Interstellar Chef Raising a Baby

Chapter 159: 159. First more


Baby, your Raiders is less than 50%~ Please come and see me again in 48 hours~ Arts, Science, Body, God.

Wen, because she is not familiar with the deeds after the 21st century, she ended it with zero points.

In science, mathematics, physics and chemistry and biology after a thousand years, she didn't even understand the topic, got three multiple-choice questions right, and got a 6th.

Physically, she almost scared to pee.

As soon as I entered the exam, the entire study cabin became a virtual 4D martial arts field. A three-meter chimpanzee (strength 3rd order) fell from the sky and knocked on his chest.

Seeing that the big palm slap was about to overturn her weak body to the ground, a whole row of weapon bays appeared in front of her, thunder speed machine, anti-aircraft gun, flame dagger, ice-bound long blade, mini mech...

But Liu Weiwei quickly clicked on the escape button that appeared in front of her, and cut off the 4D presentation in a cold sweat, which was another glorious zero-point ending.

Hehe, she can only say that the physical examination after seven thousand years is too cruel.

And God, she didn't know what happened, she was directly read by the brain wave of the intensity of the brain waves, and gave an evaluation of poor aptitude and a 20-point failure.

The four exams were completely wiped out.

Hey, Liu Weiwei sighed for the nth time.

It seems that the only thing that can make up for the evil in the four exams is the literary exam that can rely on short-term memory.

But she has been hiding in the dormitory for two days, but she feels that her head is about to explode. The more confused she is, the more confused she learns.

Liu Weiwei took another bite of chicken legs sadly, so why not alleviate her worries, only chicken.

In the past two days, in order to take the exam, she did not go to Star Online to do business.

The only gain was not to improve her studies, but to take advantage of the boring endorsement interval. She finished all ten snacks of the novice task and achieved 100 proficiency successively.

In addition, relying on the income from the previous stall, she purchased a batch of broilers and frozen them in the dormitory. After eating several chicken drumsticks, plus a little fresh air-shipped cabbage, her skinny, shriveled and malnourished body finally changed. It's got to be refreshed.

Liu Weiwei turned her face to look in the mirror with satisfaction, and found that her complexion was finally much better than the sallow of the previous few days, and her fair complexion made her phoenix eyes radiant.

Women still eat meat.

After eating meat, the body will have oily water, the skin will be smooth and shiny, and the hair will be smooth and shiny.

Women who eat meat are the most tender and charming.

She accurately threw the chicken bones into the garbage shredder with one hand, and wiped off the oil stains on her hands triumphantly.

But it didn't take long for him to be happy, he immediately sighed and slumped down on the table, and dropped out of the book of learning.

If this continues, her mock exam next week will be properly suspended.

Among the four types of examinations, she felt that she could give up directly on the physical skills, and the remaining three are now very hopeless.

Slowly standing up from the stool, Liu Weiwei moved her hands and feet, and turned her aching neck.

Now that I continue to work behind closed doors, rote memorization is useless. Although she doesn't want to admit it, it seems, as if, as if the teacher was right.

Thinking about how many college entrance examination students rushed to the position of tutoring tutoring, it would be even better if she could find a teacher for tutoring now!

Mutual aid section.

She searched the memory of the original body and immediately understood that what the spitting teacher said was a grassroots forum co-founded by students from all major high schools in the All-Star Alliance.

In the early days, only a dozen students posted some learning and experience on it. Later, it gained popularity and evolved into a popular forum for questions and answers. Later, it was promoted by universities and developed into a very large-scale forum. Student base.

When I boarded the forum, I saw a lot of topical posts that were topped and red, such as "Sprint 30 days before the cultural test", "Ten basic points of the required science exam", "Secrets for more students in the spiritual department", "Before the exam" Essential Reading Knowledge Summary"...

Liu Weiwei's eyes lit up suddenly, and she immediately went in and read it hungryly, wishing that she could have one eye and ten lines at this time, and the ability to never forget.

But as soon as the post was entered, a dialog box suddenly popped up.

"One-to-one online tutoring, answering doubts, and must pass the service, which can be moved to the essence of supplementary tuition for help."

Liu Weiwei clicked the hand of the light screen for a while.

One to one? The package must be passed

Her small face burst into infinite light instantly, and she rolled on the bed with excitement!

"Di, please pay attention to all teachers and students of Liyang High School. We are now pushing a piece of news across the Internet."

Liu Weiwei, who was about to go to the one-on-one tutoring section, was forced to switch to an in-stream video abruptly.

All student brains are controlled by the school’s teaching office as long as they are in the school’s local area network.

Once the content is interrupted and pushed, students must stop everything at hand and watch campus information.

This time it was still a gentle and round female broadcast.

"This time the Kleme galaxy’s rare beast attack in a century has lasted for 12 days. As of today, the entire galaxy has dispatched 100,000 troops to resist the beast tide. Inside the Elfa Black Hole."

Liu Weiwei could hear it, and she couldn't even understand the news if she had no culture.

However, the army of Warcraft suddenly appeared in the video, under satellite monitoring, it was like a black wind attacking the planet. When the camera zoomed in, the tall baboon with its mouth full of tusks was actually similar to what she had in today's physical exam.

Baboon army!

Liu Weiwei almost fell off the stool in shock.

When the baboons rushed to the coastline, the body almost as large as a dozen-storey high-rise building was completely greeted, and Liu Weiwei's hand couldn't help shaking.

The orangutan who took the physical exam was only three meters tall, but standing in front of her at 1.6 meters, it was just like a giant. Every time the giant palm fell on her body, her body was almost shocked to bounce on the ground. Suspecting that the other party could slap all her bones off, she finally flees in fright.

And now in this news screen, those giant baboons are simply moving towers, at least twenty to thirty meters tall! And they are moving very fast, even surpassing those high-speed manned aircraft flying through the air in the video. With a slap, they can snap a tall building lazily, and from time to time in the video someone screams and falls from the air!

The army in black uniforms is also divided into two waves, one is responsible for attack and resistance, and the other is responsible for emergency treatment.

"As of this morning, the death toll in the Kleme Galaxy has reached 1,329, the number of missing has reached 29,301, and the number of injured is still being counted."

Liu Weiwei hissed, her hair terrified.

This is not a movie, it is a real killing!

Before, she complained about the cheating food system, but now she knows that the world is so dangerous, thank God for not giving her a combat mission!

"The military expects that the animal tide will all leave within three days, and it will not affect the joint university exams in three months. Please come on, students!"

Liu Weiwei couldn't help holding her forehead.

Before the video signal disappeared, there was a silver armor rising into the sky. It went as fast as electricity. The giant baboon swinging its fist towards the front flashed a shock wave that pierced the sky and blasted out of the fierce baboon’s chest. A hole about two meters in diameter!

This bright silver battle armor won with a single blow, and it did not stop. It blasted the chests of six baboons from far and near. It turned sharply in the air and sprayed out a hexagonal snowflake. It opened its mouth in the distance and gave out a sharp roar of black gold. The beast attacked!

Liu Weiwei had the illusion that she was watching the battle scene in the cinema.

The black gold beast turned out to be a bit like a pterosaur in a Western story. After being hit, it immediately spread its wings on both sides and immediately covered the sun in the sky with a large shadow.

It opened its mouth and roared, and its raised black gold tail overturned hundreds of spaceships on the sea, and drew towards the silver armor in the sky!

The picture of the light curtain ends at this moment.

The Zhinao screen went into darkness, and the campus news break ended, but Liu Weiwei's small heart was beating wildly.

After she was shocked by eating a little chicken drumstick, she logged on to the education forum again, only to find that the overwhelming examination review posts just now, and so on, were all gone, miraculously gone!

Instead, it turned out to be various water-posted high-rise buildings that kept escaping, "Do you know who that silver armor is!" ", "Senior Qin's latest live broadcast", "My husband and your husband drove the silver mecha together, and blasted the head of the monster!" ", "I watched our husband eat chicken in the dormitory"...

Liu Weiwei was dumbfounded, and entered a post with the highest number of hits, "The Husband's Announcement from the Site (I am a serious post)".

This post is really serious. The first floor of the post is a rough edited video, which looks like a purely homemade video.

Liu Weiwei was really surprised when she saw it. This video turned out to be a follow-up to the school news just now.

The black metal skin did not look like a monster. A tail was drawn toward the aerial mecha, but soon the mecha hatch opened, revealing a blond man standing on the deck. Because of the distance, he couldn't see his facial features clearly. .

But he carried an anti-aircraft gun on one shoulder, and he broke the thick and powerful tail with diamond-shaped metal scales with a bang, and his posture was neat and clean!

With a scream, the monster almost rolled over in pain.

Beside the blond man, he suddenly stretched out a big hand and grabbed him into the hatch with the corner of his clothes. In an instant, the mecha closed again, leaping into the air and rushing towards the tumbling monster, and a beam cannon directly shot it out of the scope of the recording screen!

It turned out to be a victory!

Liu Weiwei compared her own scum, and then looked at the strength of this mecha, felt that the physical skill test could be completely abandoned.

After the video building on the first floor, the host also gave an understanding.

"My heroic husband Mu Ming, your blond and blue eyes are born like a myth. Thank you for defeating Ovi Tielong, saving me from the devil's minions, and saving my mother and brother.

Professor Purcell, the most prestigious spiritual department of the Star University, also claimed that there will be no second spiritual genius comparable to you in this world. Husband, you really did not disappoint me. Being excellent as always, fascinated me deeply, and willingly bowed down at the feet of your mecha. "