Instant Kill

Chapter 72: Enter the mountain (below)


Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Before you came, many people have already said... I'm so hungry! Haha!" Luo Zhan didn't find it funny at all, he wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Really I'm hungry, can I eat?"

Chen Hong sprinkled the salt into it and said, "Just wait a few more minutes." The group of people just stared at the three cauldrons, and Huo Bao was so hungry that his hands were shaking. Guo Twelve said, "Drink some soup first!"

Luo Jie and Qi Nanshan were very embarrassed. They were chased by the hunting cart and had no way to go to the sky. There was no way to enter the ground. After dawn, it was even more difficult to escape. Now Qi Nanshan is running away with Luo Jie on his back. Gradually, the crowd dispersed, and there was only one Martial Master Fu left beside the two. The others all ran away, and there were hundreds of hunting vehicles following them.

So far, Luo Jie has not made a move. The people in the hunting carts were very nasty, constantly harassing them with javelins and talismans, driving them running, trying to exhaust them before they started.

Master Fu, who followed the two, said: "Old man, find a place, you can hide for a while, and I'll lead them away!"

Luo Jie said, "It's useless, just follow us. Anyway, I can take care of it a little bit. If you'll be dead."

The Fu martial artist grinned and said, "Hehe, as long as the old man can escape the danger, it is worth it..." He is a fu martial artist who is about to advance to a big talisman martial artist. His strength is very powerful, only a little worse than Qi Nanshan, and he is good at Detective sentry, the speed is not slower than Qi Nanshan, so he can keep up with the two.

"Min Tsai, be careful yourself, if you really can't escape, just give up your resistance, we will come back to save you!"

Min Tsai said with a smile: "Don't worry, I still have stunts that are useless. Those dogs have been chasing us for so long, hehe, I will make them look good!" After he finished speaking, he suddenly turned and ran to the left. At the same time, a shrill shriek was emitted.

Luo Jie said, "Let's go!"

The speed of the hunting vehicle cannot be increased, which shows the shortcomings of the hunting vehicle. The hunting vehicle can fly at ultra-high speed, but it is not stable enough to fly at low speed. It has to keep turning in circles to eliminate the impact of fast flight. Therefore, during the tracking process, either the speed is too fast to overshoot the head, or the tracked target is lost in the circle. , especially when there is a dense forest below, and you can't see clearly at all, you can only keep shooting down with javelins, blasting the trees to observe, which gives Luo Jie and the others a chance to breathe.

Hearing Min Tsai's long howl, countless hunting vehicles swarmed up. They also know that this is to lure the enemy, but in the case that the enemy cannot be found, the person who lures the enemy is also the enemy. Those hunting vehicles that were searching indiscriminately, like flies smelling blood, all flew over.

Only a small number of hunting vehicles were still tracking Luo Jie.

In the dense forest, when there is only one person, no matter how many people are chasing it, it is useless, especially the occupation of the warrior warrior. Unless he is injured, as long as he flees desperately, it will make the arresting person very depressed.

Qi Nanshan's speed was so fast that even if he was carrying a person, walking through the dense forest, it would still be like lightning bolting, and it would soon penetrate deep into the dense forest, and those hunting vehicles could not detect it at all. Qi Nanshan rested for a while, ready to continue running away with Luo Jie on his back.

Luo Jie said, "Dashan, let's go back and find someone from the Fuye family. It's best to find someone who is alone. Hehe, is it worth it because there are so many people? Let's play with them slowly!" Without Guo Twelve and others Due to the burden of people, the old man started to get angry.

Qi Nanshan nodded and said: "Okay, I also feel aggrieved, damn, since I advanced to Dafu Martial Artist, I have never been so embarrassed, being chased like a rabbit running for my life..."

The two turned their heads and ran towards the east.

Guo Twelve hiccupped contentedly, ran to the pool to wash his face, sat down on a rock, and sighed, "I feel much better... Alas, it's rare to enter a secret realm once, but to be chased into darkness, When I advance to the great spell master, I will settle the account with them!"

Luo Zhan said with a smile: "Advanced Great Talisman Master? Haha, that's not easy. Twelve, there are tens of millions of people in the North Talisman Sect, among which there are millions of professionals, and there are very few people who can advance to the master level. As far as I know, no more than a hundred... You're only nine years old, and your ambitions are big enough!"

Guo Shishi said: "Ambitious enough? Haha, if we don't have ambition... we can only run away when we see a hunting vehicle, and we don't even have a chance to fight back. How can we do without ambition?"

Huo Bao murmured: "The old man is a great spell master, so don't run away!"

Guo Twelve kicked over and scolded: "Idiot, that's why we implicated the master, otherwise he would have escaped the danger long ago!"

Luo Zhan said with a smile: "Twelve is right, with the five of you little guys around, everyone is tied up, and they dare not let go of the fight, so they have to run away... Twelve, the old man values you very much, hehe, once Without your drag, I guess the old man will take revenge, when has he suffered such a loss?"

Chen Hong asked, "Where are we going?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "Find a safer place, we will wait there until we are thrown out of the secret realm." In fact, he didn't understand how to be thrown out of the secret realm.

Luo Zhan nodded and said: "As long as we get out of the secret realm, it is the biggest victory. This place is really dangerous."

Everyone put away the copper pot, sorted out their belongings, and changed into clean clothes, but unfortunately they didn't have time to take a bath. Luo Zhan instructed everyone to carry the five children on their backs and continue walking towards the deep mountain.

This mountain range is completely different from the mountains I have seen before. The mountains are high and the peaks are stacked. The scenery is beautiful and the mountains are steep, which Guo Twelve has never seen before. Along the way, he was full of praise, especially without spending any effort to climb the mountain, leaning on Luo Zhan's back, he could enjoy the scenery, which made him feel very cool.

On the way, Guo Shishi asked Luo Zhan to stop from time to time, and he collected a lot of talisman materials. Along the way, I saw a lot of advanced talisman materials. It would be a pity to let them go.

Six days passed peacefully. Five Martial Masters and five children climbed all the way, over the mountains, and came to a mountain forest where there was a curved pool of water. Guo Shishi said: "We don't have to continue our journey, you see... There is a cave under the rock wall, we can temporarily rest there for a few days."

Luo Zhan said, "Xiaofeng, pay attention to your vigilance, I'll go hunting!"

Huo Bao said, "Uncle Luo, I'll go too!"

Luo Zhan nodded and said: "Okay, you bring a pair of talismans, there are a lot of wild birds here, you can catch a few for barbecue!"

Guo Twelve didn't help the pot to cook the soup this time. He walked around the pool by himself, worried about his master's safety. A stream gently ran through a pile of rubble and flowed into the curved pool. He found a large rock and sat down, hugging his knees, bowing his head in thought.

When he came to this world, his original purpose was to live a peaceful life. As long as there were no accidents, he might still be reincarnated in the original world. With the gradual understanding of this world, he found that the idea of living a lifetime in peace is very unrealistic. If there is no strength, it is impossible to live a lifetime in peace. This world is too dangerous.

Fortunately, I have excellent potential, which is very important. If you want to learn by your own strength, let's not talk about the potential problem, just the resources needed by the spell apprentice can't solve it, and there are many things that can't be solved by money. question.

Relying on Beifumen and a good master, he was able to gain a foothold in this world and have the capital to mess around. But just messing around is not enough. If you can't advance as soon as possible, then your advantage in Beifumen will be lost. To advance, you must go out to experience, battles are inevitable, and you must improve your strength to save your life.

The first time I entered the secret realm, I was chased around by people, like a bereaved dog. Although the harvest is not small, such an encounter is still insufficient in the final analysis.

Guo Twelve thought a little sadly: "I'm only nine years old, damn...too young, being young is both an advantage and a disadvantage, sigh, it seems that only if you endure it until your strength reaches the point where you won't be afraid of anyone. Safety... it's too difficult!"

"Twelve! Twelve! Xiaohong told you to go back to dinner!"

Guo Shishi raised his head dumbfounded and said in his heart, "Damn it, the classic words of the last life can be heard here." He stood up and said, "Stone, stop calling, come right away!"

Huo Bao deserves to be born as a hunter. This guy hit a dozen fat and tender pheasants and burned three pots of thick soup. Guo Twelve smiled and said, "Chicken soup! Good stuff!" Chen Hong gave him a bowl of soup, fished out a pheasant and handed it to him, saying, "Twelve, eat it quickly."

Guo Shishi ate the pheasant silently, still thinking in his heart. He thought of the mysterious Li Ran and the coordinates left on his rune talisman. He doesn't dare to start it now, and if he doesn't come back after the past, it will be a big trouble.

There is also the bird-engraved talisman. Guo Twelve still doesn't know what kind of talisman it is. After being sucked into the natal talisman ball, after so long, the talisman has gradually recovered. Guo Twelve estimated that , can be effectively released at least four times, but he has not tested it, and he does not know how powerful it is.

After eating the pheasant tastelessly, Guo Shishi said, "I'll rest for a while." He continued his wild thoughts.

Luo Zhan took a Fu martial artist out to guard. Although I haven't encountered a powerful rune beast during this time, I still have to be vigilant. Guo Twelve was Luo Jie's most precious little apprentice, and he didn't want to have an accident in his own hands.

Chen Hong came to Guo Twelve and asked in a low voice, "Twelve, are you feeling unwell?"

Guo Shishi shook his head and said, "No, I'm just thinking about some questions."

Chen Hong had a blind trust in Guo Twelve. Since he said it was fine, it would be fine. She turned around and went to pack her things.

A Fu martial artist ran back from a distance and whispered, "Xiaofeng, hurry up and take them to cover, and found a hunting vehicle that has reached the canyon in front!"

Then Luo Zhan also ran back.