Internal Players

Chapter 41: Operas of the Republic of China (1)


Ren Li once again felt a familiar dizziness and opened his eyes slowly.

He seemed to be sitting on the sofa before, holding his head on his hands and closing his eyes.

Ren Li pressed his swollen temple, sighed lightly, woke up a little, and looked around at the current environment.

The room was spacious and lit by warm orange lights.

The floor is covered with heavy carpets, and the interior decoration is luxurious but not exaggerated. The tall mahogany bookshelves are full of books, and in the middle is a large bed with golden curtains hanging over it.

The furniture is all retro, an old record player is placed on a mahogany table, a stylus is set aside, and a large golden speaker reflects the bright light.

The room is clean and organized, it should be cleaned regularly.

So splendid, at first glance, it looks like the room of the rich and noble family in the Republic of China.

[Loading the copy of B02 of the control dream escape game.]

Ren Li stood up after hearing the beep, and stood in front of the mirror looking at his outfit.

He was wearing a military uniform with a black tie, a clean white shirt draped over it, and tucked solemnly into his trousers.

The golden button is neatly buttoned to the top one, the belt around the waist is tightly fastened to the waist, an armed belt is pulled diagonally on the upper body, and the gun is pinned to the waist.

With long boots on his feet, leather boots wrapped around his calf, the whole person looked grand and solemn.

Ren Li squinted his eyes slightly, looked down at the epaulette, and estimated that this should be at least a colonel-level officer.

Intuition tells him that the identity given to him this time is very complete, it should not be as simple as the last game, it is probably very important.

Before Pei Jingling came, he had nothing to do, turned and walked to the desk in the bedroom, ready to look for clues related to the game.

The desk is also neatly organized. Political-related policy documents, war-related map strategies, and various materials have been categorized and placed.

It is very convenient to look up.

Ren Li took out a random look and got a general situation.

This city is called Yuncheng, and it is a self-sufficient independent city.

In the early stage of troubled times, he was preempted by a warlord, and he won the leadership without attacking the city, and was successfully divided into the name of that warlord.

However, as the war is getting tense now, the surrounding cities are already in continuous war.

The city is in an advantageous position on a high ground, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. In order to protect the lives of the people in the city, the government recently chose a policy of closing the city and banning the gates and exits.

Ren Li silently wrote down, so it seems that the entire copy should have happened in this city.

I took out another document and flipped through it. I learned that Yuncheng is still a city crazy for opera, with a long history of opera culture. Everyone here likes to listen to opera, and pursues good actors who sing opera. There is no drama. dislike.

In order to appease the people locked in the city, this month the government ordered every theater to open its doors every night to entertain the people.

Taking out the map of the entire city, Ren Li glanced over every inch, raised his eyebrows slightly, and found that there were five grand theaters in such a small city, he was really crazy about drama.

Ren Li thought of the "republic of China drama" hinted, and tapped his finger on the desk lightly.

Does the "play" here refer to the city's opera culture

Squinting his eyes slightly, he took out the pen and drew the key circles of the locations of the theaters, as a precaution.

I don't know if it's because the game hasn't been loaded yet, most of the remaining documents are blank.

Ren Li took out a lot of information and looked through it, but he didn't find any clues that could reveal the identity of "himself" this time.

He looked at the pages of the book, the room was silent, and suddenly there were cautious footsteps from outside the door.

Ren Li's ears have always been sharp, and he immediately caught the sound of footsteps that were obviously deliberately softened.

He turned his head and glanced in the direction of the bedroom door, shook his head slightly, and said in a low voice helplessly, "It's not boring to come here again."

Although he said so, his serious and tense face involuntarily softened, and the corners of his mouth raised a slight arc.

Sure enough, it was a little sticky spirit, who came after him again.

Ren Li put down the documents in his hand, walked towards the door of the bedroom, took a few steps and then stopped.

He slightly raised his chin, adjusted the tightness of his tie, and straightened his straight shirt collar to make the whole person appear more energetic before continuing to walk towards the door.


The solid wood door was tentatively pushed open a crack and made a soft sound. Ren Li snorted softly in his throat, and said in a distasteful tone, "Stop playing, I found you long ago."

"Ouch, so flirtatious."

It was not Pei Jingling's voice that responded to Ren Li, but the voice of a strange woman.

Probably knowing that someone was inside, the bedroom door was immediately pushed halfway open, and a woman with a mature look and a tight cheongsam walked in, saw Ren Li's appearance, and looked surprised, "Wow, it's still the same. A handsome guy on time? I haven't seen it for a long time, but I can earn it this time!"

When Ren Li heard the woman's voice, the tenderness in his eyes disappeared instantly, he became serious and indifferent, and his face sank.

The woman's figure was enchanting, she walked in with her waist twisted, and said with a smile, "This handsome guy, the tone you spoke to me just now was so indulgent, I'm almost in love with you at first sight when you say 'stop playing'."

Ren Li looked away without hesitation, and said indifferently, "I didn't tell you, I made a mistake."

"It looks like you're here in a team?" The woman raised her eyebrows, "With your girlfriend?"

Ren Li pursed his lips, sat back on the sofa, lowered his head and pressed the muscles of his arms that he had used so much these days, and replied softly, "... No."

When the woman saw Ren Li's expression of "don't approach strangers" and didn't even give her a straight eye, she immediately became interested.

The voice sweetly smiled and said, "That's single... Handsome guy, the game hasn't started yet, are you interested in chatting with me?"

"Not interested in."

Ren Li refused simply and neatly, and the woman was not embarrassed. She stepped on high heels and walked towards Ren Li, with a seductive hoarse tone: "You don't even look at me, how do you know you're not interested. They still want to be with you. Let’s take a closer look…”

Ren Li smelled the fragrance of the woman's body gradually coming towards him, frowned slightly, raised his eyes, his eyes were as cold as a falcon, and he said blankly, "Please stay away from me."

The woman's heart trembled when she saw Ren Li's eyes, her footsteps stopped unconsciously, she laughed shyly, and turned to sit on the sofa beside him.

But when I was scared, I instantly understood that Ren Li was definitely not simple. With such a strong aura, he was definitely a big shot like a high-end player.

"Handsome guy, why are you so indifferent." The woman sat on the side, deliberately showing her slender legs from the slit of the cheongsam, slowed down her voice, and said tenderly, "Don't I look good?"

As soon as Ren Li saw her sitting posture and the pretentious smile on her face, his raised eyes closed down again, his tone was a little heavier, and he said, "This is an escape game. Please respect yourself."

The woman looked at Ren Li's cold and almost ruthless face, her desire for conquest grew stronger, and she smiled a few times in a low voice: "Handsome guy, can't you, are you really so conservative?"

"It's already a B-level dungeon. You should have played more than a dozen games, right? You've never seen a 'game couple' before, have you?"

Ren Li's frown gradually tightened.

"I really haven't seen it before?" The woman laughed out loud when she saw Ren Li's expression, raised Erlang's legs, her tone was full of hints, and said familiarly, "I just met eyes in the game and formed a temporary 'husband and wife'. , seek stimulation, and solve each other's physiological needs by the way... you know."

Ren Li: "..."

Ren Li's lips suddenly became an icy straight line, and he felt that his ears were polluted by this woman's words!

Pressing his temples, which jumped suddenly, he resisted the urge to collapse her without taking out a gun.

The woman licked her lips. She really didn't want to let go of such an excellent and clean hunting target. She smiled and persuaded: "Everyone is an adult. It's normal to indulge yourself in such a precarious game. Game After the end, one shot and two scattered, without any burden. Moreover, it is still a conscious body, which is much cleaner and more convenient than going out for an appointment. "

Ren Li's face became more and more impatient, such a flattering woman kept talking in her ear, she was so irritable.

And I can't wait for Pei Jingling!

If he didn't have this copy, if he dared to lie to himself...

When Ren Li thought that if Pei Jingling didn't come, he became more and more irritable.

Putting his hand on the gun clip on his waist, his eyes were as black as ink, his mood was gloomy, and he warned in a low voice: "I advise you to stop talking to me again, or you will be at your own risk."

The woman is an old player, and she immediately felt the murderous aura coming from Ren Li, and her body consciousness of self-protection made her tremble slightly.

Feeling the strong threat, the woman swallowed her saliva, finally calmed down a bit, and closed her mouth not to speak.

But as the saying goes, the more dangerous the more loving.

The two sat quietly. The woman kept looking at Ren Li, whose face was expressionless and his body was cold. She was more and more fascinated by the sense of abstinence on his body. The two sofas were not far apart. She moved her body and wanted to reach out...



Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door, followed by a gunshot, and blood rushed from the woman's white cheeks.

She didn't even react at all, the smile on her face hadn't changed, and a bloodstain was already drawn on her face by the bullet.

Ren Li kept his hand on the gun clip and didn't take out the gun. He instantly reacted to the situation and raised his head to look at the bedroom door.

The bedroom door was kicked and even cracks appeared on the solid wood, which shows how strong the kick was.

Pei Jingling was leaning against the door frame, he was also wearing a solemn military uniform, the golden tassels dangling slightly on his shoulders, the leather belt was tightly tied, his waist was pinched very thinly, and the military boots wrapped his slender calves , extending to the knee.

His slender fingers were wrapped in white gloves, one hand was casually inserted into his military trousers, and the other hand held a small, dark gun, and there was still traces of gunpowder smoke from the dark muzzle.

The orange light reflected his tall and slender figure on the wall, he raised his lips, a casual smile hung on his face, but the dark and beautiful pupils were icy cold.

Pei Jingling sneered and said lazily to the woman, "Miss, I'm sorry, this man already has a master."