Instant Kill

Chapter 67: Hunter (top)


Luo Jie said lightly: "Triggered the trap! Twelve's method is really good, clean up, let's move on!"

Guo Shishi said: "Master, we try to avoid them as much as possible. According to Fu Yejie, their strength is far greater than ours. I hope we can stick to the secret realm and throw us out, otherwise... it will be very troublesome."

Qi Nanshan suddenly straightened his body, looked up into the distance, and then shouted in a low voice, "Everyone is hiding! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Without hesitation, Guo Twelve hid beside a boulder, where there was dense grass covered with trees. As soon as everyone was concealed, there was a burst of sound waves in the sky, which was the sound of quickly breaking through the air. The whistling sound became louder and louder, and then, everyone saw a very spectacular scene.

There were at least a hundred hunting vehicles flying over the sky with a roar. Each hunting vehicle was about ten meters apart, and the density was astonishing. The faces of everyone hiding in the bushes changed. Not to mention more than 100 hunting vehicles, even 10 or 20 hunting vehicles, they can't deal with it. This has nothing to do with individual strength, it is the strength of a large team, it is the strength of equipment.

A hunting vehicle suddenly swooped down, and a hundred-meter-long golden light swept across the forest, and the trees fell one by one. Fortunately, the golden light was a few hundred meters away from the crowd, otherwise he would be able to force out the people hiding below. Luo Jie couldn't help but widen his eyes. This was a super big talisman sword, stronger than ordinary ancient talismans. It was probably the real ancient talisman that Li Ran said.

The hunting vehicle circled around and found nothing, so it followed the group of hunting vehicles. Luo Jie had cold sweat on his forehead, knowing that he was in serious trouble. After waiting for a full quarter of an hour, he whispered: "Dashan, organize everyone to retreat to the south!"

Guo Shishi whispered: "Master, we should go east!"

Luo Jie frowned and said, "Why?"

Guo Shishi whispered: "We can't escape the flying hunting carts, and there are so many of them, as long as we find us... we will have nowhere to escape. In this case, we will go to the place where they gather, where the defense It may be looser than in the distance, as long as they don't deliberately search, we have a chance to hide!"

Qi Nanshan praised it, and he whispered, "Old man, it makes sense!"

As soon as Luo Jie heard it, he understood that this was their only way out. He lightly touched Guo Twelve's head and said with a smile, "This child, how can he be so smart... Hehe, okay, just listen to Twelve, let's go east!"

Twenty people, in the dense and dark forest, as long as they want to hide, it is difficult for outsiders to find them.

Luo Zhan said puzzled: "We can't find a place, hide it temporarily, and wait until the secret realm is closed, and then we can go out."

Luo Jie sighed and said, "If there is no conflict with Fu Yejie and the others, this method is feasible, but now it is difficult, we have to keep moving to avoid the other party's search, they have A hunting vehicle is easier to move than us."

Luo Zhan nodded and said, "Twelve, I'll carry you."

People start again. This time, they were more careful and saw the light of the golden talisman sword emitted from the hunting cart. They knew very well that once they were discovered, they would probably be planted here and never want to return to their own continent.

Under the command of Qi Nanshan, the speed of everyone is not too fast. They are very careful and try not to leave any traces. Although it is difficult to achieve, everyone is working hard. There are two Martial Artists who are specifically behind to remove the more obvious traces.

Guo Shishi leaned on Luo Zhan's back, worried in his heart, and thought to himself, "Higher Spell Continent? Low Spell Continent? What is this concept? What kind of continent is Li Ran from? Even more powerful, alas, this world is really complicated!"

Knowledge of previous lives makes it difficult to understand the present world, but there is a phenomenon that is even more difficult to understand, the reincarnation of the soul. He sighed secretly and stopped thinking about it, as long as he could save his life. But looking at the current situation, it is difficult to even save one's life.

In Guo Twelve's wild thoughts, the team moved forward silently.

In half a day, I encountered two hunting vehicles. Fortunately, Qi Nanshan noticed it in advance, and everyone moved quickly, so they avoided the past without any danger.

Guo Twelve has been paying attention to the situation around him. At this time, the dense forest began to become sparse, and he secretly thought that he was going out of the forest? With the forest as cover, they can also avoid the search of hunting vehicles. Once exposed on the plains, there is no chance of survival at all.

The team stopped. Luo Jie and Qi Nanshan also discovered this problem, so they immediately stopped the team. Qi Nanshan said, "Let's take a break, and come here by twelve."

Luo Jie and Qi Nanshan couldn't help but treat Guo Shishi as an adult. In their minds, this child is thoughtful, decisive, and can often say unexpected things. At times like this, it's good for everyone to have one more person come up with ideas.

Guo Shishi didn't talk nonsense when he came over, and said directly: "Master, if you move forward... I'm afraid we will be out of the forest, which is very bad for us. We can't lose the cover of the forest."

Luo Jie said: "Of course, we can't leave the forest. If we have to leave the forest ahead, then we can't continue to move forward. Which direction should we go?"

Qi Nanshan scratched his head and said, "This is troublesome!"

Guo Shishi said: "Don't make a decision yet, send someone to explore the road and see what's ahead."

Qi Nanshan said with a wry smile: "Hehe, the pressure is so overwhelming... Twelve is still calm, okay, I'll send someone to explore the way." He called two Fu martial artists and asked them to go ahead to explore the way, and said, "No matter what. What do you see, I hope you will be back in half an hour."

Seeing the two of them disappear from sight like a fly, Qi Nanshan said, "We should draw up an action plan. In case of danger, we can take countermeasures so that we won't be in a hurry."

Luo Jie nodded and said, "Yes, let's sum it up."

Soon, a contingency plan was drawn up, and it was only a rough one. Guo Shishi felt a little helpless, because he didn't know the strength of the martial masters, and couldn't think of too many ideas. Luo Jie and Qi Nanshan decided the purpose of this plan was to first ensure the lives of Guo Shizi and other five children, and then consider the others.

In Beifumen, the most basic task of any master and any professional is to ensure the growth of the next generation. They are the hope of the sect and the foundation of the sect. Therefore, the five people such as Guo Twelve and Twelve are placed in the most important position. Not surprisingly. This is also what makes Guo Twelve particularly moved.

Everyone was busy drinking water and eating dry food, but unfortunately they couldn't make a fire, otherwise a bowl of hot soup would be better than anything else.

The two Martial Masters who went to explore the road quickly returned, and one of them said: "There are hills ahead, we went up to have a look and found hundreds of hunting vehicles, which seemed to be hunting for something, and we could see that the javelin was shot and exploded flash."

Guo Twelve asked, "Isn't there a forest ahead?"

Another Fu martial artist said: "It's a low jungle, which can cover the figure, but it is easy to expose, and it is not safe in the forest."

Qi Nanshan asked, "You said there are hundreds of hunting vehicles? What are they hunting?"

"I don't know, it's too far away, I can only see it vaguely... I don't think it's like rounding up people, it should be rounding up rune beasts."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a faint roar, and he didn't know what talisman beast was, but the voice could reach so far. Guo Shishi said: "It's already very unsafe here, we have to leave as soon as possible."

Luo Jie said, "Yeah, we're going to find a place to hide and rest for two days to see how the situation goes."

Guo Twelve objected: "Master, we can't stop, even if we're running around in the forest, we can't stop... Once surrounded, we won't even have a chance to resist. The hunting cart is too powerful, we can only move if we keep moving. Let the other party be puzzled, and after a long time, they will naturally relax... Now is not the time to rest."

Luo Jie hesitated and asked, "Dashan, what do you think?"

Qi Nanshan was also a little hesitant. Like Luo Jie, he had to be responsible for the entire team. "Everyone is tired..." he said.

Guo Twelve couldn't help but said, "Master, Grandpa Nanshan, you can't die from exhaustion... If you are found by the hunting cart, you will be beaten to death!" Then, he said very unwillingly: "Master, I'd rather be tired. Half dead, and I don’t want to be killed by a hunting cart!”

Luo Jie was amused by him and said, "Why are you so unmotivated! You have no confidence at all... Your master is a great spell master, and if you want to kill me, hum, it depends on how much they pay!"

Guo Twelve smiled bitterly and said, "Master, no matter how much it costs, it will not be able to withstand the master's life. I don't want the master to work hard." This was his heartfelt hope, and he did not want the master to be in a dangerous situation.

Qi Nanshan sighed: "Twelve is right, as long as we can go out this time and record the location of our continent in the talisman, we can come and go freely in the future, we don't have to be afraid of those people, alas! Keep running away.'s so fucking frustrating!"

Luo Jie also made up his mind and said, "Then continue to escape!"

No matter how suffocated there is no way, this is the sadness of being inferior to others. The most irritating thing is that the opponent relies on a large number of people. Luo Jie doesn't care if he fights one-on-one. Now he can only run away. He has to worry about his apprentice's life. French escape.

The team assembles and turns around. Luo Jie did not dare to leave the forest with his team, so he could only move along the edge of the forest, so that he could go deep into the forest at any time.

Their route of travel was decided by Guo Shishi, as if they were walking in the ecstasy array, suddenly east and west, suddenly south and north, erratic, wandering everywhere, rarely staying in one place for more than eight hours. This kept moving, successfully dodging several kills. There were a few times when the hunting cart was hovering above their heads, and Luo Jie could not help but take action, because thinking of Guo Shishi, his little apprentice, he suppressed his desire to take action.