Interstellar Chef Raising a Baby

Chapter 57: 57. Second more


Baby, your Raiders is less than 50%~ Please come and see me again after 48 hours~ Now that the boss said cheeky and asked her to treat someone to eat, she is going to open the space station directly and take it out to herself Prepared snack chicken drumsticks.

Maybe the interview is really a bonus

Sorry, she still has to hug her dog legs occasionally!

But as soon as she opened her mind and made an action to open the space station, she found that the major walking beside her suddenly became tight, and even held her hand in a thunderous manner!

Liu Weiwei's mouth twitched: "( ̄□ ̄)"

"Take it out when you see it." The major cast a grim look at her thin, seemingly harmless face.

Liu Weiwei: "Huh?"

"Such an offensive... Culinary, will be the natural nemesis of the keen sense of smell of monsters." The major released his hand and said seriously.

Liu Weiwei looked dumbfounded.

Attack power, what about her cooking

The nemesis of Warcraft, what do you mean

The major glanced at the start-up process of the space station that he had stopped in time, and he was relieved.

He drove the star network trumpet when he was young, because he has been fighting gang fights and fighting on the battlefield all day, so he specially adjusted the somatosensory transmission to 50%.

At that time, he often challenged high-level beasts, and being crushed by the beasts’ bones and even internal organs is just like common food. If the pain is completely transmitted, it will cause him to lose consciousness or even complete the pain in reality over time. numbness.

This way, in real battles, it is likely to cause him to become an insensible fighter machine, and it is even more likely to lose his sensitivity to death crises.

He played this trumpet for two years and died tens of thousands of times.

But I didn't expect that such a 50% somatosensory transmission finally allowed him to escape her dark food comparable to biological and chemical weapons!

Only half of the feeling, almost died under her devil's cooking, until now, I still deeply remember the disgusting smell of doubting life.

He can completely imagine that if 100% of her terrible'cooking' is presented in reality, all monsters with long noses and no stuffy noses below Tier 3 will be convulsed all over the body, ranging from crazy to serious. Maybe he committed suicide in pain and blew himself up.

The major still felt that this cruel method of death was a bit too much for most of the beasts who were not capable of thinking.

Of course, the fight of a man must rely on a frontal fight, and he must die with open fists.

But when he glanced at the malnourished girl next to him, he felt nothing.

When rabbits fight with krypton beasts, of course they can’t use their fists, they can only use extraordinary means.

Liu Weiwei felt more and more that this national husband, the major, looked very sick.

He looks like a tough guy in an ink-colored high-level military uniform.

However, is he really sick

For a while, I looked at her with a wretched gaze, and then glanced at her with a sympathetic but somewhat fearful gaze, seemingly still engaged in some complicated ideological struggle.

Terrible terrible!

Liu Weiwei's heart was suddenly frizzy.

"Well, my lord, where are we going?"

Being alone with this pervert, she sprints slowly, and if she gets to a remote place, it is estimated that she will not be able to escape, and no one even hears the call for help.

The grim major looked at her like an idiot, "Warcraft Base."

Liu Weiwei was momentarily dumb.

There is such an open training base in the back mountain of their school.

Unlike the simulated 4D battle scene in the cram cabin, the warcraft in that battle base is real!

In order to allow students to adapt to the real battle scene as soon as possible, even at the moment of death threats, to burst out the diligent comprehension of physical skills, basically every school will catch some different types of low-level monsters for students to practice.

Liu Weiwei has never been.

This is not a mandatory training method, after all, the offensiveness of real monsters is dangerous. Even if the entire base has a teacher stationed there and there is a protective cover to protect the safety of the students, but no one can guarantee the urinary nature of wild mutant beasts.

Perhaps under a certain stimulus, a certain beast advanced from Tier 3 to Tier 4, or temporarily went crazy and burst out of Tier 4 strength, it is hard to say.

Risk always coexists with profit.

In the interstellar world seven thousand years later, most of the people who have reached the top of the universe are people with powerful abilities. Weak force has no place.

Liu Weiwei sighed.

But anyway, she is a cook and will never go to the battlefield, fearless, ha ha.

"You submitted your application for the logistics and cooking department to the military academy and entered the review process. You can no longer unilaterally withdraw it." The major first walked into the driverless tram directly to the base and entered the destination.

When Liu Weiwei heard it, she felt that everyone was working very efficiently now.

"Well, I don't need to withdraw it. I have studied it, and there is nothing more suitable for me than a major in the cooking department." She was full of confidence.

Major Qin Mo nodded grimly.

In the driverless car, it is shown that there is still ten minutes to reach the destination.

The major drew on Zhi Nao and turned out the girl's resume.

"It is written in your resume that you are very happy to serve the military. For the... Well, the sergeants provide meticulous services to ensure their physical and mental happiness, improve the quality of their post-war life, and enable them to enter the battle vigorously."

When he read the word cute, the ears exposed under his military cap turned a little red, and swallowed the word automatically.

Liu Weiwei also saw the displayed resume, and Emma said in her heart that this is the beginning of the interview.

Caught off guard!

The reason for writing the application for volunteers, she really took out all of her language skills!

"Yes, I want to serve the cutest person on the planet!"

Liu Weiwei glanced at the Four-Dimensional Major who turned sideways, and the camera ball he released.

Oh, the whole video interview.

Must perform well (〃'▽'〃)

"Every day on the planet, I am moved by something; the tide of my thoughts and feelings is flowing indulgently; I want to tell everything to my friends on the planet...

I feel more and more deeply who is our loveliest person!

That is our soldier!

Their qualities are so pure and noble, their will is so tough and strong, their temperament is so simple and humble, and their minds are so beautiful and broad! "(Quoted from "Who is the cutest person")

"I am willing to serve them!"

Major Qin Mo recorded the video on his official business and sent it directly to the Admissions Office of the Military Ministry.

However, he did not expect that in this weak body, such an impassioned voice could be made, and he couldn't help but... blush!

His mind...beautiful

Did she misunderstand him again

At this moment, I heard that Major Qin Mo, who had never been interested in cooking students, and Marshal Lear, who personally applied for an interview, connected to the admissions department on a whim.

"Go back and send me a video of Xiao Qin's interview."

What kind of person will eventually become his unsmiling student cooking soldier, take care of his daily life, accompany him from birth to death, and even eventually become his soul mate, a more important role than his future wife, and he is really also very much. care.

The sergeant stationed in the Admissions Department was stunned watching the synchronized video, and immediately sent a synchronized broadcast to Marshal Lear.

Marshal Lear was going to a meeting, but he was attracted by a soft and somewhat insufficient voice.

"Our soldiers are the cutest people in the universe!"

"They used their invincible chests to block the raging attack of the terrible monsters for us; it was them who used the surging blood to exchange for us a peaceful and comfortable life!"

"My physical skill is a scum, I may be torn apart in front of Tier 3 monsters, but I am still alive, and I still have a chance to go to school with everyone for further study."

"Why? Because of these cutest and hardest chests, they resisted everything for me!"

"So I want to apply for the logistics and cooking department, I want to take care of these cutest people, I have no hesitation, and I am willing to give everything back to them!"

Marshal Lear has been off the battlefield for more than 30 years. His current job is obviously strategic layout and command coordination.

But when he was young, he was also a young soldier who fought hard!


This voice and these words made him, a veteran who has not retired for more than 80 years this year, instantly boiled with blood, his eyes were flushed, and tears will be in his eyes in the next moment!

"This is the cooking soldier that Xiao Qin went to interview?" Marshal Lear was moved immediately. "Okay, this kid is good, physical skills are not good, but this heart toward the army is touching!"

"Connect me to Qin Mo's communicator. What's wrong with physique scum? Who doesn't have one or two shortcomings? The previous video is also sent to me!" The marshal obviously lost the ability to think, "Such an excellent child. Must be admitted!"

When he arrived at the destination, Liu Weiwei finally stopped speaking, and Major Qin Mo, whose ears were still slightly red, got out of the car first.

"I have a communication phone."

"You first hunt the beasts alone."

"The opened protective cover can resist the attack of three Tier 3 monsters."

"Don't be afraid, throw your food away. I'll be back in a while."

Liu Weiwei: "..."

Lift the table (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻

She said so much bullshit that the Major Dead Face left her here

Hunting the Warcraft alone, surely not the Warcraft hunting her? !

Also, what do you mean by throwing away food... What these mean!

However, a minute later, she lived a "happy" life of feeding Warcraft.

Liu Weiwei blushed and returned to the bedroom. She became more determined, and she was right to use all her beauty in a certain aspect.

This little episode also made her forget the weird thing that happened in the corridor just now.

Then she didn't think carefully about how Chen Qili fell so badly, it didn't matter to her at all. She lay on the bed, hugged her rabbit and hit the star network easily, taking advantage of the crowds at night to quickly finish the Mengmeng task.

["I am a cute cooking" mission completed! Reward 10 points of beauty, 10 knife skills, and give the recipe Mapo tofu, officially opening the gourmet branch-Sichuan cuisine. 】

Liu Weiwei was going to go offline first and learn the new recipes. By the way, she would be more beautiful, but when she thought of Auntie's honey expression, her old face was red. She was really embarrassed, and asked the auntie to ask for permission from the guardian every day.