Interstellar Chef Raising a Baby

Chapter 204: 204. The first more


Baby, your Raiders is less than 50%~ Please come to see me again in 48 hours~ "Woo."

A thin soft voice sounded in the bedroom.

On the chubby rabbit's face, a pair of round black eyes stared at her as if they could pinch water out.

As if seeing Liu Weiwei not moving, it stretched out a soft paw, and put it on her arm, the soft and furry little meat pad was tender... it was so cute that it burst!

"Little baby, where are you from?"

All the tasks and systems Liu Weiwei threw behind her head in an instant.

Compared to the huge rabbit taller than her that I saw at the base, this small one is obviously too cute.

"Did you escape from which dormitory?"

Nowadays, many people also keep some animals with relatively few mutations, and even some weak and well-behaved monsters as pets.

Raising rabbits in the dormitory is something girls will do secretly, no matter for thousands of years.

Liu Weiwei cautiously touched its little head, and found that the little thing was not angry or afraid at all, and she instantly showed her aunt's smile.

This lop-eared rabbit looked closely, and there were several golden hairs behind the ears mixed in a pure white ball.

Liu Weiwei, who was about to hold it in her arms, frantically touched it, but was licked by the little guy on the back of her hand.

"Huh? Baby, are you hungry?"

What do rabbits eat

Of course it is rabbit food.

When there is no rabbit food, you can feed Timothy hay or a very small amount of vegetables.

Liu Weiwei used to raise rabbits when she was very young, but she still didn't understand at that time. She fed the rabbits a lot of carrots and greens, and finally died.

"Wait, my sister will place an order right away and buy you something delicious."

Starnet's fastest express delivery can be delivered within ten minutes.

But this dumb rabbit who was about to group itself into a fur ball, snapped in an instant, stretched its hind leg and put it on the brain of her right wrist. The small body was twisted and twisted and she didn't want her to open up. brain.

Liu Weiwei was almost amused by its stupid action, so she could only open the space station to see what little things were left to eat at the stall today.

But the space station had just opened a gap, and the white hair ball next to her instantly bounced in front of her eyes, leaving only a phantom in the air, and instantly got into the big tank under the cooking table in the space station.


That's... for the curry soup!

Liu Weiwei panicked and removed the big tank, stretched her neck to look, but there was still a rabbit figure, only a suspicious big hole in the center of the original smooth curry soup!


Click, click, click...

A series of strange sounds sounded from the rabbit tank.

Liu Weiwei was stunned and circled around the big tank.

This jar of curry soup almost reached her chest, even if she stretched out her hand, she couldn't reach the end. She hurriedly picked up her big soup spoon from the cooking table and fished it into the pot.

It took about a dozen times to fish out a wet ball of ginger meat that I can't see where my face and butt are...

Hearing a sizzle, the soup at the bottom of the spoon disappeared instantly and visibly.

The ball of hair seemed to have practiced acrobatics. It pushed up a short tail, and its buttocks swayed in the center of the spoon.

There was a bang, a click... A big hole was chewed out at the bottom of the spoon.

Before Liu Weiwei could react, she saw the hair ball that was finally picked up, and fell back into the curry pot with a snap!


Liu Weiwei held a spoon with the bottom completely gnawed through in her hand, glanced at the pot below, and took a breath of air-conditioning.

The soup in the pot that had reached her chest was rapidly decreasing, and in a blink of an eye it was lowered to the position of her calf!

Liu Weiwei blinked and looked at the scrapped spoon in her hand. She couldn't believe what was in front of her was true.

She bought this soup spoon at the StarWorld Supermarket. It is said to be the latest safest and most solid alloy material. It is more reliable than the previous stainless steel!

But now

A rabbit, just gnaw it

Moreover, she didn't even see the fragments that were gnawed down!


When Liu Weiwei came back from a short wandering, she saw that most of the curry was empty, and only the hair balls that were all yellowed inside were left lying comfortably on the wall of the pot, with a short and cute paw falling on her belly. There was a loud hiccup.

After seven thousand years, pet rabbits have even evolved their gastrointestinal functions? !

Liu Weiwei thinks that the only possibility that has not evolved is her own body/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

The fur rabbit lying on the bottom of the pot, with a look of intoxication, he licked his left paw to his right paw, and drilled his wet head to the lower part of his belly, and continued to lick his fur... The appearance of crawling out from the bottom.

The whole pot of soup was eaten up, and the rabbit's belly was not big.

Liu Weiwei cautiously opened Zhi Brain and searched the forums of the school pet section.

She posted carefully, "Are there pet rabbits that can eat a lot?"

The school forum, unlike the star network of holographic projection, has no restrictions on mental power. She can log in and post interaction at any time.

Soon, many students responded enthusiastically.

"The rabbit eats a lot and pulls a lot. It is recommended not to raise it in the dormitory. Cleaning up is very troublesome."

"The pet rabbit's ears are barely okay, and the character is docile. If you raise it carefully, you can interact with the owner, but you don't eat much."

"My family's cute pink ears, eat feed every day, clean ~ I can eat about 30 or 40 packs a month, pocket money consumption is within a controllable range."

"The pet Angola is larger. I heard that it has similar genes to the Warcraft Rabbit. It has a more lively personality. It is easy to break the table and bed in the dormitory. In terms of food intake, it is about the same as a ten-year-old child... Maybe the blood of Warcraft is causing trouble. You can't afford it if you are poor!"

"Upstairs, lop ears are also Tier 1 beasts, okay, but they have not developed well. It is said that they have lost the ability to continue to evolve before they become pet-level beasts. So lop ears are very cute and smart as pets. It's safe again."

Liu Weiwei felt that the pets nowadays are very different from those on the earth.

Like Warcraft, you can eat meat...

She thought for a while and posted another post, "Does the rabbit eat liquid food?"

"Nutrition liquid? Hiss... The rich second generation can try it. I have some nutrient liquid which was eaten by my family's ears, but I was taught a lesson. Of course, pets still have to eat feed!"

"I asked the veterinarian that the nutrient solution is a bit violent to rabbits. Diluted with one to ten water, it can be used as a drink for them, but not as a staple food. Only by eating rabbit feed prepared by the veterinarian can you grow smooth and soft fur! "

After reading a few, Liu Weiwei thanked everyone for their enthusiasm.

Rabbits used to eat it, and iron ground would die.

It seems that now, it has evolved so that the stomach and intestines are very strong, and it doesn't matter what you eat.

In the end, she couldn't help but posted a post, "I found a pure white lop ear with amazing appetite and can eat a bucket... If anyone is missing, please contact me by private message."

She quit the forum immediately after posting, ignoring the remaining "Impossible, is it possible that the pigs raised upstairs are pigs and rabbits!?", "This kind of appetite, please keep the host, we don't want it!", "I don't want it!" It's too much, can it still go out of the bedroom door?"

If this little white (this is the name she gave it) has an owner, then Liu Weiwei can't dove in the magpie's nest and snatch away cute pets from others, but if this is because he eats too much and is caught by the owner The poor rabbit abandoned, she decided to take it in and take care of the rabbits in the second half of it.

"Don't worry," Liu Weiwei squatted on the ground, lying on the edge of the pot, "If you are like me, if you can't go home, stay with me. I will raise you white and fat~"

The hairy rabbit that has become yellow, with all the hair sticking to its body, and its big round eyes are so cute. It looked at Liu Weiwei with two paws on its chest, and made a scream of contentment. Voice.

The soft voice made Liu Weiwei's aunt's heart bursting with her legs soft.

"Sister takes you to take a bath~ After washing for nothing, you are a pretty girl rabbit again!"

In order not to scare the little things, Liu Weiwei moved the entire soup bucket into the bathroom, placed it in the steam bath, and cleaned and dried it directly into a fluffy and soft furball rabbit.

But to her surprise, this Xiaobai was not afraid of life at all. After rolling around in the bath, he boldly jumped onto her shoulders and rolled into a ball, shaking two hanging down. Long ears, snoring and dozing off.

Liu Weiwei touched her soft fur and couldn't put it down.

But finally she remembered that there was a training camp in the afternoon. She changed Aunt Zhang's towel and seriously ordered Xiaobai a small nest on the forum mall.

Because of Mengmengda Xiaobai's relationship, she didn't care about her aunt's little bleeding this time, and she looked like she had everything to do with her cute pet.

She moved quickly and ordered the ingredients again, made some of the curry sauce that Xiaobai had eaten with other snacks, put it into the space station and went out proudly.

[Task progress: I'm just such a cute cooking, and I have been recognized by 83 guests. 】

Liu Weiwei was taken aback.

She checked the business records of and found that there were only 82 customers in the business today, and the revenue was 8,200 credits. Where did the 83rd customer come from

Aha, she has tasted it herself.

It turns out that she herself is considered a diners, and this food system is really fair in some respects!

With emotion, Liu Weiwei left the sleeping Xiaobai in the dormitory, and arrived at the meeting place of today's playground by herself.

Surprisingly, she did not see the three-dimensional major, but the young lieutenant who spoke this morning.