Internal Players

Chapter 33: Doomsday Escape (13)


There was a hint of sweetness and blush in the air.

Both Ren Li and Pei Jingling keenly captured the whispered "Wow, so sweet" exclamation from the back seat and the peeping gossip eyes.

Ren Li knew that in the eyes of other players, he and Pei Jingling were probably a couple, and he also knew the meaning of this sigh.

But... I and he are not really lovers, what is sweet

Suddenly feeling a bit of panic and embarrassment in his heart, Ren Li's expression became even more stern, and he gritted his teeth and thought: Pei Jingling deliberately betrayed in front of him again, what sweetness, he clearly deserves a beating!

Pei Jingling chuckled lightly, looking at Ren Li with a slightly narrow look in his eyes.

Ren Li's throat moved slightly, and he turned his head to avoid Pei Jingling's eyes.

Grabbing his arms with both hands and pulling them from his neck, he said in a serious tone: "Okay, don't send..."

Thinking that there are others in the back seat, he swallowed the word "disturbing" and changed his mind, "Stop making trouble, be serious."

Pei Jingling heard his hesitant words, and the corners of his mouth rose a bit.

But he didn't provoke him any more, and his leaning body sat upright again.

Ren Li sighed lightly, his eyes fell on the alien corpse lying on the ground outside, and he said, "It is estimated that we drove for nearly half an hour from the time we crossed the dividing line to here."

"The car can't go now." Speaking of business, Pei Jingling quickly turned his face and continued, "With our pace, the time is a little tight."

"Then don't talk nonsense." Ren Li opened the door, picked up the things in the car, and said to the cute girl in the back seat and the tour guide, "Get out of the car and talk to the car in front."

Ruan Mengmei and the tour guide endured their nausea, nodded quickly, got out of the car and followed Ren Li to the van.

Ten people sat together again.

Now everyone subconsciously looked at Ren Li first, waiting for him to speak first.

Ren Li didn't hesitate, and went straight to the topic with a sharp gaze: "Everyone should have seen the situation just now, right? The aliens are not at the same level in appearance or attack power as the aliens they met before."

Everyone nodded, and the female soldier said with a sullen face: "The reaction speed is extremely fast, and the shell is much harder, which is very difficult to deal with."

"The car is out of gas now, and the aliens are still so difficult to deal with. Damn, it was all false before! Don't say I don't know the way, I know the way, I'm afraid we can't even touch the side of the hospital!"

"Life is bound to have its ups and downs, and the key is to grasp it well. Tiezi, even if I feel lost, we have to go through it together!"

Several people were talking, but Ruan Mengmei and the tour guide were not in that mood at all.

Ruan Mengmei remembered the face that was separated from the glass window just now, her body was full of goose bumps, and she rubbed her arms with lingering fear: "How can it be so different? Before looking at the body shape, it was barely like a person, now It's like being on hormones... so disgusting... "

Ruan Mengmei said the point again, Ren Li glanced at her, and said meaningfully: "You are right, I still looked like a person before."

"In addition to the body shape, it should be more intuitive that although the previous aliens were covered with a lot of scale shells, there are still many parts of the body that are normal human skin."

Doctor Pin took the position of emphasis in Li's words, and his eyes narrowed slightly: "What do you mean...?"

Pei Jingling raised her brows slightly, took the words and said, "It means that the vaccine was in the hospital where we appeared on the first day."

Pei Jingling's sudden conclusion immediately made the whole carriage quiet.

For the sake of rigor, Ren Li added calmly, "It's more likely."

The female soldier knew that they would not jump to conclusions, and looked at them seriously: "Why?"

"The reason why I wasn't attacked by the aliens was because my identity was a failed product that had been injected with reagents, and the breath was similar to them." Ren Li casually tugged at the hospital clothes on his body, "First of all, this shows that the original There are also alien reagents in this hospital, which are related to aliens.”

"And when I killed the aliens here just now, the aliens still wouldn't come to attack me first." Ren Li said lightly, "That is to say, my breath is 'similar' to the aliens here. It is very likely that It shows that these two abnormal shapes are caused by the same reagent."

"So why are the aliens in the two cities different? One seems to be in a transitional period between aliens and people, while the other is like a fully 'mature' alien."

Ren Li narrowed his eyes slightly and said deeply, "Could it be because there is something in that hospital that can make aliens 'return' to adults?"

"This..." The spirit boy wrinkled his face and whispered, "Maybe there are two forms. The previous aliens have a few pieces of human skin on their bodies and are smaller, I don't think they are different from this one."

Ren Li didn't change his expression when he heard the questioning, and continued: "There is also a difference in thinking."

"The alien just now, excited for the sound and eager for the breath of the living, just swarmed up."

"And on the first night, there were screams, but those aliens didn't appear immediately. Instead, there were suspected ambush behaviors." Ren Li paused, glanced at Pei Jingling, and his tone was a little darker, "And In the parking lot, the alien I killed, which had been hiding in the back of the car, suddenly attacked him."

Pei Jingling also glanced at Ren Li and moved towards him, gently beside him.

Ren Li lowered his eyes and glanced at Pei Jingling who was leaning beside him, glanced at his shoulder, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

He raised his eyes to look at everyone, and concluded in a low voice: "Having human characteristics and thinking... I think there is a high possibility that these 'mature' aliens 'recovered' back."

Every time Ren Liyi said a lot of things, everyone kept silent in tacit understanding.

Several people pressed their temples with headaches, trying to digest Ren Li's words.

The doctor lowered his head and pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "Then why can't the level of the hospital here be higher than that over there, which leads to different degrees of abnormal lesions? After all, the setting here is the largest hospital in the country, vaccines Wouldn't it be more reasonable to be in a place like this?"

"Otherwise, why did you force us to come to this city when the difficulty of the game increased?"

The mental guy was already dizzy, he nodded to Ren Li, and then to the doctor.

"I said it last night, I guess the city we are fleeing is actually this city." Ren Li said lightly, his expression still unchanged, "The difficulty of the game increased last night, and we will die in seven days. The solution is to find a vaccine."

Glancing at the doctor, he continued, "In addition to your interpretation of the real-time changes in the game - to 'force' us to come to this city, there can be other interpretations. Personally I don't think it's 'force', but ' deceive'."

The big man touched his head irritably: "Is there any difference? Don't you all want us to come here?"

"Of course there is." Pei Jingling said calmly, "and the difference is not small."

The female soldier looked at Pei Jingling, frowned and asked, "How do you say it?"

"First of all, I think everyone needs to understand a little." Pei Jingling leaned back lazily on the back of the chair and said, "With our speed today and the estimated distance without a car, in the remaining seven days, We definitely can't travel between two hospitals. To put it bluntly, we only have one option."

Everyone nodded, agreeing with him.

They were driving, and so far were only on the outskirts of the city, but the third day was almost over.

"Okay, then let's analyze these two situations based on this perception."

Pei Jingling stretched out a finger and shook it: "In the first case, the vaccine is in this city, and the game is to 'force' us to come here to save ourselves."

"Imagine what is the best outcome we can achieve in this situation?"

The big man said impatiently: "Of course, find a vaccine and survive!"

"Yes, we will survive and pass the level successfully. And the biggest loss is just not getting the 30 points for ordinary task achievements."

Pei Jingling paused and stretched out another finger: "In the second case, the vaccine is in the original city, and the game is to 'trick' us to come here."

He raised his chin slightly, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at the big man: "Tell me again, what is the best outcome we can achieve in this situation?"

The big man's face turned blue, but he didn't answer.

The female soldier took the conversation and said in a deep voice, "It will definitely fail the customs clearance."

Pei Jingling nodded slightly: "That's right."

The spiritual guy and his girlfriend thought for a while, then frowned and said, "No, what you said is not the same as what you said. Then as long as you choose the wrong one, you will definitely fail the customs clearance. Why don't you say that the vaccine is there? Here, the end of our return is also death."

She has a loud voice and is used to speaking carelessly, and her tone of voice to Pei Jingling is a bit aggressive.

Ren Li's face darkened, he raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes were cold and deep, and he said indifferently: "That's because your thinking hasn't caught up yet, and all of his analysis is based on 'the purpose of the game to bring us here'. based on."

"And these are the situations after the difficulty has increased. If we want to continue the analysis, we have to overturn all the situations and return to the time when nothing has changed."

The spiritual guy's girlfriend trembled at Ren Li's deep eyes, and his voice unconsciously lowered a little: "Brother... er, you continue to say..."

"Without any change in difficulty, the game won't change in real time, so we won't find the sense of violation of 'escape from the city'." Ren Li said calmly, "We will always By default, the original city is the city to escape, and go to the next city, which is here."

Indeed, even before Ren Li put forward this opposite view last night, everyone had always tacitly accepted it.

Ruanmeng's mind turned fast, and she had roughly understood the meaning, and said excitedly: "I seem to have understood...!"

Then he immediately reacted and interjected himself, and hurriedly said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry... I'm too excited... "

Ren Li didn't care. He didn't like or dislike this girl either. He said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter. I wanted you to understand it. Now that you understand, tell everyone what you think."

Seeing that Ren Li really didn't care, Ruan Mengmei nodded quickly: "Then let's follow Xiao Ke... little brother's previous analysis template. If the difficulty has not improved at all, what is our ending?"

"There is a high probability of surviving to clear the level, but not getting points for 'escape from the city'." Ruan Mengmei looked excited, "I said last night that the difficulty is improved in three aspects: survival, escape from the city and aliens. And the fact that the disease must be added to the difficulty of survival."

"Then we will combine the two situations that my brother just analyzed! If the vaccine is in the largest hospital, the best outcome is actually the same as before the improvement. But! If the vaccine is in the original hospital, we will definitely fail customs clearance. ."

"On the other hand, this proves that the difficulty of survival has increased!"

Pei Jingling raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Yes, you are quite smart."

Ruan Mengmei was praised by Pei Jingling and became even happier: "No, no, I'm completely thinking down your line of thinking. You all thought it out by yourself, it's amazing!"

The doctor helped his glasses, was silent for a while, then raised his eyes and said, "So...the vaccine..."

"It's in the original hospital."