Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 43: Booming


Subo has been in a very complicated mood recently.

It stands to reason that it has only been ten days since Miss Tang came to Yun's house, the master's complexion has gradually turned rosy, the whole person looks refreshed, and the coughing has decreased.

But the reality is, he can't laugh.


scene one.

"Miss Tang." Su Bo took the initiative to meet him and said hello.

"Uncle Su? How did I meet you by such a coincidence that you didn't stay by Yuntian's side?" Tang Xin turned her head and said a few words of greeting.

It was no coincidence that he was waiting here just to meet the Lord.

With a smile on his face, Uncle Su swept the earthen jar in Tang Xin's hand without a trace, sniffed the smell, and deliberately asked, "It's so fragrant, what's in the jar?"

"It's a medicinal diet." Tang Xin said casually.

This is what she specially took the medicinal herbs and ran to Yun's kitchen to make it. Just finished, still steaming.

Saying it means not saying it.

Su Bo continued to ask, "Miss Tang really has a blue heart. I don't know what is the use of this medicinal diet?"

Tang Xin was inexplicable, "Replenish your body."

Medicinal diets are of course supplementing the body, what else can they be used for

Turn the corner and ask, when can I ask the right question? Su Bo gritted his teeth, and finally stated his true purpose bluntly, "Can master drink it?"

"Yuntian?" Tang Xin tilted his head and thought, "The medicinal diet made today is mild and he can drink it."

Su Bo was overjoyed and reached out to take the crock pot.

Tang Xin continued, "But why should I give him the medicinal meal?"

Su Bomu was on the side, stammering for a while, "No, didn't you say yes, Miss Tang will, will cure the master's disease?"

Tang Xin nodded, "That's right, it's to cure the disease, but it didn't say that you need to recuperate your body. You are adding items at will, and you need to pay extra."

Additional charge? Uncle Su looked sluggish. He never knew that there was an extra charge for treatment.

"With such a big can, you can't finish it anyway, so you can't divide it up?" Su Bo was very suspicious.

"Who said you can't finish drinking?" Yan Hao appeared behind Tang Xin with a dark face, grabbed the crock pot and held it in his hand, "It's fine for me to drink alone, not much."

Because he believed that the master only molested and refused to take responsibility for him, Yan Hao was sullen in his heart, so the master ran to the kitchen, and he rarely sat in the room alone in a daze.

Anyway, if you are looking for trouble at level 7 or below, you can just sprinkle some medicine and rice points. As for the only one at the seventh level, seeing that Yun Tian's illness is getting better, he can't wait to offer up his master and never allow anyone to hurt his master.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, the master hasn't come back when it's usually time to go back to the house, Yan Hao can't sit still, and decides to go out for a walk to eliminate food and eat medicated meals with an empty stomach.

As a result, not long after walking down the road to the kitchen, he heard Su Bo discussing the distribution of medicinal meals.

Why did the master make soup for him as a medicinal meal, and give half of it to Yuntian? Think beautifully.

Yan Hao decisively refused.

"..." Su Bo endured and asked again, "I wonder if Miss Tang is willing to sell the medicated diet formula?"

Uncle Su wanted to ask if he could hire her to make medicated meals, but after thinking about it, he might as well just buy the formula. With Master Yungui at home, with the recipe, I can make it at any time.

Yan Hao's expression darkened slightly, "This is fine." As long as it's not the medicated meal made by the master himself, who cares what he buys.

Tang Xin looked at Yan Hao in shock. Although she wanted to agree, but before she could speak, Yan Hao agreed.

Courageous! Who is the master and who makes the decision? Don't you say that you listen to her in everything

Inconsistent guy.

When they first met, Su Bo thought that the two had an affair.

Now that the two are inseparable, living in the same room, what else could it be? Subo felt that he didn't need to ask more.

Therefore, Yan Hao agreed, and Su Bo was automatically equivalent to Tang Xin's agreement.

He breathed a sigh of relief, "Miss Tang, please write a recipe for me, and I'll ask someone to do it. The money for the recipe will be credited to Miss Tang's card later."

Tang Xin gave Yan Hao a "go back and clean you up" wink. The latter frowned slightly—when there are outsiders, don't wink at him in a righteous manner, it will not affect him well.

"..." Since the two moved to the Yun family, Uncle Su always felt that his eyes were about to be blinded.

Uncle Su coughed lightly, "Miss Tang?"

Tang Xin turned her head and said casually, "Take me to a place with pen and paper, and I'll write you the recipe."

In the end, Tang Xin sold three recipes. Seeing that Su Bo was quick to pay, he sent another one.

Uncle Su stiffly took the four recipes, "I heard that in the past ten days, every time Miss Tang entered the kitchen, she took different herbs?"

Why are there only four recipes

"Others, Yuntian's body is not suitable for eating." Tang Xin replied.

"I can't eat it now, but I can recover later!" Uncle Su was puzzled. The Yun family is not short of money and can afford it.

Tang Xin didn't even think about it, "Let's talk about recovery then."

Subo left in despair.

Only then did Tang Xin tell Yan Hao the truth, "Why should I tell him all the recipes, I'm not short of money."

Yan Hao's face became milder, he nodded solemnly, and agreed.

This kind of awareness of not bad money is very good and must be maintained at all times.

In particular, in case the Yun Family's chefs are not skilled enough and the medicated meals produced are not good enough, Uncle Su hopes to buy the medicated meals made by the master at a high price.

Scene two.

Except for the fixed time in the morning and afternoon for Yuntian to diagnose the pulse, Tang Xin is very free.

For this reason, Yuntian specially instructed Uncle Su to tell Tang Xin to move freely and relax like he was at home.

Subo conveyed truthfully.

As a result, the next day, Uncle Su listened to the report of the guard, and the eldest lady of the Qian family came to the door and asked to see Pharmacist Tang.

Immediately, Subo's face turned black.

With a stinky face, he led the person to the hall and told Tang Xin to meet the guests in the hall. Uncle Su sat down next to him and refused to leave.

Tang Xin swayed leisurely with the guard.

Seeing the person coming, Qian Xin immediately greeted him enthusiastically, smiling like a flower, "I heard that Tang Yaoshi won Master Yungui in the competition? If a real person is not good-looking, a hero is a boy."

Subo's eyelids jumped, heard? listen to who

Tang Xin's face was indifferent, with the appearance of an expert, she said two words lightly, "What's the matter?"

She knew the other party's source. Because it was her, he asked Zhao Min to reveal the news that she was in the Yun family and that she was skilled in medicine.

Specially looking for relatives and friends who have a patient and a wealthy family.

She had always been worried about not being able to protect herself before, so she deliberately did nothing to restrain most of her sharp edges. Although, Wei Wei was looking for trouble for that point.

Now she is in the Yun family, next to the number one master of the planet - Su Bo, and the number one master of the planet in the future - Yan Hao, she is very safe.

She simply took the initiative to spread the news, suggesting that others could bring the precious medicinal materials at home to the Yun family to find her.

Qian Xin didn't mind, even in her heart, someone with a little bit of skill should have their own personality! How can a master lose his temper? What kind of master is that!

"It's like this. My sister injured her face not long ago and left some scars. I bought five boxes of Master Yungui's scar removal cream at the auction. Most of the scars are gone, but there are still some subtleties left. Traces. I would like to ask Master Tang, is there any way to avoid leaving marks?" Qian Xin respectfully asked.

Tang Xin pondered and lengthened her voice, "Well—"

Qian Xin immediately understood, took out a rectangular brocade box and handed it over, "This is the seven-star grass that Qian's family got by chance, because there is no competent pharmacist at home, so it couldn't be used. Now it seems that the medicinal materials are powerful, and they have been waiting for the future. host."

Uncle Su never knew that the eldest lady of the Qian family could talk like this.

Seven star grass? Tang Xin's brows jumped, what a good thing!

She took it unceremoniously and opened her eyes.

With just one glance, she knew that this seven-star grass was of excellent quality.

Thinking of Miss Qian's rhetoric at the auction, Tang Xin roughly guessed that Qian Xin would be desperate to heal his sister's face.

Tang Xin didn't sit on the ground to raise the price, she directly touched her pocket, took out three boxes of scar removal cream from the space and handed it to Qian Xin.

To her, scar removal cream is not a valuable thing. The seven-star grass was replaced by the scar cream, and she made a lot of money.

"The ointment for external application, three times a day in the morning, noon and evening, apply a thick layer on the scar without washing. Faster is three days, slower is five days, and the scar will go away."

Qian Xin was stunned when he gave it so easily, took three boxes of ointment hesitantly, and asked coyly, "If there is any follow-up problem..."

Tang Xin said directly, "If you have any questions, feel free to come to Yun's house to find me."

Qian Xin is overjoyed, this is what it means to be responsible to the end!

"Thank you, Master Tang."

Qian Xin held the ointment and walked away happily, Su Bo's face became more and more ugly, and his face sank, "Miss Tang, is this not suitable?"

You don't have to do your best to heal your master, but instead do a part-time job in front of him, occupying the Yun family's hall, do you think he is blind!

Tang Xin was not afraid, and said lightly, "There is no seven-star grass in the Yun family's warehouse."

Uncle Su was startled and quickly reacted, "Miss Tang can tell me and I will send someone to find it."

Tang Xin snorted softly, "Do you know what Seven Star Grass is? Do you know how demanding it is to grow? You can just say that you can find it. Even if you are sure to find it, Yuntian may not wait to get it."

Uncle Su's face froze, everything involved the master, he was very serious. He has accompanied his master for many years, and he naturally knows how hard-won the treasured medicinal materials in the warehouse are.

If it hadn't been for the Yun family's warehouses, how many could be found just by luck? Subo was at a loss.

You know, many cherished medicinal materials cannot be bought with money.

Thinking of this, Uncle Su's expression softened a bit, and his voice became gentle, "Then where is Miss Tang?"

"Although Huang Shaxing doesn't have much land, the families who can get into the top circle will have some wealth." Tang Xin explained, "I don't know how long it will take for Yuntian's illness to recover, so I will get some more medicine from other people and prepare it. , isn't it good?"

Are you prepared? When Su Bo heard this, he thought it made sense, but when he saw Tang Xin's actions, he felt a little prickly in his heart.

He doesn't care how precious the medicinal materials in the warehouse are. Anyway, it had been agreed long ago that when the master recovered, all the medicinal materials would be given to Tang Xin.

What he cared about was that Tang Xin did not concentrate on treating his son's illness, but was distracted to do other things.

Tang Xin seemed to see through Uncle Su's entanglement and sighed, "Uncle Su, do you think it's up to me to heal?"

Subo was stunned, isn't it

"Of course not!" Tang Xin continued, "I have already figured out how to treat the follow-up course of treatment, and now I will wait for Yun Tian's physical condition to catch up. He can't keep up, so I use the follow-up methods on him casually, very It's easy to get into trouble, you know that?"

Su Bo was frightened and asked dubiously, "So serious?"

Tang Xin said earnestly, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and the disease will disappear like a thread. I have to take care of it slowly, but I can't be in a hurry. I've waited for more than 20 years, can't wait for two or three years?"

Su Bo couldn't say anything else, and left in a daze.

Yan Hao has a smile in his eyes, and his eyes are clear, "The disease is gone like a thread, eh?"

Tang Xin looked at the sky.

She was seen through again, but fortunately Yan Hao would not betray her.

Su Bo guessed right, she was indeed taking the opportunity to search for medicinal materials, and she did not do her best to heal Yuntian.

In all fairness, if she really had to go all out, she would be able to cure Yuntian in a month.

But why is she working so hard

She and Yan Hao were in the Yun family and were considered half hostages. What if Su Bo turns his face if Yuntian is cured

With their current strength, they couldn't deal with Subo.

Therefore, she had made a decision long ago. Before Yan Hao reached the seventh level and his strength surpassed Su Bo, she would ensure that Yun Tian was "frail and sickly" and "recuperates slowly".

She didn't want to damage Yuntian's body, she just took some good or bad medicine and mixed it with the effective ones to delay the progress of the treatment.

In this way, the cloudy sky seems to be improving. And she can buy time.

"After all, being defensive is a must!" Tang Xinyou sighed.