Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 31: Auction (below)


"The first time with 8,000 credit points, the second time with 8,000 credit points, the deal!" Yun Jiaqi dropped the hammer, confirming that the deal was established.

He gave the ointment to the girl in Tang suit to take away after the auction. Someone to pay for it.

So far, no one has bought a treasure at the Yun Family auction, but left without paying. Because no one wants to know what the consequences of running away without paying are.

"The Yun family is quite good, and the first product they choose is good. It is popular, which means the price can be doubled. The low price means that it will not cost a lot of money, which will affect the selling price of later treasures. The scramble for one piece mobilized the atmosphere at the meeting, I haven't participated in such a high-level auction for a long time." Tang Xin sighed.

A regular customer like her who often participates in auctions can see the level of the auction just by looking at the auction order of the treasures.

Every order is important. A good order can increase the turnover, and both the auction organizer and the provider can make profits at the same time; a bad order can cause the turnover to drop sharply, and it will not reach the psychological price of the provider. Who will be in the future? Still coming

"The young master of the Qi family has taken action." Yan Hao reminded.

Next, Tang Xin and Qi Huan played "happily" together.

Whenever Qi Huan really wants, Tang Xin will bid along the way, waiting for the right price before closing; Qi Huan is deliberately confused and wants to cheat people, Tang Xin followed the auction once or twice and then stopped, Qi Huan instead cheated himself.

At first, Lanyin thought that the genius doctor really wanted to buy it, so he specially helped with the bidding. After two or three times, seeing that she was deliberately cheating on Qi Huan, she had no choice but to stop.

There is no reason for it. The genius doctor turned Qi Huan's tricks around, and there was no need for him to intervene.

Qi Huan was going crazy.

The woman next to him is like a roundworm in his stomach, seeing through his tricks time and time again. In the seven or eight confrontations, he was the one who lost every time, and the other party never lost.

Losing and losing, Qi Huan became restless again, and wanted to talk to her with his fists.

A palm suddenly dropped on his shoulder, Qi Huan turned his head and saw that it was Wang Feng, "Forget it, don't be impatient."

Xu Jiahui is even more anxious, Qi Huan spends money like running water, she still has to buy scar cream.

"Qi Shao, the scar removal cream has not been filmed yet, and the funds are relatively tight, please wait for the filming." She was anxious, and her tone was not very good.

"Yes, I know it." Qi Huan replied impatiently.

On the other side, Tang Xin watched Qi Huan suffer a few losses, and saw that his face was ugly, almost yelling at him, and he laughed even more cheerfully.

Yan Hao glanced at Qi Shao's gray-black face, then looked at the master's beaming smile, and couldn't help asking, "Are you so happy to abuse a fool?"

The opponent's level is too low to show the high level of the master at all. Can you have a sense of accomplishment

"Of course I'm happy." Tang Xin replied in a low voice, "It doesn't matter if he's an idiot, the important thing is that he offended me. Wouldn't it be nice to deflate the hated people?"

Yan Hao laughed, this answer style is really Tang Xin.

I don't know if Xu Jiahui's advice worked, or if Tang Xin suffered too much, Qi Huan then quietly stopped to watch the show.

"The next sale is a piece of white warm jade, the size of an adult's palm. The color is uniform, transparent and crystal-like like glass, and the texture is excellent. The auctioneer chooses to remain anonymous, and the reserve price is 10,000 credit points. The auction is now open." Yun Jiaqi announced. .

Tang Xin was eating snacks on the table, and her eyes lit up when she heard the word "Wen Yu". After the host announced, she immediately operated the offer on the light screen.

"20,000 credit points, okay, it's 20,000 credit points now, is there anyone else bidding? Someone bid 25,000 credit points, is there a higher price?" Yun Jiaqi reported the new progress in real time.

Qi Huan carefully observed Tang Xin's expression and felt that the other party really wanted it, but she was afraid that she was deliberately taking the bait.

"The table next to it seems to be inevitable for Wen Yu. Young master can make some trouble for her." Wang Feng said in a low voice.

Xu Jiahui was startled and hurriedly said, "Let's say goodbye. If you buy Wen Yu, you won't have much money."

Qi Huan frowned and lowered her voice, "I don't buy it, I just raise the price to get revenge on her."

If you are overcast by the other party and you bid the highest, can you not buy it if you don't buy it

Xu Jiahui was determined to speak out and held back her words. Qi Shao manages the money, what if he angers him and refuses to pay for the scar cream

Qi Huan bidding. After a few seconds, Tang Xin immediately followed and shouted a higher price.

Qi Huan tried several times, and every time he just finished the operation, Tang Xin immediately lowered his price every time. Sure enough, as Wang Feng said, she is bound to win over Wen Yu.

"Currently it is 80,000 credit points, is there a higher price?" Yun Jiaqi asked.

80,000 credit points to buy a piece of Wen Yu who can't eat or drink. Qi Huan smiled with satisfaction.

Just as he was about to stop here, suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. A woman is so smart and shrewd, how could she not know that the normal price of Wen Yu is about 30,000 yuan

Then the reason why she desperately competed for Wen Yu was probably not what he imagined.

Qi Huan recalled the experience of the auctions he participated in the previous few times. Someone bought an unknown and unknown stone. Everyone laughed at him. As a result, he cut it open in public and found an extremely rare gem inside. Because the quality is outstanding, the price is extremely high.

Everyone was silent, watching this person pick up a big leak in front of him!

There are also people who quietly buy seemingly unremarkable objects, but in fact have other uses.

These people who pick up leaks are generally resourceful, and they are often ridiculed and overlooked when they spend money on small items. As soon as the thing was displayed, the mocking person immediately felt a pain in his face.

Judging from her several contacts with the unknown pharmacist, she is undoubtedly such a smart person.

Thinking of this, her motives for buying Wen Yu are worth pondering.

Qi Huan thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that this is not just a piece of warm jade, but a kind of medicinal material

This can explain why the unknown pharmacist is determined to win Wen Yu!

Qi Huan immediately followed.

Xu Jiahui was startled, "Young Master Qi?" This is different from what was promised!

Qi Huan quietly told the two of his guesses, and continued to bid with his hands.

Wang Feng fell into deep thought, "It's very possible. It's really strange that the other party insists on buying Wen Yu." If the medicinal materials are bought and delivered to the master, the master will be very happy.

Xu Jiahui was going crazy.

She didn't want Qi Huan to waste her funds for some pointless speculation, she only cared about whether she could buy a scar removal cream to heal the scars on her face. But she didn't dare to provoke Qi Huan, she could only be restless by herself.

You must know that the works of Master Yungui rarely flow out. If you miss this time, you may have to wait until when!

Xu Jiahui euphemistically expressed her concerns.

Qi Huan sneered, "Women have long hair and short knowledge, so they are purely worrying. Don't worry, my father has given me a lot of money, and I will definitely help you buy a scar removal cream."

"That's great." Under the veil, Xu Jiahui's face was already twisted.

"120,000 credit points, is there anyone else bidding?" Yun Jiaqi asked aloud.

Tang Xin did not hesitate to turn on the light curtain, but Yan Hao grabbed her wrist.

She looked over suspiciously, and Yan Hao said lightly, "The money is not enough."

Huh? Tang Xin's expression was dull. She has been in the auction for many years, and she has never encountered a situation where she wanted to buy but did not have enough money.

She quickly took out her federal card and looked at it. The 110,000 credit points with a fraction of it were indeed not enough, and she was stunned, "How could it be?"

"You forgot, you stocked up a batch of ingredients before selling the formula. Seeing that the Qi family was planning to buy out the bluegrass, you stocked up another batch." Yan Hao reminded her.

Tang Xin slapped his forehead and suddenly realized, "I forgot."

Fifty-credit materials will quickly turn into 300-credit ointments. Come and go, is five times the profit. Therefore, Tang Xin usually doesn't pay much attention to how much money there is in the card. Anyway, it is enough for daily use, and there will be more and more in the future.

Yan Hao saw the master staring at Wen Yu, lowered his eyes, took out a card from his pocket and handed it to her, "The card contains all my income in the Tang family, I haven't read it carefully, but at least a hundred thousand credit points .If you want Wen Yu, I'll lend you the money and keep shooting."

Tang Xin was silent. With such a big life, she has not spent any man's money. To be more precise, except that she ate a few meals from her parents when she was young, when she grew up, she was always on her own.

"Forget it, it's useless to buy a stone. The Qi family is biting at the back like a mad dog. Since I like this stone so much, I'll be generous and give it to him." Tang Xin smiled brightly. But can't afford it."

Yan Hao silently took back the federal card, thinking that even if the master wants to pay for meat, he must first ask him whether he agrees or not. Not sure who is at a loss.

"The first time with 120,000 credit points, the second time with 120,000 credit points, the deal." Yun Jiaqi dropped the hammer.

Not following? Qi Huan was a little surprised, but he was able to grab the medicinal herbs that the unknown pharmacist was also happy with, and I believe his father would be very happy.

Just thinking about it, I heard a woman's regretful sigh from the next table, "I just want to buy a pure natural hot water bottle and keep it in my arms to keep my body warm every day. It's going to be robbed? Well, it seems that you are interested in it. It's true love, and you win."

Pure · natural · natural · hot · water · bag!

With a "smack-" sound, Qi Huan smashed the teacup in his hand.

Of course he knew that Wen Yu felt warm to the touch, but would anyone buy Wen Yu at a high price for its heating function

Could it be that the other party deliberately lured him into being fooled

Yan Hao knew what happened at the next table without turning his head. He glanced at his master, "Are you mad at him on purpose?"

Tang Xin blinked, "The truth."

"120,000 credit points to buy a pure natural hot water bottle?" Why does it sound so unreliable

Yan Hao thought about it again and thought it was quite possible. After all, being unreliable is the style of his master.

Tang Xin disagreed, "It's hard to buy a good heart with money. I just like Wen Yu. How do you spend your own money, do you have to look at other people's faces?"

"He won't come to the auction, and I will buy Wen Yu with 100,000 credit points."

"It's not worth it if you steal it, do you blame me?"

"After knowing why I bought Wen Yu, are you glad you just took the card back?" Tang Xin asked with a smile.

Yan Hao said lightly, "I gave you the card to fulfill your wish. As for what you do with the money, I don't care."

Tang Xin couldn't hold back a word for a long time, she was at a loss and panicked.

What's wrong with this man

The way she gets along now is a bit overwhelming. Can't continue to maintain high cooling mode

She is not afraid of being looked down upon by others, or being harassed by others, because she can easily fight back. But she is the only one who can't deal with people who treat her well.

Tang Xin angrily took a bite of the snack, as if she was biting someone's flesh. How could her only weakness be discovered!

At this moment, Qi Huan hated his own sharp eyesight.

Wuming Pharmacist spoke in a normal voice, he could hear it clearly, and once again felt the wonderful feeling of ten thousand arrows piercing his heart. I can't wait to rush to the unknown pharmacist and fight her to the death.

Wang Feng stared at the host with all his attention, and seemed to suddenly find that the host's clothes were very beautiful, and it was worth studying carefully.

Xu Jiahui was too lazy to speak, and did not want to look at Qi Huan more.

Stupid is stupid.

Not far away, Lan Yin's smile became more and more bitter.

He originally wanted to buy Wen Yu as a gift to the genius doctor, but when the price reached 60,000 credit points, he began to hesitate; at 80,000, he had given up; at 120,000, he could only watch the genius doctor and the Qi family fight each other.

He is only the future heir of the Lan family and has limited funds to use. Unlike Zhao Min, he has the final say. Moreover, Qi Huan was obviously in conflict with the genius doctor, how could he come forward

Lan Yin suddenly remembered what Zhao Min said.

"The Lan family is both your support and your burden."

"Lan Yin, in terms of courage, you are not as good as me."

"Before making any decision, you need to consider the feelings of the whole family."

It's really... a hurtful truth.

Lan Yin shook his head with a wry smile.

If he dared to offend the Qi family head-on, he would not have lost the chance to befriend the genius doctor, nor would he have fallen to this point.

Now he wants to please the doctor, but he is discouraged for the same reason.

What to do in the future? Blueprint fell into contemplation.

The auction is still going on.

Qi Huan saw Xu Jiahui sitting next to her without saying a word. She felt anxious and said actively, "I won't shoot anything else. I'll buy the scar cream for you with the rest of the money."

"Thank you Qi Shao." Xu Jiahui thanked her, but there was no trace of joy in her voice. After spending so much money on useless things, how many credits are left in the card

After waiting for a while, Yun Jiaqi finally said, "The following are five boxes of scar removal cream made by Master Yungui, and the base price is 5,000 credit points."

Qi Huan smiled and was about to bid when suddenly the price on the light screen became 10,000 credit points. At the same time, one person stood up and said loudly, "Everyone, I am Qian Qian Xin. My sister unfortunately scratched her face, these five boxes I am determined to get the scar removal cream. I also hope that you will give the Qian family a face, and don’t fight with me.”

The girl paused and continued, "I have contacted the owner of the family to raise money through the address book. Even if the whole family can help, I have to buy the scar removal cream!"

Qi Huan's smile froze on his face, like falling into an ice cave, his hands and feet were cold.

Before participating in the auction, his father told him that business at home was not good recently, and most of the cash was given to him, so that he must make a clear plan before bidding. If the money is not enough, even if the address book is called home, it will not be able to raise more money for a while.

What's more, the opponent is the Qian family, and the money is like dung. Qian Xin's sister needs to remove the ointment. How much does he have to spend to buy it

Qi Huan was a big spender in the past, but he saw the situation at home recently and knew that he couldn't spend money indiscriminately.

"It's not a coincidence... The Qian family actually seems to have scar cream. It seems that they can't grab her. It's really bad luck. It happened that other people also liked the scar cream." Qi Huan said dryly.

Xu Jiahui was neither sad nor happy, sitting indifferently on the seat, without saying a word.

There is nothing more sad than death.

When Qi Shao was spending money at will, she had a bad premonition in her heart, as if her sixth sense had guessed that there would be this ending.

Xu Jiahui did not think that Qian Xin was the reason why Qi Shao did not bid for the scar removal cream.

She only knew that Qi Xing had promised her to buy the scar cream for her. Qi Huan also said that he must buy the scar removal cream.

Short of money? How can Shao Qi have money when he fights with others, but then he has no money to buy medicine for her

Probably because of Qian Xin's words, the numbers on the light screen remained unchanged, and no one bid for the auction for a long time.

Three minutes later, Yun Jiaqi dropped the hammer, "Congratulations to Miss Qian Xin for getting the scar removal cream."

Xu Jiahui said lightly, "Sure enough, can't the mud support the wall?"

Qi Huan was annoyed, but knowing that he was wrong, he pursed his lower lip and said nothing.

Although I didn't buy the baby I liked, I am still very happy to participate in the auction!

Tang Xin said as he walked, "If I hadn't come to play, I wouldn't have the chance to play that idiot around. It's worth the trip."

Yan Hao followed behind and wanted to say something, but suddenly frowned, stepped forward, and protected Tang Xin with his left hand.

"Who?" Tang Xin saw Yan Hao's posture and knew that someone was hiding in the dark, and immediately became alert.

In the shadow of the corner, an old man in a dark suit slowly walked out. He had a strange look on his face, and a different look flashed in his eyes, "A young man in his twenties, a sixth-level warrior. Sure enough, the old saying is good, heroes come out. Young man. Old man, old man!"

Knowing that the opponent is a sixth-level martial artist, he is not timid, and the clothes he wears are of high grade, and he does not seem to be short of money. She is not rich among the guests, and she cannot be chosen by the fat sheep. She didn't take pictures of treasures, so she wouldn't be a person who specifically blocked the road and robbed treasures.

Tang Xin frowned, in this case, what was the other party's intention to stop them

Don't you say that the Yun family is a big family? Running to block the road at night, is it to do a part-time job

"The people of the Yun family act as secretly as the younger generation." At the same moment, Yan Hao said lightly.

The old man's eyes were even more interesting, "The little doll's eyes are very vicious, hey, you can tell that I'm from the Yun family."

"When entering the venue, the girl in Tang suit who led the way said it." Yan Hao repeated the girl's words with a straight face, "In Huangshaxing, no one dares to make trouble on the Yun family's site. Judging from the auction situation, her words are true. But if the Yun family is really powerful, if it were me, I would never risk offending the Yun family to stop people."

"So, the only people who dare to do this are the Yun family. Is that what you mean? The little baby has a good brain and is very easy to use." The old man smiled and said, "My surname is Su, everyone calls me Su Bo, and I came here to invite Miss Tang to come with me. Meet my master."

"I met me again. Why are there so many people who have a crush on me? And they are all uncles. If you want to see me, if you don't come by yourself, let me come." Tang Xin muttered to herself.

As for her surname being called out, she is not surprised at all. As the Yun family is a local snake, it is strange that no information can be found out.

Perhaps more than the name, more things have been investigated clearly.

Uncle Su's smile didn't change, "Master is unwell and resting at home, it is inconvenient to come to see Miss Tang. I hope Miss Tang will forgive me and come with me."

"What if I don't forgive me?" Tang Xin smiled.

All yellow sand stars have only one level seven. That is to say, no matter who comes, other people can't stop her powder.

Uncle Su sighed softly, "That can only wrong Miss Tang, I will carry it back. Seventh-level warriors are not serious, so Miss Tang must suffer some guilt."

Tang Xin's smile froze on his face.

Why so unlucky? As long as it wasn't level seven, she could escape, but the only level seven on the planet stood in front of her.

She suddenly thought of Murphy's Law.

Su Bo tilted his head and said earnestly, "Young man, it's not easy to practice this martial art at a young age. Step back and save yourself from hurting you. You are not the old man's opponent."

Yan Hao said indifferently, "There are only guards who died in battle, no cowards who escape."

Knowing it can't be done

Subo shook his head, the young man is innocent. I thought that with a little effort, the small universe burst would be able to win. As everyone knows, the more advanced the martial artist is, the bigger the gap is.

Tang Xin was silent for a while, then gently pushed Yan Hao down, and said in a low voice, "Two people can't run away. He just wants to stay with me. You can find a chance and leave quickly. One escapes is one."

Abandoning her and running away, who does the master regard him as

Yan Hao gave her a deep look, as if he wanted to imprint her appearance in his heart, and said gently, "We made an agreement. I will be your loyal guard for three years, and you will set me free. Before the three-year period arrives, I will Gotta protect you for a day."

Tang Xin was stunned, and then looked sad, "Why do you..."

"Even if there is a Longtan Tiger Den in front of you, you have to try to break through together." Yan Hao insisted.

Su Bo felt a toothache inexplicably, sour.

He felt that if he didn't make a sound, his knee would hurt immediately.

So, with a dark face, he said righteously, "Master is unwell, just ask Miss Tang to come and see, there will be no danger to her life. After Miss Tang has seen it, if it is not cured, I will send you home immediately. Please. do not worry."

The fear is that she will be cured, there is no danger to her life, but she will be locked in a small dark room.

Tang Xin thought, Uncle Su must not know that she is an expert in playing word games.

"Let's lead the way ahead." Knowing that she couldn't escape, she simply accepted the reality calmly.

"This way, please." Su Bo smiled and pointed the way, then waited aside.

Su Bo was worried that if he walked forward, the two would sneak attack

Tang Xin was discouraged, she really planned to do so.

As long as she can win, she doesn't care what means she uses. pity. The other party is wary of even the details.

There is no way, the opponent's defense is like an iron barrel, Tang Xin can only honestly follow the direction pointed by the opponent.

Yan Hao followed closely.

Suber is the last.

Tang Xin had something in her heart, thinking as she walked.

Adversity sees the truth, but Yan Hao was willing to accompany her all the time. In the face of danger, he never gives up.

She was persuading Yan Hao to leave, but if Yan Hao really left at that time, Tang Xin asked herself and would never forgive him.

Although Tang Xin was going to Yun's house, Tang Xin was not in a hurry. After a few glances, she said that she couldn't heal, and nothing happened.

Even if Su Bo changed his mind on the spot, his master, a doctor seeking medical treatment, would not have a bad attitude towards the pharmacist.

On the contrary, Yan Hao's problem was more difficult. How should she face him in the future