Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 24: To


ten days later.

"There is no one in charge of the customers over there, so hurry over there. You, the cashier is too busy, so go and help first. Hey, everyone is busy, how dare you be lazy? Go to the warehouse and move some hemostasis and disperse, there is no goods here. More." Qi Yuan stood aside, assigning tasks to his employees one by one.

Seeing that other people were obedient and did not dare to refute him at all, Qi Yuan felt relieved. Signing a lifetime agreement with the Qi family is the most correct thing he has done in his life!

Look, it has only been more than ten years, and because of his ability to do things, he has been valued by the master, and he was given the surname Qi by the master to manage a branch. In a few more years, he will get his qualifications and be transferred to the main store!

The tree is so shady, relying on the Qi family, and now he is a famous person on the planet.

Thinking about it, Qi Yuan couldn't help his thoughts fly away. If the master asks him to be transferred to the main store, should he refuse

Although the branch money is a little less, but feel free! He is the shopkeeper, he has the final say.

Going to the main store is different. Eyes are staring everywhere, and everyone is stronger than him. Although the main store has more wages than it is now, there is no extra money! Like in the branch now, he occasionally slips customer returns into his pocket, doesn't he know it

However, what if he refuses and the master is not happy

Qi Yuan was idle and had nothing to do, and began to entangle with the shadowless things.

"Bang—" A porcelain bottle was placed on the table, and a strong man was standing beside the table, with an angry expression on his face, "What's the matter with your pharmacy? What kind of junk is this, you dare to take it out casually?" Sell?"

Qi Yuan was not surprised. The owner's requirements are extremely high, and all returned goods are required to be disposed of. He wished that someone would ask for it to be returned so it could fit into his pocket.

It's a pity that he has been the shopkeeper of the branch for two years, and it is rare to see a customer come to return it once a month.

Qi Yuan smiled to reassure the customer, "Don't worry about this customer. If you have something to say, please tell me clearly. Our store is here, and we won't run away." He was even in the mood to make a joke.

The strong man's temper was a little smooth, "I heard that your family's Zhixuesan is the first healing medicine for Huangshaxing, so I gritted my teeth and collected enough money to buy a bottle. The result? What did you get?"

Qi Yuan was stunned. Some idiot must have put the powder in the wrong bottle.

Tsk, they all told them to be more careful, the Qi family's reputation is the most important, and they made such a low-level mistake, they had to find out who it was and deduct his salary.

Qi Yuan has encountered such a situation several times. After all, he is a human being, and mistakes are inevitable. I don't know what medicine was in the bottle this time.

However, in the past, other powders were put in the wrong bottle, and when making Zhixuesan, the people under them would pay special attention. In case a customer needs Zhixue Powder to save his life, pour out other powders, isn't this a life-threatening situation!

Qi Yuan scolded the idiot half to death in his heart, and accompanied his smiling face, "I'll take a look first."

He picked up the porcelain bottle, poured out some in his hand, and sniffed it close, stunned. As if he didn't believe it, he got close to the powder and smelled it again, stunned.

It's hemostatic powder, nothing is wrong.

"Is it a dog that you are sniffing around? I don't care, you must give me an explanation today." The strong man said dissatisfied.

Qi Yuan didn't care about it, and asked blankly, "It's right hemostasis powder, what's the customer's problem?"

The strong man didn't seem to believe it, "Is something right? Is it your famous Huangshaxing Zhixuesan?"

"Yes." Qi Yuan proudly raised his chest, his waist straightened a bit.

"How is that possible? This is the effect of the number one healing medicine? The newly opened Zhao's pharmacy on the next street has a better effect than this hemostatic cream!" The strong man seemed shocked, and his voice rose a few decibels.

Qi Yuan's face was cold, it turned out to be in the name of the customer to find fault. The next street? The newly opened Zhao's pharmacy? Hemostatic cream? Knowing it so clearly, who said it was not here to disrupt the situation, who would believe it!

"Oh? I don't know how effective his family's hemostatic cream is? I really want to see." Qi Yuan showed a playful smile.

This isn't the first time someone has found fault. Whenever he uttered this sentence, the customers in the store would help him to boo. When people came out with so-called better medicines, everyone would laugh at the fact that he put Zhixuesan together with other medicines.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the customers in the store followed suit.

"How good is the effect? Take it out and let me see it."

"It's not good to go to Qijia's pharmacy. Why do you keep meeting such idiots. Do you think it will be successful to promote your own store like this? Do you think everyone in the world is an idiot?"

"Don't say that. What if one's psychological quality is not good enough and he turns around and runs away? I still want to see his jokes!"

The strong man showed an angry look and pointed at the few people who spoke out, "I see, you are all trusting, and you are in the same group as the store owner! Deliberately cheating people for money!"

One of them frowned and said, "It's the first time I've been a sixth-level martial artist. Not to mention that this is just a branch of Qi's family. Even if it's the main store, Qi Xing himself can't ask me to be his home. Boss, say good things to his family. If the new store in your mouth is really good, take it out and let Laozi open his eyes."

"You really don't trust me?" The strong man asked hesitantly, as if he didn't quite believe it.

The man rolled his eyes, "If you have the ability, show it. I'm a regular customer of Qi's family. If you can prove that the new store is better, I will buy ten boxes of healing medicine from you immediately!"

The strong man looked relaxed, seemed to believe it, and muttered from time to time, "Ten boxes, that's 1,800 credit points, so expensive."

As he said that, he turned his head to nag at Qi Yuan again, "I said, your business is really dishonest. A box of 180 credit points is in other people's stores, and a bottle is 200 credit points in your store. What's the result? No one has the experience, no one has a good effect, and the price is still expensive. What do you call this? Isn’t this a scam?!”

Qi Yuan drenched the other party's scolding in his heart, determined that the other party was here to find fault, and put on a professional smile on his face, "There are many people present, if you feel that Qi's things are not as effective as others, you can try them out on the spot. Next, let everyone judge."

The strong man asked tentatively, "Then, if what I said is true, will you let me return it and give me all the money?"

Qi Yuan waved his hand, "Yes, no problem."

The sixth-level warrior interjected, "Don't worry, if you can really get better, even if the Qi family refuses to accept the account, I will give you two hundred credit points, just as your reward for telling me about the better healing medicine. ."

The strong man was overjoyed and rubbed his hands together, "Okay, okay, you said it yourself, I didn't force you."

"Didn't you say there is something good? Take it out." The sixth-level warrior clasped his arms and waited to watch the show.

The strong man carefully took out a bamboo box from his pocket and held it in his hand, "The thing is here, how can I try it?"

Qi Yuan clapped his hands, and two people from the staff came out one after the other. "They made a wound on their hands and applied the medicine at the same time. It's obvious what the effects are."

The strong man was shocked and stammered, "He and they took the initiative to scratch and scratch wounds on their hands? Not good?"

Qi Yuan laughed secretly, when things came to an end, he finally knew he was afraid

The sixth-level warrior was used to seeing it, so he grabbed the bamboo box from the strong man and threw it to one of them, "Let's start."

Qi Yuan motioned to the staff, and the two of them cut wounds on their wrists together. The two seemed to be experienced, and the size and depth of the cuts looked similar.

One of them used the ointment in the bamboo box, and the other used the medicine powder in the porcelain bottle placed on the table by the strong man, and applied it to the wound at the same time.

With powder, the bleeding stopped in about half a minute, and a scab formed on the wound after a minute.

With ointment, the wound shrinks rapidly after applying the ointment, and the bleeding stops in about ten seconds. In about half a minute, a thin layer of pink skin was formed on the wound.


Qi Yuan's eyes were dull, and he didn't expect such a result at all.

The sixth-level martial artist's eyes narrowed, he picked up the strong man with his right hand, and quickly left.

There was a mournful cry of a strong man in the distance, "My money—"

The sixth-level warrior casually stuffed two hundred-yuan notes for him, "Where is the new store, please show me the way!" The things are cheap and effective, so they must be very popular. What if it's late and all are robbed!

Everyone who stayed in Qi's pharmacy was stunned. Seeing the sixth-level warrior running away with a strong man and a chicken, they couldn't recover for a long time.

Suddenly, someone screamed, rushing to chase out, shouting, "Wait, take me! I don't recognize the way!!"

It's as if a switch was turned on.

In front of the cashier, a customer picked out the medicine and slapped his head suddenly, "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring the money." Then he didn't want anything, and ran out of the house in a hurry, as if he was going home to get the money.

Qi Yuan was so angry that he couldn't speak, and secretly thought to himself, you have paid several times on credit in the store. Using the excuse of forgetting to bring money, who would believe it!

Beside the shelf, several customers who were vying for Zhixuesan began to carry forward the spirit of humility.

"I'm not in a hurry, let it be for you."

"I have Zhixuesan on me. I just want to prepare some goods, and I'm not in a hurry. I'll give it to you. Don't be polite to me."

The person next to him finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Damn, don't give in at the critical moment, okay! The one who knew the way was taken away by Level 6. If you don't chase it out, can you still see the figure? If you can't find the store, just hug it. Go cry! I'll go first."

As the man ran out of the store, he complained, "It seems to say that there is a new Zhao's pharmacy on the next street? Damn, who knows which street you are from! The people I have met and the things I have encountered. There are so many, I have never seen such an unreliable trust! If you explain the address clearly, you will die?!"

The customers in the store ran out one after another. Some people tried to catch up with the figure of the sixth-level warrior leaving. Some people tried to analyze which street was separated by themselves. Some people pulled passersby to search for a few keywords, such as the newly opened Zhao family Pharmacy, ointment, close by.

Qi Yuan looked at the deserted branch where the customers were running away, and couldn't help but tremble in his heart. An ominous premonition rose in his heart, and he muttered to himself, "There is going to be a big mess!"