Intergalactic Era of Gossip

Chapter 7: [Actor] Your medicine bag is gone


The other party turned around excitedly, grabbed his hand, and said: "Half an hour ago, a certain female anchor of 'Fish Tooth' broadcasted a live broadcast on Sunset Volcano, ah, I thought it was fake, but the marshal really appeared Already!!!"

—It turned out to be Searce's fans.

"live streaming?"

"That's right, we all rushed here after hearing the news. It's a pity that the clubhouse is too hidden. Looking down from the mountainside, you can't see the hot spring at all, you can only see a few pebble roads, alas..."

What's with this regretful tone of voice

Nalen sneered: "The careful education of the empire is not for you to worship idols."

The man was taken aback for a moment, and slowly restrained his excited expression: "Isn't it a friendly army?"

Naren: "Why are you obsessed with a flashy empty shell, and how much do you know about Sayers' true face?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the few people closest to him turned their heads to look at him. One of the fiery red-haired, small, freckled men squinted his eyes, looked at Nalen presumptuously, and said, "But you don't even have a decent shell?"

Naren: "..."

The person who answered at the beginning chimed in: "Big brother, before criticizing others, it is better to take care of the overgrown hair. No matter what the marshal looks like, he is still more face than the hair group."

"Hairball" Naren touched his stubble and smiled disdainfully: "I am very satisfied with my appearance."

The freckled man choked.

Nalen rubbed his chin and said, "Actually..."

Freckled Man: "Huh?"

Naren lowered his voice: "I used to regard Searles as an idol just like you, and I admired him, followed him, and loved him... However, since I accidentally witnessed his unknown side, I only have respect for him. Contempt and disgust remain."

The freckled man immediately showed an excited expression of wanting to refute.

Nalen pressed his head: "The disillusionment of idols hit me hard, just look at my slovenly appearance now..."

He sighed, looking sad.

The freckled man was a little moved.

Nalen continued: "I told other people about Searles' despicable behavior, but no one believed it."

Midi No. 1 frowned: "We will appeal against unfounded smearing."

The freckled man patted Nalen's hand away and stopped his little friend: "Let him talk. Listen to what ridiculous story this idiot made up."

"Stupid" Naren was silent for a moment, and decided to endure the humiliation for the time being: "There has been a lot of rumors about Searles these days, and I think you have heard of it."

The freckled man disagreed: "Of course, do you want to use this as a point of attack to accuse the marshal of his lack of virtue? Although I am extremely saddened by the fact that the marshal has left the single, I have to say that his series of actions afterwards are very responsible."

Nalen rolled his eyes in secret, and spoke quickly: "That's an illusion. How can the person involved not know who he slept with. Sells knows it well, but he just doesn't want to be responsible for it. I saw a man with my own eyes. The underage boy cried and begged him not to abandon him, but Sells was unmoved and shamelessly paid him a huge sum of money."

The freckled man blinked: "...Underage?"

Naren nodded bitterly.

The freckled man clapped his hands: "That's really great, I'm not an adult yet!"

A group of people around cheered happily.

Naren: "..."

The freckled man sneered, and his tone changed suddenly: "Wake up, wash your greasy head first. The marshal is a noble character, how could he attack minors? Still don't admit it? And dump people with money?"

Is this rising to a personal attack

Naren held the little man's head again, stopping him from jumping up and down, with a gloomy expression.


That's a wig, stupid fanboy!

"No! How could you do this? Let me in! Sayers, don't leave me behind!" The youth's clear voice came from not far away.

Nalen followed the prestige and found a boy with light blond hair lying on the open space at the entrance of the hot spring club, and two soldiers in uniform were standing in front of the boy on guard.

"That night! Obviously you raped me and said you would be responsible for me! Now! You let people throw me out like garbage! In this case, why do you still pretend to be looking for me? I clearly ! Right here!"

The young man covered his face in pain, his voice was shrill and desperate, "Could it be that just because I am a servant of Princess Shasha, do you think I am not good enough for you?"

Naren: "..."

Eleda, where did you find this dramatist

It was a tearful performance. The voice is full of anger, the expression is hesitant and helpless, and the character setting is added, which perfectly interprets an innocent boy who was abandoned from beginning to end.

The freckled man took a deep breath and murmured, " must be a conspiracy."

Over there, the boy was still weeping, his thin shoulders trembling. After a long time, he raised his head, revealing a childish baby face.

The freckled man flickered, he was... underage

The young man cried hoarsely, and said with a choked voice, "Sells, you are too ruthless, too cold, and the rocks of Gal Mine Star are not as cold as your heart."

Nalen: "..." Where did I find this script, with rhetorical tricks.

Did his unreliable friend finally become reliable once? The young man I found is really a high-level actor who combines acting skills, appearance, and line skills.

One of the soldiers frowned: "If we keep pestering people around, we will take more drastic measures."

The boy sobbed, looked at him sadly, and then burst into a loud cry.

Soldier:"… "

The freckled man looked dazed: "This is not true."

Nalen glanced at him and said in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "Be strong."

The freckled man looked at him blankly.

Satisfied with his response, Naren continued to relentlessly push the smear to the end.

"I was so heartbroken at the time. How could Searles be such a beast in clothes? He has lived up to all my good imaginations about him. How much I loved him, how painful it is when the truth comes."

Freckled Man: "No..."

Naren: "I can see that you will be like me..." He stroked his thick stubble, and suddenly asked, "Can you count it?"

The freckled man shook his head silently.

"My heart is broken in thousands, like it, beyond count."

Freckled man with straight eyes.

Just as Naren was about to give the final blow, a low laugh came from behind.

"I'm so sorry."

Nalen's body stiffened instantly.

Why is this voice familiar

He turned around slowly, and met the impeccable face of the subject of the topic, His Excellency the Imperial Marshal.


Sells took a step forward, his deep eyes fell on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he quickly returned to normal.

"How are you?"

No, it's not good at all... Naren's eyes were as straight as the freckled man's. If it wasn't for the thick layer of stubble covering his face, his complexion would be as pale as paper by now.

Who will tell him why this guy appeared behind him? !

How long has he stood behind him? !

Searles slightly bent one leg, bent over and squatted down, and the swirling black hair appeared in Nalen's sight, making him a little confused.


"Your medicine bag has been dropped." He picked up the traditional Chinese medicine wrapped in reed paper and handed it over with a humble attitude.

Nalen didn't move, and looked at the familiar medicine bag in silence - he didn't pay attention when he took the medicine, and there was a round thin paper stuck to the bottom of the medicine bag, with the same writing on it as the billboard.

"Aiboluo Medical Center, a hundred-year-old formula..."

Because it fell to the ground, the bottom was exposed, and this line of writing stood out between the two of them.

Naren stared silently at the thing in Searles' palm, and struggled fiercely between "pretend it's not his and let his left breast rot" and "take it for the sake of his body". A few seconds later, he snatched the medicine bag with a "snap", quickly put it in his arms and hid it.

Sells: "…"