Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 39: stupid for you


Qi Xing hurried home and saw that the store was empty, the shelves were clean, and all the goods were looted, and he was suddenly shocked.

Without thinking about anything else, he desperately called out Qi Huan's name, but no one answered.

After searching for a long time, when he finally saw his son in the room, he was furious, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly fell to the ground.

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and Qi Xing covered his lips with his hands, not allowing himself to show his cowardly side.

He exhausted all his strength and dragged his body slowly out of the room.

He told himself that he couldn't fall, he wanted to avenge his son!

Qi Xing searched everywhere, and sure enough, everyone was killed, but Xu Jiahui could not be found.


Qi Xing swore to God that Xu Jiahui would repay the debt with blood.

The news that the Qi family was destroyed quickly spread throughout the planet.

For a time, the number of people on the planet plummeted, and most of the people were reclusive, afraid of running into a murderous maniac.

Tang Xin was too lazy to go out, so she stayed at home and watched Yan Hao practice martial arts every day.

Every move and style is like flowing clouds and flowing water, unspeakable and natural.

Tang Xin looked at it, crazy. When I came back to my senses, I couldn't help but spit on myself.

"Since getting acquainted with him, people have become more and more stupid. How can this be? I have a high IQ." She couldn't help but struggle.

Yan Hao happened to hear the master's self-talk, his movements stagnant, and a hint of helplessness appeared on his face.

He still knows the old saying that women in love have low IQs.

The master turned the corner and confessed to him again.

How can a girl not know how to be shy? Yan Hao wondered.

"Are you hungry? I'm going to cook."

Tang Xin watched Yan Hao enter the kitchen, holding his cheeks, irritated, "Can't you let me live without any worries! Why are you being so kind to me? It makes me unable to control myself, and I especially want to do stupid things."

In just a few days, Qi Xing seemed to have aged several decades. His hair was white, his eyes were dull, and his face was withered.

"I only have one request. Catch Xu Jiahui and let me kill her with my own hands. After this is done, I am willing to work for you, and I can even tell you all the recipes of the Qi family."

Qi Xing was as calm as water, and took the formula as part of the bargaining chip indifferently, only begging to kill Xu Jiahui.

The Qi family has collapsed, a fact that cannot be changed.

The people in the branch were in danger when they heard the news that the Qi family had been wiped out. At the same time, other families took the opportunity to dig people and throw olive branches at them.

You are welcome without saying a word, and leave directly. Be polite, and babble that he has a last resort and has to leave.

Qi Xing was tired of hearing all kinds of excuses, so he took the initiative to set them free.

What are you keeping them for? Do you expect a comeback

Qi Xing had no such idea at all.

His beloved wife died, and the Qi family's property was destroyed. The only son he couldn't let go of had no need to worry about. What's the point of his life

The person he cared about was gone, and he couldn't find a reason to work hard and work hard.

Now, he only wants to take revenge.

After that, he can go to see his wife and children with peace of mind, and the family will be reunited.

However, with his own strength, he couldn't find where Xu Jiahui was at all.

There is no subordinate looking for someone everywhere to report the situation to him, he is like a blind man.

Therefore, Qi Xing chose to find Zhao's father to cooperate.

In exchange, he was willing to hand over the formula and serve the Zhao family from now on.

Zhao's father couldn't stop laughing.

A fifth-level martial artist is also a top pharmacist. Such a powerful person takes the initiative to vote. What is there to hesitate

Zhao Fulang smiled and said, "Brother Qi, don't worry, that poisonous woman Xu Jiahui is so cruel that everyone gets it and kills her. I will devote my whole family to help you get revenge."

When the revenge was over, the Zhao family got a big boost out of thin air. He brings Nizi's pharmacy over again, why is the Zhao family not prosperous

Thinking of the happy place, Father Zhao smiled until his eyes narrowed into slits.

Qi Xing was neither sad nor happy, drinking tea quietly, as if nothing in the world could make him move.

The massacre of the Qi family's family continued to ferment, and the matter intensified.

Lan Yin sat on the leather sofa, playing with the jade cup in his hand boredly, occasionally taking time to look up at the people on the stage. The man was so excited that he published a long speech, which made him want to sleep.

Dad said that in the future, the Lan family will count on him. Then, send him to the joint meeting of the various families.

Lan Yin glanced around, except for the most powerful Yun family who did not participate, the rest of the people who could talk on the planet were basically here.

Each family sent someone to speak on stage, and the content was similar, except that everyone had weak relatives in Huangshaxing. If Xu Jiahui is not removed for a day, everyone will not be at peace for a day.

Lanyin couldn't understand why everyone had to take turns to talk about the importance of the matter that everyone knew. Shouldn't we hurry up and find a way to assign tasks to find where Xu Jiahui is as soon as possible? Could it be that you want to test your literary talent

Unfortunately, others don't think so.

Every family wants to be the lead, the host, so that they can assign others to do the hard, dangerous work.

Lan Yin suddenly missed Zhao Min a little. If he is Zhao Min and has nothing to do with him, then he can scold this group of people with confidence and boldness. Instead of sitting here and waiting for the meeting to end.

He couldn't help thinking, if the spaceship on the planet hadn't flown every half a year, Xu Jiahui might have run away long ago after the gang of people finished arguing.

After waiting for a long time, the representatives of each family finally finished their speeches and entered the next link - each family assigns tasks, and manages a separate area to search for people. If you find Xu Jiahui, you will be killed.

As expected, endless wrangling, abuse, and shirk responsibility began.

Lan Yin felt that his presence at the meeting was a waste of his life. It is better to expect the sows to learn to climb trees if they are expected to catch Xu Jiahui.

The only question he has now is when the meeting is over and he can leave here.

Subo has been very depressed recently.

It was difficult to find a pharmacist who seemed to be of a high level, but inadvertently offended people.

There are precious medicinal materials, and there are good pharmacists, but the master continues to suffer from illness and cannot recover.

Su Bo really wanted to help the Qi family secretly.

Considering Tang Xin's bad temper, he held back and did not dare to do anything.

After all, there are no unventilated walls in the world. If it reaches Tang Xin's ears, I'm afraid there is no hope in this life.

Unable to make small moves, Uncle Su focused on the Qi family's strength and caused more trouble for Tang Xin.

Tang Xin couldn't solve it by herself, and she was in a predicament, so the master could take action and sell her favor. The more difficult the situation, the greater the human affection.

As a result, the opportunity did not wait, but the news that the Qi family was destroyed.

Su Bo scolded angrily, "Trash!"

He had seen Tang Xin's profile, this woman was not simple. Not only is he excellent in medical skills, but he is also very smart and has a sense of proportion in his actions.

Zhao Min took the initiative to befriend her and went to open a store. Since then, the business has been booming, and the medicine has been sold out of stock many times.

Whenever the family educates its own children, almost always mentions Zhao Min's experience of starting a business from scratch.

Uncle Su thought to himself, if Zhao Min hadn't made friends with Tang Xin, he would have given him twice the startup capital to see if he could find a flower.

Of course, this is just an assumption. The reality is that Zhao Min just won Tang Xin's favor, and the two cooperate very closely.

Only Zhao's Pharmacy has high-quality ointment, there is only one, there is no other branch.

Su Bo once tentatively asked Zhao Min if he could introduce a pharmacist who makes high-quality ointments.

As a result, Zhao Min replied with a wry smile, saying that he could not be the master of that one.

Subo was disappointed, but he also knew that this was the truth.

After learning the news of the Qi family's annihilation, Uncle Su became restless and couldn't help but doubt his life.

Tang Xin is very capable. When the next time she is in trouble, the master helps, can the master wait until that day

As soon as he thought of it, he patted his face quickly to cheer him up, which was too bad.

Finally, there was a short-sighted and strong person who took the initiative to offend and anger Tang Xin. Who would have known that he could be easily blamed.

As a result, my thoughts drifted from time to time to "tie people back and force the master to heal".

But until it was a last resort, Su Bo did not dare to use this trick.

The reason for bringing people here is to ask her for help.

What if Tang Xin really doesn't know how to heal and is forced to give medicine to the master at will

Can this thing like medicine be eaten casually

Uncle Sub had a headache, he was in a dilemma, and his hair turned white.

"Uncle Su, there is a lady surnamed Tang looking for you outside the door." Someone reported.

Miss Tang? Uncle Su hurriedly followed him out. When he saw that it was Tang Xin, he couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, "No wonder I heard magpies cry this morning. It turned out to be a distinguished guest."

Uncle Su looked behind Tang Xin without a trace, and muttered to himself why her guard was not there.

Tang Xin nodded in greeting to him with a cold face, "I came alone this time to discuss Yun Tian's illness. Please take me to see him."

It's a good idea to discuss your illness! Very good!

Uncle Su was overjoyed and said quickly, "Master is recuperating in the bamboo house, I will take you there."

Tang Xin nodded and followed all the way to the bamboo house.

Seeing Tang Xin taking the initiative to visit, Yun Tian was a little surprised, "Miss Tang? What a rare visitor."

Tang Xin was not polite, sat down on the bamboo chair, and said bluntly, "I want to make a deal with you."

"Please say."

"Within three years, I will cure your disease. In exchange, I will use the herbs in the warehouse." Tang Xin paused and said seriously, "It is not when you are fully recovered. It is when the treatment begins. I'll take it."

The corner of Su Bo's mouth twitched. Does this mean that he will get paid in advance before he works? What if you run out of medicinal materials and can't cure it!

Yun Tian was lost in thought.

"You should know that you don't have a few years to live."

As soon as these words came out, Uncle Su couldn't help jumping, and wanted to rush over to strangle Tang Xin.

Tang Xin was unmoved, "You are a symptom brought out of your mother's womb. If you don't get cured, you won't live to be twenty-five years old. Looking at your complexion, it's in your twenties, right?"

Yun Tian nodded lightly, "That's right."

"Think about it. In the world, no one can cure you except me." Tang Xin dropped a sentence, stopped talking, and gave Yuntian enough time to think about it.

Except for her, no one can cure the master

If it weren't for the wrong atmosphere, Su Bo especially wanted to laugh "hehehe".

A yellow-haired girl, her hair hasn't even grown yet, but she has learned to speak big first.

Yun Tian thought for a moment and asked, "Can you tell me some of my symptoms so that I can believe that you can cure me?"

Tang Xin tilted his head and looked up and down for a while, "A warrior has star power in his body, and any warrior can freely control the power in his body. But you are different. You have an S-rank gene from birth, and you have a huge amount of power in your body. star power."

"But because your strength is too large, your body is too slender, and it blocks the meridians in your body. Other pharmacists are concerned that you are young and your body is fragile, and they dare not take powerful medicines, so they can only let the star power run. So the situation is getting worse and worse. Seriously, by the time they want to try the powerful medicine, it's too late."

"First you have weakness in your limbs, then you have frequent coughing, then you gradually lose feeling in your legs, and then your hands. At the end, you can only lie in bed and get drips every day, you can't die, you can't live."

"Let me explain first, when you don't feel your hands, even if it's me, there's nothing you can do. You can figure it out for yourself."

Yuntian couldn't help moving. No one had ever explained his illness so clearly, as if Tang Xin had seen the whole process of his illness with his own eyes.

Uncle Su didn't quite believe that someone could do this with just two casual glances.

Maybe the opponent specially knew the master's medical history and sent it here. The purpose is to get close to the master and feed the master unidentified medicine at will.

He whispered, "Master, Miss Tang is still young, please be careful."

Tang Xin pouted, "Another guy who thinks that the whole world can't do it if he can't do it himself. I'm too lazy to argue, you can decide for yourself. Believe me, just trade; if you don't believe me, find someone else. Man, I'll leave immediately."

If it wasn't for the sake of obtaining Xinghancao and making a gene purification agent for Yan Hao, why would she have to run over

Thanks to her brainwashing herself, thinking that no matter how upset she is, she can't be angry with the herbs. When it's a big deal, put some water and give him a little more pain.

Unexpectedly, she was willing to take medicine, but others refused to believe her.

Tang Xin was inexplicably amused, thinking to herself, think about it slowly. When her brain returns to normal, she doesn't want to mix up for Yan Hao, maybe it will be her turn to refuse to heal.

Now pretend to be reserved, then cry and beg her again.