Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 11: Open shop


Tang Xin took Yan Hao to a hotel and asked for a room.

The waiter looked erratic and confirmed with her, "Just one room?"

Tang Xin nodded, in order to save money, she could only make do.

Yan Hao sighed in his heart that his master really tried his best to get close to him if he didn't have the chance to create an opportunity.

Contrary to his expectations, Tang Xin took the key to open the door, turned around and asked, "Sleep alone on the bed, alone on the floor. Will you not be able to sleep on the floor?"

If he says he can't sleep, is she going to come by herself and give him the bed

Yan Hao frowned, "I sleep on the floor."

Silent all night.

In the next few days, as she said, Tang Xin set up a stall outside the city every morning, closed the stall at night and slept in a hotel, eating all fast food.

It's a pity that after waiting for a long time, I haven't met Bole to appreciate it. On the contrary, the pedestrians who passed by her stall were leaving faster and faster.

With a solemn expression, Yan Hao reminded, "The credit points are running out. I can survive today and tomorrow, and I have no money to eat during the day the day after tomorrow, so I have to sleep on the street at night."

Tang Xin was so depressed that she didn't want to speak.

She was mad and anxious. He makes ointment every day, and now there are more than 50 jars of ointment on the stall, not to mention Bole, not even a seriously injured patient. If someone was injured and fell here, whether they liked it or not, she would definitely rush up and apply ointment directly to the patient's wound. Waiting for other people to see the effect, are you afraid of losing word of mouth

Thinking of this, Tang Xin couldn't help but regret. Wang Jiao found fault two days earlier, what a good opportunity, she shouldn't be soft-hearted, and she missed the perfect publicity opportunity. I've missed it now, and I don't know when I'll get through it.

Seeing that the old black next door had negotiated a business again, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and Tang Xin felt even more melancholy.

Suddenly, Lao Hei came over and said, "It hasn't opened yet?"

Tang Xin said angrily, "Don't mention it, there is not even anyone who wants to bargain with me. It's not like you, the business of the stall is quite good."

Old Hei laughed and said, "Small business, I can barely make ends meet. I said, anyway, the things on the stall can't be sold. Do you think we should lower the price and sell it at cost first to gain popularity?"

Although Lao Hei ran early, he heard about the heroic deeds of the two from other people.

The two set up stalls every day these few days, and Wang Jiao didn't dare to appear again. Old Hei was very happy. Although he has experienced many battles and runs very fast every time, once he is caught, he will bleed heavily. He really hoped that the two giant Buddhas would set up stalls here for a long time, so as to protect him.

"Reduce the price?" Tang Xin hesitated. To be honest, she didn't think about this method. Pharmaceuticals are a lucrative business. The price is 300 credit points, but in fact the cost is less than 50 credits. But as the first pharmacist in the Federation, there is always a bit of first self-esteem. Although no one knew, she felt so ashamed.

Could it be that she is going to be reduced to the point of small profits but quick turnover and sales... Tang Xin frowned, thinking, it would be better to let Yan Hao tie someone over and test the medicine in public.

The launch of a new drug is a hassle. It must be tested on animals first, and then human trials must be done if there is no problem. She knew that her medicine was safe and reliable, but others didn't believe it.

Old Hei on the side continued to persuade, "The price of things is too high, except for the rich, who can afford it? But those who can afford it, why should they buy your ointment? Definitely choose Qi's time-honored brand. Unless it is a star Online sales, a bunch of rich and willful young masters and young ladies online, spend money to buy a happy."

Tang Xin's eyes lit up. Yes, and Xingwang, how could she forget Xingwang

Xingwang is an industry under the name of Ali Group, and it has everything on it. When a customer buys a product on Xingwang, no matter which planet the seller is in, they can send the goods to the planet where the customer is located through Ali Logistics.

As soon as Tang Xin made the ointment, the people who came to buy it had already stepped over the threshold, and there was no extra medicine to sell on Xingwang. However, someone bought medicines from her and sold them at a high price on Xingwang.

There are many people on Xingwang who are stupid and rich, and they spend a lot of money just to have fun.

Going a step further, the people who surrounded her in the past were all rich masters, so she didn't think things were expensive. But thinking about it now, in fact, the price of hemostatic cream is not suitable for the people at the bottom, at least the middle and upper classes can afford it.

Tang Xin couldn't help but get excited. After thinking about it, she noticed something was wrong, "No, Huangshaxing only has a spacecraft to go to other planets in half a year. Can there be Ahri logistics in this ghost place?"

Lao Hei explained to her, "Ali Group has traveled all over the interstellar space, which planet can be without it? Huangshaxing is a little behind, but the Ali Group is capable! The spaceship that flies every half a year is under the name of the Ali Group. The frequency of flying out is a little lower, but the local transaction volume of is still quite large, and everyone is used to searching for local products of Huangshaxing on”

Tang Xin thought about it quickly, and soon came to a conclusion, it works!

She stood up to clean up the stall, said hello to Lao Hei, and asked for the address of the Ali Group, and rushed over immediately, without any hesitation.

Old Hei was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the back of the two leaving, panicking. He explained that Xingwang is not to drive people to trade online. What if the two giant Buddhas run away and don't come back

Tang Xin was standing in the lobby of the Ali Group, she looked at the light screen flashing a message, showing a dementia. Why does it look so complicated

Yan Hao sighed and asked actively, "Have you ever used Xingwang?"

Tang Xin shook her head, "I haven't used it." You don't need to go through Xingwang to sell medicine. She has a lot of money to buy things, and she doesn't need Xingwang to buy things casually in the mall. To say how much she knows about Xingwang, she also knows the name...

In today's era, there are people who can't use Xingwang, did they come out of the mountains

Yan Hao didn't know what to say, so he took her to a light curtain and taught her hand by hand.

"The light curtain can be used directly by touching the screen."

"Click on the category, and the category has the name of the item to be searched and the place of origin. As Lao Hei said, if we need to buy an item, choose Huangshaxing directly."

"If you know the product name and store name, you can search directly in the search bar."

"If you want to sell ointment, you need to find a staff member of the group. First pay the fee to open a store on Xingwang, and then list the product information for sale in the store, and give a brief introduction to the item. Others search for item categories, or search for Huangshaxing stores. , you will see your shop on the light curtain."

Tang Xin looked at Yan Hao in surprise, "You know a lot."

Yan Hao held his forehead, there are only a few people who don't know. The Ali Group has been established for more than 30 years. He and the people around him grew up using the Star Network since childhood, so it is strange that he is not familiar with it.

He was too lazy to say, "Go to the staff."

The one who received them was a young girl who smiled and showed small dimples on her cheeks, "Hello, my name is Qingzhu, how can I help you?"

Tang Xin looked at Yan Hao.

For some reason, Yan Hao understood inexplicably, and took the initiative to walk up to the girl and talk to the girl, "We're going to open a shop."

"Okay." Qingzhu tapped on the light screen from time to time, "May I ask what type it is?"

"Pharmacy, specializing in selling medicines."

Qingzhu raised his head with a surprised look on his face, "If the medicine is to be mailed, there will be an extra procedure before each delivery, take a picture first."

"Yes." Yan Hao nodded. When he knew that this was to avoid disputes between the sellers, the sellers insisted that the Ali Group had stolen the drugs.

"Please pay the opening fee first."

Tang Xin watched Yan Hao take out 40 credit points and hand them over to Qingzhu, the corner of his mouth twitched, "Grab money." The rest of the money is not enough for accommodation today.

Yan Hao put his face on the ice cube, thinking to himself, are you qualified to speak to others

Qingzhu received the money and continued to ask, "Next, shall I set the product information, or shall you operate on the light curtain yourself?"

"You operate."

"Ok. May I ask the name of the shop"

Tang Xin immediately said, "Tangmen."

Yan Hao nodded, "Write as she said."

"Product Category?"

"Healing medicine, can speed up wound healing."

"Drug Name?"

"Hemostatic cream."

Tang Xin pulled the corner of Yan Hao's clothes and corrected him, "Tangmen hemostatic cream."

Yan Hao was helpless, "Change the name to Tangmen hemostatic ointment."

"What about the price?"

Tang Xin lowered her head and thought, "The price of the ointment is 400 credit points per box."

Yan Hao looked at the sky speechlessly, this is the real money grab.

The owner of the house doesn't understand Xingwang at all. How can Xingwang's price be more expensive than retail? Cheap, convenient and fast is the advantage of Xingwang.

Yan Hao reminded, "The price is too high."

Tang Xin asserted, "There are store opening costs and logistics costs, which must be included. It's about the same as the 300 credit points earned in retail."

You make your own decision, don't regret it. Yan Hao no longer objected, and confirmed with Qingzhu.

Qingzhu has a strange complexion. She is a fan of Xingwang. She often visits Huangshaxing stores. She clearly knows that Qijia's century-old store sells 200 credit points for similar drugs. The price of Qijia's medicines has doubled. What kind of efficacy does this have

"It has been set up. Please give me a federal card under my name. After the transaction is completed, the payment will be automatically credited to the card."

Tang Xin took out the federal card and handed it over.

In the past few days, she took the time to re-apply for a federal card. Yan Hao reported the loss of the previous card, which is expected to be done within ten working days. After successfully reporting the loss of the federal card, re-apply, the previous amount will be on the new card. It's a pity that it takes a long time, otherwise you won't be in a hurry to earn credit points.

After entering all the information, Qingzhu hesitated and said euphemistically, "The price of commodities is lower, which is conducive to increasing sales."

Yan Hao shrugged, he knew that this reasoning was useless, and his master refused.

"The information has been entered, and the store is officially running. You can download the official software of Ali in the address book. If a customer places an order, you can know it at any time through the address book. If the customer has a message, you can check it on the light screen. Leave a message." Qingzhu showed a standardized smile, "Thank you for coming, and wish you a happy life."

Tang Xin followed the instructions, downloaded the software in the address book, and ran to the light curtain on the side to operate.

Yan Hao didn't pay attention, thinking in his heart that he would wait until the master gave up and no longer thought about selling medicine, and he could survive by hunting.

It didn't take long for him to hear a familiar voice from Tang Xin's address book, and he was shocked, "... Someone placed an order?"

Tang Xin's face was full of joy that could not be concealed, "There are quite a lot of discerning people on Xingwang. As soon as the store opened, there were customers who bought things."

It turns out that the rumors that there are many idiots on the star network are true. Yan Hao thought silently.