Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 37: revenge


The next day, Qi Xing went out early in the morning as he said.

Xu Jiahui immediately followed the plan and went to notify Wang Feng, claiming that the master asked him to go to the male guard beside the unknown pharmacist, and told him where to find someone.

As she said that, Xu Jiahui rejoiced.

She made a deal with the unknown pharmacist behind his back, and made a special agreement that at noon every day, the unknown pharmacist would sit in a dessert shop for half an hour. Go to the dessert shop on time, and you can find someone.

She told Wang Feng the address and time carefully, and she personally delivered Wang Feng to the sixth-level warrior.

Wang Feng didn't think much about it, and immediately responded. He was very aware of Xu Jiahui's position in Qi's family. Although he had no real power in his hands, he could be regarded as Qi Xing's confidant, and he didn't doubt her at all.

Even, he actively discussed with Xu Jiahui, "If the other lion opens his mouth, I will bring his request back, and it is up to the master to decide, what do you think?"

Xu Jiahui smiled like a flower and boasted, "Good idea." She sneered in her heart, not to mention that you can't come back when you meet a sixth-level warrior, even if you can, there will be no more homes on the planet at that time.

Xu Jiahui smiled and watched Wang Feng leave. When the confirmed person left her sight, she turned around and walked straight to Qi Huan's room.

She has already calculated the steps in her mind countless times.

Take Qi Huan first. Qi Huan is the flesh and blood of Qi Xing's beloved woman. Come to think of it, when Qi Xing saw his son being tortured to death by her, he should be able to deeply feel the pain and despair? Just like when she found herself betrayed by Qi Xing.

The second goal is the pharmacist the Qi family has cultivated since childhood. They were adopted by Qi Xing, they were taught and trained uniformly since childhood, and Qi Xing's loyalty was not mentioned. They all had good medical skills and high pharmaceutical level.

Although they couldn't leave the Qi family after seeing the Qi family's prescriptions, the Qi family served them delicious food and drinks on weekdays, and they also sent people to serve them, and they lived very comfortably.

If it weren't for this group of people, Qi Xing would not be able to make such a large number of sales without resting 24 hours a day.

If she still has spare time, she plans to kill the shopkeeper and employees of the main store. Those are Qi Xing's direct descendants, and they are all respectful and loyal.

Xu Jiahui reviewed the plan again and determined that there was no problem, so she couldn't help laughing even more happily.

Without a beloved son, without a large group of pharmacists, without a capable subordinate, when Qi Xing came back and saw it, he must have split his eyes and hated her to the bone.

Thinking of the scene after the success, Xu Jiahui became more and more happy.

She just wanted to make Qi Xing heartache and fall into endless despair.

Wang Feng was poking his head outside the dessert shop, and when he was looking around, Yan Hao was chatting with his master.

Speaking of chatting, Tang Xin was talking most of the time.

"For a few days, I have visited the pharmacies on the planet one by one, and I have visited all of them, but I have not found any useful herbs."

"Every one is embarrassed to brag. Why is our pharmacy the most complete range of herbs on the planet? So complete, how come Yuntian has them, and they don't have to sell them?"

"Liar, everyone is a liar."

Tang Xin took a hard bite of the chocolate pie. Only sweets can calm her melancholy mood at the moment.

Yan Hao was amused, just as he was about to say something, he suddenly frowned and turned his head to look in one direction.

Tang Xin was bowing her head and eating chocolate pie seriously.

Yan Hao paused and stood up, "Eating chocolate pie makes you thirsty. I'll buy you a drink."

"I want hot cocoa." Tang Xin rudely ordered.

Yan Hao was helpless, wouldn't he be thirsty the more he drank? "Okay, I'll go buy it."

Tang Xin raised his head with his left hand and quietly watched Yan Hao leave.

Do you really think she didn't notice that he was acting weird? Seeing that last time he dealt with Xu Jiahui with ease and gave a very good answer, she believed him for the time being.

Hope he doesn't betray her trust.

Wang Feng thought that what Xu Jiahui got was fake news. After all, the unknown pharmacist was good at hiding. If the location was easily known, he would soon be troubled by others.

He went out happily in the spirit of being able to make a trip for nothing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I discovered the dessert shop, I saw a man and a woman, two black figures, sitting straight at the gate of the dessert shop, facing the road.

Wang Feng was a little speechless, he had seen unrestrained people, but he had never seen such unrestrained people.

No wonder he asked Xu Jiahui, he doesn't know his face, and black clothes are basic styles, how did he know which two they were, Xu Jiahui looked constipated and said in a deep voice, "When you arrive at the dessert shop, sweep through the crowd. One glance. If you see the main master, you will naturally know that you are looking for these two people. %1

He looked at the surrounding environment, and always felt that the reason why the two were indifferent must be because a large number of people were ambushed nearby.

"Is something wrong?" Yan Hao asked coldly. The sight of constantly scrutinizing and secretly staring made him very uncomfortable, and he always felt that the person in front of him did not seem to be a good person.

Wang Feng was suddenly startled, and the alarm bell rang loudly. When did this person run up to him

Just as he was about to take precautions, he suddenly thought that this time he made a special trip to convince the person in front of him to go against the water? Now that the master and servant are separated, isn't it an excellent opportunity to persuade!

"My name is Wang Feng, and I'm from the Qi family. I'm here this time, and I want to talk to you about a business." Wang Feng smiled confidently.

Whenever and wherever he reported the name of the Qi family, he would receive special treatment from people.

As it turns out, he was right.

When he heard that it was from the Qi family, Yan Hao's face became colder and colder, almost freezing to death, "Speak."

If it wasn't for the fact that the master might be interested, Yan Hao would have liked to slap the guy in front of him with his palm.

He was moved. Wang Feng smiled more and more proudly.

Yes, money, fame, power, beauty, and men in the world, how many of them are not interested in these things

"As long as you are willing to change to Qi family service, money, fame, power, beauty... What you want, Qi family will give."

Should it be said that he is indeed a person from the Qi family? The act of instigating and instigating betrayal at every turn is exactly the same as Xu Jiahui.

I just don't know what the end result will be. Like Xu Jiahui, was brainwashed by the master

What do you want? Yan Hao expressionless, secretly said, he wants Qi Xing's dog's life more, I don't know if Qi Xing is willing.

As for the rest...

money? Who can attract more money than the master? Yan Hao sneered.

Fame and fortune? Huangshaxing ranks last in the Federation. Even if it is the number one xx on the planet, who will admit it after leaving this planet

The same is true of power, and it is also a blessing on a small planet. If you have the ability, you can go out with others.

As for the beauty, Yan Hao snorted, too lazy to say anything. Who can call a beauty in front of him? Don't you know he looks in the mirror every day

Such an analysis, the other party's proposal is not attractive, even less attractive than the master making a pot of medicinal food for him.

"Your suggestion," Yan Hao paused, reluctant to say it was attractive, "it's interesting."

Wang Feng laughed, things went so smoothly, beyond his expectations.

He winked and said with a smile, "Trust me, it will be more fun when the brothers hug each other after it's done."

Yan Hao couldn't help frowning, it sounded very boring.

To actually seduce him with such a boring thing, the Qi family is so stupid.

If it was changed to Qi's family being beaten by him, maybe his interest would be higher.

"Wang or something? Wait, I'll go back." Yan Hao said coldly.

Do you want to tie Wuming Medicine Master directly and send it to him

Wang Feng couldn't help but feel hot, this is a big credit! The master is so smart, why didn't he think of this way earlier? Now, taking the master and servant easily can also increase the strength of the Qi family.

Yan Hao paced without rushing, returned to his seat in the dessert shop, and told the master one by one the conversation between Wang Feng and him, without concealing it at all.

At the end, he raised the corner of his mouth slightly, slightly proud, "I have memorized the conversation, word for word."

When Tang Xin first saw Yan Hao, he was shocked that he didn't bring a drink to cover up, so he came back like this. Before he had time to ask, he was stunned by Yan Hao's words, and he couldn't help muttering to himself, "It's amazing..." He even remembered all the words.

Yan Hao tried his best to restrain the corners of his mouth that wanted to fly, and kept his calm, "Master please instruct me."

"Instructions?" Tang Xin repeated the words stupidly, not understanding what Yan Hao meant.

She is still in a daze and has not recovered yet.

Yan Hao nodded and said of course, "You are the master, and you are the one who decides. You make a decision, and I will run the errands. Whatever you want, I can cooperate with you."

Tang Xin stared straight at Yan Hao for a long time, determined that he was not joking, and sighed, the Qi family would never have imagined that their opponent was a loyal dog and would not pay any attention to their hookup.

Tang Xin's heart is not unmoved, but she is too moved, but she is at a loss and doesn't know how to express it.

Right now, she can't think about how to deal with Yin Qi's family, and has been thinking hard, what should she do with her own bodyguards.

The white clothes that Xu Jiahui always loved to wear were dyed dark red with blood.

The blood on the clothes belonged to Qi Huan, the pharmacist, the shopkeeper, and the staff, but not her own.

Xu Jiahui stood alone in the courtyard, laughing loudly, like a madman.

Things went smoother than she imagined, and no one suspected her at all, and everyone even acted according to her orders to create favorable conditions for her actions.

Qi Huan died. Before he died, his face was slashed forty or fifty times with a dagger. The scar almost covered his face, and his legs were broken into several pieces.

Xu Jiahui thought to herself, Qi Shao didn't understand how sad it was to be disfigured. He would rather buy junk than buy scar cream for her. He had to let him feel what she felt before he died. .

Of course, this is far from enough.

It was clear that Mrs. Qi Xing had already died, but Qi Huan kept mentioning the dead in front of Qi Xing, trying to get in her way. It was really hateful!

New hatred and old hatred were added together, Xu Jiahui smashed Qi Huan's kneecap and smiled at him, "Didn't you come out to stop me when I was about to break Wuming Yaoshi's leg? In that case, you have to suffer for her, right? ."

When Qi Huan rolled on the ground in pain because the bones of her legs were shattered, she took a leisurely pace and cut a series of scars on Qi Huan's face.

"Kill me, kill me!" Qi Huan wailed in pain, he even wanted to climb to the wall to commit suicide, but his legs were crippled and he couldn't move.

Xu Jiahui kept her hands, the dagger flew like a butterfly, and said to herself, "It's not enough, it's not enough."

She will take revenge on Qi Xing for the pain and sin she has suffered.

When Qi Huan was out of more gas and less gas in, she cut his throat with a dagger and killed him happily.

Pharmacists are much easier to deal with than Qi Huan.

Xu Jiahui held the dagger, almost one at a time, and quickly killed everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the shopkeeper, staff, and guards of the main store...

Xu Jiahui's eyes were red, and when she woke up, she was the only one left in the huge Qi family.

At this time, Qi Xing still hadn't returned, and Wang Feng was still not there.

It's a pity that the people in the branch can't call them casually, it's too easy to attract attention.

Xu Jiahui couldn't help feeling sorry, but she quickly put aside her thoughts and cheered up again.

She wanted to set a fire to burn the Qi family down, but then she thought about it, if the fire burned too much, Qi Xing came back and there were ashes everywhere, wouldn't he be able to recognize his precious son? I don't know how many crimes my precious son suffered before he died, what a pity!

Xu Jiahui ignored the corpses everywhere, went back to the room to take a hot shower, changed into clean white clothes, and left Qi's house calmly.