Interstellar Chef Raising a Baby

Chapter 163: 163. Two in one


Baby, your strategy is less than 50%~ Please come and see me again after 48 hours~ And the girl in her arms gradually wakes up.

When she woke up, she felt that she was squeezed by her hard muscles, "Wow, don't eat my meat!"

She screamed and struggled.

Qin Mo: "... Calm down, it's me."

Liu Weiwei finally saw it clearly, but she only responded with a cold snort. If possible, she wanted to roll her eyes.

She was almost drowned by more than 30 animals, no, in the end more than a hundred monsters drowned in the saliva of the cliff!

All kinds of terrifying monsters wailing, madly approaching her, all with open mouths, dripping saliva!

She wanted to cry out loud, but she was so scared that she forgot to cry.

In the end, she seemed to have seen a furry rabbit paper taller than her! Its pair of front teeth can definitely snap and bite her throat directly!

Ow... This world is terrible, terrible!

"Do you know how many monsters surrounded me just now?"

"A little bit, I died!"

Liu Weiwei was complaining with blood and tears.

"You didn't throw your food at them?" Qin Mo frowned, "It should be impossible to resist the fourth-order or lower."

When Liu Weiwei heard it, her mouth instantly narrowed.

It's really unstoppable.

They... ate all the food she made for the fat man, finished it!

Not even a chicken bone is left!

She thought it was a mutant high goat that was a herbivore, but she swallowed ten chicken wings in one bite and chewed it in her mouth. After chewing, he looked at her with that pathetic look as if the whole sheep had never eaten meat.

She wanted to say, of course, you have never eaten the whole sheep, you should eat leaves, grass, feed...!

Now Liu Weiwei is full of fear for these mutated strange monsters.

If we say that the black chimpanzee was just a huge visual intimidation, now she has experienced it firsthand, no matter what the beast is, she eats meat and chews bones, and can swallow her in one bite. It is estimated that she will not be able to eat any rice. Spit it out!

Terrible terrible!

She feels it is necessary for her to learn a dish of roasted whole pig or roasted whole lamb immediately in the next step.

In this way, next time she encounters Warcraft, she doesn't need to throw chicken wings out, at least she can dedicate a pig that is bigger than her to Master Warcraft!

Oh, so they will let her have little flesh and bones, and she can take the opportunity to escape (╯︵╰)

Liu Weiwei had an urge to go back and immediately upgrade her personal space station to two hundred square meters.

At least one hundred whole roasted pigs must be put in, so she can be at ease when she goes out in the future!

"Major, Senior Warcraft has returned to the nest again!" Lieutenant Lu Qingheng quickly sent the latest newsletter, "They are like taking a walk, just coming back after hunting, and showing no interest in the attacks of the students... Now... Ironhide The pig fell on the spot and fell asleep!!!"

Lu Qingheng's voice was too loud, and Qin Mo didn't mean to hide the girl in front of him, so Liu Weiwei also heard this voice message.

Liu Weiwei's nose was wrinkled.

Tin Pig, hum!

Just now the three big pigs ate chicken legs, chicken wings and chicken chops, and drank the tofu nao small wonton soup. It was so cool that the small eyes on the pig's face were invisible!

Eat and sleep, this is the habit of pigs.

What can she say? She is also desperate.

Qin Mo gave the order to continue to observe to the communicator, and then moved his somewhat suspicious gaze to Liu Weiwei.

"Gang Tin Pig has been here too?"

"Did you feed them food?"

These two sentences are undoubtedly general interrogative sentences, but his tone and look in his eyes all write affirmative meaning.

Liu Weiwei finally couldn't help it, rolled her eyes with an inelegant look, "Otherwise, let them eat me?"

"Yeah." Qin Mo nodded, "You are doing very well. The iron pigs of Tier 5 beasts have the most developed sense of smell, even surpassing that of two-headed dogs. They will lose their appetite after smelling your food for a long time. No more attacks on people."

Fortunately, under the attack of this smell, the Tin Pig was neither mad nor violent.

Qin Mo couldn't help thinking about the possibility of extending this odor tactic to resist the animal tide.

But soon he was immediately attacked by the terrible smell in his memory, and he immediately rejected the plan subconsciously.

Before the R&D Bureau has thoroughly experimented with the gas mask and promoted it to the military as a standing weapon, this kind of food must not appear on the battlefield, otherwise it will undoubtedly kill the enemy.

His soldiers are far more precious than the lives of monsters.

And Liu Weiwei was somewhat incompetent in understanding the words of this inhuman major.

Smell her food and lose your appetite

What's the meaning

Obviously, after eating her delicious chicken wings, Tin Pig is no longer interested in smelly humans!

But she sniffed and found that the strong scent of food that had just spread in the air had disappeared without a trace.

After all, this is a Warcraft trial base, and the artificial fresh air system has been operating in every corner to remove the stench that many Warcraft will bring from time to time.

Otherwise, she would really let the major make good use of his handsome nose to smell it!

Ah's nose is not as good as a tin pig. It's already a solid fact.

Qin Mo glanced at the time, then assessed the paleness of the girl's face, and a trace of weakness flashed in his heart.

"Send you back to the bedroom."

"Take a three-hour break and then go to training camp."

When Liu Weiwei heard the rest, her eyes burst into light.

"My interview is over?"

Qin Mo glanced at her coolly, without speaking.

In fact, just now when he was smoking, Marshal Lear told him in a holographic communication that his immediate boss, who was also his teacher, personally watched the interview video and approved her admission.

He also specifically stated that even the scum of physique does not matter, as long as the consciousness is high, physique can be cultivated slowly after the door is closed.

As long as Qin Mo remembered it, his expressionless face couldn't help letting out a trace of cold air.

His teacher is too capricious.

If the scum scum that even Tier 3 monsters can't defeat, followed him on the battlefield later, wouldn't it be that the monsters would be photographed into flesh after a face-to-face encounter

On the battlefield, he definitely didn't have enough attention to protect her.

Could it be that in her first year with him, he was going to die with a thin body like her

In any case, the cooking soldiers who served him for one day were his people for the rest of his life, and he couldn't do that.

"In the afternoon, come here again."

"I will look at you and hunt down a Tier 3 monster."

Major Qin Mo said coldly.

Since she is determined and wants to follow her for life... the beloved soldier (a colonel automatically described this and equated herself), then he will be responsible for her to the end.

It doesn't matter if the body surgery scum is now, he will prepare the best nutrient solution for her, and when her musculoskeletal and even cell viability are greatly improved, her physical fitness will naturally increase.

And now, what he needs to teach her is the use of weapons, and the use of her strengths, that is, dark cooking.

When Liu Weiwei heard of Warcraft, she had a strong response, and she felt unwell.

"Major, would you like to enjoy my food for lunch?" Liu Weiwei changed the subject in due course.

After eating her mouth is short, it's best not to talk about training anymore!

However, to her surprise, the grim Major, who thought it shamelessly tried to eat for nothing, refused sharply.

"no, thank you."

"As a soldier, I can't take the people's needle and thread, so how can I eat the people's food?"

Major Leng Jun straightened his back, and in a cold sweat, he recited the military instructions that existed in the military museum thousands of years ago.

Only in this way can he suppress the nausea in his chest.

When she talked about cooking, that disgusting memory in his body would roll over, and instantly he didn't even want to drink the nutrient solution.

Liu Weiwei:  ̄へ ̄

Well, she went back to the dorm to eat by herself!

When the driverless car was activated, Qin Mo put on sunglasses again, as if this would cover the redness of his ears.

"The moment you become a cooking student, your life will belong to the Star Alliance army."

"If I regret now, I can still fail you."

Intuition told him that this girl might have a certain misunderstanding of the cooking soldiers.

This is a newly created military function in the past thousand years.

According to research conducted by the R&D Bureau, 80% of the soldiers have suffered great mental trauma after more than ten years of fighting with Warcraft. Most of them cannot tolerate a peaceful life after retiring and choose to commit suicide.

In order to avoid such a tragic tragedy, the army has been preparing soul mates to replace robot butlers for the soldiers who have been fighting bravely since a thousand years ago-cooking students who graduated from rigorous interviews and fine training!

The reason it is called cooking is because they searched for ancient books and found that the type of work used to cook for soldiers was called this name.

However, now that one generation of nutrient solution is better than one generation, cooking students do not need to cook, they only need physical and mental... companionship.

"You can apply for the logistics administrative soldier, or the logistics art soldier..." Major Qin patiently read a series of logistics professional names.

But Liu Weiwei puffed up her bun's face and raised her fist to wave at the major, "It's the cooking department, I won't regret it!"

It's useless to test her!

Qin Mo lowered his eyes.


On the resume, the scores in the literature, mathematics, and physical skills failed in the subjects.

If you haven't met him, it is estimated that only the Star Alliance Disabled Persons' Federation will admit her.

No matter, for the sake of her hard work, she was reluctant to do so, so just accept her.

Liu Weiwei next to him couldn't read the look in his eyes behind the sunglasses, but heard the prompt sound from Zhi Brain.

【drop! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the desperate diners—SSR-class Major Qin Mo. 】

[Dedicated diners: Even if the food you make is the most unpalatable in the universe, he will applaud you and say you are great, and will give you pocket money to buy skirts! 】

[Reward: Get 10 Beauty Points, which can be allocated freely. 】

【drop! The beauty is as high as 20, trigger a new mission, "I’m so cute and cute!"]

[Task requirements: Any recipe can be redeemed within three days, so that a hundred diners feel that the baby is the most adorable! The mission rewards 10 points of beauty, 10 knife skills, free recipe spicy tofu, and officially opens the gourmet branch-Sichuan cuisine. 】

Liu Weiwei:...

She crawled out of the high-tech eggshell and hummed a song, only when she remembered to read the wisdom brain news just now.

"Cut, who sent me the rejection message again!"

As soon as Liu Weiwei saw that the information came from the mutual aid sector, she couldn't help but complain.

Sure enough, she could see at a glance that this time it was a message from a senior whose ID is Heaven's Reward for Diligence.

This ID directly made her laugh. This kind of ancient screen name was too dirty to be put on seven thousand years ago. It may be knocked on the penguin and knocked on the soft girl window, but it will not be dealt with.\(^o^ )/~.

The other party responded to her angry remarks to the moderator when she vented the news before.

'There is only one question for your advice. You can't enter university even after studying. How to break it? '

"God rewards hard work to reply to you: Spend time on real reading."

Liu Weiwei stared, almost exploded with anger.

"Damn it! How did you know I didn't study seriously?"

She wanted to send a message to curse, but was so angry that she threw her hand and threw herself on the small bed.

I think she was all excellent before she crossed the road. In addition to encountering a scumbag emotionally, she can also be regarded as a strong woman in modern society with a high degree of education and high-quality work on her resume.

But Qian Jun... This scum, made her unable to return after seven thousand years!

How could she master all the nearly twelve years of knowledge accumulated by college entrance examination students in another world in one week

Even if she studies every minute, she can't do it!

This original body was also a scum of individual strength, mental intelligence, and lack of congenital conditions. She felt dazzled and dizzy after memorizing the book for a while, and she couldn't remember it at all.

The harder, the more fortunate.

But sometimes, hard work is really useless.

Liu Weiwei's eyes turned red for an instant, she sniffed, and she reached out and wiped a handful of moist eyes.

She never felt that studying was such a desperate thing.

She wiped the moist liquid on her face more and more, but she couldn't stop it.

Thinking that there are no friends to rely on now, that all sufferings must be borne by herself, and that she has to start all over again in an unfamiliar environment, Liu Weiwei is really sad the more she thinks about it, she covered her face with a pillow, and simply wanted to cry and cry, but Zhi But a new message popped up in the brain.

Liu Weiwei whimpered with tears and opened the barrage.

"Tian Dao Chouqin replied to you: I'm sorry, I just said something very rude, please allow me to take it back.

You worked so hard, and I was very moved.

Do you intend to take the college entrance examination through physical exercises? Hope I can give you some help in this regard. "

Liu Weiwei was still wiping her tears, but she couldn't help but froze when she saw the news.

She looked at the sending time of the two messages, the interval between them was only a dozen minutes.

At this time, she only discharged the poison on the toilet once. This guy has realized his mistake so quickly. Isn't this a schizophrenic brain damage

Saying such an excessive thing to her caused her to shed so many tears, and now I want to end with an apology

snort! She decided to ignore it.

But Zhi Nao popped out two messages in a row.

"Tian Dao Chou Qin sends you an application for one-on-one skill tuition."

"If you accept it, the forum accounts will automatically add to each other as friends, and you can turn on the screen sharing function of the brain at any time to realize customized tuition for 24 hours."

Liu Weiwei sneered.

She immediately sent a personal report on the physical assessment that existed in the background to the other party!

After she was done, she lay motionless on the bed.

Anyone who sees her unqualified in all indicators will no longer want to give her tutoring.

Even the school teachers have given up on her a long time ago, let alone those who don't have any obligation to do this

Liu Weiwei gritted her teeth, thinking that if she really failed the college entrance examination, she would simply not go to college.

But she was about to enter the food system training space, but she was stopped by Zhi Brain's two application records.

"Tian Dao Chou Qin sends you an application for one-on-one skill tuition."

"Tian Dao Chou Qin has sent you an application for star network location sharing."

Liu Weiwei was taken aback. She checked the evaluation report she sent and found that it was in a read state.

When the other party saw her scumbag physical stamina, he still wanted to help her with tuition

Liu Weiwei was stunned, and unexpectedly clicked for confirmation.

Even if the scum scum has no room for improvement, but after the location is shared, she can personally take revenge on the other's arrogant but brainless head a few times, that's great!

Liu Weiwei bulged her white bun face, but the next moment she found a blur in front of her eyes.

Location sharing.

She opened her eyes again and found that she was standing in a wide room surrounded by sports equipment.

She looked at the IntelliSense display screen and realized that she was already in the Star Alliance local area network where the other party was located at the moment, that is, the personal star network.

The current Star Alliance citizens can choose to rest in a real room or take a nap in a personal property on the Star Network. The mental recovery speed of the two is the same. Some experts even suggested that the brain waves are more active when logging on to the Star Network. Therefore, it is hypothesized that taking a rest on the star network can rejuvenate deeper brain cells.

But according to Liu Weiwei's mental power, she can only stay on the star network for an hour. She has spent ten minutes setting up a stall in the morning, and now there are only fifty minutes left.

But she turned around and found that there was no one else in the room except her at the moment.

"Lie down in the first machine."

When Liu Weiwei was touching, a cold electronic sound suddenly appeared in the room, almost frightening her little heart.

"Is it a reward for work?" She blinked.

But after waiting for a long time, there was a cold one-syllable reply.


"Lie down in the first machine? What is that, is it a tutoring?"


Liu Weiwei's mouth twitched.

What kind of person is this

There are so many words on the star network that I get her over, and now I suddenly cherish the words like gold!

One-to-one tutoring is initiated in the mutual aid section approved by the Education Bureau, and the whole process will be videotaped to prevent young students from being harmed by unscrupulous elements.

Liu Weiwei had also read the section instructions, so even though she felt a little weird, she still lay down obediently into the first door machine in the row against the wall.

As soon as she lay down, she felt warm water enveloping her hands and feet, constantly washing her limbs and even her body, similar to the eggshell in the bedroom.

She has been worrying about studying the past few days, and she just cried bitterly. Now that she lay down, she felt exhausted all over her body was hitting the sea, and her drowsiness was caught off guard...

Not long after she closed her eyes, the door of the room opened.

A man exuding indifferent aura, standing in the backlight, stepped on the stomping military boots and walked outside the cabin door. Those black eyes fell on the big face of the girl who was sleeping in the cabin at the moment, and couldn’t help. A complex expression flashed in his eyes.

"Drip, the whole body side report is generated."

"Age 18 years old and a height of 163cm.

"Muscle content and weight are seriously below the standard 20%, which is a moderately malnourished physique."

"The beast that can be defeated in hand-to-hand combat is: the lowest one-star long-eared rabbit (docile level)."

"Mental Strength: Samsung."

"Weapon types that can be used: Samsung and below. For example, the discontinued Sachs ignition missiles, the FI00 series anti-aircraft guns that can be filled with spar..."

"Running speed: extremely low. When you see a monster, you need to use the cockpit to escape."

Qin Mo's brows and feet jumped, as if reaching out and pressing his brows with extreme tolerance.

Unexpectedly, he cared about his sister's study and went to the forum, but he accidentally found a handicap who worked very hard (to focus).

As long as you work hard, there is nothing wrong.

This is his life motto.

For people who work hard, he can't ignore it, let alone he misunderstands and hurts people first

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at the thin girl with her eyes closed in the cabin. He stood for a while before turning around and striding out of the room.

Liu Weiwei, who was sleeping, was awakened from the shock.

She opened her eyes and remembered that she was here to learn in a shared environment, oh no, to take revenge and beat others o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

But when she sat up, she still didn't see any living person, but a huge face was lying in front of her.

Her face was covered with black hair, two sharp fangs grew in her bloody big mouth, and the two fierce pupils with the big gongs were looking at her for a moment.



The roar of the third-order giant black chimpanzee, and Liu Weiwei's screaming pissing, overlapped deafeningly!