Instant Kill

Chapter 63: Ruins (top)


Luo Jie sighed: "Yesterday, Li Ran once said something, I wonder if you still remember?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "Master, Brother Li said a lot of words. Which sentence did you mean by the old man? Uh, it can't be that sentence... Someone is hunting..." He suddenly thought of Qi Nanshan saying that the master was worried, it must be It was because he was worried about today's itinerary. After a little thought, he understood what the master was worried about.

Luo Jie couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Twelve, you are too smart, can you guess this?"

Guo Twelve waved his hand dashingly and said, "I just guessed it."

Qi Nanshan whispered, "Little monster!"

Luo Jie said: "Twelve, what do you think? Li Ran shouldn't lie to us, this news will not be false, but we don't know how high the level of those hunting people are. If they are much higher than us, we will go there. Courting death, if the level is similar, or lower than us, it is still worth our continued exploration."

Guo Shishi said: "There is a possibility that it is lower than us, but it is more likely ... that they are of a higher level than us."

Qi Nanshan said, "I've already come here. If I go back, I'll be unwilling."

Not only is Qi Nanshan unwilling, Luo Jie is also not reconciled, the secret realm is not so easy to enter, although they have obtained the talisman, but the recorded address is only this secret realm, and there is no coordinate to go back, must wait until the secret realm will be released. They are thrown out and can only set the coordinates after returning to their hometown, so they can't do it even if they want to go back now. But they did nothing and stayed here, and they were not reconciled.

Soon, Luo Jie made up his mind. He said, "Let's move on, be careful, try to avoid those people as much as possible. If you encounter it, don't hesitate to kill it immediately! We must not leak the news and lead to pursuit." He said murderously. For the safety of the entire team, he did not hesitate to kill.

Qi Nanshan said loudly: "Okay, gather!"

Guo Twelve said: "Master, we have to find a horse, the walking speed is too slow."

Luo Jie said: "Yeah, walking at this speed is too exhausting."

The team of twenty-five people was soon assembled, and Qi Nanshan said, "Luo Zhan, you take two people to explore the road ahead. If you see someone, don't be alarmed and come back quickly."

Luo Zhan agreed and led the two of them to explore the road ahead.

In front of it is an endless virgin forest. Waves of mist rose from the jungle, and under the sunlight, there was a colorful glow. Countless birds flew in the air and made bursts of chirping. From time to time, strange howls and beast roars echoed from time to time in the forest, filling the forest with a terrifying aura.

Luo Jie and the others stood on the hillside, quietly looking at this endless forest, he said, "This forest is not safe!"

With a serious expression, Qi Nanshan said, "I don't know what's in it, hehe, old man, I have a feeling of anticipation. Maybe this forest is my burial place."

Luo Jie said: "Don't talk nonsense! Let's be careful, you assign tasks. Twelve, the five of you will follow me, don't worry, there will be a master here, nothing will happen."

Guo Twelve felt a strong sense of unease, he said: "Master, I know." Then he said to the four partners: "Everyone follow me closely, follow Master, let's not be arrogant, don't let Master and the others be distracted. "

Huo Bao said: "We can also help!"

Guo Shishi said: "Leopard, you must not have this idea now. We can not help, but we must not cause trouble, you know? Because we can't help! We are too weak! Greatest help!"

Luo Jie nodded secretly, Guo Twelve was very wise, and what he said was not bad at all, as long as the little guy didn't distract them, it would be the greatest help to them.

"You listen to Twelve's command! Your task is very simple, that is, to protect Twelve. Don't worry about the rest, it's all the old man's business."

Luo Zhan and the other two Fu martial artists have entered the forest. They have a set of contact methods and will not lose their tracks. Qi Nanshan shouted: "There is a team on the left and right, I am in the front, the old man and Twelve are in the middle, the others are in the middle... Okay, cheer up, let's go in!"

Luo Jie said to Guo Twelve and Fifteen, "Follow me and don't run around."

It was hot and humid in the jungle, and there was a strong smell of decay. Guo Twelve held a talisman knife and split the branches and weeds that stretched over from time to time. After entering the forest for ten minutes, he encountered two poisonous snakes, both of which were cut off by him with a talisman knife.

There were two puppies spinning around at his feet. Those were the beast talismans given by the Great Curse Master Wu Qirong. They could be used for search and exploration. Since the command's talisman was incomplete, it was of little use. But the two puppies are also good to follow, the two poisonous snakes were found by the puppies.

The crowd gradually went deep into the dense forest. Guo Shishi could barely see the sky, and the top was completely covered by the tree canopy. The temperature increased, the humidity increased, the number of poisonous insects increased, and the sound of frogs was heard. Everyone moved forward silently. In this environment, no one wanted to speak, just wanted to quickly pass through this terrifying forest.

Qi Nanshan suddenly raised his arms, and everyone stopped immediately. Suddenly, the hot and humid feeling became irresistible. Guo Twelve's whole body seemed to be soaked in water. For the first time, he realized what it is to sweat like a pulp, which is even worse than a sauna. Luo Jie was still the same. He was protected by the talisman, so he didn't feel hot at all.

Although Guo Twelve has a natal talisman, he has not yet formed a natal talisman ball. Without a certain number of rune balls, there are not many skills available, and he can only passively endure the unbearable heat.

A martial arts master quickly retreated to Qi Nanshan, whispered a few words, and then moved on. Qi Nanshan signaled everyone to follow him. After walking for about half an hour, everyone's eyes lit up. Suddenly walking out of the dark jungle, I only felt refreshed and refreshed, and the breeze was blowing, the feeling was really wonderful.

There is a pile of rocks in front of me, no trees can grow, only low bushes, so I can see the sky. This is a ruin, most of the buildings have collapsed, there are only a few remaining stone houses, and there is a small river not far away, flowing slowly around the ruins.

"This is the ruins? Who are the ruins left behind?"

Luo Jie shook his head and said, "I don't know, let's rest here for a few days and explore the ruins by the way. Maybe we can find something. This kind of ruins are usually destroyed by outsiders. Sometimes we can find some good ones in this kind of place. Things, such as the talismans left over by the predecessors... Depending on luck, sometimes you can even find spiritual talismans and ancient talismans."

Qi Nanshan said: "Did you see that stone pillar? Everyone dispersed and searched separately. We must gather at the stone pillar before dark, and we will spend the night there." He added: "Come and follow me, let's go hunting. Luo Zhan, follow the old man and guard carefully!"

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "Master, there shouldn't be any danger here, let's work as a group of five."

Luo Jie said: "Xiaofeng, you follow the twelve, Luo Zhan, let's go to Shizhu."

Guo Twelve cheered and shouted, "Uncle Xiaofeng, Leopard, Shito, Chen Bing, Xiaohong, let's go, hehe, pass here!" He walked along the rocks to the left.

The crowd was divided into several small groups and soon disappeared into the ruins.

This ruin is not very big, it is equivalent to a small city in Guo XII's previous life, twenty-five people enter it, and it is not obvious at all.

Guo Twelve had seen a complete building long ago. It was a two-story stone house hidden behind a big tree.

The road completely disappeared, except for the piles of rocks, which were the vegetation covered with thatched shrubs. A dozen people from Guo waved their talismans, opened a road, and walked slowly over.

The road is not long, because the small stone building is close to the edge of the forest and it is easy to be overlooked.

Chen Hong followed behind Guo Shishi, and kept saying, "I want to take a bath, my body stinks, alas, I want to take a bath... This ghost place is too hot..." She said purely subconsciously, The voice was extremely low, but Guo Shishi's ears were very good, and he could hear it clearly. He couldn't help but say, "Stop reading it... the more you read me, the hotter you are..."

Chen Hong suddenly blushed, she didn't dare to answer, she pursed her lips and stopped talking.

After walking for about half an hour, the six finally came to the small stone building. A very large tree is almost half embedded in the stone building, and I don't know how long it has been growing. It is eerily cool under the tree. This stone building is very old, with a mottled layer of vines crawling on the walls, and the branches and leaves of the vines have penetrated into the stone building.

Huo Bao cheered and was about to rush in, but Guo Shishi grabbed the collar and pulled him back abruptly. He said, "What are you excited about? Go in there rashly!"

Huo Bao said in disbelief: "Twelve, how did your strength become so great?"

Guo Twelve said inexplicably: "My strength is great? What are you kidding?"

Huo Bao scratched his head, he really couldn't figure out how he would be caught by Guo Twelve and said, "Twelve, your strength has really increased... Forget it, I'll go take a look first, I'll be careful! "He pulled out the talisman knife and said, "Wait for me, don't run around!"

Xiaofeng just watched with a smile and didn't intervene. He knew that if the little guys had to practice more, they would not be able to grow up if they replaced everything.

After a while, Huo Bao came out, and he said disappointedly: "Alas, there is nothing, an empty house."

Guo Shishi smiled slightly and said, "Go, go in and have a look."

This gloomy little stone building is entirely made of blue-striped stone, so it is very strong. Even after countless years of erosion, it still retains some of its original features. Guo Shishi walked into a room upstairs and said, "This must be the master bedroom."

There is a small platform upstairs, almost completely covered by the branches and leaves of the big tree. There are a total of three rooms, one of which is half collapsed, you can see a piece of sky outside, and the original planks on the ground have long since decayed. The downstairs room was even more dilapidated. Guo Twelve walked down the stone steps and came to the back of the small building.