Intergalactic Era of Gossip

Chapter 58: [Length and depth] A familiar figure stands in the center of the gate


The chief, feeling a little tired, waved his hand and agreed to the audience's request to ask questions. .

The student who finally got his wish blushed, stood up from his seat and straightened his body.

He asked loudly, "Marshal, is your purpose here to testify for the prince?"

Sells didn't deny it.

The student hesitated: "But... as far as I know, your relationship is not harmonious. I have heard many times that you and the prince are not in harmony... Are the rumors all false?"

Everyone nodded, obviously they were very concerned about the relationship between the two.

What about political enemies

Could it be that their so-called "discord" is similar to the scene that was staged in the center of the trial court just now

For a moment, when the prince pointed the finger at the marshal, everyone present did smell a bit of gunpowder, but before they could recover, the spark went out by itself.

She tried her best to testify for others, but was bitten back!

Such a bad thing was actually witnessed by them.


The marshal not only did not show any dissatisfaction, but just showed a little helplessness, without any sign of anger!

And the perpetrators looked confident, even confident... How could their loyal followers have any position to criticize

Sells answered the students' questions: "There were some misunderstandings between us before, which were resolved not long ago."

A student asked, "You mean, your relationship has eased recently?"

Sells thought for a while, and gave a very meaningful sentence: "A relationship is not about the length, but about the depth."

The student's face changed slightly: "Length? Shade?"

Everyone: "..."

Why did the world suddenly change color

Sells explained that while the two had recently developed a relationship, it wasn't necessarily time that measured the depth of a relationship. Because of certain opportunities, they have settled down.

Everyone seemed to understand and nodded... Oh, the length of time and the depth of emotion.

The student looked confused: "But you sprained the prince's wrist a few months ago."

He was referring to the matter of sparring.

This is obviously a student who has someone in the noble circle.

Nalen recalled this incident and straightened his face: "It was just an accident."

Then secretly gave Sells a look.

The latter immediately nodded cooperatively: "I accidentally injured Nalen."

Student: "...the prince also rejected your invitation to the hot spring party?"

Sells laughed: "Hot spring?"

Nick standing in the corner showed a horrible look: Hot springs...

Nalen: "... even if the relationship is warm, differences in interests are inevitable."

If Sells held some other banquets at that time, he might have accepted the other party's invitation with the idea of creating chaos, but: "I only refused the hot spring."

Nick: "…" No, you're not.

In his mind, he recalled the scene of the two entering the hot spring club hand in hand, and then going straight to the suspicious medical clinic after coming out. Like that kind of hidden unlicensed small clinic, why are these two people so familiar

Nick's rich inner drama is not well known to outsiders.

The students continued to ask a few more questions.

From the opportunity for the two to resolve their misunderstanding, to their current relationship with each other, it also includes the whole story of the two people acting together on the hunting festival day... Many of his questions have nothing to do with the trial, so he was rejected by a stingy prince.

"This has nothing to do with today's trial."

Sells was originally ready to speak and was about to answer, but he stopped talking when he saw this.

"That's right, it doesn't matter."

Everyone: "..." Answer!

Before the trial was about to be distorted into a press conference for the two, the physically and mentally exhausted chief adjusted his state and knocked on the table with the gavel.

This trial, which was supposed to be solemn and solemn, finally ended hastily with the ending of "Naren is not guilty". The matter about the princess dinner will be regarded as a doubtful point and will be reviewed later.

However, at that time, the object of trial was no longer just Naren.

The prince who had just escaped from the crime calmed down, his eyes concealed complacency, and when he looked at Sells, he was a little relieved.

Nalen: "I didn't expect you to stand up and speak for me at the critical moment."

"This is not free." Sells leaned over and asked, "Have you figured out how to thank me?"

Naren: "..."

Sells noticed his expression and pretended to be surprised: "Don't I even have a thank you gift?"

Thank you

Nalen pondered for a moment, and showed his first smile today: "Of course, what do you want?"

Sells said: "Giving gifts for dinner... can't do it, change to something else this time."

Nalen repeated suspiciously: "Other?"

Sells smiled and whispered something in his ear.

Everyone not far away pricked up their ears—why did they suddenly start whispering? Is there some ulterior secret? ! Ah, why is the prince blushing? Aren't you really flirting in public!

Nalen's voice suddenly increased: "How is this possible!"

Sells reassured: "Just take it as a companion to me."

Nalen's face was full of refusal, and the refusal was very straightforward: "You can let Dia or Andrea accompany you."

Sells said: "That's different, I just want to go with you."

Nalen looked hesitantly for a few times, as if he felt that he had taken the wrong medicine today, and said tactfully, "Sells, I'm a little tired today. Let's talk about this matter later."

Sells looked at him quietly, without saying a word.

Everyone: "..." Look at the road, Marshal, didn't you realize that the prince didn't receive your displeasure at all

For a while, they actually developed some kind of wonderful emotion towards their idols, which was similar to hating iron but not steel.

Watching the two chatting and leaving the auditorium, when the judges also left one by one, the people in the auditorium could no longer hold back the excitement in their hearts, they all stood up and held the hands of the seat leaders, opened their mouths, but did not know what to say rise. From each other's faces, they saw the same complicated look.

—Can’t find the right words to describe what I saw and heard today

After a long time, someone asked the question: "What are we here for?"

Someone hesitated and said, "... came to see the trial?"

With the good original intention of paying attention to the trend of the scepter case, let's take a look at the true face of that Prince Charvet—I want to know how this mysterious man who only wants to "appear from behind" can stand up to the marshal, but the fact is that , they think too simply.

What colluded with the bug stars

What treason suspects!

Fortunately, they came here with a serious heart... In the end, it was like watching an emotional exposure scene.

"What kind of feelings?" When they went back, people who didn't know the truth asked such a question.


"It's friendship."


The two parties did not know how profoundly they had influenced others invisibly.

Sells' gaze was not without effect.

Naren finally felt his "hot" gaze, so he had no choice but to agree to consider his proposal when he had time.

The marshal was a little disappointed by this, and reluctantly said: "Okay, I will wait."


Naren felt that the marshal today was a bit strange, but he didn't intend to go into it any further. He just nodded casually and walked out with his head buried.

Sells quickly followed up with Timothy, and made a final attempt: "That's not an embarrassing request, Nalen, do you really want to cruelly reject someone who just helped you?"

Nalen walked away faster.

What's not embarrassing

Have him as a prop for Sale's practice sessions

And what about "Some things, I'm not used to saying in front of other people." So hoping someone can help him overcome his fear

Sells has been getting weirder and weirder lately!

Naryn, who was full of complicated emotions, had just walked out of the courtroom when he saw a familiar figure standing in the middle of the gate—Aleida, whom he had not seen for many days, with stubble on his face, looking at his friend with melancholy eyes .

"Naron..." His voice was hoarse and weak, and his whole body was full of depression.

This was the first official meeting between the two since Elida was abducted by the "elementary brother" to a neighboring city.

Naren took a step forward and confirmed that it was Elida who hadn't seen him for many days. When he saw his current situation and connected with Langa's true face, he felt a pang of sympathy in his heart.

He had thought that he had been unlucky enough these days, but his friend was not much less.

A huge force struck, and a giant baby was curled up in Naryn's arms—this big man chose to fall into the arms of his friend under the excitement.

Naren: "..."

Elida put her head on his shoulders, and a pair of strong hands wrapped around his lower back, which forced Naren to lean back to avoid the opponent's stubble.

After Ailida hugged him heavily, he let him go quickly.

"I'm back."

The tone of vicissitudes is bitter.

Nalen sighed softly, and looked at him with eyes full of fatherly love—his Dada finally grew up after a suspected emotional injury.

"I heard about your trial, so I rushed back." Elida smiled wryly: "He is a bug star."

Nalen: "... let's talk about it in another place."

People come and go here, it is not suitable for talking about things. He just broke up with Zong Xing, and he doesn't want to have anything to do with these two words again.

So Aleida was brought into Searles' car by Nalen with complicated emotions.

"Why do we have to take his car?" Elida, who was sitting in the back row, still didn't know about his friend's recent situation.

Nalen whispered, "I'm not driving."

Alida was even more puzzled: "I can send you off." Pointing to a certain emerald green sports car not far away.

Nalen looked away and asked, "What did you want to say just now?"

Elida opened his mouth, and from the corner of his eye, he saw Marshal Sayers, who was silent from the beginning to the end, fell silent for a while, and winked at Naren.

Naren: "..." He never expected that his little friend would also learn to hesitate to speak.

Sells focused on leaning back on the back of the chair, and opened the lift panel with a leisurely expression, creating a soundproof space for the two people in the back row. However, he didn't activate the concealment function. Under the transparent lifting board, the actions of the two of them can be seen at a glance. If Elida makes any inappropriate moves, he should remind him aloud.

Nalun said: "Langa is your elementary school brother?"

Elida's expression darkened: "Yes, he is a complete liar... But, are you sure that Sells really didn't eavesdrop?"

Nalun said earnestly: "It's not important..."

Even if Sells knew about it, Eleda was just a victim of deception.

Elida didn't think so, his attitude towards Sells was still at the initial stage, but after not seeing him for a few days, Naren's vigilance dropped a lot, and he became a little worried.