Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 25: conflict


"Zhao Min is playing tricks. It really sucks for life." Tang Xin hid in the corner, peeping secretly, while sighing.

Today is the opening day of Zhao's Pharmacy. She estimates that with Zhao Min's character, she will never do nothing, just set off firecrackers to celebrate the opening, and slowly accumulate word of mouth through time.

Sure enough, a strong man sneaked out of Zhao's Pharmacy and entered the Qi's branch.

Although I didn't dare to follow the Qi's branch to watch a good show, Tang Xin could basically guess how to find fault. After waiting outside for a while, a group of people ran out of Qi's branch one after another, their faces anxious, and some people directly shouted where Zhao's pharmacy was.

"The world is always based on success or failure. Zhao Min is very difficult to be an opponent, but he is very powerful as a team member. That's enough." Yan Hao said lightly.

Tang Xin took it seriously. The more tricks Zhao Min played, the harder it would be for the Qi family to live.

After a few days of being bored in the room to make medicine, now the prepared ointment is delivered to Zhao Min as the treasure of the town store, and seeing the customers of the Qijia branch run away with his own eyes, Tang Xin felt much more relaxed, and simply dragged Yan Hao to go shopping.

It's been a long time since Tang Xin went out, and Tang Xin was so excited that she wanted everything.

The candy man in the left hand, the big squid in the right hand, with a bulge in his mouth, asked Yan Hao inarticulately, "Aren't you going to eat it?"

Yan Hao had never seen such a free and easy girl. He didn't care about his image at all, and was silent for a while, "I'm a guard, according to the guard rules..."

Tang Xin was inexplicably funny, "You are no longer the bodyguard of the Tang family, why are you still abiding by the rules of the Tang family?"

"I want to protect your safety." Yan Hao changed his words.

"Only the Qi family may trouble me. But now, they are probably already in a daze, and they shouldn't care about me." Tang Xin put the squid in his right hand in his mouth, and took another skewer from the stall and sent it to Yan Hao. .

Yan Hao laughed, "How can a guard eat and drink on the street with the master?" Then how can he look around and protect the master before danger comes

"Woooooooo (I approved)." Tang Xin said vaguely with the squid in his mouth, sending his right hand to Yan Hao.

Yan Hao reluctantly took it. He can't always beat his master.

Tang Xin smiled sweetly, "That's right."

There were just a few girls, and their eyes always drifted to look at them when they passed by. Occasionally whispering, she heard a few words, all of which were saying that she was rude, standing next to the cold male god, and the style of painting was very out of tune!

Tang Xin smiled and said in her heart, that the style of painting does not match, right? Then she lowered the style of the high-cold male god until the two people's painting styles were coordinated.

"Hurry up and eat. I just saw other stalls have delicious food. Let's eat from one stall to another." Tang Xin was very motivated.

"The things outside are not as clean as those made at home." Yan Hao couldn't help protesting.

Tang Xin stared, "Occasionally eat a meal, you won't die. My second-level warrior is still alive and well, what are you worried about."

Yan Hao bit his head hard. After chewing it twice, it is slightly spicy, not greasy, and found that the taste is not bad

Originally, he thought that he would be able to cook rice and vegetables anyway, and it was clean and delicious at home, so he didn't need to buy it outside. But looking at it now, eating a roadside stall once in a while seems to have a different flavor

Then, Tang Xin discovered that the person who refused to eat it had eaten a bunch of big squid faster than herself. and…

Tang Xin was amused. After taking the last bite of the squid, he threw the bamboo stick and wiped the sauce from Yan Hao's mouth with his right hand, "Why do you eat the sauce all over your mouth?"

How many times has it been taken advantage of by the master? Yan Hao was expressionless, and found that he was calm and calm, and he was already used to it.

Yan Hao solemnly told his master, "I only sell my skills (martial arts), not my body."

Tang Xin gave him a strange look, "I know."

Didn't it say that he would be set free after three years? She did not intend to default, nor did she intend to imprison him.

Finally wiped clean. Tang Xin smiled with satisfaction, suddenly thought of something, startled, she pointed to herself, and said eagerly, "Is it also on my mouth? Help me wipe it off."

Yan Hao raised his hand woodenly and helped his master wipe the dirt off his mouth. The only thought in my head was, what the hell do you know? !

"I found you." Xu Jiahui glared fiercely at the men and women who stood together and behaved intimately, her eyes almost burning. She ran around for the two of them and couldn't see Qi Xing for a day. These two people show their affection in broad daylight, you rub against me, I rub against you, it's just hateful!

Yan Hao was stunned when he saw Wang Jiao and Xu Jiahui, turned his head and said to his master, "Didn't you say that you have no time to find them?" Fortunately, the squid was finished.

Tang Xin was a little depressed, "Under normal circumstances, if something goes wrong in the store, how can you find me in the mood. These people don't play cards according to reason!"

She looked around, there were many stalls around, and she dragged Yan Hao to an empty alley not far away.

Xu Jiahui and Xu Jiahui were in hot pursuit. After chasing for a while, they found that Tang Xin had stopped and was waiting for her with a smile.

Xu Jiahui snorted coldly, knowing that she could not escape, are you ready to die

In the last fight, Xu Jiahui reflected on it afterwards and found that there were three mistakes.

Why do they have the advantage of force and still need help? The other party can take Qi Shao as a hostage, why didn't they take the woman first? Obviously the woman has the final say. Taking ten thousand steps back, since Young Master Qi wants to bully the young, why don't you bring your address book when you go out? !

This time, she learned from her experience and carried her address book with her. The moment she discovered the two, she used the address book to notify the Qi family. She wanted to wait until someone came, but unfortunately the target was going to leave, so she had to stand up.

"Young Master Qi isn't here this time, I'll break your leg, and no one will come forward to stop me." Xu Jiahui said with a smile to Yan Yan, gestured to Wang Jiao, and rushed towards Yan Hao first.

Wang Jiao understood and agreed before departure that Xu Jiahui would entangle the man and he would go catch the woman. Not much nonsense immediately, and rushed over together.

Tang Xin's smile did not change.

After suffering a loss, how can it be counted a second time? Since the other party wanted to break her leg, she didn't need to keep her hand.

Although the last sneak attack was successful, she still had lingering fears after returning home.

Yan Hao offered to teach her to practice martial arts for self-defense, but she sternly refused.

Growing up so much, she didn't know what martial arts was. She might as well spend more time making some self-defense powder to wear on her body, letting the F-rank waste wood in her previous life work hard to practice martial arts.

To this end, she specially asked Yan Hao to buy back the herbs and made several copies of various self-defense powders in the space.

Now, doesn't it come in handy

Tang Xin sneered, stopped Yan Hao from stepping forward, took out the prepared powder from the space and sprinkled it towards the two of them, while pulling Yan Hao back quickly.

Yan Hao was silent, most of his attention was on holding his hand. For the sake of urgency, he didn't care.

Xu Jiahui and Xu Jiahui were not prepared, and they were drenched in the shower.

"What?" Even if Xu Jiahui didn't know medical skills, just by looking at the effect of the ointment, she knew that the other party was very powerful. A face was sprinkled with white powder, and his heart beat faster.

Wang Jiao is even more desperate. For a pharmacist who can make powerful ointments, isn't it a matter of minutes to make some powerful poison and medicine? Because he didn't have to go to a place with a miasma, he never thought about buying an antidote.

"Itchy powder." Tang Xin said slowly, "It will probably be classified as poison or medicine? As long as it gets a little bit of it, it will be extremely itchy."

What are you kidding? She had never heard of such a thing! Besides, she is a fifth-level warrior. The higher the level, the higher the immunity to poison and medicine.

Xu Jiahui sneered and was about to continue rushing when she heard a scream in her ear. Turning his head to look, Wang Jiao fell to the ground, scratching his face and grabbing his body desperately.

Xu Jiahui was startled and wondered if it was an hallucination. She suddenly felt itchy and wanted to scratch.

Yan Hao looked at the two people in front of him rolling on the ground without any image, and stepped forward, intending to kill them directly.

Tang Xin grabbed him and said, "Don't go there. If you get it, you won't be able to ask for it. Powder is invalid for level 7 and above."

In fact, there is antidote and medicine in her space, even if it gets powdered, it will be fine after taking the medicine. But she didn't want Yan Hao to get her hands dirty, so she just found a reason to fool her.

Anyway, if you are drenched in itchy powder, the ending for the two will not be good. You must know that this is the most powerful powder in her hand at present. Others are even more powerful, due to the lack of materials, they can't make them for the time being.

Yan Hao saw her intention and didn't say much.

The two turned to leave.

"Itchy, so itchy." Wang Jiao scratched his body and face desperately, only to find the itching unbearable. Even if it hurts all over the body, it is stronger than now!

Xu Jiahui gritted her teeth hard, she rushed fast, and was sprinkled with more powder than Wang Jiao. At this moment, the skin is itchy, and I can't wait to roll around on the nail board.

Fortunately, her reason is still there, and she knows that scratching with her hand may cause even worse consequences. She bit her lower lip to bleed, woke herself up through the pain, and forced herself not to scratch.

She was annoyed at this time. How good would it be to have an antidote on you if you were being cautious? It's a pity, except for people who often go to the miasma swamp, who would buy such an expensive medicine belt

Wang Jiao couldn't take it anymore, he stood up abruptly and rushed over to hit the wall!

"Bang-", he fell to the ground with a smile on the corner of his mouth. For a moment, the pain replaced the maddening itch!

A trace of madness flashed across Wang Jiao's face, and he began repeatedly hitting the wall, falling, getting up, and hitting again.

"Crazy, crazy!" Xu Jiahui felt a chill in her heart. The walls are made of composite material, which is extremely hard. If you hit it, you will only get yourself bruised all over.

However, Wang Jiao smashed his head into blood and still refused to stop. As soon as it stops, the unbearable itching comes back.

correct! If you knock yourself out, don't you feel it? Wang Jiao had a flash of inspiration and came up with a good solution. He got up again and banged his head against the wall.

However, he forgot. In order for the pain to last longer each time, he used all his strength to hit the wall. Hit the head with such force...

Xu Jiahui looked at Wang Jiao lying softly on the ground, unable to get up again, and her body became more and more itchy, she couldn't help feeling hopeless.

She couldn't bear it any longer, and desperately scratched her face and body with her hands.

"People are here, come here!"

There were shouts in the distance, but Xu Jiahui could no longer hear them. Under the desperate scratching, she scratched herself one after another, but she still couldn't stop.

Soon, the Qi family who received the address book arrived, and after the leader took out the antidote and fed Xu Jiahui, a knife knocked her unconscious.

The crowd watched as one of them crashed into the wall and died, and the other was covered in scars, and they couldn't help feeling terrified.