Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 13: second customer


Although a box of ointment was sold, Tang Xin could not receive the payment until the seller confirmed the receipt. So Yan Hao went hunting, Tang Xin barbecued, and the two spent the night outside the city.

This time, Yan Hao took the initiative to sit aside and wait for the meal, and did not refuse to add grilled meat. After eating, I really felt that my right calf was a little better than before.

After the meal, Tang Xin leaned against the tree and fell asleep quickly, without complaining at all.

Yan Hao raised his eyebrows when he saw it. He was specially trained to survive in the wild, and he was like a duck in water in the wild. He didn't expect his master to endure hardship.

Tang Xin finally found her first customer. She was very at ease when she slept at night, and even had a rare dream. In the dream, the customer was shocked by the efficacy of the medicine, and told the seven aunts and eight aunts to bring their family to snap up the purchase, and instantly buy up the stock.

Thinking of the happy place, Tang Xin couldn't stop smiling, the corners of her mouth raised higher and higher. Finally, he tilted his head and woke up.

Seeing the bonfire in the trees, Tang Xin regained her senses and was slightly disappointed, "It turned out to be a dream." Looking down at the address book, she instantly woke up.

There are two messages in the address book. One was a federal card message informing her that money had been credited. One is the store's order message, showing that the customer bought six more boxes of ointment.

Tang Xin read the two news over and over, and read it more than ten times, but couldn't stop.

Yan Hao caught game nearby and came back. When he came back, he saw his master smiling, as if he had found money. I murmured in my heart, the shop has just opened, are people already happy and stupid

Tang Xin glanced at Yan Hao out of the corner of his eye, and excitedly reported the good news to him, "The buyer is sure to receive the goods! The payment has already been made! There are also six additional boxes!"

Yan Hao spit out a sentence for a long time and couldn't believe it, "I ordered six more boxes?" The buyer is not stupid, he is crazy.

He has always felt that buyers will feel that the price of 400 credit points is too ridiculous when they see the real thing, and they may choose to return the item directly. The master was very happy to have made an order. He was embarrassed to say that the sale does not mean the end of the transaction, and it may be returned.

When Tang Xin was asked this, the whole person calmed down. She thought, yes, she has only sold a few boxes of medicine, and it is not even a fraction of the previous one. Why is she so happy? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but spit on herself and fell!

"Why are you only ordering six boxes? If you like it, shouldn't you find a way to buy them all?" Tang Xin muttered.

Yan Hao always thought that he was calm and emotionally indifferent. However, after staying with the new master for a few days, he always broke his cold face and couldn't help but make various expressions. For example, at this moment, he has the urge to roll his eyes.

It would be nice if the ointment could be sold, but it would be unrealistic to expect stupid buyers to run out of stock. Besides…

Yan Hao handed the game to the chef, "Eat first, and later we will go to the Ali Group to see if the buyer has any comments."

"Good idea, we just sent a new order together." Tang Xin took over the game, full of energy. The shop finally opened up.

Yan Hao lowered his eyelids, his eyes dark. If the buyer is a fool, I'm afraid I'm afraid that the person is not bad for money. I was not satisfied with what I received, so I bought a few more products and planned to give a one-star bad review in order to retaliate. You must know that after fifty reviews, the store will be closed forever if the average score is less than three points.

Step back, even if the buyer didn't give fifty negative reviews. But the new store sells a total of seven products, all of which have been rated as one-star negative. Who else is willing to come? The store is abandoned, and it is no different from closing the store.

There is a store owner's private information on the Xingwang store, and each person can only open one store on Xingwang. If the Tang Sect is destroyed, the master will no longer be able to open a store on Xingwang.

Yan Hao glanced at the master, she was happily grilling, maybe she was already thinking of a better future. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, ignorance is a blessing.

Yan Hao secretly decided that if things really happened as he expected, he could only make a trip in person. I believe that he entered the buyer's home and had a long talk with the buyer. The buyer should agree to change the negative review into a positive review.

Yan Hao thought he was fully prepared, he ate peacefully, entered the Ali group, watched the master open the light curtain, and felt that nothing would move him again. However, when he saw the buyer's evaluation, he couldn't control his facial expression and couldn't help showing stunned.

Just looking at the words in the comments made him feel so ashamed and wanted to divert his attention. However, Tang Xin happily read the comments word by word.

"The genius doctor, I am your brain powder! I have already received the ointment, super, super, good, and useful! I have never seen such a miraculous and easy-to-use ointment! It's rare in the world! As expected of a genius doctor! What Qijia Zhixuesan, Majiajin Chuangyao, can't compare to Tangmen's hemostatic ointment! Until I used your ointment, I didn't know how bad the medicines I used before! Pay attention, the description on the product page is too low-key and subtle Hey, I almost missed such a good baby! It is recommended to revise it. I am already obsessed with Tangmen, and I decided to use only your products in the future! The price on the page is too cheap, even if it is doubled, it is super cost-effective. Woohoo , please be sure to expand the types of medicines in the future, because I have used Tangmen ointment, and I no longer look down on other products!"

Tang Xin finished reading it in one breath, and immediately felt refreshed, pulling Yan Hao to read the comments, "Look, what a discerning buyer! What an honest and loving comment!"

Yan Hao struggled desperately, no, he didn't look. He has been browsing Xingxing for so many years, and he has never seen such disgusting comments.

Only at this time did he know that the master changed the name of the shopkeeper to "Divine Doctor". As for the details of the page, the introduction of the ointment almost did not directly write the word "magic medicine". The buyer actually said that the description on the product page was too low-key and subtle! He was very suspicious that the buyer found that he had been deceived when he received the goods, so he wrote a review against his conscience, hoping to trap others.

Even the five-star rating is given!

After Tang Xin finished reading it, she still had no idea. She finally regained some of the confidence of the number one pharmacist. "The buyer has a good eye and is the first customer of the store. This time I made an exception and gave him an extra box."

Yan Hao suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked at the master suspiciously. Could it be that she was looking for someone to clear the bill? This is too unprofessional!

Then, he saw Tang Xin running around and couldn't find the staff to send the courier... Obviously he had forgotten the process of sending the courier.

Yan Hao laughed. The master learned the advanced skill of drafting, and he could probably fly freely in space. Although everyone knows that the highest-level ninth-level warrior enters space, it is only a dead word.

Moreover, when the customer placed the order, he was beside him, and the order came as soon as the store opened.

Yan Hao stepped forward and taught her again, with a mess in his mind.

He thought about it carefully, and felt that things didn't make sense. If you want to ruin the store with bad reviews, it is wise to leave the first order temporarily unreviewed, and then buy in large quantities. When I receive the second batch of goods, all give a one-star negative review. Because the buyer gave a one-star negative review for the first time, the seller has the right to cancel the second order.

However, the buyer gave it five stars and the review was well written. If he thinks he's fooled and wants to lure other people to accompany him, one evaluation is enough, why should he buy six more boxes

It feels weird no matter what.

When the item was shipped, he asked, "Why did the buyer follow up?"

Tang Xin blinked, and seemed to think the question was strange, "After using the ointment, I found it to be very useful, so I continue to follow up, isn't it normal?"

Yan Hao was silent.

Listening to the master, the buyer got the ointment and was very satisfied after trying it out. I wrote the review because I really loved it. And the ointment is so good, people can't wait to buy some to keep at home.

The analysis is quite reasonable, and after thinking about it, it makes sense...

What a joke!

Yan Hao was paralyzed and felt that this analysis was nonsense. He ate roasted meat for two days, and the old wounds got better, but this only meant that Tang Xin knew how to practice medicine, which was too far from being a genius doctor. What is the effect of the ointment to make people so amazing? Really looking for a chance to try it.

At the same time, someone was also staring at the comments. The difference is that he knows the id of the comment.

Isn't this the account of Lanyin's prodigal brother? Zhao Min's face was expressionless. He didn't expect that he would find such a comment when he was bored browsing the Star Network. Lan Yuan is evil, right? If I meet him another day, I can use this to laugh at Lanyin and ask him to find someone to dance the gods to exorcise his brother.

Just as Zhao Min was about to close the page, he accidentally tapped the page again and saw the latest purchase record. His eyes narrowed, and his expression immediately became serious.

Lan Yuan bought six more boxes of ointment? wrong! something wrong!

The Lan family will be inherited by Lanyin in the future, so Lanyuan is completely stocked. Eat, drink, and play every day. But Lan Yuan is not the future heir to the Lan family after all, his monthly pocket money is limited, and his spending is like flowing water, basically moonlight.

Zhao Min smiled and said to himself, "That's weird. Where did Lan Yuan get the money to buy these six boxes of ointment? I calculate, a total of 2,400 credit points. Not to mention that it's the middle of the month, the money At least half of it is spent. Even if he just received pocket money at the beginning of the month, Lan Yuan has so much money in a month? With so much money, are you willing to spend it all on the same thing?"

Zhao Min quickly realized that there was something odd.

What's even more strange is that Lan Yuan likes to eat and drink, but hates martial arts. For him, the ointment is not useful. Spend huge sums of money to buy things you don't need? Lan Yuan was a bit of a loser, but he wasn't a fool.

"Unless," Zhao Min's eyes flashed a ray of light, "is buying for someone else." If that's the case, the "other" can easily guess that it should be his brother Lanyin.

"I asked my younger brother to buy it because I was afraid that my account purchase would attract others' attention? As for what?" Zhao Min held his chin and was quite puzzled, "The comments you gave are too ridiculous. Qijia Zhixue Powder and Majiajin Chuangyao dare to take it. Laibi, are you not afraid of offending the Qi family and the Ma family? You must know that the Qi family has the most powerful pharmacist in Huang Shaxing, and the Ma family is the most famous pharmacist family on the planet that has transactions with Huang Shaxing."

"I want to see how good Lanyin's ointment is." Zhao Min quickly placed an order and bought three boxes.

He is not worried that the account will be recognized by people he knows. He has always declared to the people around him that he does not like shopping on Xingwang, and no one knows that he has a Xingwang account. This is indeed the case. He seldom buys on Star Online. When he is bored occasionally, he rarely sees it.

In addition, his nickname is "Huangshaxing 0619"... Countless names have chosen to use Huangshaxing as a nickname, followed by various numbers. He was submerged in the crowd, and the account number looked unremarkable.