Intercepting the Boyfriend When he Was Young

Chapter 3


Xia Jiujiu rushed out following Ban Zhuan, no, following Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian and Song Zhe ran so fast that they didn't even notice that Xia Jiujiu was following behind them.

Jiang Huaian: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!"

The police box was not far from the school. When Xia Jiujiu arrived at the police box, he raised his steamy eyes and said anxiously: "Uncle, I beat... I beat someone to death!"

She should be calm, use eyes that don't care about the other person, and use unrelated topics to express that she is not afraid at all!

Xia Jiujiu's academic performance is not good, but she is very good at sports. This is probably because she eats a lot and loves to exercise.

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

His movements are agile and fierce, like an elegant cheetah, and he has a bloodiness that is rare among boys. He was very aggressive, and as soon as he joined the battle, even though there were not many people on their side, his momentum suddenly became high. The theme song of "Young and Dangerous" "Superstar" was playing in the distance on the street. Matching the scene in front of me, it looked like a movie scene had been moved there.

Xia Jiujiu thought that she was very calm and had a full aura, quite like Zhuge Liang's temperament of sitting down and playing the harp in an empty city.

She followed Jiang Huaian and the others all the way to the school gate. She saw two people rushing into a small alley. After she turned in, she found that a fight had begun in the alley. Wu Yi plus two boys in school uniforms and a few A man dressed as a gangster was fighting fiercely. After Jiang Huaian cursed "fuck", he kicked the man who was kicking Wu Yi, pulled Wu Yi back, and shouted: "Is everything okay? ?”

After a while, the car stopped. After the police sent the person to the hospital, they asked Wu Yi to bandage the wound and come to the police station before leaving.

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

Xia Jiujiu was much shorter than Jiang Huaian. In order to meet his eyes, she raised her head hard and widened her eyes.

Jiang Huaian: "How big the heart is, how big the stage is."

"Isn't the management of your city's No. 1 Middle School particularly strict?"

Wu Yi covered his head and shook his head. People nearby rushed up to him. Jiang Huaian held bricks in his hand and smashed them one by one.

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

However, she didn't have time to think so much, Jiang Huaian was already leaning on her. He raised his head and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry... I... I'm a little dizzy..."

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

The policeman felt that he seemed to have learned a lot at Jianghuai'an, and he continued excitedly: "What reference books do you usually use?"

Her skin is very white, and her face is only as big as a palm. Even if she tilts her chin up, her face does not look big. It is almost perfect at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

"Well," Jiang Huaian said seriously: "Not only do you have to take notes in class, but you also have to digest what the teacher said as quickly as possible, because there are a lot of papers to do after class... "

His movements are agile and fierce, like an elegant cheetah, and he has a bloodiness that is rare among boys. He was very aggressive, and as soon as he joined the battle, even though there were not many people on their side, his momentum suddenly became high. The theme song of "Young and Dangerous" "Superstar" was playing in the distance on the street. Matching the scene in front of me, it looked like a movie scene had been moved there.

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

She glared at him like that, but she didn't scare him? !

As soon as the police saw Xia Jiujiu's appearance, they immediately followed Xia Jiujiu to the alley.

"Forget it, forget it, I lose."

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

Xia Jiujiu looked at this scene with an expressionless face, clenched her fists, resisted the urge to rush up and beat these little brats, turned around without hesitation, called the police, and ran towards the police box she had seen before.

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

Xia Jiujiu rushed out following Ban Zhuan, no, following Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian and Song Zhe ran so fast that they didn't even notice that Xia Jiujiu was following behind them.

Jiang Huaian looked back at Song Zhe and gave him an appreciative look. Song Zhe blinked and conveyed the "small problem" response with his eyes.


The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

Yes, that's it!

After getting in the car, Jiang Huaian started chatting with the police.

The police box was not far from the school. When Xia Jiujiu arrived at the police box, he raised his steamy eyes and said anxiously: "Uncle, I beat... I beat someone to death!"

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

"Yes," Jiang Huai'an let go of Xia Jiujiu's hand, turned around, and showed an innocent smile: "I am the monitor of Class 2 of No. 1 Middle School in the city, and Xia is the transfer student in our class today. Just now I was studying with The committee member passed by here and saw that a group of people in our class were collecting protection money, so he wanted to step forward to stop it, but... "

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

After a while, the car stopped. After the police sent the person to the hospital, they asked Wu Yi to bandage the wound and come to the police station before leaving.

As soon as the police saw Xia Jiujiu's appearance, they immediately followed Xia Jiujiu to the alley.

Xia Jiujiu looked at this scene with an expressionless face, clenched her fists, resisted the urge to rush up and beat these little brats, turned around without hesitation, called the police, and ran towards the police box she had seen before.

The group of people stood at the intersection and watched the police car leave. Jiang Huai'an waved his hands enthusiastically and shouted: "Uncle, thank you!"

The policeman chatted about his family: "I heard that your admission rate is very high. My son also wants to enter this high school. Do you have any suggestions?"

The siren of the police car rang in the distance. When Wu Yi heard it, he immediately said: "Fuck, the police are here!"

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

However, she didn't have time to think so much, Jiang Huaian was already leaning on her. He raised his head and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry... I... I'm a little dizzy..."

"Classmate Xia," Song Zhe suddenly touched her and said seriously: "Can you play games?"

Xia Jiujiu, on the other hand, carried his schoolbag full of money and was immersed in the game.

As soon as the police saw Xia Jiujiu's appearance, they immediately followed Xia Jiujiu to the alley.

She knew she was the most vicious!

"Stop talking about it now," the policeman said with a serious face, "You go to the hospital to deal with it first. After that, come to the police station. We will arrest the waiter's group."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Huaian quickly said: "Don't let them run away!"

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

Song Zhe understood, and quickly dragged those people away, stuffing everything into their hands while dragging them. After the police car stopped, Jiang Huaian suddenly changed his voice, lay down on the ground, and started shouting: "Help! Uncle policeman!" !Help!"

Jiang Huaian: "Fuck, what the hell do you want me to say?"

Song Zhe understood, and quickly dragged those people away, stuffing everything into their hands while dragging them. After the police car stopped, Jiang Huaian suddenly changed his voice, lay down on the ground, and started shouting: "Help! Uncle policeman!" !Help!"

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

"Then you must be very serious in class, right?"

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

"Stop talking about it now," the policeman said with a serious face, "You go to the hospital to deal with it first. After that, come to the police station. We will arrest the waiter's group."

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

Jiang Huaian looked down at her. He didn't quite understand what the little girl in front of him was doing with her neck raised and her eyes wide open as she looked at him.

Xia Jiujiu rushed out following Ban Zhuan, no, following Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian and Song Zhe ran so fast that they didn't even notice that Xia Jiujiu was following behind them.

The gangster who beat him took this opportunity to run away. The police rushed into the alley and ran to Jiang Huai'an, anxiously saying: "Kid..."

The policeman helped Song Zhe stand up and looked at Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huaian: "Oh, are you classmates?"

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

"You're right, I should give my son a haircut like this!"

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you play any role?"

"Forget it, forget it, I lose."

"Uncle! It's them!"

However, she didn't have time to think so much, Jiang Huaian was already leaning on her. He raised his head and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry... I... I'm a little dizzy..."

The standing hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side with her movements, looking quite cute. Jiang Huai'an felt itchy in his heart. He felt that if he continued to look at her like this, there might be no way to pursue this matter.

Xia Jiujiu was completely confused. Jiang Huaian was still the monitor? Song Zhe is a study committee member

After the police car went away, Xia Jiujiu suddenly felt that someone was blocking her light. She looked up with dissatisfaction and frowned: "Why are you blocking my light?"

The policeman chatted about his family: "I heard that your admission rate is very high. My son also wants to enter this high school. Do you have any suggestions?"

The policeman helped Song Zhe stand up and looked at Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huaian: "Oh, are you classmates?"

His movements are agile and fierce, like an elegant cheetah, and he has a bloodiness that is rare among boys. He was very aggressive, and as soon as he joined the battle, even though there were not many people on their side, his momentum suddenly became high. The theme song of "Young and Dangerous" "Superstar" was playing in the distance on the street. Matching the scene in front of me, it looked like a movie scene had been moved there.

Xia Jiujiu looked at this scene with an expressionless face, clenched her fists, resisted the urge to rush up and beat these little brats, turned around without hesitation, called the police, and ran towards the police box she had seen before.

Jiang Huai'an pointed in the direction they were running and said loudly: "They are the same people who were caught by you here before to collect protection money! Uncle, chase after them!"

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

This class is a bit magical.

"Wait..." Xia Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Jiang Huaian suddenly fell on her, and Song Zhe shouted at the right time: "Squad leader!"

When the police heard this, he frowned: "I know, it's those little bastards from the waiter again. My colleagues have already gone, are you okay?"

You can’t lose your momentum, yes, you must show your momentum!

The siren of the police car rang in the distance. When Wu Yi heard it, he immediately said: "Fuck, the police are here!"

The gangster who beat him took this opportunity to run away. The police rushed into the alley and ran to Jiang Huai'an, anxiously saying: "Kid..."

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

Xia Jiujiu: "Can you speak properly?"

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

"Hey, it's easy for you to get first place in the exam. Forget it, my son. Your grades are very good, why do you get such a haircut? I almost thought you were the kind of ignorant little gangster today."

"Hey, it's easy for you to get first place in the exam. Forget it, my son. Your grades are very good, why do you get such a haircut? I almost thought you were the kind of ignorant little gangster today."

When the police heard about the glasses, they felt more relieved. Among the gangsters fighting outside, few of them wore gold-rimmed glasses.

However, she didn't have time to think so much, Jiang Huaian was already leaning on her. He raised his head and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry... I... I'm a little dizzy..."

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

Jiang Huai'an showed a guilty expression: "I didn't expect that they would really take action and hurt the classmates. Fortunately, classmate Xia went to the police, otherwise... it is really my fault. I shouldn't think that I can reason with them. , I should have called the police immediately!”

Jiang Huaian was relatively lightly injured, unlike Wu Yi, whose face was covered in blood. He sat in front and talked to the police about their daily life.

At this moment, five boys surrounded her. They were all very tall. Xia Jiujiu seemed like a chicken placed in a barrel with nowhere to escape.

Xia Jiujiu, on the other hand, carried his schoolbag full of money and was immersed in the game.

Jiang Huaian: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!"

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

She didn't look good. She walked up to Jiang Huaian and was about to say something when her hand was suddenly held by Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian's face was filled with gratitude and he said sincerely: "Classmate Xia, thank you for calling the police for us and helping us! This time Wu Yi was saved by being charged a protection fee, and you are the biggest contributor!”

With that said, the policeman helped Song Zhe forward and greeted Xia Jiujiu: "This female classmate, please help your monitor. Don't say anything else. It's important to go to the hospital first."

"Wait..." Xia Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Jiang Huaian suddenly fell on her, and Song Zhe shouted at the right time: "Squad leader!"

She didn't look good. She walked up to Jiang Huaian and was about to say something when her hand was suddenly held by Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian's face was filled with gratitude and he said sincerely: "Classmate Xia, thank you for calling the police for us and helping us! This time Wu Yi was saved by being charged a protection fee, and you are the biggest contributor!”

Xia Jiujiu smiled proudly in his heart.

"How could I not beat you?!"

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

Jiang Huai'an was describing how to study in the front. Xia Jiujiu sat in the back and couldn't hold it in anymore. She almost confirmed that Jiang Huaian was lying because they had been sitting at the same table all morning, and the other person had been sleeping almost the whole time, even reading. If you don’t bring it, why study hard!

Xia Jiujiu's academic performance is not good, but she is very good at sports. This is probably because she eats a lot and loves to exercise.

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

However, she didn't have time to think so much, Jiang Huaian was already leaning on her. He raised his head and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry... I... I'm a little dizzy..."

She glared at him like that, but she didn't scare him? !

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

Xia Jiujiu, on the other hand, carried his schoolbag full of money and was immersed in the game.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

Xia Jiujiu was completely confused. Jiang Huaian was still the monitor? Song Zhe is a study committee member

He might actually be.

However, at this moment, Jiang Huai'an had completely lost his usual arrogance. He looked like an outstanding classmate who was enthusiastic about serving the people. The word "integrity" was written on his whole face. Xia Jiujiu began to doubt himself.

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

Xia Jiujiu: "...Forget it, you should continue to act out your other personalities."

The policeman helped Song Zhe stand up and looked at Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huaian: "Oh, are you classmates?"

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

His movements are agile and fierce, like an elegant cheetah, and he has a bloodiness that is rare among boys. He was very aggressive, and as soon as he joined the battle, even though there were not many people on their side, his momentum suddenly became high. The theme song of "Young and Dangerous" "Superstar" was playing in the distance on the street. Matching the scene in front of me, it looked like a movie scene had been moved there.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Huaian quickly said: "Don't let them run away!"

Her skin is very white, and her face is only as big as a palm. Even if she tilts her chin up, her face does not look big. It is almost perfect at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

"Yes," Jiang Huai'an let go of Xia Jiujiu's hand, turned around, and showed an innocent smile: "I am the monitor of Class 2 of No. 1 Middle School in the city, and Xia is the transfer student in our class today. Just now I was studying with The committee member passed by here and saw that a group of people in our class were collecting protection money, so he wanted to step forward to stop it, but... "

Xia Jiujiu was much shorter than Jiang Huaian. In order to meet his eyes, she raised her head hard and widened her eyes.

So Xia Jiujiu looked like a big sister and said calmly: "It's okay to talk about things. Let me finish this game first."

Jiang Huai'an showed a guilty expression: "I didn't expect that they would really take action and hurt the classmates. Fortunately, classmate Xia went to the police, otherwise... it is really my fault. I shouldn't think that I can reason with them. , I should have called the police immediately!”

"Forget it, forget it, I lose."

The policeman felt that he seemed to have learned a lot at Jianghuai'an, and he continued excitedly: "What reference books do you usually use?"

"Hey, it's easy for you to get first place in the exam. Forget it, my son. Your grades are very good, why do you get such a haircut? I almost thought you were the kind of ignorant little gangster today."

Xia Jiujiu: "...Forget it, you should continue to act out your other personalities."

"Wait..." Xia Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Jiang Huaian suddenly fell on her, and Song Zhe shouted at the right time: "Squad leader!"

Her skin is very white, and her face is only as big as a palm. Even if she tilts her chin up, her face does not look big. It is almost perfect at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

Jiang Huaian looked back at Song Zhe and gave him an appreciative look. Song Zhe blinked and conveyed the "small problem" response with his eyes.

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

Second shift? ? Everyone knows that City No. 1 Middle School arranges classes according to their grades. Isn’t this a class for top students? What does it have to do with them

As soon as the police saw Xia Jiujiu's appearance, they immediately followed Xia Jiujiu to the alley.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Huaian quickly said: "Don't let them run away!"

Moreover, class... monitor? ! !

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

The look in her eyes was very similar to the look in her husband Jiang Huaian's eyes when he was ill. As soon as she saw this look, she immediately softened her heart, sighed, and took Jiang Huaian into the car with some helplessness.

The gangster who beat him took this opportunity to run away. The police rushed into the alley and ran to Jiang Huai'an, anxiously saying: "Kid..."

Xia Jiujiu was completely confused. Jiang Huaian was still the monitor? Song Zhe is a study committee member

No, she couldn't panic, she had to act like a master and intimidate him.

When the police heard this, he frowned: "I know, it's those little bastards from the waiter again. My colleagues have already gone, are you okay?"

This class is a bit magical.

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

Moreover, class... monitor? ! !

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

"Classmate Xia," Song Zhe suddenly touched her and said seriously: "Can you play games?"

However, she didn't have time to think so much, Jiang Huaian was already leaning on her. He raised his head and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry... I... I'm a little dizzy..."

"Wait..." Xia Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Jiang Huaian suddenly fell on her, and Song Zhe shouted at the right time: "Squad leader!"

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

"Stop talking about it now," the policeman said with a serious face, "You go to the hospital to deal with it first. After that, come to the police station. We will arrest the waiter's group."

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

After the police car went away, Xia Jiujiu suddenly felt that someone was blocking her light. She looked up with dissatisfaction and frowned: "Why are you blocking my light?"

Wu Yi covered his head and shook his head. People nearby rushed up to him. Jiang Huaian held bricks in his hand and smashed them one by one.

Jiang Huaian: "How big the heart is, how big the stage is."

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

He glared at Xia Jiujiu, who looked at him with his big eyes full of water vapor.

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

He might actually be.

With that said, the policeman helped Song Zhe forward and greeted Xia Jiujiu: "This female classmate, please help your monitor. Don't say anything else. It's important to go to the hospital first."

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

Jiang Huaian: "Fuck, what the hell do you want me to say?"

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

Jiang Huaian looked back at Song Zhe and gave him an appreciative look. Song Zhe blinked and conveyed the "small problem" response with his eyes.

Xia Jiujiu: "Can you speak properly?"

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

"How could I not beat you?!"

Jiang Huai'an was describing how to study in the front. Xia Jiujiu sat in the back and couldn't hold it in anymore. She almost confirmed that Jiang Huaian was lying because they had been sitting at the same table all morning, and the other person had been sleeping almost the whole time, even reading. If you don’t bring it, why study hard!

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

After a while, the car stopped. After the police sent the person to the hospital, they asked Wu Yi to bandage the wound and come to the police station before leaving.

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

The look in her eyes was very similar to the look in her husband Jiang Huaian's eyes when he was ill. As soon as she saw this look, she immediately softened her heart, sighed, and took Jiang Huaian into the car with some helplessness.

"Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation."

With that said, the policeman helped Song Zhe forward and greeted Xia Jiujiu: "This female classmate, please help your monitor. Don't say anything else. It's important to go to the hospital first."

She glared at him like that, but she didn't scare him? !

Jiang Huai'an pointed in the direction they were running and said loudly: "They are the same people who were caught by you here before to collect protection money! Uncle, chase after them!"

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

"You're right, I should give my son a haircut like this!"

After getting in the car, Jiang Huaian started chatting with the police.

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you act no matter where you are?"

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

Jiang Huaian was relatively lightly injured, unlike Wu Yi, whose face was covered in blood. He sat in front and talked to the police about their daily life.

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

At this time, she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Jiang Huaian.

The standing hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side with her movements, looking quite cute. Jiang Huai'an felt itchy in his heart. He felt that if he continued to look at her like this, there might be no way to pursue this matter.

Xia Jiujiu looked at this scene with an expressionless face, clenched her fists, resisted the urge to rush up and beat these little brats, turned around without hesitation, called the police, and ran towards the police box she had seen before.

Song Zhe understood, and quickly dragged those people away, stuffing everything into their hands while dragging them. After the police car stopped, Jiang Huaian suddenly changed his voice, lay down on the ground, and started shouting: "Help! Uncle policeman!" !Help!"


"Isn't the management of your city's No. 1 Middle School particularly strict?"

"Uncle! It's them!"

He might actually be.

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

With that said, the policeman helped Song Zhe forward and greeted Xia Jiujiu: "This female classmate, please help your monitor. Don't say anything else. It's important to go to the hospital first."

As soon as the police saw Xia Jiujiu's appearance, they immediately followed Xia Jiujiu to the alley.

Xia Jiujiu was completely confused. Jiang Huaian was still the monitor? Song Zhe is a study committee member

The policeman chatted about his family: "I heard that your admission rate is very high. My son also wants to enter this high school. Do you have any suggestions?"

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

Jiang Huai'an showed a guilty expression: "I didn't expect that they would really take action and hurt the classmates. Fortunately, classmate Xia went to the police, otherwise... it is really my fault. I shouldn't think that I can reason with them. , I should have called the police immediately!”

"Isn't the management of your city's No. 1 Middle School particularly strict?"

"It's very easy to take the test for No. 1 Middle School," Jiang Huaian said with a look of a top student: "Find the right way of learning, attend a few more cram schools, and keep your grades at the top, and you should be fine."

"It's very easy to take the test for No. 1 Middle School," Jiang Huaian said with a look of a top student: "Find the right way of learning, attend a few more cram schools, and keep your grades at the top, and you should be fine."

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

"Uncle! It's them!"

"Hey, it's easy for you to get first place in the exam. Forget it, my son. Your grades are very good, why do you get such a haircut? I almost thought you were the kind of ignorant little gangster today."

Jiang Huaian was relatively lightly injured, unlike Wu Yi, whose face was covered in blood. He sat in front and talked to the police about their daily life.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Huaian quickly said: "Don't let them run away!"

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

The look in her eyes was very similar to the look in her husband Jiang Huaian's eyes when he was ill. As soon as she saw this look, she immediately softened her heart, sighed, and took Jiang Huaian into the car with some helplessness.

Xia Jiujiu, on the other hand, carried his schoolbag full of money and was immersed in the game.

He might actually be.

Her skin is very white, and her face is only as big as a palm. Even if she tilts her chin up, her face does not look big. It is almost perfect at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

After the police car went away, Xia Jiujiu suddenly felt that someone was blocking her light. She looked up with dissatisfaction and frowned: "Why are you blocking my light?"

She glared at him like that, but she didn't scare him? !

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you play any role?"

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

Yes, that's it!

Jiang Huaian said before, "Tweet, actually you look stupid, but you are smarter than anyone else." It's just that you put all your intelligence into how to be nice to others.

His movements are agile and fierce, like an elegant cheetah, and he has a bloodiness that is rare among boys. He was very aggressive, and as soon as he joined the battle, even though there were not many people on their side, his momentum suddenly became high. The theme song of "Young and Dangerous" "Superstar" was playing in the distance on the street. Matching the scene in front of me, it looked like a movie scene had been moved there.

Jiang Huai'an showed a guilty expression: "I didn't expect that they would really take action and hurt the classmates. Fortunately, classmate Xia went to the police, otherwise... it is really my fault. I shouldn't think that I can reason with them. , I should have called the police immediately!”

Xia Jiujiu has many friends, because few people would feel uncomfortable getting along with Xia Jiujiu.

Xia Jiujiu, on the other hand, carried his schoolbag full of money and was immersed in the game.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

But in Jiang Huai'an's eyes, he just felt that the little girl in front of him was obviously scared to death, but she was still thinking about the game console in her hand, but he felt that he couldn't lose his dignity, so he asked in a low voice: "We want to talk about something... okay?" … But can you wait until I finish this round?”

"Classmate Xia," Song Zhe suddenly touched her and said seriously: "Can you play games?"

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

Jiang Huaian: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!"

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

"Yes," Jiang Huai'an let go of Xia Jiujiu's hand, turned around, and showed an innocent smile: "I am the monitor of Class 2 of No. 1 Middle School in the city, and Xia is the transfer student in our class today. Just now I was studying with The committee member passed by here and saw that a group of people in our class were collecting protection money, so he wanted to step forward to stop it, but... "

The standing hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side with her movements, looking quite cute. Jiang Huai'an felt itchy in his heart. He felt that if he continued to look at her like this, there might be no way to pursue this matter.

Although Xia Jiujiu's words were not like this, his temperament showed this attitude.

"You're right, I should give my son a haircut like this!"

When Jiang Huaian did this, Song Zhe also followed. For a moment, the people on Jiang Huaian's side lay on the ground and howled.

Xia Jiujiu's academic performance is not good, but she is very good at sports. This is probably because she eats a lot and loves to exercise.

Jiang Huai'an was describing how to study in the front. Xia Jiujiu sat in the back and couldn't hold it in anymore. She almost confirmed that Jiang Huaian was lying because they had been sitting at the same table all morning, and the other person had been sleeping almost the whole time, even reading. If you don’t bring it, why study hard!

The policeman felt that he seemed to have learned a lot at Jianghuai'an, and he continued excitedly: "What reference books do you usually use?"

You can’t lose your momentum, yes, you must show your momentum!

She knew she was the most vicious!

So he smiled coldly: "Are you fucking mute?"

She knew she was the most vicious!

So Xia Jiujiu looked like a big sister and said calmly: "It's okay to talk about things. Let me finish this game first."

"Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation."

The policeman chatted about his family: "I heard that your admission rate is very high. My son also wants to enter this high school. Do you have any suggestions?"

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

So Xia Jiujiu looked like a big sister and said calmly: "It's okay to talk about things. Let me finish this game first."

Song Zhe understood, and quickly dragged those people away, stuffing everything into their hands while dragging them. After the police car stopped, Jiang Huaian suddenly changed his voice, lay down on the ground, and started shouting: "Help! Uncle policeman!" !Help!"

"Then you must be very serious in class, right?"

"Wait..." Xia Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Jiang Huaian suddenly fell on her, and Song Zhe shouted at the right time: "Squad leader!"

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

The police box was not far from the school. When Xia Jiujiu arrived at the police box, he raised his steamy eyes and said anxiously: "Uncle, I beat... I beat someone to death!"

The standing hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side with her movements, looking quite cute. Jiang Huai'an felt itchy in his heart. He felt that if he continued to look at her like this, there might be no way to pursue this matter.

"Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation."

"Well," Jiang Huaian said seriously: "Not only do you have to take notes in class, but you also have to digest what the teacher said as quickly as possible, because there are a lot of papers to do after class... "

At this moment, five boys surrounded her. They were all very tall. Xia Jiujiu seemed like a chicken placed in a barrel with nowhere to escape.

Xia Jiujiu: "Can you speak properly?"

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

However, at this moment, Jiang Huai'an had completely lost his usual arrogance. He looked like an outstanding classmate who was enthusiastic about serving the people. The word "integrity" was written on his whole face. Xia Jiujiu began to doubt himself.

This girl is so cute.

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

You can’t lose your momentum, yes, you must show your momentum!

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

Jiang Huai'an was describing how to study in the front. Xia Jiujiu sat in the back and couldn't hold it in anymore. She almost confirmed that Jiang Huaian was lying because they had been sitting at the same table all morning, and the other person had been sleeping almost the whole time, even reading. If you don’t bring it, why study hard!

However, at this moment, Jiang Huai'an had completely lost his usual arrogance. He looked like an outstanding classmate who was enthusiastic about serving the people. The word "integrity" was written on his whole face. Xia Jiujiu began to doubt himself.

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

Xia Jiujiu has many friends, because few people would feel uncomfortable getting along with Xia Jiujiu.

He might actually be.

Xia Jiujiu couldn't stand Jiang Huaian's deception anymore, and finally decided to seek justice, and said: "That..."

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you act no matter where you are?"

"Like calling the police?"

The look in her eyes was very similar to the look in her husband Jiang Huaian's eyes when he was ill. As soon as she saw this look, she immediately softened her heart, sighed, and took Jiang Huaian into the car with some helplessness.

Jiang Huai'an was describing how to study in the front. Xia Jiujiu sat in the back and couldn't hold it in anymore. She almost confirmed that Jiang Huaian was lying because they had been sitting at the same table all morning, and the other person had been sleeping almost the whole time, even reading. If you don’t bring it, why study hard!

Jiang Huaian said before, "Tweet, actually you look stupid, but you are smarter than anyone else." It's just that you put all your intelligence into how to be nice to others.

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

The police box was not far from the school. When Xia Jiujiu arrived at the police box, he raised his steamy eyes and said anxiously: "Uncle, I beat... I beat someone to death!"

The standing hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side with her movements, looking quite cute. Jiang Huai'an felt itchy in his heart. He felt that if he continued to look at her like this, there might be no way to pursue this matter.

"Classmate Xia," Song Zhe suddenly touched her and said seriously: "Can you play games?"

"Wait..." Xia Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Jiang Huaian suddenly fell on her, and Song Zhe shouted at the right time: "Squad leader!"

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

The policeman chatted about his family: "I heard that your admission rate is very high. My son also wants to enter this high school. Do you have any suggestions?"


Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you act no matter where you are?"

Jiang Huai'an was describing how to study in the front. Xia Jiujiu sat in the back and couldn't hold it in anymore. She almost confirmed that Jiang Huaian was lying because they had been sitting at the same table all morning, and the other person had been sleeping almost the whole time, even reading. If you don’t bring it, why study hard!

"Well," Jiang Huaian said seriously: "Not only do you have to take notes in class, but you also have to digest what the teacher said as quickly as possible, because there are a lot of papers to do after class... "

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

"Hey, it's easy for you to get first place in the exam. Forget it, my son. Your grades are very good, why do you get such a haircut? I almost thought you were the kind of ignorant little gangster today."

Xia Jiujiu followed Song Zhe's train of thought and walked over. Song Zhe took out the game console and said, "Do you think you can beat me?"

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

Jiang Huaian: "Fuck, what the hell do you want me to say?"

Jiang Huaian said before, "Tweet, actually you look stupid, but you are smarter than anyone else." It's just that you put all your intelligence into how to be nice to others.

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you play any role?"

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

Xia Jiujiu: "Can you speak properly?"

"How could I not beat you?!"

Jiang Huaian looked back at Song Zhe and gave him an appreciative look. Song Zhe blinked and conveyed the "small problem" response with his eyes.

Moreover, class... monitor? ! !

The group of people stood at the intersection and watched the police car leave. Jiang Huai'an waved his hands enthusiastically and shouted: "Uncle, thank you!"

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

"It's very easy to take the test for No. 1 Middle School," Jiang Huaian said with a look of a top student: "Find the right way of learning, attend a few more cram schools, and keep your grades at the top, and you should be fine."

Moreover, class... monitor? ! !

When it comes to games, Xia Jiujiu's dignity cannot be violated. She snatched Song Zhe's game console and started immersing herself in the game.

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

Moreover, class... monitor? ! !

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

Xia Jiujiu has many friends, because few people would feel uncomfortable getting along with Xia Jiujiu.

She should be calm, use eyes that don't care about the other person, and use unrelated topics to express that she is not afraid at all!

Jiang Huaian: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!"

"Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation."

Jiang Huaian was relatively lightly injured, unlike Wu Yi, whose face was covered in blood. He sat in front and talked to the police about their daily life.

Jiang Huaian looked back at Song Zhe and gave him an appreciative look. Song Zhe blinked and conveyed the "small problem" response with his eyes.

This class is a bit magical.

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

But in Jiang Huai'an's eyes, he just felt that the little girl in front of him was obviously scared to death, but she was still thinking about the game console in her hand, but he felt that he couldn't lose his dignity, so he asked in a low voice: "We want to talk about something... okay?" … But can you wait until I finish this round?”

After the police car went away, Xia Jiujiu suddenly felt that someone was blocking her light. She looked up with dissatisfaction and frowned: "Why are you blocking my light?"

He might actually be.

Although Xia Jiujiu's words were not like this, his temperament showed this attitude.

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

After a while, the car stopped. After the police sent the person to the hospital, they asked Wu Yi to bandage the wound and come to the police station before leaving.

This girl is so cute.

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

After a while, the car stopped. After the police sent the person to the hospital, they asked Wu Yi to bandage the wound and come to the police station before leaving.

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

"Stop talking about it now," the policeman said with a serious face, "You go to the hospital to deal with it first. After that, come to the police station. We will arrest the waiter's group."

The group of people stood at the intersection and watched the police car leave. Jiang Huai'an waved his hands enthusiastically and shouted: "Uncle, thank you!"

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

Jiang Huai'an pointed in the direction they were running and said loudly: "They are the same people who were caught by you here before to collect protection money! Uncle, chase after them!"

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

Jiang Huai'an was describing how to study in the front. Xia Jiujiu sat in the back and couldn't hold it in anymore. She almost confirmed that Jiang Huaian was lying because they had been sitting at the same table all morning, and the other person had been sleeping almost the whole time, even reading. If you don’t bring it, why study hard!

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

Xia Jiujiu, on the other hand, carried his schoolbag full of money and was immersed in the game.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

Xia Jiujiu: "...Forget it, you should continue to act out your other personalities."

After the police car went away, Xia Jiujiu suddenly felt that someone was blocking her light. She looked up with dissatisfaction and frowned: "Why are you blocking my light?"

"Well," Jiang Huaian said seriously: "Not only do you have to take notes in class, but you also have to digest what the teacher said as quickly as possible, because there are a lot of papers to do after class... "

Xia Jiujiu looked at this scene with an expressionless face, clenched her fists, resisted the urge to rush up and beat these little brats, turned around without hesitation, called the police, and ran towards the police box she had seen before.

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

Although Xia Jiujiu's words were not like this, his temperament showed this attitude.

After a while, the car stopped. After the police sent the person to the hospital, they asked Wu Yi to bandage the wound and come to the police station before leaving.

At this time, she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Jiang Huaian.

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

Xia Jiujiu's academic performance is not good, but she is very good at sports. This is probably because she eats a lot and loves to exercise.

Her skin is very white, and her face is only as big as a palm. Even if she tilts her chin up, her face does not look big. It is almost perfect at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

The policeman chatted about his family: "I heard that your admission rate is very high. My son also wants to enter this high school. Do you have any suggestions?"

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

Yes, that's it!

Xia Jiujiu was much shorter than Jiang Huaian. In order to meet his eyes, she raised her head hard and widened her eyes.

"Like calling the police?"

At this moment, five boys surrounded her. They were all very tall. Xia Jiujiu seemed like a chicken placed in a barrel with nowhere to escape.

"Like calling the police?"

The gangster who beat him took this opportunity to run away. The police rushed into the alley and ran to Jiang Huai'an, anxiously saying: "Kid..."

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

He might actually be.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

The look in her eyes was very similar to the look in her husband Jiang Huaian's eyes when he was ill. As soon as she saw this look, she immediately softened her heart, sighed, and took Jiang Huaian into the car with some helplessness.

So he smiled coldly: "Are you fucking mute?"

"Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation."

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you play any role?"

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

"Like calling the police?"

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

The policeman helped Song Zhe stand up and looked at Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huaian: "Oh, are you classmates?"

Jiang Huaian looked back at Song Zhe and gave him an appreciative look. Song Zhe blinked and conveyed the "small problem" response with his eyes.

The standing hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side with her movements, looking quite cute. Jiang Huai'an felt itchy in his heart. He felt that if he continued to look at her like this, there might be no way to pursue this matter.

Song Zhe understood, and quickly dragged those people away, stuffing everything into their hands while dragging them. After the police car stopped, Jiang Huaian suddenly changed his voice, lay down on the ground, and started shouting: "Help! Uncle policeman!" !Help!"

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

Xia Jiujiu smiled proudly in his heart.

"That..." Xia Jiujiu's hands broke into a cold sweat and her heart beat rapidly. She told herself to stay calm, she must stay calm.

Jiang Huaian: "How big the heart is, how big the stage is."

"Hey, it's easy for you to get first place in the exam. Forget it, my son. Your grades are very good, why do you get such a haircut? I almost thought you were the kind of ignorant little gangster today."

When the police heard about the glasses, they felt more relieved. Among the gangsters fighting outside, few of them wore gold-rimmed glasses.

She didn't look good. She walked up to Jiang Huaian and was about to say something when her hand was suddenly held by Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian's face was filled with gratitude and he said sincerely: "Classmate Xia, thank you for calling the police for us and helping us! This time Wu Yi was saved by being charged a protection fee, and you are the biggest contributor!”

After a while, the car stopped. After the police sent the person to the hospital, they asked Wu Yi to bandage the wound and come to the police station before leaving.

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you play any role?"

You can’t lose your momentum, yes, you must show your momentum!

Xia Jiujiu's academic performance is not good, but she is very good at sports. This is probably because she eats a lot and loves to exercise.

So Xia Jiujiu looked like a big sister and said calmly: "It's okay to talk about things. Let me finish this game first."

She should be calm, use eyes that don't care about the other person, and use unrelated topics to express that she is not afraid at all!

The group of people stood at the intersection and watched the police car leave. Jiang Huai'an waved his hands enthusiastically and shouted: "Uncle, thank you!"

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

"You're right, I should give my son a haircut like this!"

"That..." Xia Jiujiu's hands broke into a cold sweat and her heart beat rapidly. She told herself to stay calm, she must stay calm.

"Stop talking about it now," the policeman said with a serious face, "You go to the hospital to deal with it first. After that, come to the police station. We will arrest the waiter's group."

Although Xia Jiujiu's words were not like this, his temperament showed this attitude.

Yes, that's it!

As soon as the police saw Xia Jiujiu's appearance, they immediately followed Xia Jiujiu to the alley.

Xia Jiujiu smiled proudly in his heart.

She glared at him like that, but she didn't scare him? !

Xia Jiujiu was much shorter than Jiang Huaian. In order to meet his eyes, she raised her head hard and widened her eyes.

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

"Classmate Xia," Song Zhe suddenly touched her and said seriously: "Can you play games?"

However, at this moment, Jiang Huai'an had completely lost his usual arrogance. He looked like an outstanding classmate who was enthusiastic about serving the people. The word "integrity" was written on his whole face. Xia Jiujiu began to doubt himself.

No, she couldn't panic, she had to act like a master and intimidate him.

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

Jiang Huaian looked down at her. He didn't quite understand what the little girl in front of him was doing with her neck raised and her eyes wide open as she looked at him.

"Forget it, forget it, I lose."

Jiang Huaian was relatively lightly injured, unlike Wu Yi, whose face was covered in blood. He sat in front and talked to the police about their daily life.

"Hey, it's easy for you to get first place in the exam. Forget it, my son. Your grades are very good, why do you get such a haircut? I almost thought you were the kind of ignorant little gangster today."

Her skin is very white, and her face is only as big as a palm. Even if she tilts her chin up, her face does not look big. It is almost perfect at 360 degrees with no blind spots.

The policeman felt that he seemed to have learned a lot at Jianghuai'an, and he continued excitedly: "What reference books do you usually use?"

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

The standing hair on the top of her head swayed from side to side with her movements, looking quite cute. Jiang Huai'an felt itchy in his heart. He felt that if he continued to look at her like this, there might be no way to pursue this matter.

Xia Jiujiu was completely confused. Jiang Huaian was still the monitor? Song Zhe is a study committee member

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

She followed Jiang Huaian and the others all the way to the school gate. She saw two people rushing into a small alley. After she turned in, she found that a fight had begun in the alley. Wu Yi plus two boys in school uniforms and a few A man dressed as a gangster was fighting fiercely. After Jiang Huaian cursed "fuck", he kicked the man who was kicking Wu Yi, pulled Wu Yi back, and shouted: "Is everything okay? ?”

Jiang Huaian: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!"

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

This girl is so cute.

Xia Jiujiu followed Song Zhe's train of thought and walked over. Song Zhe took out the game console and said, "Do you think you can beat me?"

"You're right, I should give my son a haircut like this!"

At this time, she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Jiang Huaian.

Xia Jiujiu thought that she was very calm and had a full aura, quite like Zhuge Liang's temperament of sitting down and playing the harp in an empty city.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

He glared at Xia Jiujiu, who looked at him with his big eyes full of water vapor.

So he smiled coldly: "Are you fucking mute?"

His movements are agile and fierce, like an elegant cheetah, and he has a bloodiness that is rare among boys. He was very aggressive, and as soon as he joined the battle, even though there were not many people on their side, his momentum suddenly became high. The theme song of "Young and Dangerous" "Superstar" was playing in the distance on the street. Matching the scene in front of me, it looked like a movie scene had been moved there.

Jiang Huaian said before, "Tweet, actually you look stupid, but you are smarter than anyone else." It's just that you put all your intelligence into how to be nice to others.

Jiang Huai'an showed a guilty expression: "I didn't expect that they would really take action and hurt the classmates. Fortunately, classmate Xia went to the police, otherwise... it is really my fault. I shouldn't think that I can reason with them. , I should have called the police immediately!”

"It's very easy to take the test for No. 1 Middle School," Jiang Huaian said with a look of a top student: "Find the right way of learning, attend a few more cram schools, and keep your grades at the top, and you should be fine."

At this moment, five boys surrounded her. They were all very tall. Xia Jiujiu seemed like a chicken placed in a barrel with nowhere to escape.

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

Xia Jiujiu followed Song Zhe's train of thought and walked over. Song Zhe took out the game console and said, "Do you think you can beat me?"

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you act no matter where you are?"

At this time, she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Jiang Huaian.

So he smiled coldly: "Are you fucking mute?"

Xia Jiujiu thought that she was very calm and had a full aura, quite like Zhuge Liang's temperament of sitting down and playing the harp in an empty city.

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

But in Jiang Huai'an's eyes, he just felt that the little girl in front of him was obviously scared to death, but she was still thinking about the game console in her hand, but he felt that he couldn't lose his dignity, so he asked in a low voice: "We want to talk about something... okay?" … But can you wait until I finish this round?”

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.


She glared at him like that, but she didn't scare him? !

The siren of the police car rang in the distance. When Wu Yi heard it, he immediately said: "Fuck, the police are here!"

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

"Then you must be very serious in class, right?"

No, she couldn't panic, she had to act like a master and intimidate him.

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

Jiang Huaian: "How big the heart is, how big the stage is."

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

Xia Jiujiu's academic performance is not good, but she is very good at sports. This is probably because she eats a lot and loves to exercise.

"How could I not beat you?!"

"It's very easy to take the test for No. 1 Middle School," Jiang Huaian said with a look of a top student: "Find the right way of learning, attend a few more cram schools, and keep your grades at the top, and you should be fine."

So Xia Jiujiu looked like a big sister and said calmly: "It's okay to talk about things. Let me finish this game first."

The siren of the police car rang in the distance. When Wu Yi heard it, he immediately said: "Fuck, the police are here!"

While the police uncle in front continued to chat, Jiang Huaian explained to him: "Because hair like this is easy to take care of, I can spare more time to study. And it's not very good-looking, which eliminates the possibility of puppy love."

Xia Jiujiu's academic performance is not good, but she is very good at sports. This is probably because she eats a lot and loves to exercise.

The policeman felt that he seemed to have learned a lot at Jianghuai'an, and he continued excitedly: "What reference books do you usually use?"

Xia Jiujiu thought that she was very calm and had a full aura, quite like Zhuge Liang's temperament of sitting down and playing the harp in an empty city.

Xia Jiujiu smiled proudly in his heart.

The policeman felt that he seemed to have learned a lot at Jianghuai'an, and he continued excitedly: "What reference books do you usually use?"

At this time, she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Jiang Huaian.

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

This class is a bit magical.

No, she couldn't panic, she had to act like a master and intimidate him.

But in Jiang Huai'an's eyes, he just felt that the little girl in front of him was obviously scared to death, but she was still thinking about the game console in her hand, but he felt that he couldn't lose his dignity, so he asked in a low voice: "We want to talk about something... okay?" … But can you wait until I finish this round?”

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

She should be calm, use eyes that don't care about the other person, and use unrelated topics to express that she is not afraid at all!

So he smiled coldly: "Are you fucking mute?"

These are two completely different ways of speaking.

This girl is so cute.

The policeman waved his hand and said thank you.

Xia Jiujiu looked confused. She felt that the scene just now did not look like Wu Yi being charged protection money

The group of people stood at the intersection and watched the police car leave. Jiang Huai'an waved his hands enthusiastically and shouted: "Uncle, thank you!"

The siren of the police car rang in the distance. When Wu Yi heard it, he immediately said: "Fuck, the police are here!"

This girl is so cute.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

Although Xia Jiujiu's words were not like this, his temperament showed this attitude.

At this time, she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Jiang Huaian.

Jiang Huai'an showed a guilty expression: "I didn't expect that they would really take action and hurt the classmates. Fortunately, classmate Xia went to the police, otherwise... it is really my fault. I shouldn't think that I can reason with them. , I should have called the police immediately!”

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.

"Yes," Jiang Huai'an let go of Xia Jiujiu's hand, turned around, and showed an innocent smile: "I am the monitor of Class 2 of No. 1 Middle School in the city, and Xia is the transfer student in our class today. Just now I was studying with The committee member passed by here and saw that a group of people in our class were collecting protection money, so he wanted to step forward to stop it, but... "

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

Everyone present was immediately speechless. Jiang Huai'an felt as if a cat had stepped on it, and it was extremely itchy.

The look in her eyes was very similar to the look in her husband Jiang Huaian's eyes when he was ill. As soon as she saw this look, she immediately softened her heart, sighed, and took Jiang Huaian into the car with some helplessness.

Xia Jiujiu was much shorter than Jiang Huaian. In order to meet his eyes, she raised her head hard and widened her eyes.

The group of people stood at the intersection and watched the police car leave. Jiang Huai'an waved his hands enthusiastically and shouted: "Uncle, thank you!"

He glared at Xia Jiujiu, who looked at him with his big eyes full of water vapor.

He gave Song Zhe his glasses, and Xia Jiujiu came over at this time.

She should be calm, use eyes that don't care about the other person, and use unrelated topics to express that she is not afraid at all!

Xia Jiujiu thought about it in his heart and said nothing. She is a person who is easy to say good things about others, but she will consider bad words for a long time. She never says anything uncertain or hurtful.


Jiang Huaian was relatively lightly injured, unlike Wu Yi, whose face was covered in blood. He sat in front and talked to the police about their daily life.

Song Zhe understood, and quickly dragged those people away, stuffing everything into their hands while dragging them. After the police car stopped, Jiang Huaian suddenly changed his voice, lay down on the ground, and started shouting: "Help! Uncle policeman!" !Help!"

When the police heard about the glasses, they felt more relieved. Among the gangsters fighting outside, few of them wore gold-rimmed glasses.

Jiang Huaian: "How big the heart is, how big the stage is."

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

With that said, the policeman helped Song Zhe forward and greeted Xia Jiujiu: "This female classmate, please help your monitor. Don't say anything else. It's important to go to the hospital first."

Xia Jiujiu was much shorter than Jiang Huaian. In order to meet his eyes, she raised her head hard and widened her eyes.

Everyone present was immediately speechless. Jiang Huai'an felt as if a cat had stepped on it, and it was extremely itchy.

At this time, she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Jiang Huaian.

However, she didn't have time to think so much, Jiang Huaian was already leaning on her. He raised his head and smiled weakly: "I'm sorry... I... I'm a little dizzy..."

"Forget it, forget it, I lose."

"Five years of college entrance examination and three years of simulation."

Xia Jiujiu rushed out following Ban Zhuan, no, following Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian and Song Zhe ran so fast that they didn't even notice that Xia Jiujiu was following behind them.

Xia Jiujiu smiled proudly in his heart.

Xia Jiujiu rushed out following Ban Zhuan, no, following Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian and Song Zhe ran so fast that they didn't even notice that Xia Jiujiu was following behind them.

At this moment, five boys surrounded her. They were all very tall. Xia Jiujiu seemed like a chicken placed in a barrel with nowhere to escape.

She knew she was the most vicious!

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

Xia Jiujiu: "Can you speak properly?"

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Huai'an got into position. He wailed and covered his eyes with his hands.

Xia Jiujiu was much shorter than Jiang Huaian. In order to meet his eyes, she raised her head hard and widened her eyes.

Xia Jiujiu: "...Forget it, you should continue to act out your other personalities."

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

Xia Jiujiu: "...Forget it, you should continue to act out your other personalities."

"That..." Xia Jiujiu's hands broke into a cold sweat and her heart beat rapidly. She told herself to stay calm, she must stay calm.

Jiang Huai'an pointed in the direction they were running and said loudly: "They are the same people who were caught by you here before to collect protection money! Uncle, chase after them!"

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you act no matter where you are?"

After the police car went away, Xia Jiujiu suddenly felt that someone was blocking her light. She looked up with dissatisfaction and frowned: "Why are you blocking my light?"

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you act no matter where you are?"

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

She glared at him like that, but she didn't scare him? !

She held the game console in her hand, looked at the handsome young man with a sneer on his lips, and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Jiang Huaian: "How big the heart is, how big the stage is."

Xia Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat.

"Isn't the management of your city's No. 1 Middle School particularly strict?"

"Wu Yi was charged protection money?"

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you play any role?"

Xia Jiujiu smiled proudly in his heart.

The look in her eyes was very similar to the look in her husband Jiang Huaian's eyes when he was ill. As soon as she saw this look, she immediately softened her heart, sighed, and took Jiang Huaian into the car with some helplessness.

Xia Jiujiu: "Why can you play any role?"

The policeman helped Song Zhe stand up and looked at Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huaian: "Oh, are you classmates?"

Jiang Huaian: "How big the heart is, how big the stage is."

Jiang Huaian: "Life is like a play, it all depends on acting!"

Xia Jiujiu had countless questions to ask, but when he turned around, he saw Jiang Huaian's weak eyes.

She didn't look good. She walked up to Jiang Huaian and was about to say something when her hand was suddenly held by Jiang Huaian. Jiang Huaian's face was filled with gratitude and he said sincerely: "Classmate Xia, thank you for calling the police for us and helping us! This time Wu Yi was saved by being charged a protection fee, and you are the biggest contributor!”

Xia Jiujiu: "Can you speak properly?"

She followed Jiang Huaian and the others all the way to the school gate. She saw two people rushing into a small alley. After she turned in, she found that a fight had begun in the alley. Wu Yi plus two boys in school uniforms and a few A man dressed as a gangster was fighting fiercely. After Jiang Huaian cursed "fuck", he kicked the man who was kicking Wu Yi, pulled Wu Yi back, and shouted: "Is everything okay? ?”

The police box was not far from the school. When Xia Jiujiu arrived at the police box, he raised his steamy eyes and said anxiously: "Uncle, I beat... I beat someone to death!"

Xia Jiujiu: "...Forget it, you should continue to act out your other personalities."

Jiang Huaian: "Fuck, what the hell do you want me to say?"

As soon as the police saw Xia Jiujiu's appearance, they immediately followed Xia Jiujiu to the alley.

"We're fine." Song Zhe got up, looking weak and squinting: "Uncle, my glasses are missing, can you help me look for them?"

"That..." Xia Jiujiu's hands broke into a cold sweat and her heart beat rapidly. She told herself to stay calm, she must stay calm.

"Stop talking about it now," the policeman said with a serious face, "You go to the hospital to deal with it first. After that, come to the police station. We will arrest the waiter's group."

Second shift? ? Everyone knows that City No. 1 Middle School arranges classes according to their grades. Isn’t this a class for top students? What does it have to do with them

Jiang Huaian raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you retaliate now?"

Xia Jiujiu: "...Forget it, you should continue to act out your other personalities."

When the police heard about the glasses, they felt more relieved. Among the gangsters fighting outside, few of them wore gold-rimmed glasses.

Jiang Huai'an pointed in the direction they were running and said loudly: "They are the same people who were caught by you here before to collect protection money! Uncle, chase after them!"

The policeman chatted about his family: "I heard that your admission rate is very high. My son also wants to enter this high school. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Like calling the police?"

The police box was not far from the school. When Xia Jiujiu arrived at the police box, he raised his steamy eyes and said anxiously: "Uncle, I beat... I beat someone to death!"

When the police heard about the glasses, they felt more relieved. Among the gangsters fighting outside, few of them wore gold-rimmed glasses.

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.

Jiang Huaian: "Okay, my baby Jiujiu."

The policeman felt that he seemed to have learned a lot at Jianghuai'an, and he continued excitedly: "What reference books do you usually use?"

"Wait..." Xia Jiujiu wanted to speak, but Jiang Huaian suddenly fell on her, and Song Zhe shouted at the right time: "Squad leader!"

Xia Jiujiu, on the other hand, carried his schoolbag full of money and was immersed in the game.

"Forget it, forget it, I lose."

After the police car went away, Xia Jiujiu suddenly felt that someone was blocking her light. She looked up with dissatisfaction and frowned: "Why are you blocking my light?"

"You're right, I should give my son a haircut like this!"

Such good character made Xia Jiujiu remain silent at the moment, but there was still a desire to tell the truth in her heart, which made her think twice.

After the policeman finished speaking, he and his colleagues helped people get into the car. Xia Jiujiu and Jiang Huai'an walked at the end. Jiang Huai'an leaned on her, put his hand on her shoulder, and limped forward.