Instant Kill

Chapter 80: conflict (below)


Zhu Dachang caressed the talisman bear skin carefully, and asked excitedly: "Where is the talisman bear that was hunted, good guy, with such a big man, I guess... Is there a big talisman martial artist?" He turned over the talisman bear. Pi, looking carefully at the natural rune pattern on the skin, kept tucking his tongue out in amazement: "Standard power and defensive rune beast, this skin... is very tough, I really don't know how to hunt such a terrifying rune beast. ."

Guo Twelve stood quietly by the side without urging him.

Zhu Dachang read it over and over several times, and after a while, he said, "Good stuff! Brother Guo, is there any possibility of transfer?"

Guo Twelve smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Zhu Dachang said with a bitter face: "Uh, this is hard to say, it depends on Brother Guo's meaning."

Guo Twelve asked, "What kind of talisman are you good at?"

Zhu Dachang's eyes lit up and said, "I specialize in making talismans, and I am best at making soft talismans. Haha, this leather is the top material for making soft talismans!"

Guo Shishi nodded and asked with a smile, "Have you read it yet?"

Zhu Dachang said hopefully: "Hehe, I've finished reading it, I've finished reading it..." He took a step back, and looked at Guo Shishi eagerly.

Guo Twelve stepped forward, put away the talisman bear skin, and said, "Then, let's say goodbye!"

"Huh? Gone?"

Zhu Dachang hurriedly chased after a step and shouted, "Brother Guo! Brother Guo!"

Guo Twelve asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Zhu Dachang was depressed to death for the child, and he said, "Don't you want to make a talisman?"

Guo Twelve nodded seriously and said, "Think!"

Zhu Dachang was refreshed and said, "Then leave it to me to make it! I am a master at making soft armor. Look, I am a master certified by the North Fumen!"

Guo Twelve said: "But... I have no money! I can't afford Master Fu!" He said it confidently.

Until now, Luo Zhan didn't understand what Guo Shishi wanted to do, the little guy was fishing with the bear skin.

Zhu Dachang also understood what Guo Twelve was thinking, but he had no choice but to need the talisman bear skin to improve his level, especially the whole talisman bear skin, which contained a large number of natural runes, among which there must be talismans that he had never seen before. Wen, this kind of production can best improve his armor-making level, he doesn't want to let it go no matter what, knowing that it is a trap, he has to jump in.

"This... I don't want money, I make it for free!"

Guo Twelve looked very surprised and said, "No way, it's free to make? There is such a good thing? You can coax me, hey, it's not good to lie to children!"

Zhu Dachang could not wait to swear on the spot, he said: "Really! If you don't believe me, you can ask the shopkeeper. Our Zhu's Firm is reputable!"

Guo Twelve can't make armor, but he is a talisman. He knows that it takes a lot of auxiliary materials to make soft armor, which is very expensive. He said, "Uh, I don't believe there is such a good thing. Fu Jia, come and ask me the cost of the auxiliary materials again, then I will be finished, and then... you will use my Fu Xiong skin to settle the bill, I have nowhere to cry."

Zhu Dachang was dazed by him and said, "Well, not only will I make it for free, but all the auxiliary materials will be produced by me, how about this?"

Guo Twelve said: "But... I may be leaving in three days. I gave it to you... How can I receive the goods?"

Luo Zhan sighed inwardly, this child is too shrewd, not only free but also fast. He looked at Zhu Dachang curiously. He looked like a pig. Why should he agree to such a disadvantageous thing? He didn't understand a talisman's desire for top-notch materials at all.

Guo Shishi looked at Zhu Dachang with a smile, as if you would leave if you didn't agree to me.

Zhu Dachang has been completely immersed in the fantasy of getting the bear skin to make soft armor. He said: "The time is too short, um, I have the auxiliary materials, but there is one thing missing... I need you to provide it."

Guo Twelve asked, "What material is it?"

Zhu Dachang said: "This talisman bear's blood, without this... I can't make it." He thought about it carefully and said, "I can't make it by myself, um, but it's not a big problem, I can find some talismans to help, They'll be happy."

Guo Twelve asked, "How many sets of soft talisman armor can be made from this talisman bear skin?"

Zhu Dachang said excitedly: "It depends on what kind of soft armour you need. There are simple breastplates and a full set of soft armour."

Guo Twelve happily began to count, the master must have one set, Grandpa Shannan one, and people close to him, such as four partners, Uncle Luo Zhan, and so on. After listening to his calculations, Zhu Dachang's face turned pale. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say. After a while, he said, "Brother Guo, although this talisman bearskin is big enough, it can't bear to be so soft. Armor."

"Ah? It's not enough, then make more breastplates and armguards, should that be enough?"

Only then did Zhu Dachang breathe a sigh of relief. If he really wanted to do the number required by Guo Twelve, it was absolutely impossible for him to do it.

Guo Twelve said: "Uncle Xiaofeng, send someone to Uncle Zhu's place in a while, hehe, we'll go back first." He turned to Zhu Dachang again and said, "By the way, Uncle Zhu, where do you live? Wait a minute. I'll send someone to deliver it." He didn't give out the bear skin immediately, but planned to send someone to deliver it after he went back.

Zhu Dachang was very satisfied, and he repeatedly thanked him.

Luo Zhan scratched his head aside, and couldn't understand why. If you lose money and pay for supporting materials yourself, you should thank Guo Shishi instead. It doesn't seem to make sense in this world.

Zhu Dachang followed Guo Shishi reluctantly and said, "Brother Guo, I'll go with you, go back to your station, hehe, let you send someone to come with me..."

Luo Zhan was speechless, and he couldn't help sighing in his heart that there was such a top-quality talisman. He was used to seeing arrogant talismans. In the North Fumen, don't offend the talismans, because they are the ones who make talismans.

Zhu Dachang took four of his subordinates and followed Guo Shizhuang, his face full of smiles. Luo Zhan and others were stunned, thinking that Guo Shishi had used some kind of secret technique to make a talisman so delirious. clear.

The shopkeeper of Zhenpifang sent them to the door of the shop, and he finally relaxed in his heart. He felt that the child was like a god of plague.

Qin Zilu asked, "Master, where else do you want to go?"

Guo Twelve looked at Zhu Dachang, who was eager to see, and knew that if he wanted to see it, he would accept it, and he could not be too unreasonable. Since Zhu Dachang's attitude was so low, it would be a bit unkind to embarrass him again. He smiled and said, "Let's go home first and solve Uncle Zhu's affairs first."

Zhu Dachang said gratefully: "Brother Guo, thank you! Haha!"

Luo Zhan couldn't stand it any longer, he turned around and left, for fear that he could not help but smoke Zhu Dachang. As a talisman, this is too spineless.

When Xiaofeng was in the secret realm, he admired Guo Twelve very much. This was the first time he had seen a little guy play with people. He was not as angry as Luo Zhan for being spineless, but he admired Guo Twelve even more.

A group of people walked down the street to the Qin family.

At an intersection, Guo Shishi suddenly laughed and said, "Uncle Luo, we're going to fight!"

Luo Zhan looked up and couldn't help but smile. I saw Wu Shenxi gnashing his teeth and standing on the corner of the street. He was with a dozen people, including four beast martial artists, one beast magician, and the others were beast warriors. This guy actually wanted to take revenge. Everyone knew in their hearts that they couldn't kill people in Qin Guangcheng. Wu Shenxi's purpose was very clear. He wanted to take revenge on Guo Twelve.

The battle between the disciples of Xifumen and Beifumen has never been interrupted. There are a lot of black hands in the wild, and it is more like the current situation. If you try to fight, whoever fails will be insulted. Killing, but not much better than killing.

Wu Shenxi hid behind the two beast warriors, and said aggressively, "It's him! It's that kid!" He didn't dare to go forward, but just hid behind and shouted.

Luo Zhan and the others felt a chill, a man in his thirties, to be so wretched, what a shame to Xifumen.

Zhu Dachang wondered: "Isn't this Wu Shenxi of Xifumen? What is he doing?"

Guo Shishi said: "What else can you do? Bring a group of beast martial artists to bully children!" He shouted loudly: "Master Wu! You are so fast..."

Wu Shenxi shouted bitterly: "Of course I want to hurry! What do I think you will do this time? Haha!"

Guo Shishi shook his head and said, "Master Wu, I didn't mean you came fast! I mean you... change your pants quickly!"

Wu Shenxi shouted: "You... you... you..."

Luo Zhan, Xiaofeng and the others laughed, and Guo Shishi didn't swear at anyone with dirty words. Wu Shenxi was so angry that he was going crazy, and he screamed, "I'm going to kill you!"

Guo Twelve said coldly, "Who are you going to kill? Who else can you kill!"

The beast spell master standing in the crowd took a step forward and said, "The old man is the beast spell master of Xifumen, little guy, you are the inner disciple of Beifumen, who is your master?"

Guo Twelve asked, "Who are you?" He pointed at Wu Shenxi and said.

The beast spell master said arrogantly: "He is my son!"

Luo Zhan took a step forward and said, "You people from Xifumen are really cowards. You beat your son and come here, I'm so fucking bad!"

Zhu Dachang was taken aback. The sect disciples were fighting, but it was not something that he, a business talisman master, could blend in. He quickly took a step back and watched nervously.

Guo Twelve said coldly: "Who is my master, you don't deserve to know, come to me if you have anything!"

This sentence is even harsher than a slap in the face. Wu Shenxi shouted: "Dad! Look how arrogant he is! Daddy, avenge me..."

The beast spell master's face was ashen, he was not angry with Guo Shishi, but by his own son. Idiot son, he is not an idiot.

Luo Zhan couldn't help shaking his head and said, "Brother, your son... sigh, slap him to death, so you don't have to be embarrassed!"

Guo Twelve laughed.