Interstellar Pharmacist

Chapter 67: Extra Story - Tang Jingnan


"From today, Tang Jing takes over as the head of the family. You have to take your wife and children back to the previous planet." The third elder informed Tang Jingnan.

Tang Jingnan was in a trance for a while.

Twenty years ago, he saw with his own eyes that the previous patriarch received such a notice, and then left the Tang family unwillingly with hatred. And he sat on the throne of the head of the family in high spirits, and the scenery was infinite.

Twenty years later, he was the one to be ripped off.

How could it be like this? Why can Yan Hao easily subdue him? Why did the elder choose to compromise in the face of Tang Xin? Tang Jingnan couldn't figure it out, so he asked the third elder.

The third elder hesitated and chose to tell Tang Jingnan the truth.

"The day I went in, I was stunned, and the first elder negotiated with her. The first elder meant that he didn't want everyone in the family to get sick, and he didn't want to wake up and the Tang family would be wiped out. Compromise is It's a bit useless, at least the Tang family is still there."

So, was he abandoned? Just like he chose to give up the housekeeper after evaluating it.

Tang Jingnan was dumbfounded, and inexplicably thought of a word, "Retribution."

Originally, he had a good plan. Focus on cultivating the old ten. When the old ten succeeds as the head of the family in the future, as long as the old ten is willing, he, his wife and children can still stay in the Tang family.

However, now that Tang Jing took over, the first order was to let them move out of the Tang family within three days.

Tang Jingnan's mind was completely empty. He lost, at the hands of someone he never cared about.

Even, he ridiculously treats people as whetstones.

Relying on the Tang family, he can support a lot of wives and children. After leaving, there are very few possessions. For ordinary people, it is enough to live, but for him who is used to spending money, it is definitely not enough. How are the days to come

Tang Jingnan was at a loss.


In the past month alone, Tang Jingnan has aged a lot. His face was full of wrinkles, with indescribable tiredness.

He sat in the shop and sighed for the nth time.

The level that he worked so hard to achieve is gone, and it has changed back to level four, and his strength is very average.

More importantly, the money is not enough.

The first thing Tang Jingnan did when he opened his eyes every day was to think about how to make more money.

He thought about it, when he was the owner of the house, he used to make money secretly and secretly, and even directly solicited customers for his own shop, which was a bit of a foundation. If you work hard, take advantage of the situation to rise, and make the store bigger and stronger, there may be a chance to turn over.

With this thought in mind, Tang Jingnan made up his mind to fight.

However, before he could fight like a young poor boy, dissatisfaction in the family erupted.

In fact, everything had already been foreshadowed, but Tang Jingnan didn't expect that it would come so quickly and violently.

The first to break out was the five wives who saved his life.

Tang Jingnan was in danger when he was the head of the house, but she was rescued by her, and the two got married.

This wife met after Tang Jingnan made a fortune, and she likes to buy and buy after marriage. Tang Jingnan didn't take it seriously, and thought this hobby was quite good.

Moreover, the five wives are obedient and obedient, and deserve to be commended.

Occasionally, Tang Jingnan even took the initiative to give her his federation card to pay for it generously.

But after Tang Jingnan moved to the planet he started from scratch and informed everyone that he was going to cut expenses, the fifth wife changed her attitude.

"I was willing to marry you when I saw that you were good to your wife. Otherwise, if you married so many people, the ghosts would like you."

"Please, don't imitate others to marry so many wives if you don't have the skills. Can you afford it after you marry?"

"Did I marry you to endure hardship? You have no money to buy a new dress, poor bastard!"

Once or twice is fine, Tang Jingnan just pretended not to hear.

Probably because he didn't respond and didn't refute, the five wives said more and more fiercely, almost pointing at Tang Jingnan's nose and scolding.

"Enough." Tang Jingnan got angry in his heart, "When I was the head of the family, you didn't enjoy it? Since we are husband and wife, of course we should share weal and woe."

The five wives sneered, "A couple who are willing to share weal and woe, of course, is a monogamous technology inheritance. Is there any wife who is willing to share adversity with her husband, seeing her husband marrying one woman after another, can still maintain her original intention? I know you have several. Wife, I am willing to marry you, of course, for Qian Luo, do you want to be handsome?"

Tang Jingnan was so angry that he was speechless.

The five wives folded their hair together, "Since I don't have the ability to provide me with a better life, let's get a divorce."

According to federal law, in the case of polygamy, divorce, take care of the division of the property.

Tang Jingnan also hoped to rely on assets to turn around, and was even more unwilling to have less assets, so he could only endure it and listen to her scolding every day.

However, she was not alone in the trouble.

Fourteen children, except for the few who can't speak, quarrel at home every day.

It's not fair to say that whoever secretly burns bird's nest and eats alone. That said, who and so often beat her secretly.

Everyone pulled Tang Jingnan and asked him to do justice.

The wives bit their tongues with Tang Jingnan, whoever bought a mink coat or expensive skin care products, the expenses must have exceeded the expenses, so go and punish her.

Tang Jingnan was exhausted. Just dealing with housework is exhausting, and there is no extra time to work hard for a career.

When he first returned to the planet, Tang Jingnan was very repulsive in his heart, from a high-ranking Tang family head to a small boss who needed to cater to others in order to win business.

But after being troubled by all kinds of things at home, Tang Jingnan could sleep in the shop and didn't want to go home.

However, there are some things that he can avoid if he wants to avoid it.

The fifth wife wanted to get a divorce, but when she saw Tang Jingnan, she avoided talking about it, and simply went directly to the people in the federal civil and political bureaus to talk about it.

The people from the federal civil and political affairs found Tang Jingnan again, and the two sides sat down to discuss.

From the beginning to the end, the five wives have only one sentence, "I must divorce and divide the property."

Tang Jingnan closed his eyes tiredly. He didn't want to tangle with the woman in front of him for a little money, "If you want a divorce, then leave."


This divorce is just the beginning.

When the other wives saw that the fifth wives were divorced, they got the money smoothly, they lived happily outside, and they didn't have to live with them anymore. They all expressed that they wanted to divorce Tang Jingnan.

There was someone who was hesitant, and her daughter curled her lips and advised, "Let's go quickly, I can't stay here any longer. Every day what to eat, what to wear, and what to buy are secretly watched, and they have to make a small report to Dad. Take After getting the money, we stayed outside for three years."

"When I turn eighteen, I can go back to the Tang family to get some resources. At that time, I will ask if I can give credit directly. If not, I will take some good things and sell them for money. I will buy them later when I have the money. Houses or shops are rented out, and the rent is enough for us to live well. Why are you angry here?"

At that time, this person was moved, moved by the beautiful future described, and insisted on divorce.

"Let's go, let's go one by one." Tang Jingnan gave up on himself and hid in the study by himself drinking boring wine, feeling very uncomfortable.

At the most difficult time, no one was willing to stay with him, instead they were eager to escape from the producer one by one.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the study door, "It's me."

Tang Jingnan had a glimmer of hope in his heart, he could hear the voice of the old ten birth mother, which was his true love.

At the most difficult moment, is she the only one willing to stay with him after all

"Come in." Tang Jingnan closed the bottle cap and put the wine away, his face slightly sullen.

True love entered the door and looked at Tang Jingnan quietly. After a long time, she said, "The others have already left. After a while, people from the civil and political bureaus will handle the divorce matters one by one. Immediately, I have to leave. Before I leave, I will Come see you."

"You're leaving too?!" Tang Jingnan was shocked and angry. He has so many wives and children, does he really refuse to stay alone

True love pouted, with a mocking expression on her face, "When you were competing for the position of the head of the family, I didn't accompany you to endure hardships? How did you repay me after you succeeded in taking the position? Every woman married and entered the door, always telling me that you had difficulties. , I was forced. Then you can think that I have difficulties and was forced to leave this time. Goodbye, see you again. "

After finishing speaking, True Love closed the study door without reluctance.

Tang Jingnan angrily threw the wine bottle in his hand towards the door. Immediately, the bottle was broken.

When he needed the support of his family the most, everyone fled from his side desperately, and even tried their best to take a piece of the pie from him and drain his blood.

Tang Jingnan suddenly burst out laughing like crazy, tears oozing from the corners of his eyes, "There are so many people, none of them want to live with me. Retribution, this is all retribution!"


Tang Jingnan went crazy.

According to the doctor's analysis, the patient was too stimulated and had mental problems and needed special care.

To this end, people from the federal government and the government specifically found his family and asked who was willing to take care of him. Those who take care of him can get his share of the property.

As a result, no one wanted to.

Some people were even scared to leave the planet overnight.

Someone coldly reported the addresses of True Love and Tangning, "This is his favorite wife and son, let them take care of them."

The federal government and the government have no choice but to send people to a mental hospital, and the property is paid to the mental hospital as accommodation fees.

People in the mental hospital saw that Tang Jingnan had no relatives, no reason, and no one cared, so they placed him in a small remote room.

I usually lock the door of the room, and only open the door in the morning, noon, and evening when the meal is delivered, and take people out to the toilet and feed.

Once a week, the mental hospital will change his clothes and tidy up his instrument. The rest of the time, let him go crazy in the room.

Occasionally, Tang Jingnan drank too much water, wanted to go to the toilet, knocked hard on the door, made strange noises, and was completely ignored, and finally he had to pee on his body.

Filthy, filthy, delirious, more and more insane, not the same as before.

Occasionally, he would start to cry out of nowhere, or laugh wildly, but he was never ignored.

Tang Jingnan lived like this until the end of his life.