Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 2: guard


When Tang Xin arrived at the designated place, he didn't see the cheap dad, only the housekeeper was there.

The housekeeper bowed his knees slightly and smiled kindly, "Miss Eighth, let me introduce you to the collection process. Before leaving home, you can collect goods with a total value of no more than 50,000 credit points in the warehouse. The goods are calculated according to the market price. It's up to you. In addition, you can choose a subordinate trained by the Tang family as an escort, sign a contract, and leave with you."

There's a lot of freedom. Tang Xin thought for a while, "Where will I be sent? What will I do there?"

A strange color flashed in the butler's eyes. He has stayed in the Tang family for more than 30 years and has received many people, but not many people can ask this question before making a selection.

Most people rush to the warehouse in a hurry, and always spend credits to pick something they like.

To choose according to hobbies, the consideration is not so comprehensive. I didn't feel anything when I chose, but when I left the Tang family and got into trouble, most of them began to regret, and I used to waste my credit on useless things.

The most exaggerated one he has ever met, he bought luxury items such as antique vases and golden nanmu chairs with all his credit. When I saw the store, it was empty and there was no food. I was completely dumbfounded. In order to realize cash as soon as possible, luxury goods can only be sold at low prices. After tossing back and forth, the resources directly shrunk by one-third.

A small number of people asked about the situation first and had a general plan in mind. Then according to the plan, targeted selection of resources to form a system.

You know, those who can do this detail generally do well.

The housekeeper's expression became more and more respectful, "The Tang family has businesses on many planets, you can choose one of them. You will get a shop on that planet. As for how the shop operates and what business it does, it's entirely up to you."

Tang Xin immediately decided, "Take me to the warehouse to have a look."

Tang Xin followed behind the housekeeper and watched him hand a waist card to the guard, who let him go after reading the waist card.

As soon as she entered the warehouse, Tang Xin couldn't help but be speechless. The warehouse is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance. Things are divided into areas by category, neatly arranged on the shelves, and each area is managed by a dedicated person.

Tang Xin ignored the rest and went straight to the herb area. After seeing the familiar herbs, I was relieved—they looked exactly the same as the herbs in the world where she lived, although the names of the herbs were different.

In order to confirm further, she picked up a Baiwei plant and deliberately asked the middle-aged man in charge of the management, "This flower is so beautiful, what is it for?"

Medicinal herbs are different from others, and only those who have some knowledge of medicinal materials can take up the job.

The middle-aged man said cheerfully, "Miss Eighth, this is not an ordinary flower, but a medicinal herb. Its rhizome not only clears heat and dissipates swelling, but also treats sores, carbuncles, swollen poison, and poisonous snake bites. Common antidote."

Tang Xin finally felt relieved, the medicinal herbs had exactly the same effect as she remembered. Although she has a medical background, it is easy to get started with re-learning, but it is best to use the knowledge in her head directly.

Tang Xin continued to pick out a few herbs to inquire about their efficacy, and then walked around the entire warehouse slowly, regretfully saying to the housekeeper, "There are too many good things, but unfortunately I can't take them away."

The butler wiped the sweat from his face. There are people who have been carefully selected. After shopping for two hours, they have not selected one thing. He has never encountered such a thing. He doubted in his heart that the Lord would not silently record what and how many were in the warehouse

On the face, the housekeeper respectfully said, "Miss Eighth, the guards are waiting at the martial arts training ground. Look, why don't you choose the guards first? Take your time when you're done?"

"Okay, you lead the way." Tang Xin simply agreed, just to leave more time for her to consider.

In the martial arts field, three men and two women were exposed to the sun and waited silently.

One person said, "Wait for two hours, it seems to be giving the future guard a disgrace."

The next one continued, "This time the master is not expected to serve well, and I don't know which unlucky ghost will be favored."

"It just depends on the four of us, which one of us has bad luck. Which one is as lucky as Yan Hao, who has already been pre-determined, just come to make up the number?" The woman's words revealed her envy.

"What are you afraid of?" The last person was a bachelor. "There is a three-quarters chance of not being selected!"

The four of you spoke to me and chatted happily.

Suddenly, a deep voice sounded, "The seventh rule of the guard rules, don't talk about the master."

The others shut up and stood up.

Some people complained silently in their hearts, how handsome is he? Keep a straight face every day, not afraid of frostbite the owner.

After a while, Tang Xin followed the housekeeper to the martial arts field and looked at the five curiously.

Just as the housekeeper was about to give a brief introduction, Tang Xin waved his hand, "No, I'll ask myself."

Slowly pacing to the far left, the first person was a burly man who looked very safe.

Tang Xin asked, "Gene? Level?"

The big man said gruffly, "B-level, fourth-level."

The second person was a gentle young man, who greeted her with a smile, "Hello, Miss Eight."

Tang Xin asked the same question, "Gene? Level?"

"Gene C-level is a third-level warrior."

When she walked in front of the third person, Tang Xin couldn't help shaking her head. She herself is very beautiful, often looks in the mirror, and is very immune to the handsome guys and beauties in the mouths of others. But this one in front of her, at the age of twenty-four or five, had a cold face, and her appearance still amazed her. Look again, the body is tall and long, and the legs are also slender.

Before she could ask a question, a deep voice sounded, "B-level, fourth-level."

Just as Tang Xin was about to walk up to the next person, her nose twitched and she could smell a faint scent. She suddenly grabbed the man's wrist, put her hand under her nose, and sniffed carefully.

If she's not mistaken, the taste is...

Others secretly looked sideways, all surprised.

Ice cube's expression did not change, only slightly frowned.

Fortunately, Tang Xin sniffed and quickly released her wrist and walked towards the fourth person.

It was a cold and glamorous woman with a heroic spirit, who took the initiative to speak proudly, "C-level, fourth-level."

Tang Xin didn't say much and went to the fifth person.

The baby-faced girl smiled honestly, "Gene C-level, third-level warrior. But I know a little medical skills."

After walking around, Tang Xin fell into deep thought.

It has to be said that the people cultivated by the Tang family have their own characteristics. The strong man and the ice cube face are strong and obviously have potential. Although the Lengyan woman has a low genetic level, her high level indicates that she works very hard. Sven youth and baby face are the bottom in strength, but Sven youth is approachable and a good material for business. Babyface knows how to heal, and can come in handy in emergencies.

Tang Xin couldn't help sighing in her heart, it is not unreasonable for the Tang family to prosper. Five people are not bad as guards, but the places where they can be used are different.

"Just tell you after you've chosen, right?" Tang Xin consulted the housekeeper.

The butler nodded, "Yes."

"Okay, I want him." Tang Xin pointed at the right hand, very decisive.

The butler followed, and the corners of his mouth twitched. As for the five people, why did you like this person

"What's the matter? Didn't you say you can choose anyone?" Tang Xin asked lightly.

The housekeeper coughed lightly, "Miss Eighth doesn't know anything, Yan Hao has been appointed by default." As he said that, the housekeeper couldn't help but murmured in his heart, this year's children of the Tang family choose people based on their faces, right? Whoever looks good, choose whoever is the escort.

"Initial appointment?" Tang Xin searched the memory in his mind and smiled after confirming it was correct, "Does father know? Do other elders in the family know? I never heard that guards can still be detained."

The housekeeper came close to him and said softly, "It's what the tenth young master meant."

Ten young masters

"Tangning one?" Tang Xin recalled. Tangning One, a rank A gene, a fourth rank warrior, eighteen years old, is the most talented of the Tang family's younger generation. Behind the scenes, people say that he will be the next head of the family.

The housekeeper nodded, "Ten young masters can choose personal bodyguards after two years. I was afraid that Yan Hao would be chosen, so he warned me early. If someone likes Yan Hao, I hope to choose another person for his sake."

The housekeeper paused and said meaningfully, "The ten young masters have a promising future. Eighth young lady might as well take this opportunity to sell the ten young masters' favor. In the future, I am afraid there will be a great reward."

betray others? How big is your face

"Since it's not a rigid rule at home," Tang Xin said to the ice cube, "Yan Hao, right? It's just you."

Others looked weird. Knowing that the tenth young master had decided not to change his choice, the eighth young lady was so courageous.

Especially the baby face, she initially said in public that only Yan Hao could not be selected.

The housekeeper was a little flustered, "Miss Eighth? This is not good?" He analyzed the pros and cons to her, why did he insist on choosing Yan Hao.

Tang Xin chuckled, "The housekeeper analyzed it very well. But from what I heard, the housekeeper was saying that if you have the confidence to resist the revenge of the tenth brother, you can pick people away."

The housekeeper smiled bitterly, "Miss Eighth, why do you have to be an enemy of the tenth young master? In the future..." The tenth young master is a Grade A gene! Only three or four generations of the Tang family will produce an A-level. In the past, which of the A-levels did not crush the crowd and succeeded in taking over the Tang family.

Tang Xin raised his brows and replied meaningfully, "At present, the head of the Tang family is the father, and the housekeeper is busy showing his loyalty to the tenth brother now, which is too impatient. Although the tenth brother is highly talented, he is arrogant and easy to lose people's hearts. Playing like this for a long time, It is inevitable that God will be angry.”

The butler's heart was beating wildly. Showing loyalty to the ten young masters is too much of a crime. When the head of the house is in a good mood, he may laugh it off, but in case he hears the rumor when he is in a bad mood... He can't wait to see the tenth young master as the head of the house, so he will probably go to Huangquan Road first.

The housekeeper had to resign, and be careful to lose his smile, "Miss Eighth, I'm talking too much. It's your right to choose who you want. I'll take the words of the tenth young master, and it's up to you to decide in the end."

"I understand the kindness of the housekeeper." Tang Xin said with a smile, "After listening to the housekeeper's words, I thought that whoever has good genes and a high level will be the next head of the house. I'll just say, if this is the case, why a bunch of people? People run out. Stay at home to test a gene, measure a grade, can’t you choose a family owner, it’s simple and convenient. Butler, you say what I said, right?”

"Yes, yes. Miss Eight has an extraordinary opinion and has an idea in her heart, why should I analyze it? I have a lot of work." The housekeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I'll arrange for you and Yan Hao to sign a contract."

Yan Hao's ice cube face remained the same, and his right hand was quietly clenched.