Interstellar Rare Species

Chapter 12: test


Gu Yu was even more uncomfortable being stared at by Sanuo, he pursed his lips, raised his eyes to look at Sanuo, and tentatively pointed to the door of the room.

The guest room downstairs has his used toiletries. He wants to go down to wash up, and also wants to stay away from Sano. He will feel uncomfortable staying in the same space with Sano.

Sano observed his movements and confirmed that his movements were very smooth, without any stagnation or artificial traces.

He asked, "Want to go out?"

Gu Yu nodded, looking expectantly.

Sino got up, took clothes from the closet, and said, "Yes, but you can't leave the apartment area. This is the distance limit during the day. After nine o'clock in the evening, we can't be more than three meters apart."

Gu Yu blushed and nodded, quickly opened the door and jumped out.

Sano has been paying attention to his expression and movements, a smile flashed in his eyes when he saw this, and he quickly restrained himself, his eyes filled with thought.

He now has a very bold idea - his artificial female, not artificial!

It is agile and flawless, and has physiological needs. It is really not like a robot.

What would be, if not man-made, petite human beings that release the scent of female glands

Sano's complexion changed slightly, and he subconsciously relaxed his breathing. He almost didn't dare to think about that possibility, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

Will it be a natural female

He restrained his emotions, washed and showered, changed his clothes, wiped his hair casually, and sent a message to Kevin, asking tentatively, "If you find a natural female, will you give it to me?" ?”

Failed to send information, indicating that the other party's signal is unstable.

Sai Nuo tried again before sending successfully.

Kevin replied quickly: "Give you the natural female? Pfft, it's so funny, what do you think?"

Sano snorted softly. He could have expected this kind of reply, but he still had a glimmer of hope. After all, his artificial female was sent by Kevin.

Kevin's reply dashed his hopes.

He smiled self-deprecatingly, it was simply a fantasy that he would have such an idea.

It must be because the heart is too eager for natural females!

Natural females are fatally attractive to all males. Ask yourself, if he finds a natural female, will he tell this group of hair small

of course not!

Unless the natural female character dislikes him and he doesn't like it, he will tell others.

Otherwise, he just wants to secretly possess it and refuse anyone to covet it. Practically any male would do this, males are super possessive.

He stared at the message, frowning slightly. It's not a natural female. Why is there something wrong with his artificial female

Is it because this one is specially made? Not the newest model from Volkswagen

He sent a message to Kevin again, asking for information about the artificial female, but Kevin didn't reply for a while.

He frowned and inquired about Kevin's whereabouts, only to find out that Kevin and his party of diplomats had encountered a particle storm on their way back from Brilliant Star.

He contacted the subordinates of the military department, sent people to respond, and was ready to rescue at any time.

After making the arrangements, he went downstairs. When he took the last step, Gu Yu was coming out of the guest room. Gu Yu's hair was a little long and looked very wet. He probably just wiped it casually.

Gu Yu pinched the end of his hair at the bangs, unscrewed the water droplets that slowly gathered, a little depressed, he couldn't find the hair dryer.

Sino frowned: "Why don't you dry it?"

Gu Yu heard his voice, raised his head, pointed at his hair and waved his hands.

Thinking of something, he quickly looked down at the ground again, and when he saw the water droplets on the ground behind him, his face turned slightly red, and he hurried back to the guest room.

Sai Nuo raised his eyebrows, and after a while, he saw Gu Yu with a towel on his head and two pieces of paper in his hands, squatting down to wipe off the water stains that had just fallen.

"No need to wipe, Dayuan will clean it up," Sai Nuo said, "Come with me."

Sa Nuo strode past Gu Yu, and when he passed by Gu Yu, he bent down and grabbed his arm. Gu Yu quickly stood up, followed his strength and went to the guest room together.

Sano opened the last drawer on the right side of the washstand, took out the hair dryer inside, and unfolded the folded front end of the hair dryer to form a hollow hemispherical cover.

He put the hood on top of Gu Yu's head, turned on the switch, and a strong warm wind instantly blew across Gu Yu's head in all directions.

Gu Yu looked at the mirror curiously, water vapor emitted through the hole on the top of the cover, at first glance, it looked like smoke was coming from the top of his head.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing, his brows and eyes curved.

Senuo looked down at him, not knowing why he was smiling, but when he saw him smiling, a smile flashed in his eyes.

Two minutes later, Sano took off the cover and put the hair dryer back in the drawer.

Gu Yu touched his hair, it was already dry, but it was messy. He tidied up the comb, smiled gratefully at Sano who was standing aside, and made a thank you gesture.

He pointed to Sano's slightly damp hair, then pointed to the drawer where the hair dryer was placed, and asked if he could help

Senuo's eyes moved slightly. Once he had doubts, Gu Yu's behavior seemed very unusual.

Could artificial females be this smart? He covered his thoughts and shook his head: "No, it will be done soon, let's go out to eat."

Breakfast is Western style, bread, sandwiches, milk and barbecue. Gu Yu stopped after eating two pieces of bread, and picked up the milk to drink.

Senuo was cutting the barbecue, saw him sitting quietly after drinking the milk, and asked, "Are you full?"

Gu Yu smiled and nodded, pointing to the living room.

Sano's eyes stayed on his face for a second: "Want to sit in the living room?"

Gu Yu nodded.

"Okay, you go, don't go out." Senuo reminded.

When Gu Yu walked out of the restaurant, he breathed a sigh of relief, after last night, he was too embarrassed to stay with Sano.

He always felt that there was something wrong with Sano last night. He bit his lip and his face turned red. He never thought that Sano would offer to help him.

He began to wonder if he had misunderstood artificial females.

If it's really just a robot, and Sano offers to help, how do you think, it's a bit weird, right

After Sano finished his breakfast, he let Xiaoyuan clean up the dining table. He sat still and opened the terminal to enter the star network.

He was going to check the information about artificial females and natural females again, but before entering the query content, he glanced and saw a new hot news.

"The Luyuan official issued a statement in response to the huge response to Marshal Bruce's marriage to the artificial female: the artificial female is a great invention that satisfies the male's desire for a natural female. Our company will continue to work hard to create better finished products."

"In addition, in order to reduce social impact, our company has newly developed two programs: the program of refusing to marry, the program of encouraging owners to marry female beasts, and the two programs will be sent to buyers free of charge by mail, and new products will be released automatically Take both programs."

Sai Nuo narrowed his eyes slightly, is it newly developed

What happened to the man-made female in his family who refused to get married

When the message came, he opened it, and it was Kevin's reply: "I bought the latest models of the main characters that you are most likely to like. What's wrong? First contact, entering a new world, too novel?"

Immediately afterwards, the next message came: "Master Marshal, who is not interested in artificial females, mistook artificial females for natural females? Pfft, it's so funny."

Senuo snorted softly, thinking of calling the general staff back.


For the next two days, Gu Yu stayed in the villa, he had never been so free, but because of the existence of Senuo, he had no time to think about anything else.

From the day after breakfast on the second day of their wedding, Sano has been with him almost every step of the way, touching him from time to time, until he blushes before he calms down.

Gu Yu was lying on his side on the bed. This was the last day of the breeding period. It was past ten o'clock in the evening. He and Sano did not need to intersect their index fingers. Although they were on the same bed, they had no contact.

Even so, he still couldn't sleep.

Thinking about Sano's actions in the past two days, he felt uneasy.

At first, he only suspected that he had misunderstood the artificial female, but now, he had another suspicion: Sano doubted his identity, and he was testing him.

He pursed his lips. If Sano was sure that he was not an artificial female, what would he do with him

"Can't sleep?" A warm touch came from behind, and at the same time, a question came from the ear.

Gu Yu was startled, he tilted his head, and Sano supported his body with his hands, looking at him from above.

Gu Yu shook his head, quickly closed his eyes, and pretended to be asleep.

Senuo looked at his slightly trembling eyelashes, chuckled, and reached out to touch them lightly.

Gu Yu opened his eyes abruptly, and shrank his head back.

Senuo's fingers were swept by the eyelashes like a small brush, and the itching spread along his arms to his heart. He rubbed his thumb and index finger, his body collapsed slightly, and he withdrew his hand.

Gu Yu pursed his lips and pointed backwards, hoping that Sano would retreat a bit. In order to increase the distance, he slept along the side of the bed. If he moved any further, he would fall to the ground.

Sai Nuo raised his eyebrows: "I can back up, but you have to sleep until the middle, otherwise you will fall if you move casually while asleep."

Gu Yu looked at him with black eyes, is he also so careful with robots? The bed is less than half a meter, and the robot will not break if it falls, and it will not feel pain.

Sano was attracted by his eyes, the black eyes were mysterious and charming, clear and clean, making him want to kiss them very much.

He clenched his fists, opened his palms to cover Gu Yu's eyes, and warned in a dark voice: "Close your eyes and sleep, if you don't sleep, you won't be able to sleep."

He said, and quickly moved Gu Yu into the bed. When Gu Yu realized it, his position had changed, and Sano also stepped back, not sticking to him.

He strained his ears to listen to the movement, and Sano's breathing was very steady, as if he had fallen asleep.

He thought about Sano's actions, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Sai Nuo is so gentle, even if he knew his identity, he wouldn't be too strict!

He might be able to discuss with Senuo to divorce as an artificial female, so as not to cause trouble in marriage to Sino, and then leave the villa and find a job.

After making money, return the money spent these few days to Sai Nuo.

It might be hard work, but that's okay, he's not afraid.

The next morning, just after Sano finished his breakfast, he received a message from Guy: "Sino, get together at the old place at noon. Kevin will come back at noon. Let him calm down and celebrate your wedding."

He said excitedly: "My custom-made new artificial female has also arrived. I will take it to show you, it feels great!"

Is it new? Senuo nodded: "Okay."

He had guesses in his mind, but he hadn't been in contact with the rest of the artificial females, and going to the party was just a good way to compare them.

At eleven o'clock, Da Yuan turned to Gu Yu with a set of light blue suits.

Just as Gu Yu was wondering, Sa Nuo changed into beige casual clothes and came down from upstairs: "Change, come out with me."

He looked at Gu Yu with anticipation in his eyes. This suit was chosen by him himself, and it should be more suitable for Gu Yu than the suit at the time of marriage registration.

Gu Yu's eyes brightened slightly. He knew too little about this world, and it was only possible to learn more when he went out.

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Sino: Divorce? It is impossible to get divorced in this life╭(╯^╰)╮

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Pig is a little cub 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!