Internal Players

Chapter 47: Operas of the Republic of China (7)


Because there were no other clues at all, Ren Li and Pei Jingling were going to go to the Guangde Grand Theater to investigate the situation.

The Young Marshal's Mansion has guards standing guard at the gate around the clock, and you cannot go down from the main gate.

Fortunately, there was a big tree next to Ren Li's bedroom window, and behind it was the back garden of the Young Marshal's Mansion.

They decided to jump from the window sill to the tree, slide down the trunk to the back garden, and climb out over the wall.

Ren Li walked to the window sill, opened the heavy curtains, and looked through the glass, it was almost completely dark outside, with only a faint moonlight and a few occasional bright lights illuminating the city.

Ren Li gently pushed open the window and made a hoarse sound of the old-fashioned shaft.

In such a silent night, this tiny sound seems to be amplified infinitely, making people feel nervous.

Finally, the window was slowly pushed open, and the biting cold wind that belonged to the night was blowing towards them both.

Ren Li stepped on the window sill first, jumped agilely to the low tree branch next to him, and then jumped directly from the branch to the ground.

Pei Jingling followed closely behind.

The two walked through the back garden and came to the most secluded corner.

The movement over the wall was light and agile, and the two slender figures landed one after the other without making any sound.

Ren Li's night vision ability is better than that of Pei Jingling. He took Pei Jingling's hand and led him through the dark road.

The whole city was unbelievably quiet, not even the most characteristic of the times. It was like an empty city.

Ren Li and Pei Jingling unwittingly eased their breathing, for fear that the strange silence would be abruptly abrupt.

The pointer of the gold watch in Ren Li's pocket was still turning continuously. When the minute hand turned the last arc and pointed steadily at 12:00, a sound of opening the door suddenly sounded across the street.

Ren Li was very alert, and immediately pulled Pei Jingling to hide in the alley where he couldn't see the place where the sound came from.

He quickly took out his watch and looked at it. Sure enough, it was early morning.

The two waited silently for a few seconds, and there were two discordant footsteps in the empty alley on the opposite side.

The sound of leather shoes and high-heeled shoes stepping on the bluestone road gradually became clearer from far to near, and even faint echoes were heard in the empty alleys.

Ren Li probed slightly, staring at the entrance of the alley like a torch.

A man and a woman came out of the dark alley.

The man has oily hair and a straight suit with a high-spirited face, while the woman is wearing make-up and a brand-new cheongsam, with a decent smile on the corners of her mouth. The direction is the same as Ren Li and the others.

If it weren't for the background of this deserted, terribly quiet, late-night street, the two looked as if they were going out on a date.

"I remember them." Pei Jingling also saw the appearance of the two by the moonlight, and whispered softly, close to Ren Li's ear, "They were also in the theater at the time, and their costumes and hairstyles didn't change."

Ren Li gently squeezed Pei Jingling's palm to show that he understood.

Although the two did not find them, out of caution, Ren Li still wanted to keep a certain distance from them before continuing to follow.

But before the distance could be opened, there were several sounds of opening and closing the door, and footsteps that did not restrain any sound stepped on the street.

This time, Pei Jingling doesn't need to tell Ren Li. Ren Li has already recognized several familiar figures, especially the one who had seen Pei Jingling with a wretched and contemptuous look. He remembers it very clearly.

He also kept his old gown in the theater, with snarky eyes and a hint of wretchedness and shrewdness on his face, and walked towards the theater with his companions.

About 20 people have already left on the street, and all of them maintain the appearance of being in the theater in the afternoon, and their expressions are very rich.

But the strange thing is that none of them spoke, and they didn't say hello when they met others on the street, and went to the theater together silently.

Ren Li frowned and exchanged glances with Pei Jingling.

After two or three minutes and no one appeared again, they hid in the darkness, walking briskly against the wall with their short bodies, closely following behind these people.

The closer to the theater, the more people on the road. Pei Jingling recognized it carefully. All the people he remembered in the theater found their correspondence in it. Without exception, they were all in the afternoon.

After following them carefully for nearly forty minutes, they finally arrived at the Guangde Grand Theater.

The door of the theater was still closed, and those who came all gathered at the door of the theater, standing in unison, without any verbal communication.

Ren Li and Pei Jingling hid in a narrow alley across from the theater, using the darkness of the alley and some abandoned debris to cover their figures, closely watching the situation outside.

Using the lights from the lanterns hanging on both sides of the theater's gate, Ren Li found that although these people had rich expressions, there was no turbulence in their eyes. They were dark and calm, which formed a sharp contrast with the vivid expressions on their faces. A sense of inconsistency and trepidation.

More and more people came, and hundreds of people were standing at the door.

Suddenly a sharp scream broke through the quiet night.

"What?! What are you doing to me?! Let me go!"

It's Liu Xiaoyu's voice!

Ren Li and Pei Jingling instantly cheered up, Ren Li stretched out his other hand slightly and pulled Pei Jingling behind him.

Liu Xiaoyu's mournful voice gradually became clear, and she was approaching the gate of the theater: "Don't! Let me go! Please!"

With a "bang" sound, the heavy door was pulled open from the inside, but because of the people standing outside, Ren Li could not see the specific situation of the door.

But it seems that there is no need to know. The originally silent crowd began to agitate, the vivid expressions on their faces began to disappear, and they all became extremely angry, gnashing their teeth.

I don't know who was the first to shout what, all the people began to be filled with righteous indignation, shouting wildly: "The play is not good, what's the use of you?!"

Liu Xiaoyu's voice was instantly drowned in this huge roar.

I saw a way out of the crowd. The theater owner led the way with an angry face. Two men dressed as servants each grabbed one of Liu Xiaoyu's ankles and dragged him forward as if he was pulling some goods. .

Liu Xiaoyu had already taken off his makeup and was only wearing a thin underwear. He was lying on the ground facing down and was dragged forward. The rough road severely sharpened his body.

Being dragged mercilessly on the ground, his skin was torn by the stones, gravel, and iron on the road, and his white shirt was stained with blood stains.

His face was twisted in pain, and his tears were flowing.

The man seemed to have been touched by something dirty, his face was twisted, his eyes were full of disgust, his other foot stepped on Liu Xiaoyu's arm without hesitation, and even smashed it with the sole of his foot a few times: "Bah, You can't even perform well in the show!"


Liu Xiaoyu's hands were shaking frantically with pain, tears and snot filling his entire face, no matter how he tried to break free, he was doing nothing.

With the road open, Liu Xiaoyu was quickly dragged to the front of the crowd, but they didn't stop, they continued on.

The others also consciously followed behind Liu Xiaoyu, scolding angrily as they walked.

By the end of the line, they had all left the theater entrance for some distance, and then Ren Li and Pei Jingling came out of the alley and continued to follow behind them.

More than a hundred people roared and cursed on the street, the voices resounding in the sky, but the residential buildings on both sides did not make any movement.

The pain inflicted on Liu Xiaoyu's body still did not stop. The countless small wounds on his body were repeatedly scratched and run over countless times during the journey. The blood had soaked his clothes and soaked on the road.

His throat was broken, his lips were blue-purple because of the low temperature, and his face was pale because of excessive blood loss.

The clothes of poor quality were all torn, and the chest was directly attached to the ground.

The blood in his chest was blurred, and the blood flowed more and more. In the end, he was forced to lose his breath because of the excessive blood loss.

The whole figure was slumped to the ground in rags, but he was still not let go, lying on the ground and continuing to be dragged.

When the long line was finished, there were long, shocking bloodstains on the street.

Ren Li, who followed behind, looked at the bloodstain, his brows furrowed, and his eyes gradually darkened.

"This amount of bleeding, he should have already..." Pei Jingling's face was also very serious, and her tone was hard to hide, "This copy is really cruel."

Ren Li didn't speak, but the strength of holding Pei Jingling's hand increased a little, and he didn't let go.

The group was still walking forward, and the two of them continued to follow behind them.

Time is passing relentlessly, they have been gone for almost an hour, and now it is close to three in the morning, and the night is even darker.

While walking, Ren Li recalled the map of Yuncheng in his mind, combined the road they had traveled and the direction they were heading, and frowned, it seemed that it was the way to the gate of Yuncheng

Now it is estimated that it will only take another ten minutes to reach the Yuncheng City Gate.

However, after Ren Li followed him for a while, the scenery and characters in front became blurred, and thick fog began to fill the street, obscuring their vision.

Ren Li and Pei Jingling stopped, and now they don't know the specific situation at all, so they can't act rashly.

The fog is black and thicker and thicker, and it seems to block the moonlight. It seems that it is not generated under natural conditions.

However, within a few seconds, the fog covered the road in front of Ren Li, and the figures of those people became more and more blurred, gradually engulfed by the black, and disappeared.

Ren Li pursed his lips, glanced at Pei Jingling, and said in a low voice, "Let's go back before they come out."

Pei Jingling nodded, not in a hurry.

The two returned immediately and rushed to the young marshal's mansion. Even if there was no one on the street, they still cautiously went back against the wall.

But because they didn't have to take into account the speed of the team, it took significantly less time to go back.

A night of nervousness and high tension left a thin layer of sweat on their foreheads.

After turning another corner, they finally saw the young marshal's mansion, and they were going to return along the same path.

Approaching the wall in the back garden again, Ren Li wiped the sweat from his forehead, let go of Pei Jingling's hand, turned over first, and inquired about the situation.

"no problem."

Pei Jingling responded in a low voice, and when he was about to get over the wall, a figure suddenly appeared from a blind spot.

He reached out and patted Pei Jingling's shoulder.