gap in the cliff. He took out a bundle of ropes from the talisman bag, fixed one end, and threw it down. He shouted: "Climb up along the rope! Luo Zhan, find a few people to bring the leopards up." After that, he continued to climb up with Twelve.

Luo Jie also climbed up with the help of two Fu martial artists. Luo Zhan took a few nimble Fu martial masters, carrying Huo Bao and other four children, and climbed hard. Even here, they did not dare to relax at all. Soon, they came to the gap in the cliff. Fortunately, Qi Nanshan left another rope behind.

It took everyone more than two hours to finally climb to the top of the cliff. As soon as I sat down to rest, I heard a rumbling vibration. They looked at each other in dismay, secretly admiring the two old masters, Qi Nanshan and Luo Jie, if it was an hour later, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Everyone came to the edge of the cliff and looked far into the distance, only to see a sand curtain rolling in. Different from looking at it on the ground, from the ground, the sand screen seems to be connected to the heaven and the earth, but from the top of the cliff, the sand screen is like a huge wave in the sea, rapidly pushing across the sea.

There were not many beasts running in front of the sand screen, only about a hundred or so, and there were even a few people riding beasts. When I saw the sand screen for the first time, there were at least tens of thousands of beasts running in front of them, and they all fell into the sand screen one after another. The most powerful beasts who can still run in front of the sand screen are most likely rune beasts. .

Guo Shishi suddenly widened his eyes, pointed his finger down, and shouted, "Good guy, such a big lizard!"

Luo Jie looked at the reputation and said in surprise: "There is actually an earth dragon here? This... This is a very rare earth dragon!"

Guo Twelve asked: "What kind of earth dragon?" He muttered to himself, this thing is very similar to the lizard of the previous life, but it is too big, about 100 meters long. Looking down from the top of the cliff, that size It's all scary, and the other beasts are just a black dot around it.

Luo Jie's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "This is a rare earth dragon, a natural great talisman... The darling in the secret realm... Damn, what the hell is this sand screen, even the earth dragon is running for his life. ... "He and Qi Nanshan looked at each other, and the two of them couldn't help but look like they were lucky.

About two kilometers away from the cliff, the earth dragon suddenly roared, and a series of half-moon-shaped light blades flew out of its mouth. Each blade of light is 60 to 70 meters wide. After leaving the Earth Dragon's huge mouth, it spins and rushes forward, hitting the cliff directly, making an explosion after another.

Luo Jie shouted: "Be careful of being shaken off!"

Fortunately, the earth dragon attacked the cliff in the distance. If it attacked the cliff where everyone was, it would be dangerous.

The earth dragon spit out a series of attacks, but the effect was not great. It only left many large holes in the cliff, but it could not shake the huge cliff composed of rocks.

The earth dragon was very smart. It did not continue to attack the cliff, but ran diagonally, trying to find a gap in the cliff. It is tall and long, and with just a little force, it sprang far away. Soon, it found the gap and ran over quickly.

Luo Jie was startled suddenly, and immediately realized that this adult earth dragon was about to escape from the gap. He shouted: "Dashan, bring Martial Master Fu... the earth dragon is here! We have to delay its actions!" Just kidding, once the earth dragon climbed the gap, they would have nowhere to hide. The strength of the earth dragon is extremely powerful, and no matter what, it cannot let it climb the gap.

Qi Nanshan quickly came to the other side of the gap with five Fu Martial Masters. The task Luo Jie gave him was very simple, that is, to push the boulder to smash the earth dragon, delay its actions, and make it fall into the sand screen.

Luo Jie took the others and Guo Twelve and other five people to stay in place and wait. They couldn't participate in this kind of battle, and they couldn't even go to the side to watch the battle.

However, Guo Twelve had a way. He brought four partners to a huge rock next to the gap. Five people were lying on it, with only half of their heads exposed, so they could clearly see the situation below.

When the earth dragon changed its path, other beasts and people followed, and they also saw the gap. Although it might be too late to climb up, it was the only hope.

Guo Shishi saw a beast that looked like a lion, or maybe a talisman beast. It was swept by the tail of the earth dragon, flew into the air like a ball, and rolled out a hundred meters away. Even so, the other beasts were still frantically running after the earth dragon.

Thousands of meters away, the sand screen had already hit the cliff, making an earth-shattering explosion, and the entire mountain range was shaking. The earth dragon slammed forward as if it had been whipped, and its huge body reached the gap. Then, it almost stood up, slammed on the pile of rocks, and quickly climbed upwards with agile movements. It made Guo Twelve feel incredible.

Chen Hong couldn't help leaning towards Guo Shishi, this earth dragon was too terrifying. Huo Bao kept muttering: "How much meat should this earth dragon have on it... Sigh, if you can kill such a big earth dragon, it will be enough for everyone in my home town for half a year... Tsk tsk..."

Chen Bing was digging at the rock with his hands, staring at the earth dragon, biting his lips tightly, excited and nervous, his body trembling slightly.

Hong Shi asked in a low voice, "Twelve, is Mr. Luo going to kill the Earth Dragon?"

Guo Shishi said: "I can't kill it... This guy is too big, it is a rare aggressive rune beast, um, it should be a mutant rune beast, Master and Grandpa Nanshan... It's very difficult to kill it, unless a few more big spells are added. division."

Hong Shi was puzzled: "Then they are going to kill?"

Guo Shishi said: "They are not going to kill, but to prevent the earth dragon from escaping. It is the sand screen behind it that can really kill it!"

Hong Shi still couldn't figure it out, and said: "If you can't kill it, why do you still take action... "I felt wrong just after saying that. Guo Shishi said patiently: "Once the earth dragon escapes and comes to the cliff, then we are in danger, so the master and the others must take action."

Chen Hong whispered: "Twelve, can the old man stop it?"

Guo Twelve sighed and said, "I don't know, I hope I can block it, otherwise... we will be wiped out. Hehe, no one wants to leave the secret realm alive."

Chen Hong was so frightened that she covered her mouth, and even Huo Bao couldn't help but turn pale.

Luo Jie stood on the rock beside the gap, and a few talisman warriors stood in front of him with huge talisman shields. Luo Jie's natal talisman floated on his chest, and he looked at the earth dragon with a very serious expression. He has been to many secret realms before, and this is the first time he has seen such a huge mutant earth dragon.

Qi Nanshan took a few talismans and pushed the boulder with all his strength, forming a pile of stones around the gap. At this time, the huge head of the earth dragon had already penetrated the gap. He heard Luo Jie shout, "Dashan!"

Qi Nanshan pushed the boulder out fiercely.

Luo Jie did not attack the earth dragon, because even attacking would not have much effect. He is worthy of being a great spell master, and has very rich combat experience. The target of his attack is the gravel slope above the earth dragon.

You must know that the earth dragon weighs thousands of tons, and when it rushes towards the gravel slope of the gap, it adds great pressure to the gravel slope. When the boulder pushed down by Qi Nanshan rolled down from the gravel slope, Luo Jie hit an aggressive blasting talisman, and the gravel slope above the earth dragon suddenly burst open.

Countless boulders rolled down, the earth dragon roared desperately, and its four sturdy thighs trampled on the gravel. Even the boulders with a diameter of seven or eight meters could not be stabilized and rolled down one after another. The sand screen behind also rushed over, only a few dozen meters away.

The earth dragon turned its head sharply, and it let out a desperate roar as it watched the sand curtain come over.