Interstellar Chef Raising a Baby

Chapter 149: 149. Second more


Baby, your strategy is less than 50%~ Please come and see me again in 48 hours~ Amidst the screams of the girls, he curled his eyebrows and stopped.

Those guys from the Scientific Research Office are pretty useful.

The military nutrient solution does have a great effect on ordinary people. This body that he can crush casually, not seen for two days, seems to be more fleshy.

Liu Weiwei raised her head, then quickly lowered.

Why, she always felt that this person's sight fell on her

And it's the chest!

This decent Husband Major Husband is actually a scum

She immediately stared back in shame.

Soon, Qin Mo noticed the unfriendly gaze ahead. The irresistible gaze that seemed like a rabbit was trying to kill a full-level krypton beast made the corners of Leng Yi's mouth slightly invisible.

Standing beside him, the young lieutenant who was also dressed in a neat black military uniform turned on the light brain, turned out a hot golden light screen letter, and threw it into the air.

"The First Army Corps was commissioned by the Star Alliance Military Academy and appointed by Marshal Lear. Now ten sergeants are appointed to conduct three-day physical training for 512 students of Xiangyang Middle School."

"Students who have applied for the logistics department of the military academy will be interviewed by Major Qin Mo in person."

"Anyone who fails to pass the three-day training camp will be directly excluded from admission to the military academy."

This big-character poster, the icy voice that mellowed and frustrated, made Liu Weiwei immediately withdraw the rabbit's weak gaze.

Not only her, but all the students on the playground were in an uproar.

"What? The training is so strict, isn't it?"

"Liar! The logistics department, this year my husband turned out to be in charge of the interview! I didn't even sign up?!"

"My beast, is it too late to sign up now?"

"Ah... Who is so shit lucky, I want to talk to my husband face to face!"

"I took the opportunity to touch my husband's muscles during the interview. Even if I am disqualified for logistics admission, I can still apply for mecha major!"

"Ouch, the loss is heavy!"

"The Grand Marshal of the Star Alliance personally sent the major husband to me, but I didn't cherish it. If I can do it again, I want to tell him, husband, I am willing to be your logistics soldier. If you want to add a deadline, I Hope it's five hundred years!"

Liu Weiwei blinked, rubbing the goose bumps.

This big scumbag, there are so many fans, I can't offend it!

"Everyone listen to the password!"

The young lieutenant beside Qin Mo burst out a loud slogan in an instant.

The crowded playground, the girl's chattering regret, suddenly cleared.

"Level 6 and above are on the left, level 3 and below are on the right, and the rest are in the middle."

"All of them, all in ten seconds!"

Liu Weiwei was almost pushed to the ground by the rioting girl behind him.

Slag physical strength, there is no spring anywhere.

Ten seconds.

Ha ha.

She never passed a sprint.

She is standing in the middle of the playground, and now she is going to run to the right in the completely opposite direction with the flow of people... Cry!

The major, standing under the scorching sun meticulously, with pitch-black eyes, staring at the short-legged rabbits in front of him who are working hard to'crawl' constantly.

She is working hard, really working hard.

Obviously, she had to use the poor short leg speed of the cockpit to escape when she saw the monster, but she still did not give up.

Almost every less than half a second, her skinny body would be bumped into a shoulder or arm by a running student, almost tottering... But she desperately did not let herself fall. In the collisions, Struggling to move fast towards the target turtle.

Yes, Turtle Speed.

The major's indifferent black eyes couldn't help narrowing.

Tie his legs together, even if he crawls on the ground, he will run faster than her.

"time up!"

The young lieutenant nearby announced mercilessly.

"Students who are not present, all go out and get down on the ground! Three hundred..."

Lieutenant Lu Qingheng solemnly issued a punishment order, but he stood up to three hundred before he finished speaking, but saw his own major, and suddenly waved at him.

Um? What's the meaning

( ̄▽ ̄)

Does this mean double

Ah oh, our major is becoming more and more inhuman. Look at these young boys and girls who are likely to be underage. They are as weak as green onions. Is it really good to be so cruel

Especially the girl who was walking in a straight line but was hit by a rampage and walked up a big curve, she didn't know where she was going.

Six hundred people stood up, feeling her little arm was broken.

Sure enough, he is known as the most brutal, most impersonal, and least reasonable Major Qin Mo in the universe!

"six… "

Lieutenant Lu Qingheng, decisively, under the pressure of being overwhelmed by sympathy to save the weak, but he was killed and severed, and chose to unconditionally obey the orders of the leadership of the organization.

But unexpectedly, just after saying a word, a cold gaze fell on him, the kind of cold heart.


A layer of goose bumps on Lu Qingheng's back!

They often walk on the line of life and death, and are particularly sensitive to murderous auras.

Where did he make a mistake

What do you mean, triple the inhumanity

Just between the hesitations of the electric flint, Lu Qingheng saw that the girl who walked tremblingly finally fell down!

This time it was obvious that no one hit her, and there was no stone on the ground, so she snapped and fell by herself.

Hey yo!

There was no physical punishment, so she knocked her arm apart.

Lu Qingheng's eyes twitched.

With this physique, she is still preparing to take physical examinations, and also to take the military academy. Isn't she joking

Sent to the battlefield, definitely volunteered to make Warcraft feed!

The major has been staring at the girl's gaze, and he twitched as she fell to the ground and took a bite of soil.

He has graduated for many years, but he has also trained many recruits in the army.

But the first time I saw it, no one was chasing him, and he almost knocked off his front teeth.

"This is not an example."

The major, finally made a voice.

Lu Qingheng was taken aback, and immediately raised his head and glanced towards the sky.

This is the cancellation of the penalty

Aha, the sun came out from the west today.

When the girl finally ran to the position out of breath.

Lu Qingheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"After you are in position, report the count!"

There is no need for the major to issue the next order. This time the other sergeants who came together immediately went to the fourth and fifth ranks of students in an orderly manner, and continued to divide them into small classes for training and guidance.

The major was as straight as loose, standing still in the middle.

Lu Qingheng: "..."

Stepping on the horse, in the script, oh no, the previous training guide was not like this.

Shouldn't the majors go to mentor the talented students above the sixth level

What do you want to make when you stand still

Under the fiery gaze of the lieutenant and the sixth-order genius student with only three people, the major finally moved.

His slender legs opened, but he took three steps to the right, and stopped in front of the weak scum who stupidly almost broke his front teeth.

"For failing students, I will personally supervise the training."

"For Tier 6 students, Lieutenant Lu is in charge."

Lieutenant Lu Qingheng was completely confused.

The sixth-order genius student was stunned.

The teachers and students in the entire playground almost rioted because of this.

So, good grades are for Mao

Poor students who fail can instead throw in their arms=o=

Huh huh!

It turns out that failing physical skills is the correct way to pursue Major Qin!

But Liu Weiwei, who gathered all the envy, hatred and hatred eyes, touched her broken arm and wanted to cry.

Gangster, can you not stare at her breasts

Is it really okay that you are seen by everyone in the school with such a wretched look

Maybe, maybe, there are still smart cameras in the video now, you want to immortal to the sky!

Major Qin, who wanted to go to heaven, walked in to make sure that his weak scum rabbit student had really grown some meat.

Although it is in an indescribable position, it also makes him very satisfied.

Meat grows in this place, so it’s not far from other muscles getting stronger.


"Keep it up."

The major in a good mood didn't skimp on praise.

However, just a few words made all the students of rank 3 and above almost cry out and beat the floor.

It turns out that the major doesn't like being strong, he likes being strong and crushing the weak!

Ow... They knew it was too late.

Keep going... Now that they want to lose their energy, do they have to chop their left leg or their right leg, or do they have to chop both hands

╭(╯^╰)╮ want to cry!

Death-like mourning spread throughout the playground.

This kind of dead girl's heart is more terrifying than anything.

Standing in front of three talented students, Lu Qingheng felt at this moment that he was going to be overwhelmed by substantive resentment.

Two of the genius girls lowered their heads in despair.

"Wow... I don't want to take the military academy...!!!"

Lu Qingheng now really wants to summon the courage to beat his own major.

Ya ya, talk people!

At this moment, Liu Weiwei was also so angry that he wanted to slap the face of the necrotic ice face boss.

In the presence of most of the teachers and students in the school, it is probably the case that the whole school was broadcast live, this guy just satirized her without a smile.

 ̄へ ̄

Continue to maintain the rhythm of failing? very good

Insignificant boss, our beam is getting bigger!

And still thinking about whether to send the cell-enhancing nutrient solution newly produced by the R&D department to the major who sent this weak rabbit. No abnormality has been found.

"You applied for the logistics and cooking department of the First Military Academy?"

In the ink-colored eyes, there was a flicker of dim light.

Unfortunately, Liu Weiwei didn't see it.

She is giving this big brother a villain in her heart.

Hi, dare to threaten her.

Interviewer, she is so scared!

Liu Weiwei squeezed a smile from between her teeth that would kill her. "Yes, Major. After eating my craftsmanship, you will be happily... Ask, God, God."

Qin Mo lowered the brim of his hat and looked away.

That bowl of steaming... Xiang, he has indeed been sent to the sky.