Instant Kill

Chapter 78: escape (below)


Qin Yun frowned, thought for a while, and said with a wry smile: "Master, I'm afraid I don't know or have heard of it."

Luo Jie was not surprised. There are hundreds of thousands of Qin family members, and there are tens of thousands of people who are directly related. It is normal for them not to know each other. He said, "Qin Yun, we are going to the best inn here, can you introduce us?"

Qin Yun said: "Old man, you are a distinguished guest, how can you go to the inn? I have already sent someone back, and someone will be there to receive you right away. Hehe, please wait a moment."

After waiting for about ten minutes, there was the sound of hurried horse hooves in the distance, and a group of cavalry quickly came to the city gate. A strong man jumped off the horse and asked loudly, "Who is the distinguished guest from Beifumen?"

Guo Twelve asked, "Uncle, who are you?"

The big man was stunned and said, "Huh? You are a magician? How is that possible?"

Guo Shishi was a little unhappy and said, "Why is it impossible? It's rare and strange!"

Luo Jie patted Guo Shishi on the shoulder, motioned him to step back, stepped forward and said, "I'm Luo Jie from Beifumen, who are you?"

The big man saw clearly the sign on Luo Jie's chest, and his expression immediately became serious, and he saluted, "I am the deacon of the Qin family, and I am specially responsible for receiving distinguished guests. Haha, my name is Qin Mu, you can always call me Xiaomu."

Qin Mu waved his hand and asked his subordinates to bring the war horse, and said, "Please mount!"

Guo Shishi's eyes lit up and praised: "This horse is very good..." He chose a dark horse. In his previous life, he had a big dark horse. Although he didn't have this horse, he was a very good horse in his previous life.

Everyone flew on their horses, Qin Mu led the way, and galloped along the road.

The Qin family attaches great importance to the arrival of Luo Jie and others. The two master-level figures must be entertained no matter what, and they have arranged the best yard, the best housing, and the best servants.

Guo Twelve was too lazy to go out to socialize with the master and the others. After staying, he hid in the room and read a book, and then trained Huo Bao and the others. With the blood talisman, he didn't have to work hard to refine the Ming talisman. He has always attached great importance to the training of the four partners, and he did not relax in the slightest even on the escape route in the secret realm.

The winter on the prairie is extremely cold, and the Qin family brought them new clothes and pants of various leathers, as well as luxurious leather robes and leather hats. Qin Guangcheng is a trading center for all kinds of precious furs. There are a large number of merchants who run the fur business here, so all the Qin family brings are good things.

In addition to various fur clothes and robes, there are a lot of supplies and various foods, and three war horses produced on the grasslands are given to each person, all of which are rare good horses.

Guo Twelve especially liked the three beautiful grassland war horses. After they were delivered, he fed them and washed them with his own hands. He was very close to the war horses. One of them was the big black horse he rode before, and he came directly.

Huo Bao and others also got grassland war horses, but they didn't have the plot of Guo Shishi's love for horses, so they left them to their servants to take care of them.

On this day, Guo Twelve had just sorted out his talisman bag when he saw Huo Bao, Hong Shi, Chen Bing and Chen Hong come in. Huo Bao said: "Twelve, let's go shopping!"

Guo Shishi waved his hand and said, "You guys go, I don't have time... I don't have time, there is still a book to read."

Chen Bing said: "Go! Let's go together! We finally came to Qinguang City. It would be a pity if we didn't go shopping. We don't know when we will come in the future."

Chen Hong also said: "Twelve, we still need to buy something."

Several people took turns to persuade, Guo Twelve smiled bitterly: "Okay, I'll go... By the way, let the Qin family send a guide to save time on the road."

Luo Zhan has always followed Guo Twelve. He has almost become a full-time bodyguard, but he is very happy. After getting along for so long, he likes Guo Twelve more and more. This little guy is not only sensible, but more importantly, he is worthy of himself. Protect. Guo Twelve's performance in the secret realm won the appreciation of these martial masters.

In addition to Luo Zhan, Xiaofeng is also willing to follow Guo Shishi. He specially asked the old man for instructions, saying that he would train Huo Bao and the other four, so he, like Luo Zhan, followed Guo Shishi.

The Qin family sent a person. This person is not a professional, but an ordinary person. He is very familiar with Qin Guangcheng, and it is very suitable for him to lead the way.

This person's name is Qin Zilu, a neat middle-aged man. He respectfully saluted Guo Shishi, knowing that the child in front of him was incredible, not only a disciple of the great spell master, but also a nine-year-old spell master, a powerful professional.

Qinguang City is very prosperous. There are countless shops on both sides of the street, the pedestrians on the road are bustling, and there are a large number of livestock and carriages, especially when the caravan enters the city, the entire street is crowded.

Qin Zilu led the way and explained to them from time to time. Huo Bao and other children listened with great interest, but Guo Shishi didn't care much. He and Luo Zhan Xiaofeng were a few steps behind and whispered something.

Guo Twelve asked, "Uncle Xiaofeng, what is the master busy with these days?"

Xiaofeng said: "I talk to people every day, and I don't know what I'm doing. However, we don't seem to be staying for a few days. I heard that we will leave here soon and want to enter the grassland... They all said that this season is not suitable for entering the grassland. This The season is suitable for hunting, not for traveling, it is getting cold."

Luo Zhan said: "In winter on the grassland, people will really freeze to death."

Guo Shishi was very afraid of the cold, so he heard the words and said, "Uh, it's so cold... Then I need to buy more leather robes." He raised his head and asked, "Uncle Zilu, where can you buy fur?"

Qin Zilu didn't dare, and said, "Young master, most of the fur shops in Qinguang City are fur shops. I'll take you there. There is a fur street not far ahead, and they are all shops selling fur."

Chen Hong cheered and was very happy. As a little girl, of course she likes to go shopping and shopping, but she has been practicing hard since she was a child, and she has no chance to go out at all. Even if she goes out, she is with adults. Going out shopping today will not have that kind of restraint, Guo Shishi is not going to care about them.

Qin Zilu said, "Master, go to this shop."

Guo Shishi looked up at the signboard. There were three big characters on the plaque - Zhenpifang. He couldn't help laughing and said, "This is your Qin family's shop, right?"

Qin Zilu said proudly: "In Qin Guangcheng, our Qin family's shops are the best!"

Guo Shishi nodded, the Qin family is a local tycoon, occupying the best resources, and it is not surprising that there are the best shops. He smiled and said, "Okay, let's go in and have a look."

The store covers a large area. Guo Shishi walked into the store and saw that there were many wooden racks inside, with various furs on the bars, and the colorful ones were very beautiful.

Qin Zilu said: "The outside is the skin of ordinary beasts, and the inside is better animal skins. Haha, the best skins are generally not taken out, unless there are distinguished guests."

Guo Twelve wondered: "The best fur? Is it the fur of a talisman?"

Qin Zilu was immediately dumbfounded. He smiled bitterly: "Master, the fur of the rune beast... Who will sell it? The best is the mutated beast's skin, which is incomparable to the skin of rune beasts..." He also knew the rune beast. Rare and precious.

Guo Shizian had some furs of talismans in his hands, and he said, "Let's go inside and have a look."

Qin Zilu called a guy and gave some orders in a low voice. The guy glanced at Guo Twelve and the others and hurried in.

After a while, an old man came out. Qin Zilu hurried forward and whispered a few words. The old man put a smile on his face, came to Guo Shishi, and said, "Young master, I'm the shopkeeper of Zhenpifang, hehe, welcome here, please! Please sit in the inner room!"

Guo Twelve said: "The shopkeeper is very kind, please!" He could see at a glance that the old man was an ordinary person.

The inside of Zhenpifang is bigger than the storefronts outside. The difference is that there are no wooden shelves, only a large wooden desk with a lot of furs on it, and most of the customers in the inside are professionals.

Guo Shishi casually touched the fur on the desk, nodded and praised: "This fur is well made, very soft, and has no peculiar smell."

The room was quiet, with a dozen or so guests picking out fur, followed by guys behind them. Suddenly I heard Chen Hong exclaim in surprise: "Oh, this... so beautiful!"

It was a snow-white fox fur scarf. Chen Hong didn't let go when she caught it. She fondled it, and then looked at Guo Shishi with pitiful eyes. Because she has no money, although she is the team's money manager, the money can't be used unless Guo Twelve agrees.

Guo Twelve said, "Let's choose for yourself, buy what you like, and Xiaohong will pay for it."

Among this group of people, only Chen Hong chose the most energetically, and the others didn't care. The Qin family sent a lot of finished furs. As for Luo Zhan and Xiaofeng, they didn't even look at those hides. They hunted countless hides, so how could they be interested in this.

Guo Twelve took out a talisman bag and took out a complete animal skin. It was the talisman bear skin that was hunted in the secret realm, and the hair was brown and black. This piece of skin is very big, you must know that the bear is five meters high. When he took out the talisman bear skin and spread it on the desk, the shopkeeper was sluggish on the spot. He stroked the brown hair like a steel needle with his trembling hands, and asked in a trembling voice, "This... this is... this is the talisman. The skin of a beast?"

As soon as the word talisman came out, the guests who were shopping in the room were suddenly alarmed, and they all showed their amazed expressions.

Luo Zhan asked inexplicably: "Twelve, why did you take out the animal skin?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "I want to use this talisman animal skin to make a few robes. It's too cold on the grasslands. The robes made from the talisman animal skin should be able to withstand the cold."

Luo Zhan smiled and said, "This is too extravagant!"

Guo Shicai doesn't care whether he is extravagant or not, as long as he doesn't let himself freeze, he will do it no matter how extravagant he is. He asked, "Treasurer, can you process this skin?"

Before the shopkeeper could answer, a voice came from behind.

"Huh? Isn't this a talisman skin? Zhenpifang actually sells such a good thing, haha, I want this skin!"