Interstellar Rare Species

Chapter 43: ability exposure


Gu Yu thought about it, then shrugged regretfully: "I might not go to the concert."

Even if his ability is not exposed, he is one of the only remaining natural females, and he is still attracting attention.

In fact, he really wanted to talk about us, but he didn't want to dampen Kiki's enthusiasm.

Maybe there is another way, like what Sano said, to pretend to be an underage male

Qiqi was very disappointed: "Why, don't you like singing very much?"

Gu Yu: "Many people have seen my photos, males are very observant and easy to reveal their secrets."

Except for him, none of the photos of Qiqi and the others have been circulated.

Although the people who attended the banquet had seen Qiqi, there were few people after all.

He smiled: "If your safety is guaranteed, you can go and see it. It's the same when I watch it at home. The concert will be broadcast live on the whole network."

Qiqi wrinkled his nose: "It's definitely different watching it live, just like listening to Yu playing the flute live and listening to it live, the feeling is different."

Mo Mo looked at Gu Yu: "Isn't it okay to pretend?"

Merlin rested his hands on the back of his neck: "People from the association should have a way to cover up our smell, plus makeup, I think it can be done."

Gu Yu was a little moved, but he still had scruples: "Our behavior is also very different from males, and our voice..."

Qiqi imitated the shouting of fans, shouted, and after raising his voice, he was obviously weak.

He puffed up his face, and his baby fat face became even more fleshy.

He is very self-aware: "It might be hard for me not to shout in that atmosphere."

Merlin echoed: "Me too."

Mo Mo moved his hand, lifted it up, shook it, then put it down: "I probably won't be that crazy, it will be obvious."

The three looked at each other, their shoulders all slumped.

"I really hope that all the beast females will become natural females overnight." Qiqi said expectantly.

Mei Lin looked at Gu Yu: "Is there a way for Yu?"

Qi Qi and Mo Mo also looked at Gu Yu.

They knew better than anyone that their ability to transform had something to do with Gu Yu.

However, my partner and relatives have already reminded me that this matter cannot be told to others.

Gu Yu spread his hands: "There is a scope limit, so we can only take it slowly."

In order to meet Mo Mo's expectations, the Association has to research a medical solution.

Qiqi came to a sudden: "No wonder Yu insisted that we approach you."

He put his chin on the back of his hand: "In this case, we can't go out casually in the future?"

Gu Yu expressed Kona's thoughts: "There must be a day when I will try my best to help more beast females transform."

The more natural females there are, the less attention an individual receives.

Mo Mo: "Yu really worked hard, if only I could help."

Gu Yu smiled: "You can't help with this matter, but there is something that needs your help."

He brought the three of them to the guest room and asked them to sit down. He was standing in front of the three of them, his face blushing slightly.

"My dream is to hold a concert, but I'm nervous in front of people, and even more reserved when singing, so I want you to be my audience."

There was a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth: "I want to start with the least pressure. You are my friends, and it is easiest for me to relax in front of you."

Qiqi clapped his hands: "This is not called helping, I like Yu's music the most, the flute music is nice, and the singing must be nice too:"

Mo Mo and Merlin nodded in agreement.

Gu Yu was a little embarrassed: "If you think there is something wrong, you can bring it up."

Gu Yu turned on the terminal and played the accompaniment. Instead of looking at the screen, he looked at the three of Meilin.

This feeling is completely different from staring at the screen. When he first started singing, he felt very embarrassed.

The three were very enthusiastic, waved and applauded, and stared at him with bright eyes.

Gu Yu could hear his voice becoming more and more stable, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After the song ended, he suddenly had a feeling that everything was in his hands, and he felt that singing in front of people was actually very simple.

But he knew in his heart that this was only because the audience was familiar to him, and there were few of them.

Qiqi applauded quickly: "It sounds good, Yu is so powerful."

Mo Mo and Mei Lin also didn't hesitate to praise them, and kept praising them.

Instead, Gu Yu felt embarrassed, his heart was warm, but he also understood.

It's hard to get their advice, they have a high opinion of him, affected by feelings, the filter is super thick.

Same goes for Sano.

He didn't continue to sing, and several people moved to the living room, chatted casually, and added communication to each other. Qiqi and Meilin registered Guangyan and related each other.

Merlin built a small chat group: "In the future, I will chat in the group when I am bored, and if I see something interesting, I can share it."

Qiqi's eyes sparkled, and he sent a voice in the group: "Awesome!"

After a while, Guy and Roald came, and Guy ran to Merlin panting and looked him over.

"It's fine."

Merlin didn't care much about waving his hands: "I brought guards, you are too nervous."

Guy: "If you want to find Gu Yu in the future, you tell me and I will arrange it."

If he threatened the guards to go out secretly like this, he would be frightened into a nervous breakdown.

Later, Qin Sheng also came.

The three were taken home with them.

Gu Yu sat for a while, then went to the second floor to exercise.

He didn't close the door, walked to the wall and stood against the wall, adjusted his posture a little and then stood still, practicing standing posture.

Sino came back before dinner, and the two had dinner together and took a walk in the garden.

While walking and chatting, when Gu Yu mentioned the concert, Sai Nuo looked at him: "Do you really want to go?"

Gu Yu nodded: "I want to feel the atmosphere of the scene."

In the past, because he had no money and no free time, he never went to a concert.

He pursed his lips, saw Sano thinking, and said again: "Actually, I don't think so, I can watch the live broadcast."

He knew that Sano treated him very well, if he wanted to go, he might find a way.

However, there are a lot of people at the concert site, and if they are discovered, it will cause trouble.

Senuo looked at him, the sky was dark now, and lights were turned on everywhere, and his skin was even fairer under the lights.

He looked peaceful with black eyes, Sai Nuo secretly sighed, the little friend is really too well-behaved.

Sai Nuo clasped his shoulders: "There are more and more rumors about you about the transformation of a beast female on the Internet, and a lot of evidence has been uploaded to prove that the rest of the possibilities are wrong."

Eliminate the remaining possibilities, the more likely you are left.

Gu Yu followed him back: "Do you need me to do anything?"

Sai Nuo: "Kona will issue an announcement in two days, explaining that the transformation is related to you. Tomorrow, Kona needs to film a 'verification process' for you."

Gu Yu nodded: "Okay."

The next day, Kona brought a vigorous leopard to the villa, and Gu Yu subconsciously became nervous.

The leopard has strong muscles, smooth skin, and is very elegant when walking, but the hazel eyes are very cold, which makes it look dangerous.

Sai Nuo hugged Gu Yu: "Don't be nervous, this is sister-in-law, Ciro Anseth."

Gu Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized: "His Majesty's partner? To detect his changes?"

Sa Nuo nodded, Gu Yu relaxed, and smiled at Xi Luo: "Hi, I'm Gu Yu."

Hua Leopard glanced at him lightly and nodded his head.

Orson said: "President, everything is ready."

Orson took several people to the prepared room, which was equipped with complete monitoring facilities and a machine to measure the female body.

There is a long sofa in the middle, with a soft blanket in front of the sofa.

Gu Yu sat down on the blanket, waved towards the leopard, hesitated for a while, but failed to call out to his sister-in-law: "Xi Luo, come here."

Xi Luo looked at him, walked gracefully to his side, and lay down beside him.

Gu Yu tentatively touched the back of his paw.

Xi Luo raised his eyelids and glanced at him, retracted his sharp claws, lifted his pads and touched him.

Like coaxing a child, after touching Gu Yu, he retracted his paw, put his chin on it, wagged his tail leisurely from side to side, and looked at Gu Yu.

Kona and Orson carefully attached the metal sheet of the detector to various parts of Xi Luo's body.

Kona adjusted the display data and nodded.

Ao Sen asked Gu Yu: "Is it okay?"

Gu Yu nodded, and Sano asked, "Do you want to stay away?"

Gu Yu understood what he meant, he was worried about exposing other effects.

He pointed to the sofa against the wall: "You can just sit there, the performance lasts for a long time."

After the three of them sat down, Gu Yu turned on the system, selected an area of one square meter, and picked up the bamboo flute to play.

Sa Nuo looked at Gu Yu and realized that everything was normal, so he opened the terminal to deal with the matter.

The Mermaid Prince of Lat Star left Yaohui Star a few days ago, and in the next two days, people from two planets left, and more alien guests have not left yet.

He carefully looked at the information on the alien guests sent by his subordinates. Most of them were quiet and did not go out in their residences. There were also people who tried to contact some officials, but they were all rejected.

Kona observed the data on the display screen, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The minute-by-minute changes may seem insignificant, but over time, the data changes dramatically compared to the initial data.

His face was full of excitement, his eyes sparkled.

We must be able to develop a treatment method with the same effect!

When it was almost twelve o'clock, Gu Yu finished playing, and Orson turned off the monitor.

Sa Nuo handed Gu Yu a glass of water, Gu Yu smiled at him and drank slowly.

He took a few breaks in the middle, worried that his fingers would be sore, so he sang a song in the middle as a practice.

With Kona and Orson around, he was a little uncomfortable at first, but then completely relaxed.

The waist was bumped lightly, and when he looked over, he saw Xi Luo looking at him with bright eyes.

He put the water glass aside and rubbed Xi Luo's neck: "Do you feel okay?"

Xi Luo nodded his head, turned his head and licked his hand, Gu Yu hid with a smile, and tapped his head lightly.

"I didn't wash my hands," he said.

Xi Luo lay down quietly again, exactly the same as when he was playing and singing just now, except that the frequency of tail wagging increased a lot.

Gu Yu smiled: "We can only continue tomorrow."

Xi Luo looked at him for a while, rubbed against him, stood up and turned his head, looked at Sano, raised his paw and pointed out the door.

"You want to go back to the palace?" Sano asked.

Xi Luo nodded and walked out.

Senuo immediately arranged for someone to send him off, Gu Yu thought of Xi Luo's identity, and looked at the time again.

He asked in a low voice, "Aren't you going to stay for lunch?"

Sai Nuo said: "No need, His Majesty has sent countless messages this morning, if my sister-in-law doesn't come back at noon, I'm afraid he can't help but come out of the palace."

Gu Yu laughed when he heard the words, it seems that His Majesty and Xi Luo have a very good relationship.

Kona sorted out the data and looked at Gu Yu excitedly: "You are really amazing!"

Gu Yu smiled embarrassedly: "I'm just lucky."

Kona was full of emotion: "You must have been sent by the Beast God to save Yaohui Star."

Gu Yu froze for a moment, then shook his head.

He was just picked on by a systems company.

After Kona sighed, he turned to the business: "There is a lot of noise on the Internet now. I will make an announcement tomorrow, and I will upload a short section of today's screen recording at the same time."

"I have roughly selected 2,000 beast females. There are all kinds of beasts, and some have more than one. After tomorrow, I will trouble you to help them transform."

Gu Yu has long been mentally prepared, and now he even looks forward to it.

The more natural females, the less unique, the more comfortable the situation.

And the association's research might make good progress.

He smiled: "No problem."

For him, it is not troublesome to help transform. He originally had to practice singing and musical instruments.

He thought about it, and decided to learn more about the guitar in the afternoon, so that he could practice his hands when transmitting evolutionary energy to the beast female.

Whether it is singing or playing music, it will be very tiring for three hours in a row, and it will be much more comfortable to switch between the two.

Kona told Orson: "You must pay attention to Xiao Gu's physical condition, and you must not let him get sick or get injured."

Orson nodded cautiously.

After Gu Yu woke up from a nap, he was a little surprised to see that Sai Nuo was still in the room.

Seeing him wake up, Sano leaned over and kissed him, and helped him up: "Follow me somewhere."

Gu Yu blinked curiously, went to the bathroom to clean up, and then followed Sano out of the room.

The place Sano mentioned was the rightmost room on the second floor.

Gu Yu walked in and looked around, but found nothing special, except for the decorations.

The sofa is placed on the side, and the middle is completely empty. The walls and ceiling seem to be special, and they look transparent, but they are not transparent.

Sai Nuo took Gu Yu and walked to the middle: "Hey, close your eyes."

Gu Yu's heart moved, and he inexplicably thought of the scene of the marriage proposal.

He quickly closed his eyes, his face flushed slightly.

He and Shino are already married, so what he just thought was absolutely crazy.

Don't know what Sano is going to do

Just as he was wondering, music with a strong sense of rhythm suddenly sounded in his ears. The sound should have been specially tuned, not very loud.

"You can open it." Sano's voice came close to his ears.

Gu Yu's ears turned red, he clenched his fingers, and opened his eyes.

In an instant, he felt a sense of unreality, as if he suddenly came to the concert stage, surrounded by audiences, densely packed.

At this moment they were cheering and shouting.

There are colored lights shooting from behind him to the auditorium, and there are two screens on the left and right sides of the auditorium, which are exactly the scene of him standing on the stage.

His heartbeat quickened instantly, nervousness and excitement gathered together.

After a while, everything disappeared, and the room returned to its original appearance.

His face was held by a pair of big hands, and when he looked up, he saw Sano's annoyed expression.

"Sorry, did I scare you? I originally wanted to surprise you."

Gu Yu breathed slowly, gradually calmed down, smiled at him, and looked around: "I'm just too excited."

He pursed his lips and asked, "Is there any equipment installed in this room?"

Senuo took his hand and flicked his finger on his ring: "This is a holographic scene simulation, you and I have control authority, I will teach you how to use it."

"Here is the start, here you can switch songs, and source files can be imported from here, and you can simulate any concert or other scenes, such as speeches."

"There is a singer in the middle, you can choose to block it, and it will be replaced if you stand in the middle, and it can also be retained to create a chorus effect."

"This is the auditorium, just sit on the sofa over there, the effect is very familiar with the scene."

Sano rubbed his soft black hair: "Heman's concert, you can watch it here with Merlin and the others."

Gu Yu was moved, and looked at him with dark eyes: "Is it because I mentioned the concert earlier, did you install it on purpose?"

Sai Nuo shook his head: "Not exactly, I have prepared before, don't you want to overcome the nervousness of singing in front of others?"

He pointed to the source file: "There are small concerts here, as well as some schools' welcome performances, and there are occasions where there are many people and few people."

His eyes are gentle: "You can train slowly from small occasions, and the degree of authenticity is very high. Maybe you won't be nervous when you sing in front of people in the future."

Seeing that Gu Yu's eyes were slightly moist, he kissed Gu Yu's eyes: "I may not be able to watch you exercise all the time, don't forget to record it and keep it for me as a souvenir."

Gu Yu felt his whole heart was full, and he was so moved that he didn't know what to say.

Sano is really good.

Perhaps his previous experience was all for him to meet Sano.

Gu Yu tilted his head, held back his tears, hugged Sanuo uncontrollably, and buried his head in Sanuo's lapel.

He bit his lip and swallowed the thank you he was about to say.

Sano didn't like him saying thank you.

His voice choked slightly, and he nodded: "Well, I won't forget to record the screen."

"It's so cute." Senuo hugged him with one hand, and gently stroked the side of his neck with the other.

Senuo had thin calluses on his fingertips, and Gu Yu felt very at ease when he brushed them off.

He calmed down, let go of Sano, raised his hand, and moved the finger with the ring: "Can I try now?"


Sa Nuo accompanied him on the stage to experience two songs, received the message, and left beforehand.

Before leaving, remind Gu Yu to pay attention to rest.

Gu Yu didn't stay in the holographic room for too long, he still had training in the afternoon.

In the middle of his training, he went from the training room to the holographic room, recorded a video and sent it to Merlin's small group.

After the video was sent out, he added a voice message: "When the time comes, come to my house to watch the Herman concert!"

The three of them learned very quickly, but they couldn't communicate with each other through text, and the chat in the group was all voice.

The second after the message was sent, he listened back and was slightly dazed when he heard 'home'.

Has he considered this place his home in such a short time

After he was slightly startled, the corners of his mouth curled up, it was all because of Sano.

Qiqi replied first, his voice full of excitement: "Ah! So cool!"

Merlin and Mo Mo immediately expressed their praise and expectations.

After a while, Merlin disappointed: "Hey, I asked my grandfather to install it at home, but my grandfather said it couldn't be installed!"

In the next sentence, his emotions rose again: "It's the same when I often go to Yu's house in the future."

After chatting for a while, Gu Yu expressed that he would continue to exercise, and the three of them expressed their desire to study one after another, and the group quieted down.

The next day is an extremely important day for any Yaohui star, or for any Star Alliance member.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Kona, the president of the Women's Protection Association, issued a broad statement, which began with software fireworks.

The special effects of fireworks are particularly beautiful, festive and lively, and they need to be purchased with money.

Everyone who saw this broad saying, before seeing the content clearly, was overjoyed.

The central content of Guangyan is clean and neat: Good news, after many days of research, the reason for the transformation of animal females into natural females has been found—Gu Yu.

Guangyan attaches a three-minute video. In the video, Gu Yu is playing the flute, and Xi Luo is lying beside him, with a data tester next to him.

As time went by, Xi Luo's data slowly changed, and the third minute was all fast-forwarded, only staying on the last data for three seconds.

After the video, Kona also gave an explanation: "The full video is three hours, and the final data is the data after three hours."

Five minutes later, Kona's Guangyan comments were paralyzed, and six minutes later, Gu Yu's Guangyan comments were paralyzed.

Then all the excited crowd gathered under Sano's words.

Sai Nuo's Guangyan is a top-level account, and it has been processed by the Information Department. Its data capacity is top-notch. Under the bombardment of countless comments, it is still normal.

Gu Yu looked at the apology message sent to him by Guangyan, and was a little confused.

The comments were refreshed too quickly just now, and he didn't even have time to read them, only the words like powerful and female passed by.

He looked at the light curtain in front of Sano, it was quiet and completely blocked.

However, a second later, the number of private messages of Sino Guangyan rose rapidly.

Gu Yu looked at the speed of the increase in private messages, and could completely imagine the excitement of the netizens, so he subconsciously glanced outside the door.

Sai Nuo lightly pinched his earlobe: "Don't worry, the entire villa area has been strengthened around the security."

Gu Yu nodded, and pondered: "How can they calm down?"

Sano: "In an hour, Kona will speak again, explaining the specific situation."

"But his rhetoric fell apart."

Sai Nuo: "The Ministry of Information is processing it, it will be ready soon, and so is yours."

Ten minutes later, Gu Yuguang said that he was back to normal, and he looked at the comments.

They are all scolding the Guangyan system for garbage.

But soon someone seemed to react: "It seems to be all right?"

"Little Feather! I want to hear your voice!"

"Little Feather is too powerful! Look at me, help my partner transform!"

Almost all of these comments, but there are also some bad ones.

"Wake up, the nobles, officials and rich people haven't finished transforming yet. How could this kind of thing be your turn!"

"Go away upstairs, there are small feathers, and there will always be more and more females."

Gu Yu watched it for a while and then stopped watching it. The comments were almost the same, and even malicious comments would be annihilated by the public.

He glanced at the system, and the favorability value was rising rapidly.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was extremely busy, and the alien guests expressed their desire to see Gu Yu, and their attitude was unprecedentedly firm.

Seeing the report, Sino snorted coldly: "All locked up, no going out."

Not long after, he received another message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the alien guest decided to leave.

Sai Nuo was not too surprised: "Strictly check and make sure everyone leaves the country."

He operated his fingers for a moment, and the light curtain expanded, and it was divided into eight grids, all of which were alien guests.

Gu Yu looked at it curiously for a while: "Are they all leaving?"

Sai Nuo nodded: "If you stay, you will have bad intentions."

Gu Yu looked at all kinds of aliens, and his eyes fell on the screen on the second left in the upper row. This screen is very conspicuous. Only one person in it is in the shape of a human, and the rest are in the shape of black insects.

"Zerg?" he said.

He was very impressed with the Zerg race. In the interstellar era, their marriage system was actually very similar to the ancient times. Males were superior to females and they could have polygamy.


The Zerg and his party went out. Their residence was a villa with many exquisite carvings on the outer wall.

Gu Yu glanced at the carving above the door, his complexion changed slightly, and he blinked.

The male turned around and waved his hand, as if saying goodbye to the place where he stayed.

Gu Yu stared at the carved flowers for a while, then pulled Sanuo's sleeve: "There is a Water Shadow Clan."

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~

Water Shadow Clan: Mu~o((⊙﹏⊙))oThanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Landmine]: Voice of the Sunset Sea, I am the liver of an African Onmyoji;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Study hard, 10 bottles of daily reminders; 4 bottles of piper; 1 bottle at the end of the song;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!